Using POI to write date (without time) - excel

When i write out a date using POI, I also see the time in Excel. (the time shown is the time on my machine when the cell was written).
This is the code that i have used
XSSFCellStyle dateStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(xx.getYear(), xx.getMonthOfYear(), xx.getDayOfMonth());
the date in the cell is correct i.e 12-Dec-2013 but for that cell, IN THE FORMULA bar, the time also shows. So cell shows 12-Dec-2013 and the formula bar show 12-Dec-2013 7:14:39AM. I checked the format of the cell in excel and it shows as custom dd-mm-yyyy, which is what i expect.
Just too be clear - the cell itself show 12-12-2012 but for that cell in the formula bar the time also shows.
I also replaced Calendar with Date - same issue.
Addl info: In excel i changed the format of the col to 'general' - for the cells that were addined in by POI, i see that the values is like 41319.3769490278, while when i just enter the date by hand the value looks something like 41319. It looks like the digits after the decimal point is causing the time to show up. Not sure how to avoid this when i use POI to write it out

Ok solved. Putting this out there for others who run into the same problem.
i looked into the POI source code and realized that from the calendar, a double is computed, and the cell value is set to that. From the comments its clear that the digits after the decimal point represent the time. So all i did in my code is to truncate that double. The changed lines are commented in the code snippet below.
XSSFCellStyle dateStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(xx.getYear(), xx.getMonthOfYear(), xx.getDayOfMonth());
double d = DateUtil.getExcelDate(cal, false); //get double value f
cell.setCellValue((int)d); //get int value of the double

You're not fully clearing the Calendar instance you're getting the date from, that's why the time is coming through
You need to also set the time values to zero, so your code would want to look something like:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(xx.getYear(), xx.getMonthOfYear(), xx.getDayOfMonth());
calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0);
calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);


VBA Date + TimeValue returns no time

I have a date and time which I assemble into a date + time from strings in the form
date_string = "2020-12-30" 'yyyy-mm-dd
date_code = CDate(date_string)
time_string = "00:00:00" 'hh:mm:ss
time_code = TimeValue(time_string)
date_time = date_code + time_code
Commonly the return looks like 05.01.2019 11:00:00, which is what I expect.
The returned values also all check out as TRUE if I test with IsDate(date_time)
Whenever the time is 00:00:00 however, I only get the date returned with no time appended. I dont quite understand this, since TimeValue(time_string)returns 00:00:00.
So it must be an issue when combining date and time to a date + time string.
Can someone please enlighten me why midnight somehow does no exist in Excel VBA or where my error in creating the time code is?
I try to explain my situation a bit better:
I do this date date/time stuff in code and then but the result in an array in a loop. Only later on it is written to a cell in a table.
By the time is is written into a cell, even custom formatting the cell to "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm" does not show the time as it is completely missing from the cell value.
Do I neet to apply a format at the point of date_code + time_code?
Sometimes the answer can be so simple. Thanks to Variatus and Paul I checked formatting out.
I applied a date_time = Format(date_code + time_code, " hh:mm") in my code. Using this, my code runs as expected and 00:00:00 appears as expected, even in the cell values of the Excel table.
When you enter an integer, like 43930, in a cell Excel will record the number as an integer, just as you entered it. You can then proceed to format the cell as #,##0.000 and thereby make the number display as 43930.000. Or you can format that very same number as custom dd mmm yyy hh:mm:ss and display it as 09 Apr 2020 00:00:00. The point is that Excel chose to record the number in its most efficient way, as an integer.
So, if you enter a DateValue + TimeValue which, together, amount to an integer Excel will record the integer correctly. The format in which that integer is displayed in your worksheet is a matter for cell formatting.

How to get formatted display cell value in excel using closedXML?

I would like to get the displayed value in excel, not the rich text, but the formatted display value.
For example, if the value is "7/1/2015", and this cell is with number format:cell.Style.NumberFormat.Format="d", then in excel this number will be displayed as 1.
I would like to get the "1" by using closedXML but with no success. Below are some value I tried:
cell.Value = "7/1/2015";
cell.RichText.Text = "7/1/2015";
cell.GetString() = "7/1/2015";
cell.GetFormattedString() = "7/1/2015";
cell.GetValue<string>() = "7/1/2015";
Does any one know how to achieve this?
Many thanks!
Have you tried using NumberFormat.Format?
ex. worksheet.Cell(rowCount, 2).Style.NumberFormat.Format = "mm/dd/yyyy";
Let me know if this is whatyou're looking for.
After some searching, I found this:
which indicates that closedXML formattedstring is different from Excel's and there won't be a fix.
So I ended up adding my own custom handler for date time values.
To get the display value for an Excel cell, i used this below RichText property rather than using the Cell.Value property (which gives the actual value of the cell without formatting).
using cXl = ClosedXML.Excel;
string cellValue, col="A";
int row=1;
cXl.IXLWorksheet ws;
cellValue = ws.Cell(row, col)

Date format in vba

I have VBA code which pull the details from .msg file (outlook files) and update in excel sheet. While reflecting the date column, it is showing as "3/9/2016 11:03:27 AM" but I want to show only date and not time.
I used the format option i.e.
Sheet2.Cells(Row + 1, 23) = VBA.Format(sentDate, "dd/MM/yyyy")
but it is showing the date a "8/3/2016 00:00". I want to reflecting only date and nothing else. Please guide me as to what all changes required to reflect only date.
Give this a try:
Sheet2.Cells(Row + 1, 23).Value = sentDate
Sheet2.Cells(Row + 1, 23).NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy;#"
Yet, I have a feeling that the cell does not really contain a date but merely text. So, please also try to change the .NumberFormat to the following first:
Sheet2.Cells(Row + 1, 23).NumberFormat = "General"
If the dates are now showing all as numbers then these are actual dates and the first proposal should work. If not, then these are not dates yet and you'll have to convert the text (which looks like dates) to dates first.
For more information you might want to read this: Difference between date and time w/out work week Excel

Lotus Notes: Displaying days of a month, following the weekdays of it

I have a not so nice question. I've been thinking about this for like a month now and read a couple of books but can seem to find an answer or how to execute this. As you all know, I'm making this application that generates date. I have one combobox it has months in it, starting january to december, two column table, first colum displays the day and the second one displays the weekdays, on selecting month combobox, it must display the days in that month on first column and weekdays on 2nd column, by row. example: I choose january, on the first column it will display the days of that month, 1st row is 1, 2nd row is 2, and so on, and same as weekdays. I'm kinda new to LN. Can you give me an idea for it? Hope you can help me out.
This is a solution based on Notes #Formula. Only a few lines of code are necessary to achieve the result.
First we need the form
The formula for Days is
_days :=1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:22:23:24:25:26:27:28:29:30:31;
_numberDays := #Day(#Adjust(#Adjust(#Date(#ToNumber(Year); #ToNumber(Month); 1); 0; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0); 0; 0; -1; 0; 0; 0));
#Subset(_days; _numberDays)
and the formula for Weekday is
_weekdays := #Transform( #ToNumber(Days); "day";
#Weekday(#Date(#ToNumber(Year); #ToNumber(Month); day)));
That's it.
The fields Month and Year have to have the property "Refresh fields on keyword change".
The fields Days and Weekday need "Computed for display", "Allow multiple values" and "New Line" as separate values.
The result will look like this
Truly dynamic tables are difficult. In this case it's definitely possible because you have a defined number of rows, but it's still somewhat messy.
I'm not aware of anything built in that will easily tell you how many days there are in each month. I'd probably just create a config doc with year, month, and numberOfDays fields, and hidden view that you can use for lookups. You're going to need this in many places, and you don't want to do the lookup each time, so do it in a hidden computed field that comes after your dropdown but before your table. (Be sure to set properties so the field is recomputed after the value in the dropdown is changed.) Call the field something like daysInSelectedMonth.
Obviously the first column is easy: just create your table and enter the numbers 1 through 31, and apply a hide-when formula to the cells for rows 29 through 31 so that they only show up if daysInSelectedMonth is the right number of days. You don't need the hide when in the other rows.
For the second column, you will need to use computed for display fields. I would strongly suggest naming them something like weekday_1, weekday_2,... weekday_31 so that you can use #ThisName and some simple string manipulation to extract the number from the field name. That will tell you what row the formula is in, and it is your day number. The benefit of doing it this way is that your formula can be exactly the same in every one of the fields -- just a cut-and-paste into the other fields after you get it right once.
I would suggest starting to work on the formula in the weekday_31 field, and when you get it right (showing the correct weekday in a month that does have 31 days, and blank in a month that does not), then you can copy the formula to the rest of the fields. You will need to use an #If to detect whether the month has the correct number of days -- this is easy, except for leap year. I'm going to leave that part up to you. Just make it return "" if the month does not have the right number of days, and then have the final clause of the #f use #Date to build the value for the date that you are working on and then use the #Weekday function to display the value.
It all depends on a few things:
Web application or Notes client application?
What is the end result of the exercise, i.e. what is the table intended to be used for? Display purposes only?
Making some assumptions (Notes client application, and table used only for display), I see two ways to do this.
An easy way to do this is to create the table with 31 rows and 2 columns.
In the cells you create fields: Day1, Weekday1, Day2, Weekday2, etc.
You also need a year field, unless it is always current year.
Set a hide-when formula on rows 29-31, to hide if the Day field for that row is blank.
On the advanced properties tab for the combobox where you select month, set "Run Exiting/OnChange events after value change".
In the Exiting event for the combobox, write some Lotusscript that populate the fields with days and weekdays, based on selected year and month. Something like this (untested:
Sub Exiting(Source As Field)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim monthName As String
Dim YYYY As String
Dim firstDate As NotesDateTime
Dim lastDate As NotesDateTime
Dim n As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim dayname(1 To 7) As String
dayname(1) = "Sunday"
dayname(2) = "Monday"
dayname(3) = "Tuesday"
dayname(4) = "Wednesday"
dayname(5) = "Thursday"
dayname(6) = "Friday"
dayname(7) = "Saturday"
Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
YYYY = uidoc.FieldGetText("Year")
monthName = uidoc.FieldGetText("Month")
Set firstDate = New NotesDateTime("1 " & monthName & ", " & YYYY)
Set lastDate = New NotesDateTime(firstDate.DateOnly)
Call lastDate.AdjustMonth(1)
Call lastDate.AdjustDay(-1)
i = 0
For n = Cdbl(firstDate.LSLocalTime) To Cdbl(lastDate.LSLocalTime)
i = i + 1
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Day" & i, Cstr(i))
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Weekday" & i, dayname(Weekday(Cdat(n))))
Call uidoc.Refresh()
End Sub
Another way to create a truly dynamic table, is the method I blogged about here:
The benefit is that it is more flexible, and you can create a nicer layout without needing to create a large number of fields.

VBA dates collected correctly but output wrongly

I grab dates from one spreadsheet and output them onto another spreadsheet. After grabbing the date, when I debug.print it is in the correct format. When I output the date, debug.print also displays the correct format. However, the format on the spreadsheet the value has just been sent to, doesnt show the correct format.
I am using:
Sheets(SheetName).Cells(RowNum, ColNum).Value = Data
Sheets(SheetName).Cells(RowNum, ColNum).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
after I have pasted the value, but the months and days are still switched the wrong way.
Is there something I am doing wrong?? If I right click the cell it thinks it's date is dd/mm/yyyy but instead of 4th Sept it is showing 9th April.
This might be some trouble with localization:
Try using NumberFormatLocal, if DanielCooks tip didn't help ;)
edit: erlier it was statet by mister Cook, to check if the given data is correct.
With my german version I have quite some trouble to use / as the seperator, that is why i tryied with this code .NumberFormat ="dd-mm-yyyy;#" - works fine; I can switch days and month as I like.
With .NumberFormatLocal = "TT/MM/JJJJ" I have to use the german shorts for day, month and year, but now I can use / as the seperator.
You should experiment a litte bit with some formats strings ;)
Sorry to resurrect an old post, however I had a problem with VBA outputting a valid date as US style with the actual date changed for example 1st May changed to 5th Jan. I came upon this post but I didn't find the answer I needed here and now that I have worked it out I thought I would share it:
The key is not to define the variable storing the date as a "date" but as a "double", e.g.
Dim ReportDate As Double
ReportDate = Date
Range("E6").Value = ReportDate
This works as it outputs the numeric "date value" which excel then formats locally e.g. 41644 gets formatted as "05/01/14" using UK format or "01/05/14" using US format.
Hope this proves useful to other people (probably me when I forget how I solved it in six months time).
In the end I had to format the cell as "TEXT" to keep the correct format
(1) You need to define the variable to "Date" type to read the input, then set the date format before assigning it to the date variable.
(2) You also need to format the date output to make it work !
'**Read the date input****
Dim date1 as Date
Range("B2").NumberFormatLocal = "dd/mm/yyyy"
date1 = Range("B2").Value
'**Output the date****
Range("E2").Value = date1
Range("E2").NumberFormatLocal = "dd/mm/yyyy"
