How to enable Rubymine 5's spreadsheet feature by default? - text

In opening up a client's .txt file (was pretty much a multi-line CSV file though) in Rubymine, two tabs appeared at the bottom, Text and Data. The Data tab had the data loaded in a spreadsheet and froze the top row for scrolling. Very cool, but I have no idea how to replicate it. I have a bunch of similar client files (labelled .txt but are CSVs) and only some of them do the spreadsheet view. There's nothing discernibly different about these files as compared to others from what I see. I can't find anything on JetBrain's website...or any other site for that matter about this feature. Nothing in the Help section or the Preferences. Anyone encounter this before?


In vscode, how to put editor regions inside tabs, and not the other way around?

I've been trying Visual Studio Code for a few days, and it's the first editor that I used in years that makes me feel I could switch from my beloved vim.
Now, it's hard to get used to new habits when you have years of muscle memory, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. There's one thing that's bugging me, though, and I could not find a way to get around: it's the fact that editor regions and tabs are "swapped". Let me explain:
In vscode, you define editor regions by splitting your screen, then each region can contain as many tabs as you want.
My problem is, that does not fit my workflow. Here's what my workflow used to be with vim, where regions are inside a single set of tabs (I mainly work with Django):
In a first tab, I've split my editor in half and I'm editing my and side by side.
In a second tab, I've split the editor in half, I'm editing my on the left hand side, and the right hand side is again split horizontaly, allowing me to edit multiple templatetags files.
In a third tab, I'm editing my main template, and I don't split the editor since the file may contain very long lines.
In a fourth tab, I'm editing several html files and the editor is split multiple times.
That way, I can very quickly go to edit my models, then my views, then the templates, and start over in quick iterations.
With vscode, where the tabs are inside the fixed regions, not so much.
So my question is, what solution could I use? Am I missing a big feature here? Are there any extension that would allow me to get my old workflow back?
I'm also open to suggestions about new workflows.
As #romainl pointed out: the workflow is different, it doesn't work that way with VS Code (and I know, I'm a vim user, too).
The best you can get that is vaguely close to what you're used to is to consider VS Code windows as you did with vim tabs.
To give you an idea using your example:
You open a VS Code window and open side by side and
You hit Ctrl+Shift+N (or Command+Shift+N on a Mac) and open a new window. There you open your on the left and split the right one horizontally for the templates.
You open a new window again and repeat.
This way you can switch between different layouts with Alt+Tab
(or Command+Tab).
You could speed this up a bit by saving different workspace files for different files that you want open, because I think (not 100% sure) that saving the workspace also saves the layout.
There's a couple of annoying things with this approach though:
If you have multiple windows open in general (say, a browser, slack app and so on), they'll also appear in the list when you try to switch.
I'm not sure if the open folder will be remembered when opening a new window, but you can work around that by saving the workspace and opening it.
It's annoying but at least there's already a feature request about this ( )

Preference - How to prevent duplicate tabs from being opened?

I like to work in multiple columns when working on a project.
I will often switch back and forth between the columns and open other files using cmd+p.
If one column has the file open already then it will just refocus on that tab (good!). However, if I am in a column where the file isn't opened, instead of switching focus to that column, it will open a new tab and clutter my workspace(bad!).
Is there a setting I can change so I can achieve the desired behavior I described above? Chrome has an extension that can do this
There's a plugin for Sublime text 3 for this as well, it's called Open in relevant window and it works just like you just described.
Installation is simple and just like any other ST3 plugin, through package control.
Hope this helps!

Date and Size information of files and folders just in one window available

Date and Size information of files and folders just in one window available.
There is just in the left window informations about the contents visible.
I'm quite sure this is a konfiguration issue of the TC.
But I didn't find the right solution via Google and Co.
I found it.
select the window in which you miss the information
go to show and select Full
It is quite easy, if you know how to do.

Is there a text editor that displays a file in more than one column

I have a wide screen and I would like to see the code I edit on multiple columns, like an article in a news paper. Ideally I would want the full screen filled with the content of the file I edit.
I am not interested in displaying multiple views of the same file in multiple windows, that's a different feature.
Have a look at Follow Mode (Mentioned in this post).
Otherwise, have you considered putting your widescreen in pivot-mode? It' quite useful both for coding and web-browsing! :)

How can I export a list from SharePoint to Excel, with header/footer/page orientation?

We would like to export a view of a custom SharePoint list to Excel on a repeatable basis, and with some minor formatting.
I have made a .iqy file by using Actions/Export to Spreadsheet from the view menu, and then uploaded this .iqy file back into SharePoint. When users click on it, it does bring up the data in Excel - but without the headings repeated each page, with the columns spilling onto a second page (width-wise), etc.
The .iqy file seems to be a plain text file which can be opened in Notepad so perhaps there is a way of passing parameters to Excel through this which would do the trick? Does someone know?
Alternatively, I also saved one of the resultant spreadsheets from opening the .iqy file, applied some formatting to it, and then uploaded that back into SharePoint. I set it to refresh the data connection on opening and I think this is working ok except there are two frustrations.
Firstly, by default, Excel says it has blocked data connections and I need to manually enable them. Is there a way to prevent this short of editing the trust centre settings on each computer that will open this spreadsheet?
Secondly, when I click on the spreadsheet in SharePoint we are asked if we wish to open the document for editing or read only. Ideally, I'd like to just give the user the opportunity to open or save the document (and certainly not to save it back on to the server, as I expect Edit would do.)
Does anyone have any sage advice for me that would make either the first attempt (.iqy file) or the second attempt (formatted spreadsheet) work successfully? Or maybe you have other, better ideas?
Thank you,
David W
An Excel Web Query (iqy) is just not going to work. Its only purpose is to define a "web query" for Excel to open.
First frustration, I am not positive, but digitally signing the workbook may avoid the blocked data connection prompt. Also, if I remember correctly, there is a Global Policy setting for this, so if you are part of a domain, you can have this setting changed when the user logs into the domain.
Second frustration. Not much you can do here.
Suggestions, all kinds. We would need to understand your requirements and constraints. But, I suggest you dynamically create the workbook using XMLSS. You have full control over formatting, layout, and nearly everything else, without the need to have Excel installed on the server. The served workbook must then be saved locally and cannot be saved back to server.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference at
Here is a search for "visual basic asp xml workbooks", Search for ASP generates more results. Note it is easy to translate/migrate to ASP.NET so do not let the ASP throw you.
I recommend starting with Using Visual Basic and ASP with XML to Generate Excel 2003 Workbooks at, especially near the end of the article because there is an example on creating a workbook and setting the page print orientation. Moreover, there is an example on how to create a template.
