Rename the 'makefile' build.exe expects to something that won't clash? - nmake

In the DDK/WDK the build.exe expects certain files in a folder. As soon as you give a sources file, you are also expected to have a makefile in the same folder. Obviously this name clashes with all kinds of make variants in a mixed source tree that is built on various platforms and tool chains.
Is there a way to name it something else, such as makefile.ddk and have nmake.exe (the backend to build.exe for this step) pick up on that other name?
I'm not afraid to script things, but I would prefer if I could pass an option to build.exe, e.g. via the /nmake args switch. I am using a range of DDKs/WDKs from the 2003 Server IFS Kit to the latest Windows 7 and 8 WDKs.

The /nmake option will do the job. I just tested this and it works:
build /nmake "/f makefile.ddk"
The quotes are necessary.


Is there a vscode snippet path variable that works in Windows and Linux?

I want to write a pester test, that works both on Linux and on Windows. The test creates vscode snippets, and I want to be sure it creates them in the correct place.
I want to make my test as generic as possible, and test automatically at the right place according the OS.
I know on Windows I could use $env:AppDAta but that variable doesn't exists on linux.
what could I use instead, which would work on both platforms.
You cannot rely on environment variables across platforms, but .NET Core does make known / special folders available in a cross-platform manner via its [Environment]::GetFolderPath() method.
Not all locations defined there in the abstract are available on all platforms, but ApplicationData is:
For username jdoe, the above yields the following paths:
Windows: C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Roaming (equivalent of: $env:APPDATA)
Linux: /home/jdoe/.config (equivalent of: $HOME/.config)
macOS: /Users/jdoe/.config (equivalent of: $HOME/.config)
Also note this proposal on GitHub, which suggests exposing these folders in a more PowerShell-idiomatic way via a new namespace $sf: (for special folder), so that $sf:ApplicationData would be the equivalent of the above command.
If you'd like to see that implemented, make your voice heard there. Even a simple "thumbs up" helps.

Passing params from the build system to buildbot

I'd like to share how I implemented a solution to a problem I had, to get some feedback and maybe learn some new feature of buildbot.
Create a package of a given software, and upload the package to the buildmaster into a shared folder.
The package name contains some data that are known to the build system (i.e. Makefiles) specifically the sw version. Let's assume the package name is:
How do I send to the buildslave steps the required to build up the very same package name, so that the buildslave can upload the package?
Specifically I need to know the version number (but I guess this could be any param)
Implemented (and working) solution:
The makefile, once the compilation process is completed, writes a file with the required param.
The slave uses the SetProperty() step to read the content of the file into a custom named property
Once I have the value of interest in the property (let's say APP_VERSION) I use it to build the package name with the same pattern used by the build system.
The described solution works, but I do not really like it because:
1) it's complicated, hence, I guess, fragile
2) it is not OS independent (I use "echo $VAR > file" to write the file, and "cat file" to read it and set the buildslave Property)
Is there in your opinion a better way to solve this issue?
Do you have any suggestion to make the solution OS independent? (It will not work for sure on Windows, while my package shoudl be built on Windows OS too)

How to prevent scons from cleaning parent and sibling directories?

I'm working on implementing a build system using scons for a somewhat large software project. There is a directory structure which separates the code for individual libraries and programs into their own directories. With our existing make system, I can do a "make clean" in a single program directory and it will only clean the files associated with the source in that directory. If I do an "scons -c" though, it recognizes that the program depends on a slew of libraries that are in sibling (or cousin) directories and cleans all of the files for those as well. This is not what I want since I then have to rebuild all of these libraries which can take several minutes.
I have tried playing with the "NoClean()" command, but have not gotten it to work in the way I need. Given the size of the code base and complexity of the directory structure, I can't realistically have a NoClean() line for every file in every library.
Is there any way to tell scons to ignore any dependencies above the current directory when doing a clean (i.e. scons -c) ?
I'd love to have a good answer to this myself.
The only solution that I can offer for now is that you get Noclean working.
So in your library, you should have something like this
lib_objs = SharedObject(source_list)
mylib = SharedLibrary('libname', lib_objs)
So for this we want to protect the library and the sources from being cleaned.
NoClean([mylib, lib_objs])
Notice that I had to split the building of the object files from the library because I want to be able to pass them to NoClean as well.
Try using the target name when cleaning.
scons -c aTargetName
You can use the SCons Alias() function to simplify the target name and to also group several target names into one alias.
With this approach you'll have to add an alias in each appropriate subdir, which isn't necessarily a bad thing :)

can an RPM spec file "include" other files?

Is there a kind of "include" directive in RPM spec? I couldn't find an answer by googling.
Motivation: I have a RPM spec template which the build process modifies with the version, revision and other build-specific data. This is done by sed currently. I think it would be cleaner if the spec would #include a build-specific definitions file, which would be generated by the build process, so I don't need to search and replace in the spec.
If there is no include, is there an idiomatic way to do this (quite common, I believe) task?
Sufficiently recent versions of rpmbuild certainly do support %include:
Unfortunately, they aren't very smart about it -- there is no known set of directories, in which it will look for the requested files, for example. But it is there and variables are expanded, for example:
%include %{_topdir}/Common/
RPM does not support includes.
I have solved similar problems with either m4 macro processor or by just concatenating parts of spec (when the "include" was at the beginning).
If you only need to pass a few variables at build time, and not include several lines from another file, you can run
rpmbuild --define 'myvar SOMEVALUE' -bb myspec.spec
and you can use %myvar in the spec.
I faced this same issue recently. I wanted to define multiple sub-packages that were similar, but each varied just slightly (they were language-specific RPMs). I didn't want to repeat the same boiler-plate stuff for each sub-package.
Here's a generic version of what I did:
%define foo_spec() %{expand:%(cat '%{myloc}/main-foo.spec')}
%{foo_spec bar}
%{foo_spec baz}
%{foo_spec qux}
The use of %{expand} ensures that %(cat) is only executed a single time, when the macro is defined. The content of the main-foo.spec file is then three times, and each time %1 in the main-foo.spec file expands to each of bar, baz and qux, in turn, allowing me to treat it as a template. You could easily expand this to more than one parameter, if you have the need (I did not).
For the underlying issue, there maybe two additional solutions that are present in all rpm versions that I am aware of.
macro and rpmrc files.
Another alternative (and perhaps the "RPM way") is to use sub-packages. Maximum RPM also has information and examples of subpackages.
I think the question is trying to structure something like,
two spec files; say rpm_debug.spec and rpm_production.spec
both use %include common.spec
debug and production could also be client and server, etc. For the examples of redefining a variable, each subpackage can have it's own list of variables.
The main advantage of subpackages is that only one build takes place; This may also be a disadvantage. The debug and production example may highlight this. That can be worked around using strip to create variants or compiling twice with different output; perhaps using VPATH with Gnu Make). Having to compile large packages and then only have simple variations, like with/without developer info, like headers, static libraries, etc. can make you appreciate this approach.
Macros and Rpmrc
Subpackages don't solve the problem of structural defines that you wish for an entire rootfs hierarchy, or larger collection of RPMs. We have rpmbuild --showrc for this. You can have a large amount of variables and macros defined by altering rpmrc and macros when you run rpm and rpmbuild. From the man page,
rpmrc Configuration
Macro Configuration
I think these two features can solve all the problems that %include can. However, %include is a familiar concept and was probably added to make rpm more full-featured and developer friendly.
Which version are you talking about? I currently have %include filename.txt in my spec file and it seems to work just like the C #include directive.
> rpmbuild --version
RPM version 4.8.1
You can include the *.inc files from the SOURCES directory (%_sourcedir):
%include %{SOURCE1}
In this way they will go automatically into SRPMS.
I've used scripts (name your favorite) to take a template and create the spec file from that. Also, the %files tag can import a file that is created by another process, e.g. Python's bdist-rpm.

On GNU/Linux systems, Where should I load application data from?

In this instance I'm using c with autoconf, but the question applies elsewhere.
I have a glade xml file that is needed at runtime, and I have to tell the application where it is. I'm using autoconf to define a variable in my code that points to the "specified prefix directory"/app-name/glade. But that only begins to work once the application is installed. What if I want to run the program before that point? Is there a standard way to determine what paths should be checked for application data?
Thanks for the responses. To clarify, I don't need to know where the app data is installed (eg by searching in /usr,usr/local,etc etc), the configure script does that. The problem was more determining whether the app has been installed yet. I guess I'll just check in install location first, and if not then in "./src/".
I dont think there's any standard way on how to locate such data.
I'd personally do it in a way that i'd have a list of paths and i'd locate if i can find the file from anyone of those and the list should containt the DATADIR+APPNAME defined from autoconf and CURRENTDIRECTORY+POSSIBLE_PREFIX where prefix might be some folder from your build root.
But in any case, dont forget to use those defines from autoconf for your data files, those make your software easier to package (like deb/rpm)
There is no prescription how this should be done in general, but Debian packagers usually installs the application data somewhere in /usr/share, /usr/lib, et cetera. They may also patch the software to make it read from appropriate locations. You can see the Debian policy for more information.
I can however say a few words how I do it. First, I don't expect to find the file in a single directory; I first create a list of directories that I iterate through in my wrapper around fopen(). This is the order in which I believe the file reading should be done:
current directory (obviously)
$(datadir) is a variable you can use in Example:
AM_CPPFLAGS = $(ASSERT_FLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(SDLGFX_FLAGS) $(OPENGL_FLAGS) -DDESTDIRS=\"$(prefix):$(datadir)/:$(datadir)/program-name/\"
This of course depends on your output from configure and how your looks like.
So, just make a wrapper that will iterate through the locations and get the data from those dirs. Something like a PATH variable, except you implement the iteration.
After writing this post, I noticed I need to clean up our implementation in this project, but it can serve as a nice start. Take a look at our for using $(datadir) and our util.cpp and util.h for a simple wrapper (yatc_fopen()). We also have yatc_find_file() in case some third-party library is doing the fopen()ing, such as SDL_image or libxml2.
If the program is installed globally:
If you want the program to work without being installed (i.e. just extract a tarball), put it in the program's directory.
I don't think there is a standard way of placing files. I build it into the program, and I don't limit it to one location.
It depends on how much customising of the config file is going to be required.
I start by constructing a list of default directories and work through them until I find an instance of glade.xml and stop looking, or not find it and exit with an error. Good candidates for the default list are /etc, /usr/share/app-name, /usr/local/etc.
If the file is designed to be customizable, before I look through the default directories, I have a list of user files and paths and work through them. If it doesn't find one of the user versions, then I look in the list of default directories. Good candidates for the user config files are ~/.glade.xml or ~/.app-name/glade.xml or ~/.app-name/.glade.xml.
