Why does ServiceStack's New API promote an "object" return type rather than something more strongly typed? - servicestack

For example, if I have standard request and response DTOs, linked up via IReturn<T>, what are the reasons to have a service method signature like the following, as seen in various online examples (such as this one, although not consistently throughout):
public object Get(DTO.MyRequest request)
rather than:
public IList<DTO.MyResponse> Get(DTO.MyRequest request)
Is an object return type here simply to support service features like gzip compression of the output stream, which results in the output being a byte array? It seems that one would want to have the appropriate stronger return type from these so-called "action" calls, unless I'm missing some common scenario or use case.

It used to be a limitation that the New API only supported an object return type, but that hasn't been the case for a while where all examples on the New API wiki page now use strong-typed responses.
One of the reasons where you might want to return an object return type is if you want to decorate the response inside a HttpResult, e.g:
public object Post(Movie movie)
var isNew = movie.Id == null;
Db.Save(movie); //Inserts or Updates
var movie = new MovieResponse {
Movie = Db.Id<Movie>(newMovieId),
if (!isNew) return movie;
//Decorate the response if it was created
return new HttpResult(movie) {
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Created,
Headers = {
{ HttpHeaders.Location, Request.AbsoluteUri.CombineWith(movieId) }
It's also useful if you want to return different responses based on the request (though it's not something I recommend), e.g:
public object Get(FindMovies request)
if (request.Id != null)
return Db.Id<Movie>(movie.Id);
return Db.Select<Movie>();
If you do choose to return an object I highly recommend decorating your Request DTO with the IReturn<T> marker to give a hint to ServiceStack what the expected response of the service should be.


DDD : Business Logic which need infra layer access should be in application service layer, domain service or domain objects?

For an attribute which need to be validated, lets say for an entity we have country field as VO
This country field needs to be validated to be alpha-3 code as per some business logic required by domain expert.
*We need to persist this country data as it can have other values also and possible in future there can be addition, updating and deleting of the country persisted data.
This is just one example using country code which may rarely change, there can be other fields which needs to be validated from persistence like validating some quantity with wrt data in persistence and it won't be efficient to store them in memory or prefetching them all.
Another valid example can be user creation with unique and valid domain email check, which will need uniqueness check from persistence
Case 1.
Doing validation in application layer:
If we call repository countryRepo.getCountryByCountryAlpha3Code() in application layer and then if the value is correct and valid part of system we can then pass the createValidEntity() and if not then can throw the error directly in application layer use-case.
This validation will be repeated in multiple use-case if same validation need to be checked in other use-cases if its application layer concern
Here the business logic is now a part of application service layer
Case 2
Validating the country code in its value object class or domain service in Domain Layer
Doing this will keep business logic inside domain layer and also won't violate DRY principle.
import { ValueObject } from '#shared/core/domain/ValueObject';
import { Result } from '#shared/core/Result';
import { Utils } from '#shared/utils/Utils';
interface CountryAlpha3CodeProps {
value: string;
export class CountryAlpha3Code extends ValueObject<CountryAlpha3CodeProps> {
// Case Insensitive String. Only printable ASCII allowed. (Non-printable characters like: Carriage returns, Tabs, Line breaks, etc are not allowed)
get value(): string {
return this.props.value;
private constructor(props: CountryAlpha3CodeProps) {
public static create(value: string): Result<CountryAlpha3Code> {
return Result.ok<CountryAlpha3Code>(new CountryAlpha3Code({ value: value }));
Is it good to call the repository from inside domain layer (Service
or VO (not recommended) ) then dependency flow will change?
If we trigger event how to make it synchronous?
What are some better ways to solve this?
export default class UseCaseClass implements IUseCaseInterface {
constructor(private readonly _repo: IRepo, private readonly countryCodeRepo: ICountryCodeRepo) {}
async execute(request: dto): Promise<dtoResponse> {
const someOtherKeyorError = KeyEntity.create(request.someOtherDtoKey);
const countryOrError = CountryAlpha3Code.create(request.country);
const dtoResult = Result.combine([
someOtherKeyorError, countryOrError
if (dtoResult.isFailure) {
return left(Result.fail<void>(dtoResult.error)) as dtoResponse;
try {
// -> Here we are just calling the repo
const isValidCountryCode = await this.countryCodeRepo.getCountryCodeByAlpha2Code(countryOrError.getValue()); // return boolean value
if (!isValidCountryCode) {
return left(new ValidCountryCodeError.CountryCodeNotValid(countryOrError.getValue())) as dtoResponse;
const dataOrError = MyEntity.create({...request,
key: someOtherKeyorError.city.getValue(),
country: countryOrError.getValue(),
const commandResult = await this._repo.save(dataOrError.getValue());
return right(Result.ok<any>(commandResult));
} catch (err: any) {
return left(new AppError.UnexpectedError(err)) as dtoResponse;
In above application layer,
this part of code :
const isValidCountryCode = await this.countryCodeRepo.getCountryCodeByAlpha2Code(countryOrError.getValue()); // return boolean value
if (!isValidCountryCode) {
return left(new ValidCountryCodeError.CountryCodeNotValid(countryOrError.getValue())) as dtoResponse;
it it right to call the countryCodeRepo and fetch result or this part should be moved to domain service and then check the validity of the countryCode VO?
After exploring I found this article by Vladimir Khorikov which seems close to what I was looking, he is following
As per his thoughts some domain logic leakage is fine, but I feel it will still keep the value object validation in invalid state if some other use case call without knowing that persistence check is necessary for that particular VO/entity creation.
I am still confused for the right approach
In my opinion, the conversion from String to ValueObject does not belong to the Business Logic at all. The Business Logic has a public contract that is invoked from the outside (API layer or presentation layer maybe). The contract should already expect Value Objects, not raw strings. Therefore, whoever is calling the business logic has to figure out how to obtain those Value Objects.
Regarding the implementation of the Country Code value object, I would question if it is really necessary to load the country codes from the database. The list of country codes very rarely changes. The way I've solved this in the past is simply hardcoding the list of country codes inside the value object itself.
Sample code in pseudo-C#, but you should get the point:
public class CountryCode : ValueObject
// Static definitions to be used in code like:
// var myCountry = CountryCode.France;
public static readonly CountryCode France = new CountryCode("FRA");
public static readonly CountryCode China = new CountryCode("CHN");
public static AllCountries = new [] {
France, China, ...
public string ThreeLetterCode { get; }
private CountryCode(string threeLetterCountryCode)
ThreeLetterCode = threeLetterCountryCode;
public static CountryCode Parse(string code)
[...] handle nulls, empties, etc
var exists = AllCountries.FirstOrDefault(c=>c.ThreeLetterCode==code);
if(exists == null)
// throw error
return exists;
Following this approach, you can make a very useful and developer-friendly CountryCode value object. In my actual solution, I had both the 2 and 3-letter codes and display names in English only for logging purposes (for presentation purposes, the presentation layer can look up the translation based on the code).
If loading the country codes from the DB is valuable for your scenario, it's still very likely that the list changes very rarely, so you could for example load a static list in the value object itself at application start up and then refresh it periodically if the application runs for very long.

The performance issue of validating entity using value object

I have the following value object code which validates CustCode by some expensive database operations.
public class CustCode : ValueObject<CustCode>
private CustCode(string code) { Value = code; }
public static Result<CustCode> Create(string code)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
return Result.Failure<CustCode>("Code should not be empty");
// validate if the value is still valid against the database. Expensive and slow
if (!ValidateDB(code)) // Or web api calls
return Result.Failure<CustCode>("Database validation failed.");
return Result.Success<CustCode>(new CustCode(code));
public string Value { get; }
// other methods omitted ...
public class MyEntity
CustCode CustCode { get; }
It works fine when there is only one or a few entity instances with the type. However, it becomes very slow for method like GetAll() which returns a lot of entities with the type.
public async IAsyncEnumerable<MyEntity> GetAll()
string line;
using var sr = File.OpenText(_config.FileName);
while ((line = await sr.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
yield return new MyEntity(CustCode.Create(line).Value); // CustCode.Create called many times
Since data in the file was already validated before saving so it's actually not necessary to be validated again. Should another Create function which doesn't validate the value to be created? What's the DDD idiomatically way to do this?
I generally attempt not to have the domain call out to retrieve any additional data. Everything the domain needs to do its job should be passed in.
Since value objects represent immutable state it stands to reason that once it has managed to be created the values are fine. To this end perhaps the initial database validation can be performed in the integration/application "layer" and then the CustCode is created using only the value(s) provided.
Just wanted to add an additional point to #Eben Roux answer:
In many cases the validation result from a database query is dependent on when you run the query.
For example when you want to check if a phone number exists or if some product is in stock. The answers to those querys can change any second, and though are not suited to allow or prevent the creation of a value object.
You may create a "valid" object, that is (unknowingly) becoming invalid in the very next second (or the other way around). So why bother running an expensive validation, if the validation result is not reliable.

How to design API around dynamic endpoints?

I am designing an API wrapper based off of an existing wrapper for to interface with a third-party service.
There are two methods for public and private requests, and to determine which to use the API method checks to see if the endpoint is in either the public or private array of the methods object:
function api(method, params, callback) {
var methods = {
public: ['countrycodes', 'payment_methods/CA'],
private: ['ad-get', 'ad-get/ad_id', 'myself',
'dashboard', 'dashboard/released', 'dashboard/canceled', 'dashboard/closed',
'dashboard/released/buyer', 'dashboard/canceled/buyer', 'dashboard/closed/buyer',
'dashboard/released/seller', 'dashboard/canceled/seller', 'dashboard/closed/seller',
if(methods.public.indexOf(method) !== -1) {
return publicMethod(method, params, callback);
else if(methods.private.indexOf(method) !== -1) {
return privateMethod(method, params, callback);
The problem I am running into is that there are parameters that need to be added to the URL, for example you can see : 'payment_methods/CA'. If I added all the countries there would be 50.
Also, you can see with the 'dashboard/canceled/buyer' methods, this is not a very elegant design.
I have a couple ideas, but they are not very straightforward. What's a logical and elegant way to allow parameters to be added to the path but still check that the method is valid?

Prevent JavaScript/HTML Injection on "Request Entity" in ServiceStack

I am not sure if ServiceStack has a mechanism to prevent "JavaScript/HTML Injection" on Entities (Request Entities) properties.
Also as per my understanding entity's properties of type string is prone to JavaScript/HTML injection
If there is no in built mechanism please suggest me a better option.
One of the option which i see is use to validate may be using Fluent Validation or any other validating library
Use validation:
Yes you should be using Fluent Validation or another validation mechanism to sanitise all the values that are passed as a request to your ServiceStack service.
Why ServiceStack shouldn't sanitise for you:
ServiceStack won't do this for you, after all sending HTML and/or JavaScript in a request to the service may be perfectly legitimate, (i.e. where your service is a content manager for a blog), and it's wrong to assume the request is an injection attack.
ServiceStack isn't constricted to only being consumed by web applications, so it's up to the service to decide which values are appropriate.
It should be noted that ServiceStack does prevent SQL injection by escaping all parameters.
Encode HTML entities:
If you are concerned about HTML injection, then you should consider encoding HTML entities, then any unsafe values that are returned won't affect your result. You can do this easily using this request filter, and marking up your DTO with an attribute [EncodeHtml].
GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req,res,dto) => {
var dtoType = dto.GetType();
var filteredProperties = dtoType.GetPublicProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string) && p.HasAttribute<EncodeHtmlAttribute>() && p.CanWrite);
foreach(var property in filteredProperties)
property.SetValue(dto, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(property.GetValue(dto, null)), null);
On your DTO add the [EncodeHtml] attribute to the properties you want to protect.
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test
public string UnsafeMessage { get; set; }
public string SafeMessage { get; set; }
The attribute declaration is simply:
public class EncodeHtmlAttribute : Attribute {}
Then when you send a request such as:
/test?unsafeMessage=<b>I am evil</b>&safeMessage=<b>I am good</b>
The result will be
UnsafeMessage: "<b>I am evil</b>"
SafeMessage: "<b>I am good</b>"
I hope this helps.
As per your suggestion if you want to throw an exception on any DTOs that may contain HTML then you could use a more general check which prevents any HTML in any strings on the DTO by checking against a regular expression, but I'd do this sparingly.
GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req,res,dto) => {
var dtoType = dto.GetType();
var filteredProperties = dtoType.GetPublicProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string));
foreach(var property in filteredProperties){
var value = property.GetValue(dto, null) as string;
if(value != null && Regex.Match(value, #"<[^>]*>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success)
throw new HttpError(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "400", "HTML is not permitted in the request");
Then use this attribute:
public class PreventHtmlAttribute : Attribute {}
On the DTO:
[Route("/test", "GET")]
public class Test

ServiceStack - Request Binding JSON encoded parameter

I have an existing application that sends a Request with a parameter named 'filters'. The 'filters' parameter contains a string that is JSON encoded. Example:
[{"dataIndex":"fieldName", "value":"fieldValue"}, {"dataIndex":"field2", "value":"value2"}].
Using ServiceStack, I would like to bind this as a property on a C# object (class Grid). Is there a preferred method to handle this? Here are the options I can think of. I don't think either 'feel' correct.
Option 1:
I do have a 'ServiceModel' project and this would create a dependency on it which I don't really like.
In AppHost.Configure() method add
RequestBinders[typeof(Grid)] => httpReq => {
return new Grid() {
Filters = new ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer<IList<Filter>>().DeserializeFromString(httpReq.QueryString["filters"])
Option 2:
Seems kind of 'hacky'
public class Grid
private string _filters;
public dynamic Filters {
_filters = value;
You can send Complex objects in ServiceStack using the JSV Format.
If you want to send JSON via the QueryString you can access it from inside your Service of Request filters with something like:
public object Any(Request req) {
var filters = base.Request.QueryString["Filters"].FromJson<List<Filter>>();
Note: Interfaces on DTOs are bad practice.
