Local debugging azure emulator - azure

Windows 7, VS2012-Update1, x64.
If i start e new MVC-project, and add the Azure project to it. I can't debug it locally in the azure emulator.
The error:
Operation taking longer than expected
A 64-bit debugging operation is
taking longer than expected. This may be caused by incompatibilities
with 3rd party networking softwar. See help for troubleshooting these issues.
When i Terminate that message (twice):
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
There was en error attaching the debugger t the role intances
'deployment18(18).mvctest.Azure.Website_IN_0' with prces Id:'8752'.
Unable to attach. The Microsoft Visual Studio remote debugging monitor
has been closed on the remote machine.
The first message, I already found that if you change your website target to x86 that this can solve the problem. (this solved a problem for debugging unit-tests)
But if I change it to x86, the nex message pops up:
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
Cannot start debugging. The role was built for a platform incompatible with the windows azure compute emulator. On this system the compute emulator supports anyCPU and x64.
If i start without debugging (not x86), the windows emulator starts, and the website opens.
Is there a solution to solve this that we can debug x64 websites on the azure emulator?
Problem solved:
The issue was, that oour normal account didnt had admin privileges, and that we had to use an other admin user his credentials to run it in admin mode.
If i logged on with that admin user and started everything, that user couldn't also load the azure emulator.
Every co-developer had the same issue.
But when the normal account had back the admin privileges, the emulator started normally.
So i assume that there was something missing for those admin account (what i don't know)

Ensure that the remote debugging service and the machine debug manager (for x64) are properly installed and running (services in Automatic, especially not disabled).
You can also try to download and reinstall the remote debugging tools following instructions here
Even if it is on the same machine, chances are that debugging for the emulator goes through the remote debugging path

Been googleing this for a while now and it looks like the problem is connected to network drivers installed on windows. Do you have a VPN installed? Uninstall it and try again.
Otherwise it could be some of the network card drivers. Same here, uninstall and try again.
Some people have solved this by upgrading visual studio.


Error running app on Windows Phone 8.1 emulator - A dependent dll was not found

I have universal project targeting Windows Store 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 platform.
The windows one works fine but I having trouble running the WP one on an emulator. I get the error message saying:
Microsoft Visual Studio Unable to activate Windows Store app
'numbers-here!App'. The Kiss.WindowsPhone.exe process started, but the
activation request failed with error 'Msg in polish that the app did
not start'.
If this was Windows I would check System Event Log and see the logs just before the error what DLL the system was trying to load and that helped a lot when I was debugging similar problem with Windows Store project, here I have no clue on how to check what exactly was being loaded.
The worst part is that I created package (appx) and checked the dll's being packed with exe, it seems that it includes dependencies that the app explicility uses yet something is still missing and this might be some 'hidden' dependency of one of the other dlls.
Any ideas how to debug such issues with emulator?
For me it was due to having WIC code in my App and/or calling CoCreateInstance in a windows phone environment ( on PC it works flawlessly though )
I ran into the same problem on Windows 10. Turns out, that there is no Kernel32.dll on Windows 10 phone!
Instead you need to link against OneCore.lib which provides the entire Win32 API subset that is supported in UWP. This "umbrella library" will load the correct dlls at runtime.
See also:

Windows phone 8.0 error 0x89371B01 when trying to deploy app

I cant find information on this error anywhere. I am connecting to a brand new lumia icon (AKA lumia 929). Dev account is registered. I have attempted:
reinstalling windows phone SDK
restarting phone
restarting computer
ensured the app runs on the emulators properly. the only required capability of this app is network. Capabilities have not been changed from the defaults since the project was created. none of the manifest xml files have been touched.
ensured phone software version is up to date
ensured apphub account is valid and active
ensured the windows phone developer registration tool worked, unregistered and re-registered the phone to make sure
restarting the "ip over usb" windows service thingy
changing the platform built target to ARM or AnyCpu (no difference, same error)
tried alternate deployment methods such as windows phone power tools (the xap deploy) and I get the same error when trying to connect (so I know it's not an issue with visual studio, nor is it an issue with the app code)
I can successfully deploy separate code to a separate WP7 device (so I know it's not an issue with the computer)
tried multiple usb ports
tried two separate laptops
tried visual studio 2013 and 2012
The behavior is this:
Connect the phone via usb and unlock it
Attempt to connect to phone via windows phone power tools OR deploy an app via visual studio
System hangs for about 90 seconds and seems to time out
Error appears
I am able to view the phone contents, name it and explore it on my laptop, but when it comes time to deploy something I am stuck.
Error message is simply: 0x89371B01
What does that mean? Has anyone else run into this?
Have you checked the device drivers on your Windows 8.1 machine? It could be a driver issue with your USB drivers on the computer.
I have also found that, once you get it connected, going into the Device Manager and deleting the device from there and forcing it to reload has helped me in the past.
Out of curiosity, try running "sfc /scannow" at a command prompt on the PC. It may require admin elevation. I've seen some bizarre behaviors due to dll problems in sxs in win 8.1, wondering if this could be caused by that kind of thing.
Couple of things to try:
Have you installed the GDR3 Emulators and tried running it on the 1080p emulator? It looks like the 929 is a 1920x1080 phone and will have the latest the latest updates installed. First place to check.
Based on this feedback in another stackoverflow question it looks like someone was having a similar issue and disabling Hyper-V resolved it for him. If you disable Hyper-V and it works, try re-enabling it and see if you still have the issue.
jmshapland had the correct answer for me, with the same issue. Disabling Hyper-V did the trick! No thanks to microsoft phone dev center forum posting on the issue..
Looks like I'll be disabling Hyper-V to test on my device, and re-enabling to work in emulator mode:
dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All
OK I was able to come up with a repeatable solution for the issue. Im HOPING that by posting this I dont tempt fate and have the phone not work again!
Here are the steps I did to resolve it (not sure if all of them are necessary):
On phone, disable wireless
Connect phone to laptop
Open device manager and click to show ALL HIDDEN DEVICES (including hidden devices is important)
Uninstall ALL phone-related devices (one in portable devices, several in USB
devices) anything that mentions lumia must go
Disconnect/reboot phone
Reboot laptop (there seems to be a process keeping the port open)
I had connectivity, then I lost it, then I re-gained it using these steps and it seems to be reliable for me (so far)

Windows store app deployment error

I just downloaded and installed Visual studio on my computer (windows 8.1) to start building windows 8 apps. The problem is when I try to run any application this error message shows up (the application from this error message is called Parcels.comStarter):
Error 1 Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. Deployment
Register operation on Package
failed with error 0x8E5E0530. See
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235160 for help diagnosing app
deployment issues. (0x80073cf9) Parcels.com
I searched the entire internet but I didn't found a solution. I also did reinstall visual studio and I still have the problem.
Thanks in advance
Open the Services management console (services.msc) and stop the Windows Installer service.
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\ and rename PackageRepository.edb to PackageRepository.edb.backup.
Back in the management console, restart the Windows Installer service.
Now run Visual Studio as an administrator and open your project.
I was having this exact same problem, and the solution for me was to unlink my Windows account from my Microsoft account.
There are a couple of things to try.
Run WSReset (press [Win] then type wsreset)
Delete the metastore and remotemetastore folder here: C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync where %userprofile% is your username. (I suggest just renaming them to metastore.old and remotemetastore.old)
Make sure that there are no staged packages for the app in question.
If you re-deployed an app that was already installed by some other user, then you would get a deployment error. This should wear off if you change the identity in your package.appxmanifest fie.
You should try an OS refresh. You should not lose your apps and settings.
After that re-link your windows account to microsoft account.
If that doesnt work...The problem may be that visual studio is not able to delete the application data in local folder. So when you go in the location C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages you will find application data of app installed in your computer, now you need to find your app's application data and delete the folder. The folder name is the same as the package family name which you can see in your solution.
now again open the solution and rebuild and your app will run. (hopefully)
close visual studio and simulator before deleting the folder.
make sure that your account is set as administrator.
I had the same problem with visual studio running under Parallels VM. The solution was to copy the project from a cloud based directory to a local directory.

Hyper V security permission error with Windows Phone 8 emulator

I'm having trouble when booting up the Windows Phone 8 emulator. I'm seeing the following message
I followed the guide on the Windows Phone Emulator troubleshooting site (it's halfway down the page) and it doesn't work. I have administrator access to my computer. I do not see a Local Hyper-V administrators group in the Console Manager. Any ideas?
EDIT: To clarify, I can fire up the emulator, it's just that this pop-up comes up every time requesting me to add myself to the local hyper-v security group.
I Just Open visual studio as "Run as Administrator". and it resolved my problem.
I had the similar problem -
this solved it -

Debugging Azure: window popup says The web browser can not be started

I have a web application asp.net to deploy to Windows Azure. This application contains one web role. I try to run it on local first. But when debugging, I catch this error from VS2010: "Window Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio
The Web Browser can not be started. To resolve this problem, you must restart Windows."
I have restarted windows several times, but there was no luck.![enter image description here][1]
I've search so hard to find the solution for this problem but there's nothing seems work for me. I'm a newbie in Windows Azure, it's really a big trouble with me. Please help me! Thanks a lot. Best Regards.
There could be two problems:
Problem with your IIS settings: It is possible that there is a problem with your IIS in your machine which could not be restarted when VS2010, wants to run it.
To verify it what you can do it launch your Web Role using "View in Browser" setting and see if your Web Role can run in IIS, you will see the web role started in a URL as http:\localhost:XXXXX and that would be the first step to resolved.
Problem will your Windows Azure SDK which could not launch the WebBrowser to run in IIS
If you don't have problem in this step #1, then it is possible that Windows Azure SDK has some problem trying to start your IIS from external process and this could be caused by corrupted SDK installation or any other reason.
If that is the case try:
remove all Windows Azure SDK components from your machine.
Restart the machine, Install Azure SDK from here for VS2010
After SDK install, restart the VS2010 in admin mode and try created a hello world webrole and see what happens.
