get document by id in modx - modx

Very simply I want to have multiple content regions on a single page. Note this is my first Modx site.
So far I have the home page and created child documents for the sub regions on the home page. All I want is to call them in the template.
For example there is a document with an id of 2, and I want the long title on the home page (id of 1).
Something like :
Unfortunately the above just returns the url to that sub document and not the longtitle of that document itself.
So far I've found no documentation on doing so. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

You have 2 options, the hard way ~ the route you have chosen ;) and the easy way... which I will outline as well.
For what you are trying to do you are going to want to use either getResources which will allow you to loop over a collection of resources & extract the fields you need [in this case 'content'] or getresourceField which will allow you to specify a single resource & the field to extract, just call it multiple times in your template.
You might try:
[[getResources? &parents='[[*id]]' &tpl='myTpl' &includeContent='1']]
Should get all the child resources [up to default ~ 10] of the current resource, then you would create a template for get resources to loop over:
notice the use of + instead of * for the resource fields
the easy way, create template variables for your extra content areas, you can set them up as rich text areas as well. that way all your content for any given page is within the one resource ~ no need for you to create child resources to hold content for your header/footer/sidebar/etc
Either way will work, the TV method may use less overhead though.

you can use fastfield
or in a call
You can also grab all TVs of that resource, like
see also:


SharePoint - How to Group Search Results Using Default Display Templates

Is there documentation on how to create groups for search results, preferably using managed properties? All that I was able to find on it is using query rules, result blocks, or this great tutorial:, but it uses completely custom templates while I'm using modified versions of the default control, item, and group display templates and I really want to retain many of their features and just add what I need instead.
I want to organize the results by site title. I'm hoping to use each item's ParentLink managed property to get the Parent URL or Parent Web and from there, get the title. The search is collecting different items from all the site collections in the farm so that's why I want to organize it this way. How can I at least make groups? Where would this be placed within the control, item, and group templates?

making dynamically generated menus in Pyramid

I'm trying to have my menus automatically change according to settings in my code so I don't have logic duplicated in my templates. Right now I use the route names to generate the urls with request.route_path(name) and determine what the current page the user is on with My problem now is that I want to have different permissions on different views and automatically hide menu items that the user doesn't have permission to.
One of the major difficulties is that you can have multiple views for one route. But even if there's only one view associated with a route, I can't seem to find any simple way to retrieve it.
I'm using URL Dispatch. Is this something that'd only be do-able with traversal?
Normally I use a combination of the following patterns for this:
My views are organized into classed
The base class has a basic _menu which is a list of (menu_title, route_name, params) where params is an optionally present dict. When in the template I can use a menu property that builds the menu from the request and the above attribute.
In the template create a function that iterates over theses entries, shows each but checks with something like has_permission if the view is actually allowed.
These ideas should get you started on a dynamic solution. It works fine for me, but it might require some more tweaking, for example, I attach another value "active" to the generated menu based on the current route.

Get listitems from Current Site

I am trying to create a Page Layout, that should have a lookup field. Lookup field should always get populated with a list's items.
This list will exist in all subsites, so whereever I create this page, list should get populated with listitems from current site.
I tried using site column lookup field, but it always point to list under top site and not the current site.
Any suggestion on how to make it work or better alternative? Thanks!
Let me know if I can provide more info.
The most straightforward solution I can think of is using a cross site lookup column and creating a seperate fields for each subsite. However, you will need to create and use different Page Layouts for each subsite.
You can use for cross site lookups.
Solution 1 - Use
Use filtered lookup solution. So let's say you have your custom Page Layout and custom Page Content Type.
Every time you create new subsite, you should remember go to Pages list settings and edit Page Content Type by adding cross site lookup (with the same field "internal name").
So you still have one Page Layout (and one Content Type). But for each Pages library instance, Content Type contains diff fields (but with the same Internal Name). It will allow you run CAML queries and other things needed without any problems.
Solution 2 - develop custom sharepoint field type.
In edit mode, control will render "dropdown list" and populate data from list instance that is on current subsite. In the field settings you can have relative list url.
Solution 3 - hidden text field / js snippet solution
Page Content Type can contain hidden text field (it can contains selected field value in json format for example). Develop js snippet that will handle all the logic (rendering in edit/view mode, saving etc) and put it on Page Layout (aspx).
I would suggest to use solution #1 or #2.

Add finding attribute by name in Opencart Admin panel: Catalog - Attributes - Attributes

How to implement Attribute to find his own name in the admin area in Opencart : Products - Attributes - Attributes? Is that there is a separate field and simply by driving into the field and displays the name of the attribute is an attribute, as usual searching for items in the admin by name, but only with attribute
It's hard to understand what you are asking, but if you are trying to use attributes for products then you must first define them at catalog>attributes>attributes.
To List attributes in the Products tab you will need edit these files
If your understanding of PHP or Opencart isn't very strong it will help you to copy data from the attribute.php controller to the product.php controller.
As for the search function, this is something I haven't done before but you could try using the search function on the front of the website as reference.
I recommend working through this as best you can then asking more questions if or when you get stuck.
Ok so since HTML is your strenth it will be smartest to start from there. Open any of these files (the ones that have the data you need).
Then work backwards with what you see. The tpl will show variables that look like $attribute, track these back to
And you will see how all the code is used to pull the data from the model and format it if necessary.

Customizing gallery layout in Drupal with Views and CCK

I am creating a gallery/albums site in Drupal 6.
Perhaps the description will be a bit detailed, but still on some reason it's a problem to create a gallery in Drupal in a simple way.
As for now I am using CCK + Views + FileField + ImageCache + Lightbox2 combination.
This has allowed me to
- create Album CCK node type that can hold multiple images
- create a view that displays Albums in 9x9 fashion (using pager and items per row)
But here is one problem. While the main 9x9 view with albums displays nicely, when I drill down into particular Album node by clicking it's picture, it displays the uploaded node images in a vertical row and I am unable to control it's formatting.
Apparently, I have 2 options
a) to somehow control the html output of my CCK field with its files (to divide into rows)
b) or to create another view to display pictures from one album
As for now, I am not sure which of these two ways is the best and what specifically I need to do.
a) I can create node-album.tpl file - but all its content will already be in a single $content variable, which I don't be able to break into 3 items in a row. Am I wrong?
b) if I decide to create a view to display items from a single Album node, I am not sure how I reference it from the parent Albums view. The problem is that in view's Fields section I am able to override the Link, but it offers only 2 replacement patterns to pass to a potential "child" view, which are [title] and [field_images_fid] - is that enough to create a child view to show images from a specific album?
I just recorded a screencast outlining one approach. There's quite a bit of discussion in the comment threads about alternative methods; I'd definitely suggest using Views Attach if you want more control over the presentation of the gallery itself.
I can create node-album.tpl file - but all its content will already be in a single $content variable, which I don't be able to break into 3 items in a row. Am I wrong?
You are right and wrong.
In your template.php file you can pass other variables into your node-album.tpl, you could pass in the $node variable and display in a very customised way, although this will remove flexibility later on, as if you use another module to add things to $content you will have to edit the tpl file to access new variables.
To do this you use the preprocess_page hook in the template.php file. You can add variables to the $vars array and use these in the node-album.tpl file. I think that $node will already be defined in the tpl file, which will probably make your life easier. you can disregard content altogether.
If this doesn’t work for you, you can also create a custom module and use hook_nodeapi and hook_theme to theme things any way you like, while still using $content. However this may be a bit too much work for you needs (if you want to go this way, reply and I'll write a separate answer).
