Qt app crashes on deleting executed task - multithreading

I have multithread server (inherits QTcpServer). When new connection appears, I create new task (inherits QRunnable), passing socket descriptor to constructor and push this task to QThreadpool (have 3 workers).
In run() I dynamically create QTcpSocket, set socket descriptor and read first received byte. Based on value of this byte I create new specific task (also inherits QRunnable), passing to its ctr pointer to earlier created QTcpSocket object, and also push this task to QThreadpool.
This specific task make some routine and app crashes.
From log file, I see destructor of this specific task was called.
Also Qt Creator throws next error message:
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
(Parent is QNativeSocketEngine(0x18c62290), parent's thread is QThread(0x18c603e0), current thread is QThread(0x18cc3b60)
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread
ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread 18cc3b60. Receiver '' (of type 'QNativeSocketEngine') was created in thread 18c603e0", file kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp, line 420
I found similar posts but unfortunately I could not understand how to fix my problem.
Please, help me.

You cannot use QTcpSocket from two different threads, because QObjects are not thread-safe.
You've created your QTcpSocket in the first task, so it "lives" in the thread associated with that task. If you pass its pointer into another QRunnable, then a second thread will try to access it, which will break things.
You'll need to redesign your app in a way that doesn't share the same QTcpSocket between different threads. One possibility is to implement different specific functions in your original task, and simply select the appropriate function based on the first received byte


How to sync Delphi event while running DB operations in a background thread?

Using Delphi 7 & UIB, I'm running database operations in a background thread to eliminate problems like:
Immediate Force-reconnect after network-loss
Non-blocked UI
Keeping an opened DB connection alive
User canceling
I've read ALL related topics here, and realized: using while isMyThreadStillRuning and not UserCanceled do sleep(100); end; isn't the recommended way to do this, but rather using TEvent.WaitFor(3000)....
The solutions here are either about sending signals FROM or TO... the thread, or doing it with messages, but never both ways.
Reading the help file, I've also found TSimpleEvent, which seems to be easier to use.
So what is the recommended way to communicate between Main-UI + DB-Thread in both ways?
Should I simply create 2+2 TSimpleEvent?
to start a new transaction (thread should stop sleeping)
force-STOP execution
to signal back if it's moved to a new stage (transaction started / executed / commited=done)
to signal back if there is any error happened
or should there be only 1 TEvent?
Update 2:
First tests show:
2x TSimpleEvent is enough (1 for Thread + 1 for Gui)
Both created as public properties of the background thread
Force-terminating the thread does not work. (Too many errors impossible to handle..)
Better to set a variable like (Stop_yourself) and let it cancel and free itself, (while creating a new instance from the same class and try again.)
(still work in progress...)
You should move the query to a TThread. Unfortunately, anonymous threads are not available in D7 so you need to write your own TThread derived class. Inside, you need its own DB connection to prevent shared resources. From the caller method, you can wait for the thread to end. The results should be stored somewhere in the caller class. Ensure that the access to parameters of the query and for storing the result of the query is handled thread-safe by using a TMutex or TMonitor.

how to access a worker thread from UI thread?

I have a working thread running all along the runtime, who generates events.
I can handle those events inside the UI thread by using disp = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Dispatcher.
more precisely, I do the modifications to the UI by using disp->RunAsync(...) anywhere inside the working thread.
but I don't know how to do the inverted operation. I want to have some Async function inside the UI thread to perform operation (on some std::unique_ptr) in the working thread when I click on some button.
If I understand correctly you want to be able to run an async operation when a button is clicked, but on a specific thread to which you refer as your worker thread.
First - Since you want to use a resource in 2 threads you should not use unique_ptr and use shared_ptr since you share this resource between the two threads.
Second - if you don't necessarily have to run the action on a specific thread then you can simply use Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync and capture the shared_ptr by value.
namespace WST = Windows::System::Threading;
ref new WST::WorkItemHandler(
[mySharedPtr](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ operation)
In case you have to run the operation on a specific thread then I assume you want to be able to append operations to an already running thread, otherwise you are creating a thread and you can use the above example.
So in order to append operations to an already running thread, that thread must have the functionality of getting a new operations and then running those operations in a synchronous order. This functionality is basically what the Dispatcher provides. This is what an Event Loop is, also called: message dispatcher, message loop, message pump, or run loop. Also you can find information by reading on the Recator\Proactor design pattern.
This CodeProject page shows one way of implementing the pattern, and you can use Winrt component to make it better \ more conveniant \ more familiar

Allow a child thread to call a delegate to the parent when the parent is in a join state waiting on the child in c#

I have a form that is responsible for creating and setting up an instance of an object, and then telling the object to go do its work. The process is a long one, so there's an area on the form where status messages appears to let the user know something is happening. Messages are set with a setMessage(string msg) function. To allow the form to remain responsive to events, I create a new thread for the object to run in, and pass it the setMessage function as a delegate to allow the object to set status messages on the form. This part is working properly. The main form is responsive and messages posted to its setMessage function appear as expected.
Because the process is a long one, and is made up of many steps, I want to allow the user to terminate the process before it's finished. To do this I created a volatile bool called _stopRequested and a function called shouldStop() that returns its value. This is also given to the object as a delegate. The object can tell if it should terminate by checking shouldStop() periodically, and if it's true, shut down gracefully.
Lastly, Windows controls are not thread safe, so the compiler will complain if a thread other than the one that created the control tries to manipulate it. Therefore, the setMessage function is wrapped in an if statement that tests for this and invokes the function using the parent thread if it's being called from the worker thread (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171728(v=vs.80).aspx for a description).
The problem arises when the user requests a shutdown. The main form sets _stopRequested to true and then waits for the child thread to finish before closing the application. It does this by executing _child.Join(). Now the parent thread (the one running the form) is in a Join state and can't do anything. The child thread (running the long process) detects the stop flag and attempts to shut down, but before it does, it posts a status message by calling it's setMessage delegate. That delegate points back to the main form, which figures out that the thread setting the message (child) is different than the thread that created the control (parent) and invokes the function in the parent thread. The parent thread is, of course, in a Join state and won't set the text on the text box until the child thread terminates. The child thread won't terminate because it's waiting for the delegate it called to return. Instant deadlock.
I've found examples of signaling a thread to terminate, and I've found examples of child threads sending messages to the parent thread, but I can't find any examples of both things happening at the same time. Can someone give me some pointers on how to avoid this deadlock? Specifically, I'd like the form to wait until the child thread terminates before closing the application but remain able to do work while it waits.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
1-(lazy) Dispatch the method from a new Thread so it doesn't lock
2-(re-think) The main UI thread should be able to control the child thread, so forget the _stopRequested and shouldStop() and implement a childThread.Abort() , abort does not kill the thread, but sends a ThreadAbortException
which can be handled or even canceled
catch(ThreadAbortException e)
Make the ReleaseResources safe by making various checks such as:
resource != null
The ReleaseResources should be called normally without abort and also by abort.
3-(if possible)stop the child, via main thread call ReleaseResources()
You may have to implement a mix of these.

COM object methods are not executed on the thread that CoInitialize-d and created the object

I am developing an UI application that creates a COM object along the way.
The problem is, I want to "move" this COM object entirely on a different thread.
What I do is this:
create the new thread I want to move the object into (with CreateThread API)
after entering this thread, I'm calling PeekMessage to setup a message queue for it
calling CoInitialize, CoCreateInstance to create the COM object, QueryInterface to get the interface I want
finally I call a method on the interface that displays a MessageBox with the value returned by GetCurrentThreadId() (I have access to the VB6 code of the COM library within which the object resides).
The problem is, as this message box shows, the object methods are still executed on the original UI thread, not on the thread I created and done all those steps into. One more thing to mention, after calling the interface method, I'm also setting up a classic message loop in it.
How can I change this behaviour and achieve what I want? (that is, I want the COM object calls that originate from my newly created thread to be executed ON IT, not on the original application thread)
Here's some pseudocode to make it even more clearer:
void myMainUIMethod(){
MessageBox(GetCurrentThreadId()); // displays 1
void myCOMObjectThreadProc(){
MessageBox(GetCurrentThreadId()); // displays 2
myObject = CoCreateInstance(myObjectsCLSID);
myObjectInterface = myObject->QueryInterface(myObjectInterfaceCLSID);
myObjectInterface->showThreadIDMessageBox(); // this would be the COM object method call
And, in the VB6 code of the object, here's the pseudo-definition of showThreadIDMessageBox.
Public Sub showThreadIDMessageBox()
Call MessageBox(GetCurrentThreadId()) //displays 1, I want it to display 2
End Sub
I have achieved what I wanted by CoUninitalizing on the main thread, before creating the new thread. But why does this happen? If COM was initialized ON THE MAIN THREAD before I'm creating the new thread, maybe for some reason it had to be..I would't want the application to crash later because I had to call CoUninitialize before creating my new thread. Here's some pseudocode that illustrates that whichever thread calls CoInitialize first will be the one picked by the STA objects.
void myMainUIMethod(){
MessageBox(GetCurrentThreadId()); // displays 1
CoUninitialize(); // uninitialize COM on the main thread
***i: MessageBox("When you want to initialize COM on main thread, confirm this");
void myCOMObjectThreadProc(){
MessageBox(GetCurrentThreadId()); // displays 2
***ii: MessageBox("When you want to initialize COM on the new thread, confirm this");
myObject = CoCreateInstance(myObjectsCLSID);
myObjectInterface = myObject->QueryInterface(myObjectInterfaceCLSID);
myObjectInterface->showThreadIDMessageBox(); // this shows 2 IF ***ii is confirmed before ***i, 1 otherwise
Thank you very much in advance,
Looks like your problem is that your COM component threading model is not specified in registry key InprocServer32. This means that object is considered as STA (single-threaded apartment) but will be loaded to main (or host) STA, not the STA that created it. This is the first thread that called CoInitialize. To be created in same STA that called CoCreateInstance you must create HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{Your CLSID}\InprocServer32#ThreadingModel registry value and set it to Apartment.
Quote from MSDN (InprocServer32 registry key documentation):
If ThreadingModel is not present or is not set to a value, the server is loaded into the first apartment that was initialized in the process. This apartment is sometimes referred to as the main single-threaded apartment (STA). If the first STA in a process is initialized by COM, rather than by an explicit call to CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, it is called the host STA. For example, COM creates a host STA if an in-process server to be loaded requires an STA but there is currently no STA in the process.
I have finally achieved what I wanted! Adding a CoUninitialize call in the main UI thread, before creating the new thread has solved it. This happens because STA COM objects will be handled on the thread that first calls CoInitialize. Now all the calls to the objects methods are reported to be executed on the thread I created and the main window of the object (the COM component has a Form) is reported to belong to it too! (used WinSpy++ to test that).
There is still a question (and a problem) though..why does it behave this way?
Everywhere I search on the internet I see answers telling that a STA COM component will be fully executed on the thread it is created on (provided that CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx with COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED had been called before), no matter what. Why does it matter if I called CoInitialize on another thread before..that's just plain stupid in my opinion for Microsoft to do so :), plus it might damage the future behaviour of my application, as I stated before.
EDIT: The correct answer is the one posted by Frost. Thank you again.
The threads are running in parallel and that's what they are meant to do. you need to synchronize between the two threads if you want one object to wait for some operation on other thread to complete. Event object will serve for your purpose.
You need to choose Free Threading as the Threading Model of the COM class when creating it. With C++ ATL, this is an option in the wizard when you select New -> COM class (or something like it). In .NET languages, I think this is specified as an attribute in the class.
BTW, you don't need to call QueryInterface after CoCreateInstance (unless you need more than one interface pointer). Just pass the GUID of the interface you want as the 4th parameter to CoCreateInstance.
Ah, I think I might know the problem now: it sounds like the VB6 COM object you are creating was registered as single-threaded, not apartment-threaded; this means that the object gets created on whichever thread is your app is the first to call CoInitialize().
This explain the behavior you are seeing: if you let your main thread CoInitialize() first, it becomes the "main thread" as far as COM is concerned, so the CoCreate ends up creating the object on it, even though it's CoCreated on a different thread. (This is only the case for single-threaded objects.)
But when you let your other thread CoInitialize() first, it is the "main thread" for COM, so the object gets created where you want it.
Can you change the threading model of your VB object to apartment instead of single? This would enable it to get created on the thread that calls CoCreate().
The problem is, I cannot change the threading model of the VB6 component since it is already used in other applications and it might damage it's behaviour.
...looks like that won't work for you. I guess you can check what the current threading model is, and if you can confirm that it's single, then you'll have an explanation for why it behaves the way it does, which might help you work with it.
So why does COM behave that way? - A: legacy compat issues. The Single Thread model is a holdover from before windows had threads in the first place, when every process had just one thread, and code didn't have to make any assumptions about synchronizations between objects within a process. To preserve this illusion and allow objects that were written assuming single-threaded COM to be used in a multithreaded environment, COM introduced the 'single' model, also known as 'legacy STA'. More details on this page, scroll down or search for "Legacy STA" for the details. COM basically puts all of these 'single' objects on the same [STA] thread - and uses whichever thread just happens to be the first to call CoInitialize. When you CoUninit and CoInit again on another thread, you're essentially restarting COM; so it's now the second thread that is the new "first thread to call CoInit", so that's why COM then ends up using that one...
(Legacy STA is such an old issue is was actually hard to track down any details; nearly all other articles mention apartment, free and both options; but there's rarely details about 'single'.)

What is the difference between +[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:] and -[NSObject performSelectorInBackground:withObject:]?

They seem to perform a reasonably similar task: launching a new thread that performs that selector quickly and easily. But are there any differences? Maybe with regards to memory management?
Both are identical.
In iOS and Mac OS X v10.5 and later, all objects have the ability to spawn a new thread and use it to execute one of their methods. The performSelectorInBackground:withObject: method creates a new detached thread and uses the specified method as the entry point for the new thread. For example, if you have some object (represented by the variable myObj) and that object has a method called doSomething that you want to run in a background thread, you could could use the following code to do that:
[myObj performSelectorInBackground:#selector(doSomething) withObject:nil];
The effect of calling this method is the same as if you called the detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: method of NSThread with the current object, selector, and parameter object as parameters. The new thread is spawned immediately using the default configuration and begins running. Inside the selector, you must configure the thread just as you would any thread. For example, you would need to set up an autorelease pool (if you were not using garbage collection) and configure the thread’s run loop if you planned to use it. For information on how to configure new threads
I presume they are the same, as - (void)performSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg; is defined in NSThread.h in the NSObject (NSThreadPerformAdditions) category. That is nothing conclusive, but that is evidence in that direction.
