User-friendly tool for editing MS CRM customization xml - dynamics-crm-2011

I need to make a lot of modifications in MS CRM customization. Some of these customizations could be made in web-interface, dome of them need to be hacked in plain customization XML file.
Even more, I'm not the one who is making changes: so I will be required to merge these changes done by one person in web-interface and by another one in plane XML. But MS CRM automatically produces quite big and fairly readable customization file where it's impossible to understand which changes belongs to what.
Is there any tool to make this editing a bit easier? Maybe someone faced with such an issue already and have their own solution for that? Maybe converting to YAML or JSON, editing and then converting back?
Any best practices?

Actually, there is an answer. Right from Microsoft itself:
Use the SolutionPackager Tool to Compress and Extract a Solution File
This tool provided as part of standard MS Dynamics CRM SDK and enables developer to split customization files on pieces and then combine it back again.
But, frankly speaking, on MS Dynamics CRM 2011 Rollup 10 SDK it's broken: in some cases it is unable to split solutions and is unable to combine them back in all cases.

Well wont everyone be loading their customisations into CRM to test them? In that case you can let CRM merge the changes and you can just take an export.
If they are working in separate environments then use CRM solutions to import the customisations into a single environment.


How do I export customizations (in this case custom Entities) from a server onto another in crm 2013

Before: We had (still working) a couple of CRM 4.0 servers working: A productive one and a test one. We would perform any changes on the test server first and, after testing, replicate them in the productive server. For entities (custom or not) this would mean using the "Export Customizations"/"Import Customizations" functionalities. Pretty straight-forward stuff.
Now: we're testing CRM 2013 and trying to do the same with a couple of servers. We set up our data structure by hand (took some time) including the creation of all our custom entities, which are not few in number.
My question then is: How can I perform a bulk entity export-import in the same manner as it was with 4.0? I've tried selecting saving the entities to a Solution package, export the package from one server and import it onto the other. System entities feature in the target-server's import list but not the custom entities! And they are a part of the original solution packet (both checking it through CRM itself or the package file's XML code directly)
The lack of online help on this may imply that I'm not approaching this in the right way and I presume this is something already standard in CRM 2011.
Can someone give me a hint?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, I have no time to delve into reasons and explanations but things got solved.
I tried to export ONLY the custom entities and their related entities and it ended up working out.
Afterwards, trying again to export ALL entities ended up working just fine!
Therefore, i'm still not fully convinced I was not doing anything wrong. Most likely I just missed some essential basic small step or detail no one thought of due to it's "self-evident" nature.
(I guess being too stuck to CRM 4.0's "modus operandi" takes it's toll when updating...)

Using SSRS instead of Crystal reports to generate admin forms

I'm looking into upgrading a .net 2.0 app. The app is used by the public authorities of a certain city to keep track of expenses and generate reports and forms.
The reports and forms were generated in VS2005 using Crystal report. They follow a well defined layout, like official documents usually do.
I am looking at options to upgrade the application and the main problem I have is in determining how to deal with the crystal report files.
I have successfully upgraded to VS2008, but any version after that doesn't have CR anymore, so my company would have to pruchase CR separately and because the client and my company are both tight, I'm looking at alternatives...
The obvious one is using SSRS. I have never touched it before in my life, but after playing around with it for a bit, I get the impression that it is not very well suited to generating forms with lots of non-tabular content and lots of formatting. Or am I wrong?
It seems that every line has to be drawn separately. There is no (that I can see) accurate way of positioning lines for formatting...
But I'm just a beginner, so I might be getting this all wrong?
If that is the case, are there any other alternatives to CR and SSRS?
I was thinking of maybe having a separate MVC web site project in the solution. Have that generate the layout in html and css with data from my entity model, then view the result in a (built-in or not) web browser. Am I overcomplicating on this?
I really need advice from somebody who's done that kind of thing before.
What SSRS is good for:
Talking to SQL Server, much faster than other products as it in many cases retains the database better when in other programs IMHO they repeat query at times.
Designing collapsable grids and chart objects from datasets. You can have 'groups' that can nest aggregates of collapsed values and can be un collapsed or collapsed on demand based on expressions, parameters, or a recusive parent set.
A web service for deployment ease where you can deploy one or many objects. You can also write add ons for this service with C# and the ReportingService.asmx web service.
You can talk to the web service directly in a 'form' object in HTML and manipulate it's output.
You can schedule reports to send out via email and file saves automatically to clients or internal users.
It is not event driven hardly at all except for parameters. You cannot click on many things and get other parts on the form itself to update. You may do an 'action' that goes to another location, report, or site. But in essence you are calling a seperate object, not the same instance again.
Multiple layers of reporting. Beyond tweaking tool tips you cannot do 'hover over' reporting without hacking SSRS. You can make javascript windows show other reports but it is not baked in to SSRS. So you are either clicking into new reports or tab stops in a report but not getting hover over quick objects beyond text and expressions that are in tool tips.
What do you want before considering what you need to impement?
I want to input and export things while talking to my database - ASP.NET with potentially HTML 5 or MVC4 if you want to be very new. ASP.NET is made for actively talking to a server and taking commands IN as well as OUT.
I want a form to auto update periodically on a page as a landing site and dashboard - AJAX and Javascript on top of HTML, Java or ASP.NET.
I want to create reports that exist on a Server and can be hosted on a wide variety of platforms in .NET via web service calls - SSRS.
SSRS's biggest selling point to me is it's reusability once you dial a report in. They are pretty easy to create, easy to configure, easy to deploy, and if you get a little advanced in calling the webservice you can get SSRS report objects in other technologies if you want.
There is Crystal reports for VS2010 and VS2012. It is just not shipped with them. You can download the installation from here:
I am running through the same decision process at this time. There is a .NET product from a company called "Windward" that will allow you to design your reports in Microsoft Office. If you are in the MS ecosystem already or want your users to design reports instead of always calling on you, this might help.
Their template design tool is called AutoTag and you can deploy these template to their .NET based engine in a few lines of code.
I know the question is regarding SSRS vs. Crystal comparison but thought you should know there are other alternatives and some can make life easier

How to add a sample Button inside Ribbon in ms dynamics CRM

I'm new to CRM , now i just want to add a sample button named as sample in Ribbon, i have exported "customized XML" , from here how to add custom id , command id etc.
There are a couple of walkthroughs which should be able to help you with this:
this one
this one
and this one
There are also tools like this one on CodePlex which can help you do it in a graphical fashion rather than messing with the XML.
Warning, opinion ahead
I remember when I was new to Dynamics CRM that what helped me initially was working with tools from the community until I got my head around things and could dive into more of the guts of the platform. It might be worth going through a listing like this to see if there are things that can help you on your CRM journey.

Importing bulk data into sharepoint

I have an issue with a new sharepoint install that we've recently deployed to replace an ageing content management system that I implemented a few years ago.
What I'd really like is to save my colleagues as much effort as possible by transferring the content from my CMS into sharepoint.
I'm not very good with sharepoint yet, and my development platform of choice is PHP MySQL, so basically I'm wondering if sharepoint has any facility to import sites, I can easily built filters to reformat the content in my CMS into whatever (please let it be XML) format sharepoint will accept but I have no idea if sharepoint will even let me do this.
I have limited access to the sharepoint server, although in this case I can probably negotiate more if that's the only way.
Mostly I just need some pointers - does sharepoint have any facility to do this, and where do I start doing it?
SharePoint has the ability to import data from an Excel spreadsheet (Site Actions > Create > Import Spreadsheet).
The only problem you may run into with this method is that you don't necessarily have full control over what column types the importer uses for your data--if that's important, then it will take some trial and error.
If you're familiar with .NET and you can get access to run a program on the server, you can write a program to import data into existing lists using the SharePoint object model.
the fastest way to bulk import data into SharePoint is through the batchdata method
it is aimed ad importing list data, but it seems there are some workarounds to make it work with publishing pages

Strategies for moving to Team System

Does anyone have any strategies/tips/traps for moving to Team System? Should it be done in baby steps, or all at once? Should we migrate our SourceSafe library over, or draw a line in the sand and move forward? Is it worth brining SharePoint into the mix? Any thoughts are appreciated.
I've never had to migrate to TFS, but have used it pretty extensively for the past couple of years.
Regarding your question on Sharepoint, we've found it pretty useful in conjunction with TFS. We use it primarily for documentation management and for storing other "non-technical" artifacts related to the project. Some dev teams advocate keeping documentation in source control alongside source code, which is OK, but in my experience our project stakeholders have an easier time accessing relevent project documentation via the Sharepoint portal than they would having to interface with source control.
I basically was able to distribute the URL to the sharepoint site associated with our TFS team project to the concerned non-technical team members and have been able to avoid constantly e-mailing documents around, so it's been great for us.
It may just be too much work to do it all at once.
I feel that it is easier to divvy out projects to different people one at a time.
That way they can move them across and ensure that each works okay before closing out the SourceSafe.
You will always want a backup of the SourceSafe "database" around just in case.
I do not know how to migrate from SourceSafe to TFS and keep the comments and versions.
By far the easiest it to just add the projects in, but having migrated that way in the past, we always missed the ability to find out what others had done to particular files.
If you find a way to migrate, I would go that way unless it is hideously expensive.
