How to save theme in Primefaces - jsf

I want to use Primefaces ThemeSwitcher. I'm interested how I can save the selected theme when I reload the web application. For example how I can set the theme name as variable from database?

You won't be needing the ThemeSwitcher to effect the kind of persistence you're looking for.
Simply perform the database lookup for the theme in a ServletContextListener and then store the value in the servlet context, possibly overriding whatever you've set in the web.xml
public Class MyContextListener implements ServletContextListener{
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce){
String selectedTheme = myThemeDAO.getConfiguredTheme();

link your ThemeSwitcher component to a managedBean and add a listener linked to a ajax event:
<h:form id="form-theme">
<p:themeSwitcher id="defaultSwitcher" value="#{themeSwitcherBean.theme}">
<f:selectItems value="#{themeSwitcherBean.themes}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{themeSwitcherBean.saveTheme}" />
in your managedbean create the method who call saveTheme, that going to call a class to persist in database, and call the the class for the database when start to get the theme who had saved into the database:
public class ThemeSwitcherBean implements Serializable{
private Map<String, String> themes;
private String theme;
private GuestPreferences gp;
private void setGp(GuestPreferences gp) { = gp;
public Map<String, String> getThemes() {
return themes;
public String getTheme() {
return theme;
public void setTheme(String theme) {
this.theme = theme;
public void init() {
setGp(new GuestPreferences()); // persistent class
setTheme(gp.getTheme()); // theme from the database;
themes = new TreeMap<String, String>();
themes.put("Aristo", "aristo");
themes.put("Black-Tie", "black-tie");
themes.put("Blitzer", "blitzer");
themes.put("Bluesky", "bluesky");
themes.put("Bootstrap", "bootstrap");
themes.put("Casablanca", "casablanca");
themes.put("Cupertino", "cupertino");
themes.put("Dark-Hive", "dark-hive");
themes.put("Dot-Luv", "dot-luv");
themes.put("Eggplant", "eggplant");
themes.put("Excite-Bike", "excite-bike");
themes.put("Flick", "flick");
themes.put("Glass-X", "glass-x");
themes.put("Hot-Sneaks", "hot-sneaks");
themes.put("Humanity", "humanity");
themes.put("Le-Frog", "le-frog");
themes.put("Midnight", "midnight");
themes.put("Mint-Choc", "mint-choc");
themes.put("Overcast", "overcast");
themes.put("Pepper-Grinder", "pepper-grinder");
themes.put("Redmond", "redmond");
themes.put("Rocket", "rocket");
themes.put("Sam", "sam");
themes.put("Smoothness", "smoothness");
themes.put("South-Street", "south-street");
themes.put("Start", "start");
themes.put("Sunny", "sunny");
themes.put("Swanky-Purse", "swanky-purse");
themes.put("Trontastic", "trontastic");
themes.put("UI-Darkness", "ui-darkness");
themes.put("UI-Lightness", "ui-lightness");
themes.put("Vader", "vader");
public void saveTheme() {
gp.setTheme(theme); // theme to database
method theme from class GuestPreferences is going to persist to the database
public class GuestPreferences {
public String getTheme(){
//return the theme from the database
public void setTheme(String theme){
//send the theme to the database
the form to send and receive data from the database depends of you prefer:
* jdbc
* jta
* jpa
for example, jta, make a persistence.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<persistence-unit name="NAME-WHAT-YOU-WANT" transaction-type="JTA">
in a resources class you can declare:
private EntityManager em;
then, you can use it in your GuestPreferences class:
private EntityManager em;
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT u FROM user_table u where u.iduser=:iduser");
query.setParameter("iduser", "THEME-USER-ID");
User resultUser = (User) query.getResultList();
return resultUser.getTheme();
code above assumes you have a table called user_table where a user has a iduser, name ..., and a theme column, and it assumes you have an object called User to manage users

One more way to do this: include stylesheet to your pages template:
<h:outputStylesheet library="primefaces-#{themesBean.theme}" name="theme.css" /> </h:body>
Where #{themesBean.theme} variable reffers to name of your theme.
P.S. tested in PF5

I think setting selected theme in session would help:

Edit web.xml through code:
Or create method before loading your page to choose the theme from db. (cleaner solution)


Automatically set value of a managed bean variable with JSF

I would like to pass an value to a managed bean under the hood. So I have this managed bean:
#ManagedBean(name = "mbWorkOrderController")
public class WorkOrderController {
// more attributes...
private WorkOrder workOrderCurrent;
// more code here...
public WorkOrder getWorkOrderCurrent() {
return workOrderCurrent;
public void setWorkOrderCurrent(WorkOrder workOrderCurrent) {
this.workOrderCurrent = workOrderCurrent;
It holds a parameter workOrderCurrent of the custom type WorkOrder. The class WorkOrder has an attribute applicant of type String.
At the moment I am using a placeholder inside my inputtext to show the user, what he needs to type inside an inputText.
<p:inputText id="applicant"
required="true" maxlength="6"
placeholder="#{mbUserController.userLoggedIn.username}" />
What I want to do, is to automatically pass the value of mbUserController.userLoggedIn.username to mbWorkOrderController.workOrderCurrent.applicant and remove the inputText for applicant completely from my form.
I tried to use c:set:
<c:set value="#{mbUserController.userLoggedIn.username}" target="#{mbWorkOrderController}" property="workOrderCurrent.applicant" />
But unfortunatelly I get a javax.servlet.ServletException with the message:
The class 'WorkOrderController' does not have the property 'workOrderCurrent.applicant'.
Does anybody have an advice?
The class 'WorkOrderController' does not have the property 'workOrderCurrent.applicant'.
Your <c:set> syntax is incorrect.
<c:set value="#{mbUserController.userLoggedIn.username}"
property="workOrderCurrent.applicant" />
You seem to be thinking that the part..
value="#{mbWorkOrderController.workOrderCurrent.applicant}" under the covers as below:
WorkOrderCurrent workOrderCurrent = mbWorkOrderController.getWorkOrderCurrent();
This isn't true. It works under the covers as below:
The correct <c:set> syntax is therefore as below:
<c:set value="#{mbUserController.userLoggedIn.username}"
property="applicant" />
That said, all of this isn't the correct solution to the concrete problem you actually tried to solve. You should perform model prepopulating in the model itself. This can be achieved by using #ManagedProperty to reference another bean property and by using #PostConstruct to perform initialization based on it.
#ManagedBean(name = "mbWorkOrderController")
public class WorkOrderController {
private User userLoggedIn;
public void init() {
// ...
Perhaps you could explain the context a bit more, but here's another solution. If you're navigating from another page, you can pass some identifier of work WorkOrder in the URL, like this http://host:port/context/page.xhtml?workOrderId=1.
Then, you can set the identifier in the managed bean like this:
<f:viewParam name="workOrderId" value="#{}"/>
You'll have to add a new property to your bean:
public class WorkOrderController {
private long id;
public long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(long id) { = id; }
// ...
And then, after the property has been set by JSF, you can find the work order in a lifecycle event:
<f:viewParam name="workOrderId" value="#{}"/>
<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{mbWorkOrderController.findWorkOrder()}"/>
public class WorkOrderController {
private long id;
public long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(long id) { = id; }
public void findWorkOrder() {
this.workOrderCurrent = null /* some way of finding the work order */
// ...
This strategy has the advantage of letting you have bookmarkable URLs.

PrimeFaces Wizard is not reset

We are using the PrimeFaces 4.0 + spring 4 on Tomcat 7.
I go to PrimeFaces show case, open the wizard, type first name and last name hit the next button. Then I select other menus from left panel ( like AutoComplete ) I go back to wizard the first name and last name fields are clear. That is what I expected.
I developed a wizard same as above but every time I come back to wizard page the wizard still holds the previously entered value and is not reset.
My managed bean is as below ( I have used ViewScoped no SessionScope which mentioned in documents):
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
public class AccountController {
private Account account = new Account()
//Setters and getters
I found that the problem is for integration of JSF and Spring. When I remove the #Named and use #ManagedBean it works fine. Any comments?!
Spring does not have a built in support for JSF ViewScope, but you can add this scope to JSF as:
public class ViewScope implements Scope {
public Object get(String name, ObjectFactory<?> objectFactory) {
Map<String, Object> viewMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
if (viewMap.containsKey(name)) {
return viewMap.get(name);
} else {
Object object = objectFactory.getObject();
viewMap.put(name, object);
return object;
public Object remove(String name) {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getViewMap()
public String getConversationId() {
return null;
public void registerDestructionCallback(String name, Runnable callback) {
// Not supported
public Object resolveContextualObject(String key) {
return null;
Please refer to
And in your applicationConetext.xml
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.CustomScopeConfigurer">
<property name="scopes">
<entry key="view">
<bean class="utils.ViewScope" />
And finally:
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
public class AccountController {
private Account account = new Account()
//Setters and getters

How to override CustomerStateRequestProcessor in broadleaf

How can I ovveride CustomerStateRequestProcessor#resolveAuthenticatedCustomer function in broadleaf?
I tried this:-
public class MyCustomerStateRequestProcessor extends
CustomerStateRequestProcessor {
#Resource(name = "blCustomerService")
protected CustomerService customerService;
public Customer resolveAuthenticatedCustomer(Authentication authentication) {
if (authentication instanceof OpenIDAuthenticationToken) {
OpenIDAuthenticationToken openIDAuthenticationToken = (OpenIDAuthenticationToken) authentication;
if (openIDAuthenticationToken.isAuthenticated()) {
return (Customer) openIDAuthenticationToken.getPrincipal();
} else {
return null;
} else {
return super.resolveAuthenticatedCustomer(authentication);
Added context component scan :-
<context:component-scan base-package=",com.mycompany.web.request.processor" />
This resulted in :-
org.springframework.context.annotation.ConflictingBeanDefinitionException: Annotation-specified bean name 'blCustomerStateRequestProcessor' for bean class [] conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean definition of same name and class [com.mycompany.web.request.processor.MyCustomerStateRequestProcessor]
I am trying to overrid resolveAuthenticatedCustomer method for OpenIdAuthenticationToken.
Rather than use component-scanning to redefine the bean, remove that annotation and do it via XML instead.
So your class definition would change to:
public class MyCustomerStateRequestProcessor extends
CustomerStateRequestProcessor {
And then in any of your applicationContext.xml files (except for the servlet one) add this:
<bean id="blCustomerStateRequestProcessor" class="" />
Note that this pattern is the same for overriding any Broadleaf-defined beans.

Change Localization In JSF Throughout The Session

I have a web application, which uses JSF with PrimeFaces, and there is a JSF which allows users to change the locale dynamically. But the locale changes back to the default after the user goes to another JSF.
I looked at the codes here, and here, but still couldn't get it to work.
In my resource directory, I have 3 property files.
- src/main/resources
- <default package>
In my faces-config.xml I have the locales defined
<supported-locale>zh_TW</supported-locale> <!-- generic traditional chinese -->
<supported-locale>zh_CN</supported-locale> <!-- generic simplified chinese -->
In the JSF which allows users to change the locale, it is actually a user profile page. The <p:selectOneMenu /> items are read from an Ennum and the locale is changed upon clicking on the "Save" button.
<p:selectOneMenu id="defaultLanguage" value="#{userController.userLanguage}">
<f:selectItems value="#{userController.langcode}" var="lang" itemValue="#{lang.locale}"
itemLabel="#{lang.locale} - #{lang.desc}" />
<p:commandButton id="save" value="#{}" title="#{}" icon="ui-icon-disk"
styleClass="action-buttons" actionListener="#{userController.doSave}" update="#form" />
In the UserController ManagedBean, the code are as follows:
public class UserController extends BaseController implements Serializable {
public void doSave(ActionEvent e) {
String lang;
String country = null;
String[] selectedLanguage = userLanguage.split("_");
lang = selectedLanguage[0];
if (selectedLanguage.length > 1) {
country = selectedLanguage[1];
setUserLocale(new Locale(lang, country));
else {
setUserLocale(new Locale(lang));
LOG.debug("userLanguage: {}; lang: {}", userLanguage, lang);
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().setLocale(userLocale); // sets the locale from the selected user language
private LangCode userLangCode; // getter + setter
private LangCode[] langcode = LangCode.values(); // getter + setter
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{loginController.userLocale}")
private Locale userLocale; // getter + setter
In the JSF I tried to add the <f:view locale="#{loginController.locale}" />. But still the same. In debug mode, when going to a new JSF page, the value of the userLocale is always the default locale and not the one which the user changed.
The LoginController code is as below. At the doLogin() method, I set the userLocale object with the locale from the Faces Context.
public class LoginController extends BaseController implements Serializable {
public String doLogin() {
String returnValue;
try {
currentUser = aduserFacade.validateUserLogin(username, password);
LOG.debug("Successful login: {}", currentUser.getUsrId());
// Set currentUser object into request session attribute
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
userLocale = Faces.getLocale();
request.getSession().setAttribute("userSession", userSession);
returnValue = "main";
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(e.toString(), e);
returnValue = null;
return returnValue;
private Locale userLocale; // getter + setter
The reason your locale is failing to hold is that the locale property you're injecting has not yet been updated with the new value as at the time you're injecting it. See, when you inject a managed bean property, as against the managed bean itself as in
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{loginController.userLocale}")
instead of
#ManagedProperty(value = "#{loginController}")
You're going to get a static value injection. Even after the value in the injected bean has been updated, you'll still only get a stale value that was set as soon as the injected bean was initialized. So what you need to do is inject the entire LoginController and then pull the value yourself, so you'll get the most current values.
See also
Managed property value not updated when both beans are of same scope
Unrelated to your question, you really shouldn't put member variables and injection at the bottom of your class. Makes your code inconvenient to read

Adding Custom Attributes to Primefaces Autocomplete Component in JSF

I asked about pass through attributes in a different question and found I could create a custom renderer for the <p:autocomplete> component but the problem is my custom renderer would be used for every p:autocomplete in my project (site-wide). Therefore I have elected to create a custom component which extends org.primefaces.component.autocomplete.AutoComplete and adds the necessary attributes to the text box.
My initial thought was to add a constructor but it doesn't seem to work because the attribute map is null at this point:
public class SiteSearch extends AutoComplete {
public SiteSearch() {
Map<String,Object> attrs = getAttributes();
attrs.put("x-webkit-speech", null);
attrs.put("x-webkit-grammer", "builtin:search");
attrs.put("onwebkitspeechchange", "this.form.submit();");
attrs.put("placeholder", "Enter a Search Term");
My other thought was leave this custom component empty (empty class) and then specify a custom renderer that extends org.primefaces.component.autocomplete.AutoCompleteRenderer and modify the attributes there.
After all is said and done, I just need a way to keep these attributes separate to this one text box so just putting a custom renderer on the p:autoComplete is not going to work (unless maybe I can use renderType= attribute for this one p:autoComplete?).
If you need a specific component which uses a different renderer than <p:autoComplete> then you really can't go around creating a custom component with its own family and component type. You can still just extend the PrimeFaces AutoComplete (and its renderer) to save some boilerplate code.
In the custom component, you need to provide getters for those attributes. You could as good specify setters as well, this way you can always override the default values from in the view side. Those getters/setters should in turn delegate to StateHelper.
There's only a little problem with x-webkit-* attributes. The - is an illegal character in Java identifiers. So you have to rename the getters/setters and change the renderer somewhat as the standard renderer relies on the component property name being exactly the same as the tag attribute name. Update: I understand that x-webkit-speech should just be rendered as is (so, no getter/setter necessary) and that x-webkit-grammer is actually a typo, it should be x-webkit-grammar.
Here's how the SiteSearch component can look like:
public class SiteSearch extends AutoComplete {
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "com.example";
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "com.example.SiteSearch";
private enum PropertyKeys {
grammar, onspeechchange, placeholder
public String getFamily() {
public String getRendererType() {
return SiteSearchRenderer.RENDERER_TYPE;
public String getGrammar() {
return (String) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.grammar, "builtin:search");
public void setGrammar(String grammar) {
getStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.grammar, grammar);
public String getOnspeechchange() {
return (String) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.onspeechchange, "submit()");
public void setOnspeechchange(String onspeechchange) {
getStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.onspeechchange, onspeechchange);
public String getPlaceholder() {
return (String) getStateHelper().eval(PropertyKeys.placeholder, "Enter a Search Term");
public void setPlaceholder(String placeholder) {
getStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.placeholder, placeholder);
Please note that the getters have all default values specified. If the eval() returns null, then the default value will be returned instead. I have also neutralized the attribute names somewhat so that it can be reused for any future non-webkit browsers by just modifying the renderer accordingly.
And here's how the SiteSearchRenderer renderer should look like for the above component:
public class SiteSearchRenderer extends AutoCompleteRenderer {
public static final String RENDERER_TYPE = "com.example.SiteSearchRenderer";
protected void renderPassThruAttributes(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, String[] attrs) throws IOException {
ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
writer.writeAttribute("x-webkit-speech", "x-webkit-speech", null);
writer.writeAttribute("x-webkit-grammar", component.getAttributes().get("grammar"), "grammar");
writer.writeAttribute("onwebkitspeechchange", component.getAttributes().get("onspeechchange"), "onspeechchange");
writer.writeAttribute("placeholder", component.getAttributes().get("placeholder"), "placeholder");
super.renderPassThruAttributes(facesContext, component, attrs);
To use it in the view, we of course need to register it as a tag. Create a /WEB-INF/my.taglib.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note that you don't need a <renderer> in faces-config.xml for this anymore. The #FacesRenderer annotation can just do its job on real custom components. So remove the <renderer> entry in faces-config.xml which you created based on your previous question.
Now tell JSF that you've got a custom taglib by the following context param in web.xml:
Finally you can use it as follows:
<html ... xmlns:my="">
<my:siteSearch />
You can even specify additional attributes which will override the defaults set in the component:
<my:siteSearch grammar="builtin:language" onspeechchange="alert('peek-a-boo')" placeholder="Search" />
For IDE autocomplete on attributes, you'd need to specify every one as a separate <attribute> in the <tag> declaration in the my.taglib.xml.
