CRM 2011 (rollup 12) shows the mobile view instead of the normal view in non IE browsers - dynamics-crm-2011

I recently went to do a demo of some a CRM solution I had been developing but when I tried displaying it on my MAC in firefox and chrome it comes up with the mobile interface. The instance will never be used on mobile devices so I want to disable this functionality for the whole site...How do I do this?

I had the same issue when I opened crm on firefox (on explorer and chrome it was ok), I assume you are using roll up 12 since only from this rollup you have other browsers besides internet explorer integration.
The issue with me was that for some reason, it opened the "default.aspx" page, which opened this url:
When the correct address should be:
I'm also guessing that you have set up ADFS..

I had the same problem and what helped for me was to add the site to the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer.

If you're using IE 11, try compatibility mode. Settings -> Compatibility View Settings


Shared runtime Excel add in no longer uses IE11 - Bug or feature?

My Excel add in with custom functions using a shared runtime was happily chugging along with the IE11 webview, until about a week ago when it stopped working because it started running only on the Edgium webview.
I think the documentation still says the expected webview is IE11 in the shared runtimes page, but the webviews page could be interpreted as saying it's the edge2 webview.
Did anybody else see the same effect? I mean, that's great if it works (My add in has other problems now, and I can't fully test), I just didn't expect it.
It is a feature. See this note from the article Browsers used by Office Add-ins
If your add-in includes the <Runtimes> element in the manifest, then it will not use Microsoft Edge with the original WebView (EdgeHTML). If the conditions for using Microsoft Edge with WebView2 (Chromium-based) are met, then the add-in uses that browser. Otherwise, it uses Internet Explorer 11 regardless of the Windows or Microsoft 365 version. For more information, see Runtimes.

What browser does Outlook web use for addins on mac?

Does anyone know which browser Outlook-web uses for addins on a mac?
background: I am developing an addin for outlook web on a mac and I'm making use of a bootstrap collapsable panel. I also have two icons that I want to have to the left and right of the title, however, the anchor tag used to expand / collapse the panel is forcing a line break. I am wondering if this issue is something in my css or a browser issue since setting display: inline on the anchor tag does nothing.
According to MS documentation Webkit rendering engine is used, which is nothing but the Safari browser (with limited functionality) is used.
According to Microsoft
Any browser that supports ECMAScript 5.1, HTML5, and CSS3, such as
Internet Explorer 11 or later, or the latest version of Microsoft
Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (Mac OS).

CRM 2011 and 2013 open in mobile mode on IE 11

I just got updated to IE 11 and when I log on to CRM 2013 it takes me to the mobile version of the application. Same with 2013.
Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas on how to fix this other than changing the browser mode?
A quick fix around this is to add /main.aspx in the end of URL.
eg. your CRM URL would be http://xyz:5555/orgname then just append to it http://xyz:5555/orgname/main.aspx and you should be able to access CRM normally.
Internet Explorer 11 isn't currently supported by CRM 2011, you can add the site to the Compatibility View Settings to resolve the issue.
Internet Explorer 11 is supported by CRM 2011 from Update Rollup 17
Internet Explorer 11 is supported by CRM 2013 from Update Rollup 2
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Compatibility List
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Compatibility List
Okay, after doing some digging, I was able to locate this which looks like it has a very promising workaround that DOESN'T need to be applied on each indvidual machine, but rather is done at the IIS level via URL rewriting.
Note: this will only work on an onsite deployment - unfortunately there's still not a solid workaround for an online deployment short of what was already pointed out.
CU17 on CRM2011 and CU2 on CRM2013 now solve this issue as well.
Navigate to the website that isn't displaying properly.
In Internet Explorer (desktop), tap and hold on the bar at the top (or right click).
Tap on "Menu bar" so it's highlighted and there is a tick by it. A menu with File, Edit, View, Favourites, Tools and Help should appear.
Go to tools and open "Compatibility View Settings". "Add this website" should have the domain of the site you've visited already filled, so click "Add".
Close the windows then refresh the website that wasn't displaying properly. It should hopefully now display as it should.

Opening app from different android Browser

Till now I have been using the default browser with my Samsung Galaxy S2. When Browsing if I found and clicked on a link that was from Wikipedia or IMDB for instance it would ask and give the choice if I wanted to open them in the "Internet" Browser or the installed IMDB/Wikipedia App. I have since tried other Browser Apps. (Firefox, Dolphin, Skyfire, Opera etc) and none of these appear to pop up with the option to open them in an app. They go straight to the website. The only app I have found that does offer the choice is Chrome, but it seems to crash a bit too often. Am just wondering if I am missing something in the the other browsers I have looked at. I like Dolphin and Firefox, but would like to see them offer the option to open sites in installed apps. Is there options to get them to do this? Thanks!
It is because those browsers (Firefox, Dolphin, Skyfire, Opera) you have tested at the end of 2012 don't support or have problems with calling external intents.
Here is the issue about implementation that feature on Firefox.
Related information - how to use intent filters to open external Android app from browser.

How to test my application on older version of IE?

I have installed IE8 on my system. I usually test my application on this browser, but the problem arises when i got to know that the client is using IE7. Now how can i test my application on IE7?
One possible solution is to have dual booting on my system. So on version of Windows i can have IE7 and on another i can have IE8. But i really don't want to use this solution.
Another possible solution is to use PC Emulator [ Don't know what is this, just heard about these ]. Using which i can have multiple IE version simultaneously. Have you ever tried this solution? Please name any good FREE emulator.
Please let me know if there is any other better solution.
you can use
and here can you see all browser versions as picture
I got the solution. :)
In IE8, click on Tools > Developer Tools | or press F12
Then in developer Tools > select the browser mode [ available: IE7, IE8, IE8 with compatibility view ]
This is what i was expecting. :)
Microsoft provides a free set of Windows Virtual PC images for testing various versions of IE on various Windows service packs.
Virtual PC is also free.
Have you ever seen Microsoft Expression Web tool? It contains kick-ass tool for testing pages in various versions of IE - SuperPreview. And this tool also available free, you can download it here.
It's much more easy to use it instead of Virtual PC images. But it can't replace VPC completely because testing in clear environment is also very important.
This is a quick and easy web service solution, good for quick testing.
For those who are still looking for an answer here's a Chrome extension
It has over 6 millions users, and it claims:
Top 10 Chrome extension since 2009!
IE Tab exactly emulates IE by using the IE rendering engine directly
within Chrome. This will enable you to use ActiveX controls and test
your web pages with different versions of IE (IE6, IE7, IE8, or IE9).
Create a list of URLs that will automatically open in IE Tab
Group Policy support for enterprise deployments
Securely use the old IE rendering engine
Edit Sharepoint documents instead of opening read-only
Use Java, Silverlight, and ActiveX in Chrome seamlessly
You can also look at Adobe BrowserLab:
Microsoft has launched Modern.IE to help with this. Go here to download a test image for your preferred OS and visualization software.
