Unable to install vsftpd on centos 6 [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm having trouble with installing vsftpd on centos 6. When I enter the command
yum install vsftpd
I get the following:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirror.widexs.nl
* extras: mirror.serverbeheren.nl
* updates: mirror.serverbeheren.nl
Setting up Install Process
No package vsftpd available.
Error: Nothing to do
And I don't know how to fix this. Does anyone have an idea? Should I add another repo and if so, how should I do this? I'm quite new to centos, I've been used to Ubuntu where I could just use apt-get to install most things.
Thanks in advance!

Install Repository
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm
Install vsftpd
yum install vsftpd

hmm strange, yum is missing some repository where vsftpd is located. You still can download it manually:
and install it through rpm command, or add repository(not sure which one) to your yum


rpm command not working on centOS 7? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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rpm command was working but suddenly it stopped working. When I try install it by command:
sudo yum install rpm
It is saying:
[admin#localhost rabitmqSample]$ sudo yum install rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: repo.inara.pk
* epel: epel.scopesky.iq
* extras: repo.inara.pk
* updates: repo.inara.pk
* webtatic: us-east.repo.webtatic.com
Package rpm-4.11.3-25.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
[admin#localhost rabitmqSample]$ rmp https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang/riak/FLAVOUR_1_main/riak_2.2.3-1~centos~7_amd64.rpm
bash: rmp: command not found...
Similar command is: 'rpm'
Any solution what is wrong ?
I have run already update command...
This question is related dependencies for a programming development purpose. I am developing something in php and going to use RabitMQ for messaging services.
you can try sudo yum install rpm-link like:
sudo yum install https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang/riak/FLAVOUR_1_main/riak_2.2.3-1~centos~7_amd64.rpm

how to install yum package on linux RHEL 4? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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when i run root#localhost# yum install package_name command on linux terminal it gives:
bash: yum: command not found
because i don't have yello update and modifier package install on my linux . for that i mount my linux iso disc.and write command
root#localhost# cd /meida/RHEL_4/i386/ Disk/ 1/
root#localhost RHEL_4 i386 Disk 1# ls
but there is no package directory. and i didn't find any http url form downloading(wget) yum.x.x.x.rpm. i have linux RHEL 4 AS version installed. plz help
Yum is not compatible with RHEL 4 (FOR RHN Stuff). They don't officially ship yum with rhel4 instead use legacy 'up2date' utility. up2date is similar to yum but far less featured package management utility but good in dependency resolution. It resolves the packages dependencies in same way, yum do.
Anyway, You can get the rpm package here, http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel...oview/yum.html. Just download it and install using rpm -ivh command. don't expect, yum will download the packages from RHN. to sync with rhn you still have to use up2date.

How to install yum in Red Hat 3.4.6-3 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to use the yum command in Red Hat 3.4.6-3. How can I install it?
Download the yum version of your choice: wget http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/download/2.0/yum-2.0.7.tar.gz
Untar the package: tar xvzf yum-2.0.7.tar.gz
change directory into the newly expanded folder: cd yum-2.0.7
run the configuration file: ./configure
make configuration: make
make installation: make install
download yum-2.4.2-0.4.el4.rf.noarch.rpm and install using rpm -ivh yum-2.4.2-0.4.el4.rf.noarch.rpm

update package in debian [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i have tshark installed in my debian linux which has version of 1.2.11. I want to update it to 1.8.0-1. I am trying it updated using
apt-get update
But, it still the latest version is not installed. Is this the way to update a package?
apt-get update (as sudo)
apt-get dist-upgrade
Hope this help.
apt-get update
only updates the list with available packages.
You need to run
apt-get upgrade
after "apt-get update" to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system.
See the man page for apt-get (you can also view it online e.g. http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get)

What package includes AB the Apache Server Benchmarking Tool in Ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to find ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool for Ubuntu, I'm hoping there's a package I can install for it. I decided I need to do some simple load testing on my applications.
% sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
The command-not-found package in Ubuntu provides some slick functionality where if you type a command that can't be resolved to an executable (or bash function or whatever) it will query your apt sources and find a package that contains the binary you tried to execute. So, in this case, I typed ab at the command prompt:
% ab
The program 'ab' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
bash: ab: command not found
Another way to search for missing files, e.g. if you use zsh, want to disable command-not-found (slows things down when you misstype commandnames), or are looking for a file that is not an executable:
$ sudo aptitude install apt-file
$ sudo apt-file update
$ apt-file search bin/ab
