Where can I find KML files for the North Sea? - kml

I need KML files (or something like this) for the North Sea. In a project group, we need to know where the navigational buoys are placed, in order to calculate routes for Offshore Windpark Servicing ships.
At http://map.openseamap.org/map/ I only found out that the map called 'ONC-NorthSea_GermanCoast12' is only available as a picture.
And the site http://www.freietonne.de/seekarte/ seems to have not as many
sea marks as the OpenSeaMap's maps.
But we need the positions of each buoy as a WGS84 coordinate for example. Is there any other source or way to obtain these information?
Example for one ship route:
from 53.34N,7.20E Emden harbour
to 54.01N,6.60E Offshore windfarm "alpha ventus"

There are several ways to find the buoy station locations and identifiers. For Internet users, maps showing buoy locations are given at http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/. This provides a Google Map including the North Sea but there are links are bottom of page to get oberservations in KML format which includes list of some buoys world-wide. This is a good place to start.
An updated list of deployed buoys is available. Included in the description are their exact lat/lon location, the water depth, and the watch radius of the mooring.
An updated list of NDBC moored buoys and hull configurations is available in the Weekly Platform Status Report.
There is also http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/BUOY/


PowerBI - Can I Zoom in When Lock Extent is turned on for an ArcGIS Map?

This is my first ever PowerBI app and it is still very much a work in progress. I'm using Version 2.1. This is for Jefferson County Public Schools in Louisville, KY. I have an Argis map of Jefferson County and am using two slicers to show where our English-Learning students reside by zip code. The two slicers are: 1) Year and 2) Zip Code. Here's what the map currently looks like:
The auto zoom was displaying Jefferson County one view higher out than I wanted, so to correct I zoomed in one level and turned Lock Extent on which solved the issue. Unfortunately, what I'd like to do next seems to not work because of this. If a user selects a specific ZIP code I'd like for the map to auto-zoom into that zip code, but since I have the Lock Extent turned on it's not able to do this. It simply hides all the other zip code information, stays the same image size, and displays the circle for the zip code selected. Is there a work-around for this?

How to configure Azure Maps Indoor Module Icons?

I've been working with the Azure maps indoor module https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/tutorial-creator-indoor-maps . In one of the tutorial videos (time stamped video of talking about icons https://youtu.be/mIDk1FSc8f4?t=2270) and in the screenshots the rooms (e.g. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-maps/how-to-use-indoor-module the screenshot at the bottom of this page doesn't match the linked live demo) have icons associated with them, however I cannot find documentation or examples of this feature.
Currently I am using GPS coordinates of rooms to set the icons using normal azure maps functionality upon initialization as a workaround, but it would be nice if I could set an icon in the manifest.json for the indoor module for the cad drawing or use a custom set of icons like was mentioned in the example video.
Thanks for the help!
E: This JSON link I found seems like it may be related to the room categories
The style and icons used in rendering is based on the category value of units, zones, etc. The discrepancy could be driven by different category values set in the manifest.json file when uploading the drawing package. We are working to make styling experiences easier and more flexible for developers.

Parse co-ordinates from KML if in 500ft region of a latitude/longitude point

I have a KML file (NewYork.kml) which has assets listed in co-ordinates (inside LineStrings) in the New York region.
I am trying to pick a random point in New York (For example: 40.739974,-74.009605) and get any assets listed within a 500ft range.
I am working with Java/Google Earth API. Does anyone have any tips on which direction to go?
I'd recommend the geojs library, in particular the geo.Point class.
It has useful methods like distance() that you could use to see if two coordinates are within 500ft of each other.

How can you create a search that will search within a KML and display the results on a Google Map v3?

I've created a Google map that loads a KML file as an overlay. It is a map of trailheads for say hiking. What I'm trying to figure out now is how to create a search that will allow visitors to search within the KML's data and show the relevant trailhead/s as results on the Google Map. Is this possible? I have a google search that will let them search for an address, but this does NOT search within the KML file's data for a trailhead.
Ideally the visitor could input an address, say 12345 Main st., Chicago, IL, or something and it would display results that are within a specified vicinity, say ten miles, of that address (ie latitude, longitude).
I'm a little lost as to even where to begin.
thanks for your help!
I don't know how often your kml file updates, but i recommend storing all the kml data in a database as well to make this easier. Maybe every once in a while re-download the kml file and update the database.
Then its as simple as using the haversine formula and searching the database for nearby trails.
What you're describing sounds like a good job for Fusion Tables. Fusion Tables give you a nice way to store and edit the data (even collaboratively). In addition, there are geospatial columns/data fields you can add (aka, a "Location" column that can be address or lat/long coordinates). Put all the trail heads in your fusion table and you can map them. Let people enter an address or lat/long, and you can query the fusion table to show all trail heads within the user specified distance of that point. See the tutorials to get started.
You can use KML search tool to do this. It supports KML KMZ CSV and GPX. You can find the tool here

Problem with categories and structure module - Expressionengine

I’m currently working on a travel site for a client of mine, they require a cms so that they can add hotels and destinations and also update their website with ease.
The basic structure of the site is explained below:
1. Home page
This page currently pulls out destination information and a section of hotels that change on the refresh of the page.
2. Destination listing page one
This page will show the countries in this specific destination so for example: if the destination is the Caribbean it’ll list out the countries that my client sells hotels for, sorted by rating so if a hotel is rated 5 stars it’ll appear near the top of the listings. The countries are setup as categories and are unique to the listing pages, the categories contain a brief description of that country and an image that will link to the hotel list page displaying the hotels in that country.
2b. Hotel list
This page will contain the list of hotels that are on sale in the specific country.
2c. Hotel description page
This page contains pictures and information about the selected hotel.
3. Destination listing page two
3b. Hotel list
3c. Hotel description page
This section has the same concept as the first destination listing section above except the information is unique to its destination. (obviously)
So first things first, I’m having a few issues with how the functionality of the cms works, at the moment to add a hotel my client has to fill out one big form (they like this because it means they don’t have to move around the cms too much). I’ve created two weblogs for each destination but the fields are the same.
In order to add a hotel to a specific country you have to assign it using categories. Now the problem I’m having here is that if I want to make a hotel appear in more than one country it displays both country names, images and descriptions and I can’t figure out what the hell is going on, I thought of using some sort of tagging system because I thought this might be more appropriate to what I need to do?
Secondly I’ve downloaded and installed the structure module as I thought this would be good to help my client visually see how the site is structured (excuse the pun) and make adding hotels and other pages and content even easier than it already is and not only that but to have an automatically updated menu and sitemap. I’ve read through the documentation and I’ve tried experimenting with a few of its features - such as the listings feature. I thought this maybe a better way to list and organize my countries instead of using categories or tags but would this work or would it make things so much harder to maintain and keep track of? Because currently if my client wants to edit a certain hotel they just select it from the edit menu and change all of the information in that one post, would by using the structure method make it more awkward?
I from what I can see, the structure module works by treating weblog posts as ‘pages’ now with this in mind if I wanted to use structure how would I get it to work in the way that I want it to, in terms of having a weblog with one big field group so that when a hotel is added all of its information is in one place instead of being spread across 3 different weblogs?
RIGHT, I hope I’ve not confused you here.. If you need any more information just holla at me!
Make a weblog for the hotels, then use the Playa module to relate the hotels to the Structure pages. (I know this answer is a bit late, the site is probably long finished...)
