Cygwin not installing packages properly? - cygwin

I installed wget and unzip using the setup.exe but it doesn't seem to be installed, instead i get 'command not found'. The cygwin/bin folder doesn't have both wget or unzip. I tried different mirrors to download, I guess that's not the issue.
Any help appreciated.

Thanks for the comments, I did everything correctly except when I ran the setup.exe, by default 'Download without installing' was selected. Switched to 'Install' option and its working.


Shopify's 'slate' package not running after installation

I just installed Shopify's 'Slate' package using npm.
Terminal shows that the package was added to '/.npm-packages/lib'.
However, when I attempt to build a new shopify theme using the command 'slate theme newthemename', the command isn't found...
...even though slate clearly was installed.
Curious to figure out what I'm doing wrong, so any help/advice is much appreciated!
Please execute the below command from your terminal.
npm link #shopify/slate
Basically this command creates a symlink to your package folder, it will check for the global (npm) modules first, and will check for the local modules if there is no match.
Hope this helps!
Your installation of slate is successful. However, the slate program (slate/lib/index.js) is not added to environment variable PATH, that's why error command not found is reported.
To fix this issue, a simple method is add slate/lib/index.js to PATH manually. For example, create a symbolic link in /usr/local/bin/ and make it point to slate/lib/index.js:
sudo ln -s /<absolute_path>/#shopify/slate/lib/index.js /usr/local/bin/slate
Please note the first parameter of ln -s must be absolute path. If relative path is used, Mac OS X (I'm on 10.12.6) won't help to translate it.

Python3.5 installation fails: cannot open

I'm trying to install Python 3.5.2 on CentOS 7. The build appears to succeed, but executing python3 elicits
python3: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I checked this question as the only link that appeared to help. ldd does show the file as missing, and it does not seem to exist anywhere, although /usr/lib/ exists.
By any chance, is /usr/lib/ the correct file? I have no problem making a link, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot if it's wrong. I also wonder whether there are related layers of yak fur waiting for me. Perhaps I need to make clean and rebuild with other options?
Much along the same lines as the quoted question, I still need to repair LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The global solution is at least a workaround:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/
The problem was mostly in locating the wayward file.
You should make it by ./configure --enable-shared
make && make install
after that,
vim /etc/ && and add a new line
try /sbin/ldconfig
hope it works !

Broken dependencies

I deleted contents of /opt , and now, spotify and google chrome won't work because I deleted their dirs. If I try to remove them, fix them, upgrade them or anything, I get this:
xdg-icon-resource: size argument must be numeric
Try 'xdg-icon-resource --help' for more information.
enter code heredpkg: error processing package google-chrome-stable (--remove):
subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error status 1
xdg-icon-resource: size argument must be numeric
Try 'xdg-icon-resource --help' for more information.
A part of this is translated, but only a small part.
I have tested this on my machine by deleting my /opt folder and then reviving google-chrome. So i know it works. Kindly follow the following steps in order to revive your google-chrome:
Download the google chrome debian file from this link according to your OS.
After downloading it open a terminal windows in the location of the debian file and run the following command to re-install google-chrome
sudo dpkg -i yourgooglechromedebianfile.deb
Your google-chrome is up and running again. :)

Package Control in Sublime3 not working?

Note: I´ve searched for sublime here at the forum first, in order to post a question, because I wasn´t sure if this question was adequate for this specific forum and wanted to compare it with other posts. If it shouldn´t be here, please tell me so, and I´ll gladly close it here and open it in any other stackoverflow´s forum. Thanks.
I´ve just installed sublime3. After that I´ve installed package control.
But even when I try and install some packages using package control not all packages get installed, even when I get the "successfully installed" message at the bottom of the window.
To install a new package I go to preferences/package control/install package, and after getting the "successfully installed message" I go to /list packages and it´s not there.
I realised that maybe that´s because some packages are not compatible with sublime 3 (even there it shouldn´t be the successfully installed message there).
So, I´ve tried the latest sublime3 version of emmet, but it seems that´s not working (I´ve tried some shortcuts without any success). So I´ve watched Chris Coyer screencast to check out if I´ve missed something, but it still won´t work.
I´ve tried installing it manually: I´ve went to C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages (I´ve installed the x64 package, but for some reason it´s not installed into \Program Files (x86)).
And then I copy/paste the unzipped folders of /emmet-sublime-master and /PyV8 (I´ve tried naming the folder just emmet).
And still, it won´t work. This kinda happened to me with a lot of packages, I´ve installes several of them, and when I go to preferences/package control/list packages, I get only 3 of them.
I came across this issue as well. This thread ( directed me to delete the entry for Package Control under "Ignored Packages" in my User Settings File. Once that was deleted, I restarted, and it worked as expected.
In SublimeText go to Preferences -> Settings. In the opened file Preferences.sublime-settings remove Package Control from ignored_packages list (see below). Save the file and restart Sublime.
"font_size": 11,
"Package Control" <---- REMOVE
For me, Package Control was already removed from ignored_packages, so that didn’t help. But the Sublime Text console held messages which indicated the problem. (Press Ctrl+` to open the console.)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/merged-ca-bundle.crt'
And changing ownership on the Package Control directory allowed me to use Package Control again:
chown -R myuser:myuser '/home/myuser/.config/sublime-text-3/Cache/Package Control/'
For me, after try to remove and reinstall the Sublime and verified the ignored_packages, I installed python and restart the sublime. So it worked.
In Terminal:
sudo apt install python python3
I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

Taglist: Exuberant ctags not found in PATH

This morning, I started getting that message when I attempt to open a file in Vim. Vim is my editor of choice for config files, git commit messages and the like, but is not my day to day code editor. I clearly did something to invite this message, but I have no idea what. I did recently uninstall an older version of XCode from /Developer-3.2.6, but that's the only thing that comes to mind that seems even tangentially related.
I'm running OSX Lion. Is Excuberant ctags part of the base install? I know I didn't install it intentionally, but if it's not native, then maybe it came along with something else? Any ideas about how to either get the plugin back or remove references to it so I don't get the warning message?
For Ubuntu and derivatives:
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
With yum:
sudo yum install ctags-etags
FWIW I had the same error message on Ubuntu, I simply installed ctags and everything hunky dory. Thanks :)
That looks a lot like the message the taglist plugin emits when it can't find a ctags program. If you run :scriptnames, do you see plugin/taglist.vim in the list of sourced files? If you do, then you'll probably want to remove that and doc/taglist.txt under the same directory structure.
If you are using Gvim in a Windows system, you should download a ctag Windows program (that is ctag.exe) and put the ctag.exe in the vim74 file dir, then reboot Gvim, and it will find it and use it! I hope this is helpful.
Take a look at this:
Thanks, guys. I ended up reinstalling XCode and it looks like the problem has gone away. I have no idea how I got it into whatever state it was in, but it's back now and everything looks to be back to normal.
I encountered the same issue after upgrading to Mountain Lion. I fixed it by reinstalling the CLI tools from XCode preferences > Downloads. I had the CLI tools installed before upgrading. Not sure what happened, but it works now.
I encountered this issue on a host, but I didn't have permission to install any packages.
But i did find out the gctags was present on that system.
I created a softlink for the gctags binary in a location that was included in my PATH environment variable.
$ln -s /usr/bin/gctags ~/bin/ctags**
You can do the same if you find etags binary in your system, and have no way to install any packages.
