I have an assignment which is to create a calculator program in Haskell. For example, users will be able to use the calculator by command lines like:
>var cola =5; //define a random variable
(print 11)
>var pepsi = 10
>coca > pepsi;
(print false)
>def coke(x,y) = x+y; //define a random function
(print 15)
//and actually it's more complicated than above
I have no clue how to program this in Haskell. All I can think of right now is to read the command line as a String, parse it into an array of tokens. Maybe go through the array, detect keywords such "var", "def" then call functions var, def which store variables/functions in a List or something like that. But then how do I store data so that I can use them later in my computation?
Also am I on the right track because I am actually very confused what to do next? :(
*In addition, I am not allowed to use Parsec!*
It looks like you have two distinct kinds of input: declarations (creating new variables and functions) and expressions (calculating things).
You should first define some data structures so you can work out what sort of things you are going to be dealing with. Something like:
data Command = Define Definition | Calculate Expression | Quit
type Name = String
data Definition = DefVar Name Expression | DefFunc Name [Name] Expression
-- ^ alternatively, implement variables as zero-argument functions
-- and merge these cases
data Expression = Var Name | Add Expression Expression | -- ... other stuff
type Environment = [Definition]
To start off with, just parse (tokenise and then parse the tokens, perhaps) the stuff into a Command, and then decide what to do with it.
Expressions are comparatively easy. You assume you already have all the definitions you need (an Environment) and then just look up any variables or do additions or whatever.
Definitions are a bit trickier. Once you've decided what new definition to make, you need to add it to the environment. How exactly you do this depends on how exactly you iterate through the lines, but you'll need to pass the new environment back from the interpreter to the thing which fetches the next line and runs the interpreter on it. Something like:
main :: IO ()
main = mainLoop emptyEnv
emptyEnv = []
mainLoop :: Environment -> IO ()
mainLoop env = do
str <- getLine
case parseCommnad str of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "parse failed!"
mainLoop env
Just Quit -> do
return ()
Just (Define d) -> do
mainLoop (d : env)
Just (Calculate e) -> do
putStrLn (calc env e)
mainLoop env
-- the real meat:
parseCommand :: String -> Maybe Command
calc :: Environment -> Expression -> String -- or Integer or some other appropriate type
calc will need to look stuff up in the environment you create as you go along, so you'll probably also need a function for finding which Definition corresponds to a given Name (or complaining that there isn't one).
Some other decisions you should make:
What do I do when someone tries to redefine a variable?
What if I used one of those variables in the definition of a function? Do I evaluate a function definition when it is created or when it is used?
These questions may affect the design of the above program, but I'll leave it up to you to work out how.
First, you can learn a lot from this tutorial for haskell programming
You need to write your function in another doc with .hs
And you can load the file from you compiler and use all the function you create
For example
plus :: Int -> Int -- that mean the function just work with a number of type int and return Int
plus x y = x + y -- they receive x and y and do the operation
I have a 'QuasiQuoter' which is useful in source code in Haskell, but also as a standalone application. So, I need to be able to run QuasiQuoter
During the compile time in Haskell - [myGrammar|someCommand|]
In runtime (runtime compilation) in shell - mygrammar 'someCommand'
The first part is easy but the second part might be a little clumsy if solved as calling the compiler with some generated code from the runtime.
I would like to solve a second part of the problem using some nice method in Haskell which doesn't accept only the source code, but accepts QuasyQuoter datatype instead so the code is less clumsy. But I can't find any compilation method like that.
Do you know any? Thanks.
Example of usage
The function takes tuple [(a,b,c,d,e)] and returns a list of the strings with the products.
function = [lsql| {1..5}, r=[ a.* |> (*) ], "Product of a.1 * a.2 * ... * a.5 is &a.r"|]
The command reads from stdin csv with at least 5 numerical columns and returns a list of their products (one per line).
lsql-csv '-, r=[ a.* |> (*) ], "Product of a.1 * a.2 * ... * a.5 is &a.r"'
I think the question is how to parse and process a string in a uniform way between a quasiquoter and some other chunk of code. If this interpretation is right, then you just... do that. For example:
-- implementation of these is left to the reader, but can use standard Haskell
-- programming techniques and libraries, like parsec and ADTs and stuff
command :: Parser Command
interpret :: Command -> IO ()
jit :: Command -> Exp -- or Q Exp
Then, in your lsql-csv.hs, you would write something like
main = do
[s] <- getArgs
case parse command s of
Left err -> die (show err)
Right com -> interpret com
and in your LSql/CSV/QQ.hs, you would write something like
lsql = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> case parse command s of
Left err -> qReport True (show err) >> fail ""
Right com -> return (jit com) -- or just jit com if that's already a Q Exp
I'm trying to practice Haskell returns and datatypes. I'm trying to pass the following information into the program:
worm = 1:2:3:worm
eel = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
snake = 3:2:1:snake
whale = [1..100]
And i want to create a function that has a switch function to get the data and match it to its definition. For example, in Python:
def compare(str): #for one case and using string to clarify
if str == "1:2:3:worm":
return "worm"
I know the datatypes are lists but causes a lot of confusion. My code is giving me an error of Could not deduce (Num Char) Arising from use of worm
My code:
which :: [a] -> String
which x | x == [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3] = "worm" | x == 3:2:1:snake = "snake" | otherwise = "F"
Is there another approach i'm missing? and why is my function giving me that error?
Two problems:
You can't have a function that returns a list of numbers sometimes and a string other times. That's literally the entire point of a strongly typed language. If you want something like that, you need to use a sum type.
You can't compare infinite lists. You can try, but your program will never finish.
Again stuck on something probably theoretical. There are many libraries in Haskell, i'd like to use less as possible. If I have a type like this:
data Note = Note { _noteID :: Int
, _noteTitle :: String
, _noteBody :: String
, _noteSubmit :: String
} deriving Show
And use that to create a list of [Note {noteID=1...}, Note {noteID=2...}, ] et cetera. I now have a list of type Note. Now I want to write it to a file using writeFile. Probably it ghc will not allow it considering writeFile has type FilePath -> String -> IO (). But I also want to avoid deconstructing (writeFile) and constructing (readFile) the types all the time, assuming I will not leave the Haskell 'realm'. Is there a way to do that, without using special libs? Again: thanks a lot. Books on Haskell are good, but StackOverflow is the glue between the books and the real world.
If you're looking for a "quick fix", for a one-off script or something like that, you can derive Read in addition to Show, and then you'll be able to use show to convert to String and read to convert back, for example:
data D = D { x :: Int, y :: Bool }
deriving (Show, Read)
d1 = D 42 True
s = show d1
-- s == "D {x = 42, y = True}"
d2 :: D
d2 = read s
-- d2 == d1
However, please, please don't put this in production code. First, you're implicitly relying on how the record is coded, and there are no checks to protect from subtle changes. Second, the read function is partial - that is, it will crash if it can't parse the input. And finally, if you persist your data this way, you'll be stuck with this record format and can never change it.
For a production-quality solution, I'm sorry, but you'll have to come up with an explicit, documented serialization format. No way around it - in any language.
Can I always expect the single single-quote syntax to desugar to the NameG constructor? e.g. does
always desugar to
(Name (OccName "x") (NameG VarName (PkgName "some-package") (ModName "SomeModule")))
This information must always be there, after name resolution, which is the stage Template Haskell runs after, right? And I haven't been able to quote local names, though I'm only interested in quoting top-level names.
Context: I want to write a function that returns the uniquely-qualified identifier. It's a partial function because I can't constrain the input, as Template Haskell doesn't have any GADTs or anything, while I don't want to wrap the output in uncertainty. And I don't want to use a quasi-quoter or splice, if ' will do. I want to prove that this partial function is safe at runtime when used as above, quoting top-level names in the same module, given:
name (Name occ (NameG _ pkg mod)) = Unique occ pkg mod
I want to have a function like:
(<=>) :: Name -> a -> Named a
data Named a = Named a Unique
to annotate variable bindings:
x = 'x
<=> ...
without the user needing to use the heavy splice syntax $(name ...), and invoke splicing at compile time:
x = $(name 'x)
<=> ...
The user will be writing a lot of these, for configuration.
https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.8.3/docs/html/users_guide/template-haskell.html and https://hackage.haskell.org/package/template-haskell- didn't say.
(p.s. I'd also like to know if the double single-quote syntax (e.g. ''T) had the analogous guarantee, though I'd expect them to be the same).
Since ' quoted names are known at compile time, why don't you change name to be in the Q monad:
name :: Name -> ExpQ
name (Name occ (NameG _ pkg mod)) = [| Unique occ pkg mod |]
name n = fail $ "invalid name: "++ gshow n
Then you use $(name 'show) :: Unique instead of name 'show :: Unique. If you get an invalid Name (say somebody uses mkName), that failure will show up at compile time.
I'm looking to call functions dynamically based on the contents found in an association list.
Here is an example in semi-pseudo-code. listOfFunctions would be passed to callFunctions.
listOfFunctions = [('function one', 'value one')
, ('function two', 'value two')
, ('function three', 'value three')]
callFunctions x = loop through functions
if entry found
then call function with value
else do nothing
The crux of the question is not looping through the list, rather, it's how to call a function once I have it's name?
Consider this use case for further clarification. You open the command prompt and are presented with the following menu.
1: Write new vHost file
2: Exit
You write the new vHost file and are not presented with a new menu
1: Enter new directive
2: Write file
3: Exit
You enter some new directives for the vHost and are now ready to write the file.
The program isn't going to blindly write each and every directive it can, rather, it will only write the ones that you supplied. This is where the association list comes in. Writing a giant if/then/else or case statement is madness. It would be much more elegant to loop through the list, look for which directives were added and call the functions to write them accordingly.
Hence, loop, find a function name, call said function with supplied value.
Thanks to anyone who can help out with this.
Here is the solution that I've come up with (constructive critiques are always welcome).
I exported the functions which write the directives in an association list as every answer provided said that just including the function is the way to go.
funcMap = [("writeServerName", writeServerName)
,("writeServeralias", writeServerAlias)
,("writeDocRoot", writeDocRoot)
,("writeLogLevel", writeErrorLog)
,("writeErrorPipe", writeErrorPipe)
,("writeVhostOpen", writeVhostOpen)]
In the file which actually writes the hosts, that file is imported.
I have an association list called hostInfo to simulate some dummy value that would be gathered from an end-user and a function called runFunction which uses the technique supplied by edalorzo to filter through both the lists. By matching on the keys of both lists I ensure that the right function is called with the right value.
import Vhost.Directive
hostInfo = [("writeVhostOpen", "localhost:80")
,("writeServerName", "norics.com")]
runFunctions = [f val | (mapKey, f) <- funcMap, (key, val) <- hostInfo, mapKey == key]
You can simply include the function in the list directly; functions are values, so you can reference them by name in a list. Once you've got them out of the list, applying them is just as simple as func value. There's no need to involve their names at all.
Since I am farily new to Haskell I will risk that you consider my suggestion very naive, but anyways here it goes:
let funcs = [("sum", (+3),1),("product", (*3),2),("square", (^2),4)]
[f x | (name, f, x) <- funcs, name == "sum"]
I think it satisfies the requirements of the question, but perhaps what you intend is more sofisticated than what I can see with my yet limitted knowledge of Haskell.
It might be a bit of an overkill (I agree with ehird's reasoning) but you can evaluate a string with Haskell code by using the eval function in System.Eval.Haskell.
As pointed out in the comments, hint is a better option for evaluating strings with Haskell expressions. Quoting the page:
This library defines an Interpreter monad. It allows to load Haskell modules, browse them, type-check and evaluate strings with Haskell expressions and even coerce them into values. The library is thread-safe and type-safe (even the coercion of expressions to values). It is, esentially, a huge subset of the GHC API wrapped in a simpler API. Works with GHC 6.10.x and 6.8.x
First we define our list of functions. This could be built using more machinery, but for the sake of example I just make one explicit list:
listOfFunctions :: [(Int, IO ())]
listOfFunctions = [(0, print "HI") -- notice the anonymous function
,(1, someNamedFunction) -- and something more traditional here
someNamedFunction = getChar >>= \x -> print x >> print x
Then we can select from this list however we want and execute the function:
executeFunctionWithVal :: Int -> IO ()
executeFunctionWithVal v = fromMaybe (return ()) (lookup v listOfFunctions)
and it works (if you import Data.Maybe):
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
> executeFunctionWithVal 0
> executeFunctionWithVal 01
Don't store the functions as strings, or rather, try storing the actual functions and then tagging them with a string. That way you can just call the function directly. Functions are first class values, so you can call the function using whatever name you assign it to.