SUSY organization files? - susy-compass

I use method mobile first or a reponive webite and i use susy. How organize files _forms _typo _layout,_mixins etc.. for mobile (default) and breakpoints (tablet, desktop) and to have output files :

Sass/Compass+Susy will create a file for every file in your source directory that is not preceded by an underscore.
So, simply place the code you want generated for those style sheets in files located in the source directory using any mixins from your own partials (files preceded by an underscore) or any of the extensions you're including on your project (such as susy)
A great document that talks about structuring your project is here:
Something else to look at:

i understand the technics with '_' files not generated but i search sample organization iles or responive website with susy .
if i use multiple files for layout header etc... (include or each at-breakpoint) the css file result contains miltiple declaration #media.... and not grouped .


shell script to check if images in a folder are being used by a set of HTML files

Sometime ago I worked in a team that developed a bunch of educational softwares and now they are been reviewed for bugs and updates.
During this process, I noticed that the folder "imgs" accumulated too many files. Probably one of the developers decided to include all the images used by each of the softwares into the folder. However, because there are too many softwares, it would be too painful to check manually all of them (and some of the images are part of the layout, almost invisible).
Is there a way to write a shell script in Linux to check if the files in a given folder are being used by a set of HTML and JS files in another folder?
Go to the images folder and try this
for name in *; { grep -ril $name /path/to/soft/* || echo "$name not used"; }
Im not sure I understood your question correctly,
But maybe this will help you
ls -1 your_source_path | while read file
grep -wnr "$file*" your_destination_path ||
echo "no matching for file $file"
# you can set any extra action here
in source_path you put director from hi will list all files name and destination where he should searching.
It is not possible to check for the generic case - since HTML and Javascript are two dynamic (e.g. the Javascript code could create the image file name on the file). Likewise, images can be specified in CSS style sheet, inline style, etc.
You want to review the HTML/JS files, and see if possible to identify the tags that are actually used to specify images. This will hopefully, reduce the number of XML tags and attribute names that need to be extracted.
As an alternative, if you have access to the 'access log' of the server, you can find out which images have been accessed over time, and focus the search on images not referenced in the log file.

Gitlab cross-reference project

I am trying to find the best way to document my project in Gitlab. And I found two different alternatives:
Markdown in the actual repository (my-repo.git)
Wiki using markdown (my-repo/wiki.git)
Note that the suffix .git indicates that these are two different git repositories.
I like the approach to simply modify the Wiki using markdown from the webpage (for everyones simplicity), but I am missing how to link between them or any other project in Gitlab.
In the documentation is provided some information to link (issues, commits, etc...) to other projects but not link files like the and other documentation.
Is there such functionality?
I also don't know if I am 100% getting your question, but Gitlab does support special syntax for referencing other projects/commits/etc..
You can reference other project like so,
It doesn't support referencing files in other projects (as far as I can tell), but you can reference files in the same project:
And to specify a line number:
I don't know if I get your point to 100%.
Linking to other "files" is like links to any URL / URI in markdown. Use the "well-known" syntax [LinkName](LinkTarget).
A Link inside the same project
[Link to file, relative path](./
This should work in WIKIs and Project Markdown-files.
[Link to a file from other project]({{USER or COMPANY}}/{{PROJECT}}/-/blob/master/{{FOLDER}}/
You can also use the reference syntax for links [LinkName][LinkReference] and then later in your file [LinkReference]: when you want to reuse your links or collect them at the end of your file.

EmberJS in combination with Ember-Runner

Good day,
I just started with EmberJS in combination with Ember-Runner. I found an working example on Github.
Ember-runner automaticly adds all your template files and JS (at least that is what I thought) together and generarates a singe HTML / JS / templates / CSS file from your own files every time you save. (And optionally minify's and such). A build tool, just like it says in the description.
This is what it does for the CSS and templates part, however for the JS part it only seems to include only one file in my JS folder which is called 'main.js'. Is it possible to scan that dir for other files so it includes those as well? (So I can have separate controller / model files and such).
I hope my question is clear.
Kind regards,
Matthijn Dijkstra

how to add directory to SupportFiles in InstallShield

Is there a possibility to add directory (with sub directories) to SupportFiles section in installshield. I have dynamically created content (list of files changes constantly) that I use to support my installation.
Is there any other method to add dynamically whole directory to installation package. I need files from this directory only during installation process. At the end of the installation I want IS to remove these files automatically ?
The ISSetupFile table ( which drives the Support Files pattern ) only supports extracting files to a single directory. There is no way in the UI to tell it to be dynamic although you could have a build automation step that reflects the contents of a directory and wires it up to the table using the automation interface. This still couldn't do sub directories though.
What you probably want to do is creating a self-extracting zip of the files you need as part of your build and add that EXE to Support Files. Then write custom actions that call the EXE to extract the payload to Support Files and another CA to clean it up. Look for the custom action ISSetupFilesExtract and ISSetupFilesCleanup to figure out the best way to do this.
Although I'm late to the party: #BuvinJ mentioned in a comment that you can add directories to "Advanced Files" under "Disk1." In this case, they do appear in the temporary directory (support directory), eg. SUPPORTDIR\Disk1
SUPPORTDIR is a temporary location where the installer dumps files, and cleans them up afterward. An example is C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\{F6B9B2D6-2A5A-4146-9297-E80A199CB0CB}.
This could be a quicker/cheaper/faster solution to writing custom actions and/or packaging up files by hand in, say, a self-extracting zip file.

where should I store CSS files in a sharepoint install?

I have some css files that are deployed in a feature scoped to "site"
They contains some calls to images (also deployed by the solution) and so the paths are things like
background: #ffcc00 url( '/sites/portal/Style Library/CSS/PersonalCenter.gif' ) repeat-x;
However I would quite like to be able to deploy to other "sites/XXXX" without having to change the url in all the css files!
I cannot just place them in the top level URL as it has its own styles etc and it would be confusing to mash styles from subs-sites into it.
Is there somewhere else I should be storing things like this?
How about placing them (the images) in _layouts, then you could use
url( '/_layouts/images/PersonalCenter.gif' )
There are two major options for this:
1. Store your images in the Style Library.
Browse to /sites/portal/Style Library/Images and create a folder there to store your images. This appears to be similar to what is already being done in the CSS file. Use a relative path in the CSS file to avoid the /sites/portal part of the URL.
Advantages: Version control, no need to worry about deployment across multiple servers.
2. Store your images on the file system.
Create a folder for the images specific to your solution, e.g. at
C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
This maps to the folder that Johan mentions where you would use
to reference your images.
Advantages: Performance (maybe) depending on how the server is configured.
Recommendation: Use the Style Library if possible. Version control alone is a huge benefit.
Thanks for your answers... In the end I have remembered about relative paths and
background: #ffcc00 url( '../CSS/PersonalCenter.gif' ) repeat-x;
works just fine.
The images/css files remain in the Style Library which has been useful to check CSS changes before committing them to the main feature and doing a 'proper' release of the solution
Now why did I not just do that from the start !?
