I found the following execute command to be useful in vim:
:execute "normal! mqA;\<esc>`q"
it goes to normal mode, then it makes a mark "q" at cursor position,
goes to end of the line and adds a semicolon ";", then it goes to
normal mode again and returns to the original cursor position.
How could I map all this command to a key called "scc"?
I have tried:
imap scc <Esc>:execute "normal! mqA;\<esc>`q"<CR>
however it didn't work. Thanks.
You don't need :execute - normal, you can simply do (and use the "noremap" form):
inoremap scc <Esc>mqA;<Esc>`q
But your map keys are not very good chosen(?), try e.g. <F3> for function key 3.
Others have dealt with the core problem but I should had that, instead of creating an alphabetical mark, you could use a "context mark":
inoremap <something> <Esc>m`A;<Esc>``
Using an alphabetical mark is not wrong, mind you, but I think they are more useful elsewhere.
Gived this script (packages suggestion was simplified, original takes care of <cword>)
function! CompleteImport()
let packages = ['java.util.Vector','java.lang.String']
call complete(col('.'),packages)
return ''
inoremap <F8> import <C-R>=CompleteImport()<CR>
while on insert mode you can add an import and choose between suggested packages pressing F8
But I want to be enable to reach that popup selection from normal mode
function! InsertImport()
exe "normal iimport \<C-R>=CompleteImport()\<CR>"
"this commented line would work too
"exe "normal i\<F8>"
map <Leader>ji :call InsertImport()<CR>
so from normal mode ,ji (stands for java import) add an import to word under cursor if it is found
(Move to right position is not a problem so I ommit here)
By now ,ji adds first suggestion from popup and exists insert mode
I have tried :startinsert but no luck.
see on http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/eval.html#:execute there is a suggested code:
:execute "normal ixxx\<Esc>"
but that final Esc doesn't matter at all (for my vim install at least) This do exactly the same for me:
:execute "normal ixxx"
I would think this is not possible if I haven't found that on docs. So, it's possible to stay on a popup calling from a function?
Other interested docs:
:startinsert usually is the right approach, but it indeed gives control back to the user, so you cannot automatically trigger the completion.
Through the feedkeys() function, you can send arbitrary keys "as if typed". This allows you to start insert mode and trigger the completion:
function! InsertImport()
call feedkeys("iimport \<C-R>=CompleteImport()\<CR>", 't')
nnoremap <Leader>ji :call InsertImport()<CR>
PS: You should use :noremap for the normal mode mapping, too; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
I am a happy VIM user, although I admit I'm quite far from being fluent. I found this nice post:
Vim clear last search highlighting and I thought I'd become a better person if I didn't have to hammer away a random character sequence every time I did a search. Now, I'm also using the vimrc config from here:
and the problem I have is that when I add the line nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc> to it (it doesn't seem to make a difference where I put it) I get awkward behaviour when I use arrows in command mode, namely letters from A to D appear in a newline and I get switched to insert mode.
There has to be some mapping conflict but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is.
EDIT: As it follows from the answers it turns out the Ultimate vimrc part is not relevant, the mentioned nnoremap command will cause altered arrow behaviour even if it's the only vimrc entry. Changing title to a more informative one.
PS. I know I shouldn't use arrows, hopefully I'll get there one day.
The mapping
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
will conflict with so called "grey keys" and I believe that it should be used either in GVim only or in terminal Vim by someone who does not use special keys like arrows.
From what I know (and guess) how Vim processes keys, I would say that it's impossible to do anything with this. For Vim to recognize special key all its components should go in a row, so when you press Arrow Left Vim gets the following sequence of codes:
<esc> [ D
But after your mapping Arrow Left becomes:
: n o h l <cr> <esc>
[ D
Vim sees two separate sequences and treats <esc> as a single press of Escape key, thus next two codes of Left Arrow key lose their special meaning.
So I suggest you to map :noh to some other key sequence (e.g. to one starting with <leader>, see :help mapleader; I don't recommend you to use F-keys, using them is as bad as using of arrow keys).
The cause had been explained well, but solution was not mentioned. However there is a straight one.
If you’ll tell to Vim explicitly that there are key sequences starting from <esc>[
:nnoremap <silent><esc> :noh<CR>
:nnoremap <esc>[ <esc>[
than when single <esc> will be pressed Vim will wait for a second (or different time, see :h 'timeoutlen') or for a next key (second <esc> for example) and only then replace it with :noh<CR>.
This solution preserves the ESC mapping to :nohlsearch.
The comment on this answer explaining why this is happening tells us that the root cause is the TermResponse behavior of vim. This can be compensated for by wrapping the mapping in an autocommand for the TermResponse event.
This ensures that the binding doesn't happen until after the term response is set, which prevents Esc from also sending a string like ]>1;3201;0c to vim.
Change your line in vimrc to this:
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
The augroup commands are not strictly necessary, but they prevent multiple mappings when you reload your vimrc without quitting vim.
EDIT: If you also use a graphical vim like Gvim or Macvim, the TermResponse event will not fire. Assuming you use a single vimrc, you'll need some additional code like
if has('gui_running')
nnoremap <silent> <esc> :nohlsearch<return><esc>
" code from above
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
Problem is that when you press an arrow terminal emits something like <Esc>OA. Vim part that supports terminal seems to use the same mapping mechanism to do the job as you are using: while nmap <Esc>OA will tell you nothing, call feedkeys("\eOA") will move one line up and call feedkeys("\eOA", 'n') will add letter A beyond current line. With your mapping being noremappable you forbid vim to use <Esc> as a part of the key. The problem is that you need remappable mapping here, but can have remappable mapping without it being recursive as well only if it starts with {lhs}, but <Esc>:noh<CR>OA is not going to work. I thought the following code will (it uses <expr> and function with side effect to make <Esc> be the first character of the actual {rhs} and still launch :noh), but in fact it does not:
function s:NoHlSearch()
return "\e"
nmap <expr> <Esc> <SID>NoHlSearch()
. I have no other idea how to solve the problem of having non-recursive remappable mapping which includes {lhs} but not at the start.
I have had good luck with this
if $TERM =~ 'xterm'
set noek
nnoremap <silent> <esc> <esc>:noh<cr>
The disadvantage is that function keys can not be used in insert mode.
:h ek
What do you need to properly jump to a matched search result?
To reproduce, make a macro with a search in it after you've run vim -u NONE to ensure there's no vimrc interfering. You'll need to make a file with at least 2 lines and put the cursor on the line without the text TEST_TEXT.
map x :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis
My intention is that when I press x, it goes to the top of the file, looks for TEST_TEXT and then puts this at the start of the line that matches the search. The ^M is a literal newline, achieved with the CtrlQ+Enter keypress. What's happening instead is either nothing happens, or the text gets entered on the same line as when I called the macro.
If I just run the :norm gg/TEST_TEXT^MIthis command without mapping it to a key, the command executes successfully.
I had an initially longer command involving a separate file and the tcomment plugin, but I've gotten it narrowed down to this.
What is the correct sequence of keys to pull this off once I've mapped it to a key?
The problem is that the ^M concludes the :normal Ex command, so your search command is aborted instead of executed. The Ithis is then executed outside of :normal.
In fact, you don't need :normal here at all. And, it's easier and more readable to use the special key notation with mappings:
:map x gg/TEST_TEXT<CR>Ithis
If you really wanted to use :normal, you'd have to wrap this in :execute, like this:
:map x :exe "norm gg/TEST_TEXT\<lt>CR>Ithis"<CR>
Bonus tips
You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
Better restrict the mapping to normal mode, as in its current form, it won't behave as expected in visual and operator-pending mode: :nnoremap
This clobbers the last search pattern and its highlighting. Use of lower-level functions like search() is recommended instead.
There are many ways of doing this however this is my preferred method:
nnoremap x :0/TEST_TEXT/norm! Itest<esc>
:{range}norm! {cmd} - execute normal commands, {cmd}, on a range of lines,{range}.
! on :normal means the commands will not be remapped.
The range 0/TEST_TEXT start before the first line and then finds the first matching line.
I have a few issues with your current mapping:
You are not specifying noremap. You usually want to use noremap
It would be best to specifiy a mode like normal mode, e.g. nnoremap
It is usually best to use <cr> notation with mappings
You are using :normal when your command is already in normal mode but not using any of the ex command features, e.g. a range.
For more help see:
:h :map
:h :norm
:h range
try this mapping:
nnoremap x gg/TEST_TEXT<cr>Ithis<esc>
note that, if you map x on this operation, you lost the original x feature.
I am a happy VIM user, although I admit I'm quite far from being fluent. I found this nice post:
Vim clear last search highlighting and I thought I'd become a better person if I didn't have to hammer away a random character sequence every time I did a search. Now, I'm also using the vimrc config from here:
and the problem I have is that when I add the line nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc> to it (it doesn't seem to make a difference where I put it) I get awkward behaviour when I use arrows in command mode, namely letters from A to D appear in a newline and I get switched to insert mode.
There has to be some mapping conflict but for the life of me I can't figure out where it is.
EDIT: As it follows from the answers it turns out the Ultimate vimrc part is not relevant, the mentioned nnoremap command will cause altered arrow behaviour even if it's the only vimrc entry. Changing title to a more informative one.
PS. I know I shouldn't use arrows, hopefully I'll get there one day.
The mapping
nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
will conflict with so called "grey keys" and I believe that it should be used either in GVim only or in terminal Vim by someone who does not use special keys like arrows.
From what I know (and guess) how Vim processes keys, I would say that it's impossible to do anything with this. For Vim to recognize special key all its components should go in a row, so when you press Arrow Left Vim gets the following sequence of codes:
<esc> [ D
But after your mapping Arrow Left becomes:
: n o h l <cr> <esc>
[ D
Vim sees two separate sequences and treats <esc> as a single press of Escape key, thus next two codes of Left Arrow key lose their special meaning.
So I suggest you to map :noh to some other key sequence (e.g. to one starting with <leader>, see :help mapleader; I don't recommend you to use F-keys, using them is as bad as using of arrow keys).
The cause had been explained well, but solution was not mentioned. However there is a straight one.
If you’ll tell to Vim explicitly that there are key sequences starting from <esc>[
:nnoremap <silent><esc> :noh<CR>
:nnoremap <esc>[ <esc>[
than when single <esc> will be pressed Vim will wait for a second (or different time, see :h 'timeoutlen') or for a next key (second <esc> for example) and only then replace it with :noh<CR>.
This solution preserves the ESC mapping to :nohlsearch.
The comment on this answer explaining why this is happening tells us that the root cause is the TermResponse behavior of vim. This can be compensated for by wrapping the mapping in an autocommand for the TermResponse event.
This ensures that the binding doesn't happen until after the term response is set, which prevents Esc from also sending a string like ]>1;3201;0c to vim.
Change your line in vimrc to this:
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
The augroup commands are not strictly necessary, but they prevent multiple mappings when you reload your vimrc without quitting vim.
EDIT: If you also use a graphical vim like Gvim or Macvim, the TermResponse event will not fire. Assuming you use a single vimrc, you'll need some additional code like
if has('gui_running')
nnoremap <silent> <esc> :nohlsearch<return><esc>
" code from above
augroup no_highlight
autocmd TermResponse * nnoremap <esc> :noh<return><esc>
augroup END
Problem is that when you press an arrow terminal emits something like <Esc>OA. Vim part that supports terminal seems to use the same mapping mechanism to do the job as you are using: while nmap <Esc>OA will tell you nothing, call feedkeys("\eOA") will move one line up and call feedkeys("\eOA", 'n') will add letter A beyond current line. With your mapping being noremappable you forbid vim to use <Esc> as a part of the key. The problem is that you need remappable mapping here, but can have remappable mapping without it being recursive as well only if it starts with {lhs}, but <Esc>:noh<CR>OA is not going to work. I thought the following code will (it uses <expr> and function with side effect to make <Esc> be the first character of the actual {rhs} and still launch :noh), but in fact it does not:
function s:NoHlSearch()
return "\e"
nmap <expr> <Esc> <SID>NoHlSearch()
. I have no other idea how to solve the problem of having non-recursive remappable mapping which includes {lhs} but not at the start.
I have had good luck with this
if $TERM =~ 'xterm'
set noek
nnoremap <silent> <esc> <esc>:noh<cr>
The disadvantage is that function keys can not be used in insert mode.
:h ek
I am trying to do a comment remap in Vim with an inline if to check if it's already commented or not. This is what I have already and of course it's not working ha ha:
imap <c-c> <Esc>^:if getline(".")[col(".")-1] == '/' i<Delete><Delete> else i// endif
What I want to do is check the first character if it's a / or not. If it's a / then delete the first two characters on that line, if it's not a / then add two // in front of the line.
What I had originally was this:
imap <c-c> <Esc>^i//
And that worked perfectly, but what I want is to be able to comment/uncomment at a whim.
I completely agree with #Peter Rincker's answer warning against doing this in insert mode, and pointing you to fully-featured plugins.
However, I couldn't resist writing this function to do precisely what you ask for. I find it easier to deal with this kind of mapping with functions. As an added bonus, it returns you to insert mode in the same position on the line as you started (which has been shifted by inserting or deleting the characters).
function! ToggleComment()
let pos=getpos(".")
let win=winsaveview()
if getline(".") =~ '\s*\/\/'
normal! ^2x
let pos[2]-=1
normal! ^i//
let pos[2]+=3
call winrestview(win)
call setpos(".",pos)
inoremap <c-c> <Esc>:call ToggleComment()<CR>
Notice the modifications to pos to ensure the cursor is returned to the correct column. The command startinsert is useful in this type of function to return to insert mode. It is always safer to use noremap for mappings, unless there is a very good reason not to.
This seems to work well, but it is not very Vim-like, and you might find other plugins more flexible in the long run.
There are many commenting plugins for vim:
NERD Commenter
and many more at www.vim.org
I would highly suggest you take a look at some these plugins first before you decide to roll your own. It will save you great effort.
As a side note you typically would want to comment/uncomment in normal mode not insert mode. This is not only the vim way, but will also provide a nicer undo history.
If you are dead set on creating your own mappings I suggest you create a function to do all the hard work and have your mapping call that function via :call. If you think you can get by with simple logic that doesn't need a function then you can use an expression mapping (see :h map-<expr>). You may want organize into a plugin as it could be large. If that is the case look at :h write-plugin to give you a feel
for writing plugins the proper way.
Example of a simple expression mapping for toggling comments:
nnoremap <expr> <leader>c getline(".") =~ '\m^\s*\/\/' ? '^"_2x' : 'I//<esc>`['
there's also this vimtip! http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Comment/UnComment_visually_selected_text
i use the bottom one with the
noremap <silent> ,c :<C-B>sil <C-E>s/^/<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>/<CR>:noh<CR>
noremap <silent> ,u :<C-B>sil <C-E>s/^\V<C-R>=escape(b:comment_leader,'\/')<CR>//e<CR>:noh<CR>
,c comments out a region
,u uncomments a region