JSF collapsibleSubTableToggler gives error - jsf

This is about JSF 1.3. I have a requirement of collapsible/expandable datatable and I tried the solution using <rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler> which I found in this site:
This is exactly as I wanted and it gives an error given below in run time
Error Rendering View[/pages/wxyz/xyzzz.xhtml
<rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler> Tag Library supports namespace: http://richfaces.org/rich, but no tag was defined for name: collapsibleSubTableToggler
Can anybody suggest me a solution or an alternative?

The http://showcase.richfaces.org site showcases RichFaces 4.0. Your error message indicates that you're using RichFaces 3.x. You should then not be looking at the showcase for RichFaces 4.0, but at the showcase for RichFaces 3.3 http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/actionparam.jsf
In order to use the rich:collapsibleSubTableToggler, upgrade to JSF 2.x / RichFaces 4.0.
By the way, JSF 1.3 doesn't exist. Perhaps you meant to say JSF 1.2.


Can Bootsfaces be used with Richfaces?

I have a web application with the following:
JSF 2.2.6
Java 1.7
Tomcat 8
Richfaces 4.5.7
Omnifaces 2.2
I would like to enhance the look and feel of the web app to use Bootsfaces. I have added Bootsfaces jar to my project (via .ivy) and rebuilt.
Before even updating the first web page to use Bootsfaces in the project I wanted to see if there were any conflicts after adding the Bootsfaces jar. It seems there is. I am getting the following errors shown in Firebug:
ReferenceError: jsf is not defined
TypeError: RichFaces.ui is undefined
Does anyone know whether Bootsfaces works with Richfaces and if so could they kindly provide a link with migration steps to follow?
Currently, we, the BootsFaces team, do not support RichFaces. We strive for compatibility with PrimeFaces, OmniFaces, AngularFaces and - if possible - ButterFaces. Neither RichFaces nor ICEFaces are on our list.
However, if someone were to join our team in order to support RichFaces, they'd certainly be welcome!

Tag Library supports namespace: https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax, but no tag was defined for name: support

When I tried to add <a4j:support> tag to JSF 2.0, I got the following error
Tag Library supports namespace: https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax, but no tag was defined for name: support
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The namespace URI https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/ajax is recognizable as the one from Ajax4jsf 1.x which existed in the prehistory, long before Ajax4jsf was acquired by RichFaces 3.x at 2006. Ajax4jsf 1.x is an ancient tag library which was targeted at JSF 1.1 on JSP, long before JSF 2.0 was introduced with builtin ajax functionality.
Even more, currently with JSF 2.0, JSP is deprecated and succeeded by Facelets (which a lot of starters overgeneralize as "XHTML"). JSP targeted tag libraries like Ajax4jsf 1.x are not compatible with Facelets. You basically need a JSF 2.0 compatible tag library instead. If you're looking for Ajax4jsf functionality, then you should be looking for RichFaces 4.x. Note that <a4j:support> has since RichFaces 4.x been renamed to <a4j:ajax> to be in line with JSF 2.0 standard <f:ajax>.
However, as said, JSF 2.0 thus already offers builtin ajax functionality in flavor of <f:ajax>. Given that you're attempting to use Ajax4jsf 1.x on JSF 2.0, you were perhaps reading a hopelessly outdated JSF book/tutorial/resource. I strongly recommend to put that aside and look for a more recent one, preferably not older than 2010 if you want a JSF 2.0 targeted one. You can find several sane tutorials linked somewhere in the bottom of our JSF wiki page.
Good luck.

How to upload file in RichFaces 4?

I need to make a file upload function in JSF 2 so I was searching about it and found it is possible to do with Tomahawk, which I think is not very stable with JSF 2.
I'm using RichFaces, so I look for it and found this which I think more simple, but I'm using richfaces 4.
So I wonder if there's a way to do this with richfaces 4 or do this with JSF 2 only.
Any idea, suggestion ?
You're looking at RichFaces 3.3.x demo site. You need to look at RichFaces 4.x demo site. The <rich:fileUpload> demo page contains a concrete example with source code.
To do it with pure JSF2, you'd need to create a custom component and parse the multipart/form-data requests yourself. There's a blog about this with complete and concrete examples: Uploading files with JSF 2.0 and Servlet 3.0.
Using Tomahawk is only more easy. I'm not sure why you think that it's not very stable.

A good extension to JSF that adheres to JSF2.0?

I have been looking for a JSF extension (Richfaces, IceFaces, and more) but all seem to be according to JSF1.x and ones for JSF2.0 are still alpha or in development and most of the documentation assumes you're using JSF1.2.
Is there any production well known extension available?
RichFaces 3.3.3 is compatible with JSF 2.0. It has however no full JSF 2.0 integration yet.
PrimeFaces 2.0 is already JSF 2.0 ready for months, it was the first to do so.
My opinion would be biased if I say PrimeFaces I guess :) So for real life experiences please see: http://www.primefaces.org/whyprimefaces.html

How get Tomahawk functionality with JSF 2.0 (Glassfish V3)

I've started to upgrade an existing application written with JSF 1.1 and MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1 to JSF 2.0 to get facelets etc.
I've now run into the snag that apparently Tomahawk is not JSF 2.0 compatible as it expects the stand-alone version of Facelets instead of the built-in to JSF 2.0 with the following error:
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: CONFIGURATION FAILED! com.sun.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentHandler
(it appears to be placed in javax.faces.view.facelets now).
I have looked around and there doesn't seem to be a JSF 2.0 facelet compatible version of Tomahawk. I only believe I need t:updateActionListener (inside t:dataTable) and the rowSpan facility of t:panelGroup. Is all this functionality available in JSF 2.0 directly, or must I locate a new library giving this?
Any suggestions?
The t:updateActionListener is covered by the JSF 1.2 f:setPropertyActionListener.
For rowspans (and colspans) there's unfortunately still no functionality in the standard JSF implementation. However, since JSF 1.2 you're allowed to write down "plain vanilla" HTML in the view without any pains (no hassle with f:verbatim and so on). You can make use of the Facelets' ui:repeat to iterate "plain" over a collection. Since JSF 2.0 you can even create composite components (templatebased components). This must enable you to make use of the HTML rowspans/colspans.
