I am stuck on a little problem. I have a command which pipes output to awk but I want to capture the output of to an array one by one.
My example:
myarr=$(ps -u kdride | awk '{ print $1 }')
But that capture all my output into one giant string separated by commas:
output: PID 3856 5339 6483 10448 15313 15314 15315 15316 22348 29589 29593 32657 1
I also tried the following:
myarr=$(ps -u kdride | awk '{ print $1"," }')
But the output is: PID, 3856, 5339, 6483, 10448, 15293, 15294, 15295, 15296, 22348, 29589, 29593, 32657,
I want to be able to capture each individual pid into its own array element. Setting IFS = '\n' does not do anything and retains my original output. What change do I need to do to make this work?
Add additional parentheses, like this:
myarr=($(ps -u kdride | awk '{ print $1 }'))
# Now access elements of an array (change "1" to whatever you want)
echo ${myarr[1]}
# Or loop through every element in the array
for i in "${myarr[#]}"
echo $i
See also bash — Arrays.
Use Bash's builtin mapfile (or its synonym readarray)
mapfile -t -s 1 myarr < <(ps -u myusername | awk '{print $1}')
At least in GNU/Linux you can format output of ps, so no need for awk and -s 1
mapfile -t myarr < <(ps -u myusername -o pid=)
I am writing a function in a BASH shell script, that should return lines from csv-files with headers, having more commas than the header. This can happen, as there are values inside these files, that could contain commas. For quality control, I must identify these lines to later clean them up. What I have currently:
get_bad_lines () {
local correct_no_of_commas=$(head -n 1 $1/$1_0_0_0.csv | tr -cd , | wc -c)
local no_of_files=$(ls $1 | wc -l)
for i in $(seq 0 $(( ${no_of_files}-1 )))
# Check that the file exist
if [ ! -f "$1/$1_0_${i}_0.csv" ]; then
echo "File: $1_0_${i}_0.csv not found!"
# Search for error-lines inside the file and print them out
echo "$1_0_${i}_0.csv has over $correct_no_of_commas commas in the following lines:"
grep -o -n '[,]' "$1/$1_0_${i}_0.csv" | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq -c | awk '$1 > $correct_no_of_commas {print}'
get_bad_lines products
get_bad_lines users
The output of this program is now all the comma-counts with all of the line numbers in all the files,
and I suspect this is due to the input $1 (foldername, i.e. products & users) conflicting with the call to awk with reference to $1 as well (where I wish to grab the first column being the count of commas for that line in the current file in the loop).
Is this the issue? and if so, would it be solvable by either referencing the 1.st column or the folder name by different variable names instead of both of them using $1 ?
Example, current output:
5 6667
5 6668
5 6669
5 6670
(should only show lines for that file having more than 5 commas).
Tried variable declaration in call to awk as well, with same effect
(as in the accepted answer to Awk field variable clash with function argument)
get_bad_lines () {
local table_name=$1
local correct_no_of_commas=$(head -n 1 $table_name/${table_name}_0_0_0.csv | tr -cd , | wc -c)
local no_of_files=$(ls $table_name | wc -l)
for i in $(seq 0 $(( ${no_of_files}-1 )))
# Check that the file exist
if [ ! -f "$table_name/${table_name}_0_${i}_0.csv" ]; then
echo "File: ${table_name}_0_${i}_0.csv not found!"
# Search for error-lines inside the file and print them out
echo "${table_name}_0_${i}_0.csv has over $correct_no_of_commas commas in the following lines:"
grep -o -n '[,]' "$table_name/${table_name}_0_${i}_0.csv" | cut -d : -f 1 | uniq -c | awk -v table_name="$table_name" '$1 > $correct_no_of_commas {print}'
You can use awk the full way to achieve that :
get_bad_lines () {
find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -name "$1_0_*_0.csv" | while read -r my_file ; do
awk -v table_name="$1" '
NR==1 { num_comma=gsub(/,/, ""); }
/,/ { if (gsub(/,/, ",", $0) > num_comma) wrong_array[wrong++]=NR":"$0;}
END { if (wrong > 0) {
print(FILENAME" has over "num_comma" commas in the following lines:");
for (i=0;i<wrong;i++) { print(wrong_array[i]); }
}' "${my_file}"
For why your original awk command failed to give only lines with too many commas, that is because you are using a shell variable correct_no_of_commas inside a single quoted awk statement ('$1 > $correct_no_of_commas {print}'). Thus there no substitution by the shell, and awk read "$correct_no_of_commas" as is, and perceives it as an undefined variable. More precisely, awk look for the variable correct_no_of_commas which is undefined in the awk script so it is an empty string . awk will then execute $1 > $"" as matching condition, and as $"" is a $0 equivalent, awk will compare the count in $1 with the full input line. From a numerical point of view, the full input line has the form <tab><count><tab><num_line>, so it is 0 for awk. Thus, $1 > $correct_no_of_commas will be always true.
You can identify all the bad lines with a single awk command
awk -F, 'FNR==1{print FILENAME; headerCount=NF;} NF>headerCount{print} ENDFILE{print "#######\n"}' /path/here/*.csv
If you want the line number also to be printed, use this
awk -F, 'FNR==1{print FILENAME"\nLine#\tLine"; headerCount=NF;} NF>headerCount{print FNR"\t"$0} ENDFILE{print "#######\n"}' /path/here/*.csv
This line:
echo $(grep Uid /proc/1/status) | cut -d ' ' -f 2
Produces output:
This line:
grep Uid /proc/1/status | cut -d ' ' -f 2
Produces output:
Uid: 0 0 0 0
My goal was the first output. My question is, why the second command does not produce the output I expected. Why am I required to echo it?
One way to do this is to change the Output Field Separator or OFS variable in the bash shell
IFSOLD="$IFS" # IFS for Internal field separator
grep 'Uid' /proc/1/status | cut -f 2
0 # Your result
or the easy way
grep 'Uid' /proc/1/status | cut -d $'\t' -f 2
Note : By the way tab is the default delim for cut as pointed out [ here ]
Use awk
awk '/Uid/ { print $2; }' /proc/1/status
You should almost never need to write something like echo $(...) - it's almost equivalent to calling ... directly. Try echo "$(...)" (which you should always use) instead, and you'll see it behaves like ....
The reason is because when the $() command substitution is invoked without quotes the resulting string is split by Bash into separate arguments before being passed to echo, and echo outputs each argument separated by a single space, regardless of the whitespace generated by the command substitution (in your case tabs).
As sjsam suggested, if you want to cut tab-delimited output, just specify tabs as the delimiter instead of spaces:
cut -d $'\t' -f 2
grep Uid /proc/1/status |sed -r “s/\s+/ /g” | awk ‘{print $3}’
I want to print the longest and shortest username found in /etc/passwd. If I run the code below it works fine for the shortest (head -1), but doesn't run for (sort -n |tail -1 | awk '{print $2}). Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong?
grep -Eo '^([^:]+)' /etc/passwd |
while read NAME
echo ${#NAME} ${NAME}
done |
sort -n |head -1 | awk '{print $2}'
sort -n |tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'
Here the issue is:
Piping finishes with the first sort -n |head -1 | awk '{print $2}' command. So, input to first command is provided through piping and output is obtained.
For the second command, no input is given. So, it waits for the input from STDIN which is the keyboard and you can feed the input through keyboard and press ctrl+D to obtain output.
Please run the code like below to get desired output:
grep -Eo '^([^:]+)' /etc/passwd |
while read NAME
echo ${#NAME} ${NAME}
done |
sort -n |head -1 | awk '{print $2}'
grep -Eo '^([^:]+)' /etc/passwd |
while read NAME
echo ${#NAME} ${NAME}
done |
sort -n |tail -1 | awk '{print $2}
All you need is:
$ awk -F: '
NR==1 { min=max=$1 }
length($1) > length(max) { max=$1 }
length($1) < length(min) { min=$1 }
END { print min ORS max }
' /etc/passwd
No explicit loops or pipelines or multiple commands required.
The problem is that you only have two pipelines, when you really need one. So you have grep | while read do ... done | sort | head | awk and sort | tail | awk: the first sort has an input (i.e., the while loop) - the second sort doesn't. So the script is hanging because your second sort doesn't have an input: or rather it does, but it's STDIN.
There's various ways to resolve:
save the output of the while loop to a temporary file and use that as an input to both sort commands
repeat your while loop
use awk to do both the head and tail
The first two involve iterating over the password file twice, which may be okay - depends what you're ultimately trying to do. But using a small awk script, this can give you both the first and last line by way of the BEGIN and END blocks.
While you already have good answers, you can also use POSIX shell to accomplish your goal without any pipe at all using the parameter expansion and string length provided by the shell itself (see: POSIX shell specifiction). For example you could do the following:
sl=32;ll=0;sn=;ln=; ## short len, long len, short name, long name
while read -r line; do ## read each line
u=${line%%:*} ## get user
len=${#u} ## get length
[ "$len" -lt "$sl" ] && { sl="$len"; sn="$u"; } ## if shorter, save len, name
[ "$len" -gt "$ll" ] && { ll="$len"; ln="$u"; } ## if longer, save len, name
done </etc/passwd
printf "shortest (%2d): %s\nlongest (%2d): %s\n" $sl "$sn" $ll "$ln"
Example Use/Output
$ sh cketcpw.sh
shortest ( 2): at
longest (17): systemd-bus-proxy
Using either pipe/head/tail/awk or the shell itself is fine. It's good to have alternatives.
(note: if you have multiple users of the same length, this just picks the first, you can use a temp file if you want to save all names and use -le and -ge for the comparison.)
If you want both the head and the tail from the same input, you may want something like sed -e 1b -e '$!d' after you sort the data to get the top and bottom lines using sed.
So your script would be:
grep -Eo '^([^:]+)' /etc/passwd |
while read NAME
echo ${#NAME} ${NAME}
done |
sort -n | sed -e 1b -e '$!d'
Alternatively, a shorter way:
cut -d":" -f1 /etc/passwd | awk '{ print length, $0 }' | sort -n | cut -d" " -f2- | sed -e 1b -e '$!d'
I have written a shell script to get any column.
The script is:
awk '{print $c}' c=${1:-1}
So that i can call it as
ls -l | column 2
But how do i implement it for multiple columns?
Say, it i want something like :
ls -l | column 2 3
In this case, I wouldn't use awk at all:
columns() { tr -s '[:blank:]' ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f "$#"; }
This uses tr to squeeze all sequences of whitespace to a single space, then cut to extract the fields you're interested in.
ls -l | columns 1,5,9-
Note, you shouldn't parse the output of ls.
awk -v c="3,5" '
BEGIN{ split(c,a,/[^[:digit:]]+/) }
{ for(i=1;i in a;i++) printf "%s%s", (i==1?"":OFS), $(a[i]); print "" }
Use any non-digit(s) you like as the column number separator (e.g. comma or space).
ls -l | nawk -v r="3,5" 'BEGIN{split(r,a,",")}{for(i in a)printf $a[i]" ";print "\n"}'
Now you can simply change your r variable in shell script and pass it on.
or you can configure it in your shell script and use r=$your_list_var
What ever fields numbers are present in $your_list_var will be printed by awk command.
The example above print 3rd and 5th fields of ls -l output.
I have a text files with a line like this in them:
MC exp. sig-250-0 events & $0.98 \pm 0.15$ & $3.57 \pm 0.23$ \\
sig-250-0 is something that can change from file to file (but I always know what it is for each file). There are lines before and above this, but the string "MC exp. sig-250-0 events" is unique in the file.
For a particular file, is there a good way to extract the second number 3.57 in the above example using bash?
use awk for this:
awk '/MC exp. sig-250-0/ {print $10}' your.txt
Note that this will print: $3.57 - with the leading $, if you don't like this, pipe the output to tr:
awk '/MC exp. sig-250-0/ {print $10}' your.txt | tr -d '$'
In comments you wrote that you need to call it in a script like this:
while read p ; do
echo $p,awk '/MC exp. sig-$p/ {print $10}' filename | tr -d '$'
done < grid.txt
Note that you need a sub shell $() for the awk pipe. Like this:
echo "$p",$(awk '/MC exp. sig-$p/ {print $10}' filename | tr -d '$')
If you want to pass a shell variable to the awk pattern use the following syntax:
awk -v p="MC exp. sig-$p" '/p/ {print $10}' a.txt | tr -d '$'
More lines would've been nice but I guess you would like to have a simple use awk.
awk '{print $N}' $file
If you don't tell awk what kind of field-separator it has to use it will use just a space ' '. Now you just have to count how many fields you have got to get your field you want to get. In your case it would be 10.
awk '{print $10}' file.txt
Don't want the $?
Pipe your awk result to cut:
awk '{print $10}' foo | cut -d $ -f2
-d will use the $ als field-separator and -f will select the second field.
If you know you always have the same number of fields, then
while read -ra f; do
if [[ "${f[0]} ${f[1]} ${f[2]} ${f[3]}" == "MC exp. $key events" ]]; then
echo ${f[9]}
done < "$file"