Top third, next third of items by sales - excel

I have an excel sheet as shown below. I need to get the top third/ next third items by sales count. Is there a way to get this done in Excel?
Item Count
1 100
2 90
3 80
4 60
5 55
6 50
7 45
8 35
9 25
Dividing into 3 buckets, so 540/3 = ~180 items in each –
Bucket 1 – Items 1 and 2 (Count = 190)
Bucket 2 – Items 3, 4 and 5 (Count = 195)
Bucket 3 - Items 6, 7, 8, 9 (Count = 155)

There are multiple ways to achieve this. Assuming that your Item and Count data are in columns A and B, then the shortest path is to use the following formula in cell C2:
After entering that into C2, select that cell and drag down the right-bottom corner of the cell all the way to the last row. Note the $ sign that is "missing" on purpose before the second 2. That takes care of the auto-fill behavior needed when dragging down the corner.
If you are allowed to use a helper column, you can create a computationally more efficient method using following layout:
If you want to, you can hide column C. It contains cumulative values of the different sales counts. Cell C1 is set to 0, cell C2 contains the formula =$C1+$B2. Column D then approximates the buckets by using the formula =ROUND(3*$C2/$C$10,0) in cell D2, and then again dragging down the bottom-right corner. This might be the better approach if you have many rows on your sheet.
Note that both solutions yield the same results. The value in one or more buckets could become 0, which is not exactly right. That can be avoided using ROUNDUP in stead of ROUND, but since you have not indicated clearly where you want the boundaries of the buckets to fall exactly in different situations, I thought I leave that as an exercise to you :-).


Excel - function to find the highest sum in a table using each row and column only once

I've got a table in excel with 10 rows and 10 columns.
The table contains 100 different values between 1 and 3.
I want to find the highest sum of 10 values using only 1 value from each row and 1 from each column.
Do u guys know a function that finds the highest sum? - I've tried to do i manually, but there are to many combinations!
Hope it makes sense.
Thanks in advance:)
My solution builds on what I wrote in the comment, i.e. you first take the maximum value in the 10x10 array, then the maximum in the 9x9 array (excluding the row/column of the first maximum), etc. My solution tries not to do everything in one formula, but I add a few helper columns, and a bit more helper rows (it is fast and dirty, but it works and is easily audited/understandable). You always can do this on a separate worksheet which you could hide if needed.
The screenshot above goes from cell A1 till Y31.
The key formulas:
3.55 is the result of =MAX(B2:K11)
The first gray cell is =IFNA(MATCH($M12;B2:B11;0);""), and you drag this 9 cells to the left. This tries to find a match with the max result in each column of the table;
The 10 left of the 3.55 is =MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(ISNUMBER(P12:Y12);0);0) , and gives the column number of the max value.
The 2 next to the 10 is =INDEX(P12:Y12;N12) and gives the row number of the max value.
The 1 in cell B12 is =IF(OR(B$1=$N12;$A12=$O12);0;1), and creates a 10x10 matrix with a row and column with zeroes where the previous max value was found.
Then you multiply this with the preceding matrix and create a new 10x10 matrix below (enter {=B2:K11*B12:K21} array formula (ctrl+shift+enter) in B22-K31
You then copy/paste rows 12 till 31 9 times below
The 23.02 is the total sum =SUM($M$12:$M$211) from all 10 maximum values and is the result you are looking for. The 10 is just a check with =COUNT($M$12:$M$211)

Vlookup and sum all instances of the matching lookup

this is probably an extremely basic problem but I can't figure a way to do this within Excel.
I have a list of values IDs from a regional sales manager,
he wants to see if his figures have been inputted into the monthly report and are reporting correctly.
However, as he sells by region and we report by product we have multiple instances of his ID by Product
so our monthly report.. for example
ID Value
1 16,999
1 22,521
3 400
3 221
5 71
6 22,000
So he has provided me with a list of IDs
and wants a list with its total revenue not just the first match up.
Is an excel limitation or is there a way to do this?
You can use a SUMIF formula. Basically you give it the column to check the value of, then you give it the expected value and finally the colum to sum.
Option 1 (whole range)
=SUMIF(A:A, 1, B:B)
Option 2 (defined range)
=SUMIF(A1:A7, 1, B1:B7)
Option 3 (Using excel table)
=SUMIF([Id], 1, [Value])
For more details please refer to:
Is this what you're looking for?
Taken from here: Sum values from multiple rows using vlookup or index/match functions
How it works:
An array formula is used to create an array of numbers that gets passed to the SUMPRODUCT formula.
The array formula processes A1 and B1 together, then A2 and B2 and so on... if A1 is equal to 1, B1 is added to the array.

Searching for neighboring cells

I am dealing with a large data set in Excel and need to search a for two neighboring cells in the same column. Usually I would just go through this quickly row by row, but there are around 30,000 rows and probably 1% of those are the neighbors I am looking for. The data is organized temporally, meaning I cannot just sort.
Anyone have an idea if/how this can be done?
You could drag down this formula in column next to your data.
For example, in B3 where column A has data:
=IF(AND(A3<>"",A2<>""),"neighbour above","")
Row A B
1 Data Check
2 10
3 20 neighbour above
5 40
6 50 neighbour above
7 60 neighbour above
10 90
Note B2 first position has no formula. This will highlight neighbouring cells within the column.
How many?
To count how many neighbours, use a countif. so in C1 you can have:
=COUNTIF(B:B, "neighbour above")
which will return 3 in this case above. pairs 10 and 20, 40 and 50, 50 and 60.
You can choose other marker text to flag the neighbour, besides "neighbour above". Just put it in the IF statement.

Quantifying conditional duration of values in excel

I am trying to analyze blood pressure that is taken every minute, and determine how long the values are within a certain range, consecutively. I have the data set up in excel for the moment. I have color coded the values based on the ranges I would like to quantify. I know that if I do a simple "=countIF) function I can get the total number of times these values meet the criteria. But what I want to do next is quantify for how long the values fall within a specified range, consecutively.
This shows values in columns in excel, where each column is a different patient, and the heat map are the value conditions to help me visualize if certain thresholds occur for longer times than others. But I want to find a way to quanitify this in excel, if possible. Any help would be much appreciated.
The final result I am looking for is to be able to measure how much time each patient sustains a specific category of blood pressure to know if certain ranges are more prolonged than others (e.g. blood pressure is between 120-130 for 30 minutes). So in the spreadsheet above, assuming each cell is a 1-minute bin, for column HU, BP is between 120-130 for 3 minutes (rows 2-4), and again for 16 minutes (rows 6-22). In column HS, blood pressure is above 140 (black) for 7 minutes.
I want to find a workflow to quantify these durations so that I can get a summary of the number of consecutive 1-minute bins (each cell) at a specified range/threshold for each patient (column)
First, I would create another sheet -- let's call it "Thresholds" -- with thresholds of bloodpressures in ascending order in column A.
Put a category number next to each value (in column B)
For example:
0 0
90 1
100 2
105 3
110 4
115 5
120 6
125 7
... etc.
Back in the other sheet, add a new column next to each bloodpressure column. So you
would have a new column HR next to HQ.
Put there a formula that looks up the category for the value in HQ, from sheet "Thresholds".
You can use VLOOKUP for that. For example in row 2:
=VLOOKUP(HQ2, Thresholds!$A$1:$B:$1000, 2)
Then add yet another column, HS it will be.
In there make a running count for same category rows, like this (for row 2, I assume you have used row 1 for column titles):
=IF(HR1<>HR2, 1, HS1+1)
Drag down this formula to the column. This formula checks if this row has a different category of blood pressure than the previous one. If so, it
sets the counter to 1 (it is the first instance in this running series). In the other
case it takes the value of the counter in the previous row and adds 1 to it.
Repeat this for the other columns (inserting 2 new columns next to each).
This will already give you a start for further analysis.

Dividing a column into N equal groups by value

Say I have a column with values:
I want to divide this into N groups, say N right now is 4.
I actually need to divide around 30k sorted values into groups 1 to 99; each with equal number of elements.
Any quick way to do this in Excel?
With data in column A, in B1 enter:
=A1 & "," & ROUNDUP(ROW()/(COUNT(A:A)/4),0)
and copy down. For example:
Change the 4 in the formula to vary the number of groups.
I use this trick for equal data bucketing. Suppose you have data in A1:A8 range. Put this formula in B1:
=MAX( ROUNDUP( PERCENTRANK($A$1:$A$8, A1) *4, 0),1)
Fill down the formula all across B column and you are done. The formula divides the range into 4 equal buckets and it returns the bucket number which the cell A1 falls into. The first bucket contains the lowest 25% of values.
Adjust the number of buckets according to thy wish:
=MAX(ROUNDUP(PERCENTRANK([Range],[OneCellOfTheRange]) *[NumberOfBuckets],0),1)
The number of observation in each bucket will be equal or almost equal. For example if you have a 100 observations and you want to split it into 3 buckets then the buckets will contain 33, 33, 34 observations. So almost equal. You do not have to worry about that - the formula works that out for you.
if this is in column A
row 1
row 2
row 3
row 4
row 5
place formula in column B
=MOD(ROW(); 4)+1
this result in
row 1, 2
row 2, 3
row 3, 4
row 4, 1
row 2, 2
