Upgrading from kohana 2.3 to 3.3 [closed] - kohana

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a project written in kohana 2.3. It has to be rewritten to 3.3, and while doing this, I wanna clean the whole code up, fix some bugs etc. The project itself contains >10k lines of code.
What would you recommend me, rewriting everything from a scratch, or simply fixing everything step-by-step in the native code?

I would recommend writing everything from scratch. There is an enormous difference between Kohana version 2.3 and 3.3, so breaking down your code and building it up for 3.3 would cause more pain and problems than just writing from scratch.
You could also just keep your existing project at Kohana 2.x and revert to Kohana 3.x for any future projects. As long as your projects work without any problems, there is no reason to switch to 3.x.
For more information on Kohana 2.x vs 3.x, see this article: http://kerkness.ca/kowiki/doku.php?id=what_version_of_kohana_should_i_use

This is potentially a very broad question and it is really hard to provide an answer that would be the most suitable for your project considering we know very little about it.
>10k lines isn't all that much to be honest and taking into account all the benefits that the new Kohana version may provide you it is definietly worth considering, but if the current project is already well designed and written simple adaptation to Kohana 3.3 might be enough.
You may want to refer to Kohana guide providing details on what's changed between versions starting with 2.x -> 3.0, through 3.0 -> 3.1, 3.1 -> 3.2 ending with the latest migration guide to get an idea what you'll be dealing with when adapting.
On the other hand it might be that the rewrite could be quicker to complete. It is very hard to judge and decide.


Reason for using 4-spaces instead of 2-spaces? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any rationale why HapiJS endorses using 4-space indentations?
Source: http://hapijs.com/styleguide
Short answer: No better reason than anyone else - styleguides are typically only rules for project maintainers. They had to adopt some convention and that was the choice. As a user, you don't really need to care.
Long answer: Hapi is a great framework, built by the folks at Walmart. and specifically a person named Eran Hammer who was unhappy about some architectural choices made by Express, another server framework for Node. It is somewhat opinionated in general, it was effectively created in an environment of opinion, not to mention a large company (which means it desperately needed a convention). That said, you can safely use the Hapi API with any indentation you want, including tabs, though. Likewise, the Hapi internals could have been written the same way. Their specific choice likely comes down to established tools or conventions already in use at the company. Many different projects make different choices for a variety of reasons. In my experience, many large JavaScript applications go with 2 spaces and the Node.js core itself is written with 2. But there's nothing wrong with those that do otherwise.

StarUML vs WhiteStarUML [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have recently discovered that a new stable version of StarUML (StarUML 2) has been released after the project being abandoned for a long time.
WhiteStarUML is a fork from the original StarUML project that provides modern continuation of the project using up-to-date development tools and libraries.
What are the pros and cons of both tools?
I've used the both original StarUML(Unfortunately, it was abandoned so long time because it was developed as a commercial program first by a company in South Korea... but the company went bankrupt.) and StarUML2.0 I think WhiteStarUML is not very different from the original one.
StarUML2.0 is much better to see - anyway it is prettier. It's undeniable. :) and UI looks better. - But I felt it is a little bit uncomfortable when I draw some kind of diagrams... for me, especially sequence diagram. I guess it is because I'm familiar with the original StarUML.
What I want to say is, I think StarUML2.0 can be a little bit unfamiliar for users who have been using StarUML1 for long time. But If you want to show your diagram in your presentation, I recommend you to use StarUML2.0.
+) Now staruml 2.0 is charged. Personal license is $70. If you are a student, you need to pay only $49. The original starUML 5.0 is still for free.

Structure recommendation [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I try to find a good directory structure for my nodejs/express/mongoDB application.
Currently I use the native-mongodb driver which feels nice and fast but is limited when a proper structure should be defined... when MVC is the express/node way to go defining proper db models is not that easy.
Although mongoose and its concept of schemas would make the actual design of models easy but I am not that big of a fan of another layer on top of my stack... it feels kinda bloated to me.
I looked for an alternative and found mongoskin which is a thin wrapper on top of the native-driver but adds some features to support MVC-ish patterns.
In general I found this to be a common problem for other people too. I appreciate the idea presented in the link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8428281/1055685
Nevertheless the query inside the model directory is not really MVC-like (as mentioned in the comments...) - I do not like it...
The MVC demos in express are not that helpful... did you find some inspiration there?
Which pattern do you recommend to follow (if MVC is recommended models are the real problem)?
Do you recommend mongoskin in general?
I would suggest looking at either LocomotiveJS or RailwayJS
LocomotiveJS is more "lightweight" and there is a great boilerplate available to get you started.
RailwayJS contains more "generators" to make it more rails-like however.

DDL Script for installation anti-agile? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have heard a comment that using a DDL script for a database installation is anti-agile. Is this true and if so why? I have been looking online for my answers but couldn't find anything.
I don't know your exact context, but I would say that DDL is very pro-agile as it supports a repeatable installation process. Maybe they meant that designing the entire database prior to development is anti-agile. I would tend to agree with this assessment, but there is nothing inherently anti-agile about DDL.
Hope that helps!
Supporting incremental updates is more convenient and also allows for repeatable builds.
This allows the database to be "refactored" or "evolve" - as changes to it are seen as a series of small adjustments to a base schema.
This allows for constant upgrades without having to manage database versioning explicitly yourself. The database is the source of its own version and the upgrade process only applies appropriate deltas if they are required.
There are several tools that can help with this - the best know being probably ruby on rails active record migrations. For java environments then dbdeploy is pretty good (I think there are versions of dbdeploy for .net and php environments too).

Programming in Enlightenment Window Manager [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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¿Has anyone programmed in this window manager? ¿How was your experience? Oh, and besides the e17 official tuts & docs, ¿is there any other source for tutorials?
If you're talking about programming within the Enlightenment window manager, then it seems to me it's just a matter of getting it all set up right. Each Linux distro (assuming that's what you're using) should have some sort of documentation for getting the e17 environment set up. Then it's no different from working in Gnome or KDE, really (well, slightly different, but you get the idea).
I'm actually going to assume that you're talking about the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries, however, and programming with them? If that's the case, from my experience tinkering around with them, documentation outside of their website is few and far between. However, within their website, I found the following to be most helpful:
Their EWL tutorial and overview PDF (EWL is their widget toolkit)
Their EFL Cookbook
Looking at the code for some of their applications can give you a good idea of best practices, etc (my lack of rep prevents me from linking to the two PDF's I mentioned, but they can be found in the DOCS folder of the source).
EWL is totally outdated. Use elementary instead if you want a widget toolkit
the EFL cookbook is outdated as well.
I think the reference to read is the trac wiki: http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki and the small apps around, check out the GAMES directory in the subversion repo for fun stuff.
