failed to create d2d device in c++ - visual-c++

I am new to working with windows applications and c++. I am trying to create a D2D device from Dxgi surface of d3d11 device following this code "" .
But HRESULT gr ( creating d2d device) gives me an error "E_INVALIDARG" though I followed the same steps as given.
Here is the code snippet.
//m_device is already initialized
// Get DXGI device
IDXGIDevice* DxgiDevice = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = m_Device->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDXGIDevice), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&DxgiDevice));
// create id2d21factory
ID2D1Factory1* m_d2dFactory=nullptr;
options.debugLevel= D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE;
hr = D2D1CreateFactory(factoryType, __uuidof(ID2D1Factory1),&options, reinterpret_cast<void **> (&m_d2dFactory));
HRESULT gr= m_d2dFactory->CreateDevice(DxgiDevice, &m_d2dDevice );
This code doesn't give any errors while compiling or building solution in visual studio 2012.
But giving me error while debugging.
I am trying to insert this code in microsoft's desktop duplication sample code. I need to create a d2dbitmap source for my project
please help me with this.
Please let me know if further details are required.

I recommend you set the options to D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL_INFORMATION when _DEBUG is defined and then you may see some error messages in your output window. For example, the output told me that
D2D DEBUG WARNING - The Direct3D device was not created with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT, and therefore is not compatible with Direct2D.
which is really helpful.


Visual Studio 2017 C++ exception message box

I try to show an exception (or error code) in C++ with visual studio 2017 when a crash occurs.
For example, the following codes does not show any dialog(message box).
int* p = 0;
*p = 10;
throw std::exception("some error");
Thus, I cannot attach it with just in time debugger.
In fact, the second code shows a dialog but it is not what I want.
Windows 10 does not support the WER dialog any more. - link
(link is provided by Hans Passant)
You should also note:
If the given example is complete (no further use of p), an exception might occur, but in release mode the code may be optimized. In this case, there would be no message at all.

Why Ctrl+F5 is not working with my vtk code in Visual C++ debugging

I am a vtk beginner.There's a strange problem confused for long.I have written a VTK console application by vs2017.If I run it in vs2017 with ctrl+f5,it will show the following picture as error.But, if I directly run it in application work directory,it will operate normally.Why this problem occured?Anyone could help me, thanks a lot.
error picture
my c++ code is as follows:
int main()
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGReader> reader = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGReader>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageViewer2> imageViewer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageViewer2>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> renderWindowInteractor =
vtkSmartPointer<vtkJPEGWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkJPEGWriter>::New();
return 0;
The problem is that Visual Studio isn't looking in your application work directory for fruit.png, instead it's looking in your project directory.
Go to Project/Properties/Debugging/Working Directory and change the value there to whatever your application work directory is.

Visual Studio extension - creating project type

I'm trying to create a new Visual Studio project type following the tutorial:
Unfortunately I'm getting a strange exception stating that "Guid should contain 32 digits and 4 dashes".
The error appears somewhere along the lines:
// Launch the aggregate creation process (we should be called back on our
IVsAggregatableProjectFactoryCorrected implementation)
IVsCreateAggregateProject aggregateProjectFactory =IVsCreateAggregateProject)this.Site.GetService(typeof(SVsCreateAggregateProject));
int hr = aggregateProjectFactory.CreateAggregateProject(guidsList, fileName, location, name, flags, ref projectGuid, out project);
if(hr == VSConstants.E_ABORT)
canceled = 1;
I 've got no idea what I'm doing wrong and how to debug this. ErrorHandler just throws exception.

Can`t Load C++/CLI DLL resources

I'm trying just to see resource names but nothing appears.
I've made and compiled a C++/CLI (Managed) DLL in Visual Studio 2010 and added some Resource files as a test (one icon and one bitmap). I've checked with PE Explorer and the resources definitely are there.
My simple code:
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom("C:\\test.dll");
String[] res = asm.GetManifestResourceNames();
I know that the DLL is loaded because when I debug i can see all the infos in the 'asm' variable. Also i can Import data (using MEF) from the DLL.
So, the DLL has the resources and the code IS loading the assembly for sure. But why my 'res' variable always returns empty string list?
I've created a C# Class Library (.dll) with a resource just for a test. Now it works!! But still in my C++/CLI DLL the resources do not appear. Somehow they are in the DLL but the code cant reach it (only in the C++ DLL). Maybe it would have something to do with managed/unmanaged code, but since i'm compiling it with CLR it does not seem to be the case. Any suggestions?
I've got it! Just in case someone needs.
According to these topics:
Embedding resource in a C++/CLI project
the problem is exactly the C++/CLI thing. You have to add it in Input item under Linker tab in Project Properties. Now it seems to work fine. Thanks
I have a similar problem and your question helps me to solve it.
my project platform is C++/CLI and my DLL platform is c#.
I want to pack DLL into my executive file, hence we should put DLL in the project resource file through below steps at first:
1.copy DLL in project path.
2.put DLL name(e.g. test.dll) in below place
properties->linker->input->Embeded Managed Resource File
then we should read and use embedded DLL:
Stream^ stream = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetManifestResourceStream("test.dll");
array<unsigned char>^ dllRawBuffer = gcnew array<unsigned char>(stream->Length);
int res = stream->Read(dllRawBuffer, 0, stream->Length);
Assembly^ dllAssembly = Assembly::Load(dllRawBuffer);
System::Type^ testclass = dllAssembly->GetType("TestNamespace.TestClass");
MethodInfo^ TestMethod = testclass->GetMethod("TestMethodName");
// Create an instance.
Object^ Testobj = Activator::CreateInstance(testclass);
// Execute the method.
array<Object^>^ params = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
params[0] = 2;
params[1] = 3;
Object^ result = TestMethod->Invoke(Testobj, params);
obviously, this solution only works for managed DLLs.

Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows 8

Visual C++ 6.0 is not supported on Windows 8, but we have a couple of legacy apps that still needs to be compiled with Visual C++ 6.0. :-(
It is possible to install Visual C++ 6.0 on Windows 8 by unchecking Data Access -> Change Options -> ADO, RDS and OLE DB Providers. See this SU-question and this thread. You also need to install SP6 afterwards.
Visual C++ 6.0 works perfectly on one computer, but two others cannot use the debugger. The same hardware, same version of Windows, same person doing the installation, same project. There must be some difference...
On the computers with the problem you can set a break point and the debugger will break into the IDE, but when you try do step, step into or run the code will crash with Unhandled exception in EXENAME.EXE (OLE32.DLL): 0xC0000005: Access Violation.
Walter Oney reports the exact same problem on MSDN forums, but they have no solution as VC++ 6.0 is unsupported.
As we have Visual C++ 6.0 working on one Win8 computer there is apparently way to do it. Any ideas on what the difference could be?
Turning off OLE RPC debugging (Tools / Options / Debug) works for me (Windows 8 Pro 64 bit, Visual C++ 6.0 with SP6). This solution was suggested (later) within the above-mentioned MSDN forum thread.
I was eventually able to get VS 6 working on Win 8 and Win 10. The basic steps were these:
Create a dummy file named msjava.dll in \Windows. (E.g., "echo >msjava.dll") Without this step, the VS 6 installer can't get very far.
Install VS 6 and SP 6.
Rename MSDEV.EXE to something else, such as MSDEVQ.EXE.
Create a compatibility database for MSDEVQ that excludes the fault-tolerant heap shim. Without this step, debugging a program that makes heavy use of HeapAlloc, etc., is excruciatingly slow.
For debugging, ensure that a breakpoint is tripped before any calls to OLE32 can occur. I include the following header early in the main program or (for an MFC app) the InitInstance function:
#ifdef _DEBUG
// In order to be able to debug this application on x64, we need to single
// step across at least one statement before ole32.dll gets loaded. So
// always leave this breakpoint in place.
int junkola = 42;
// Check to see that there was a breakpoint...
PUCHAR pjunk;
_asm lea eax, requiredbreakpoint
_asm mov pjunk, eax
if (*pjunk != 0xCC)
AfxMessageBox("Required breakpoint was not set prior to loading OLE32.DLL -- single stepping will not be possible during this debugging session.", MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND, 0);
Write an extension DLL that provides a "Stop Debugging" button. The extension has to search and destroy debug handles, which have a different handle type in Win64 than in Win32. The mechanics of writing the extension are beyond the scope of this forum, but the code that does the actual work is here:
#define NT_SUCCESS(Status) (((NTSTATUS)(Status)) >= 0)
SystemHandleInformation = 16,
ULONG ProcessId;
UCHAR ObjectTypeNumber;
UCHAR Flags;
USHORT Handle;
PVOID Object;
ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
ULONG HandleCount;
#define HANDLE_TYPE_DEBUG_OBJECT 11 // correct value for Win8 x64
STDMETHODIMP CCommands::HelpAssistantKill()
{ // CCommands::HelpAssistantKill
BOOL didit = FALSE;
do { // do once
// Locate NtQuerySystemInformation within NTDLL.DLL
hDll = LoadLibrary("NTDLL");
if (!hDll)
PNTQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION NtQuerySystemInformation = (PNTQUERYSYSTEMINFORMATION) GetProcAddress(hDll, "NtQuerySystemInformation");
if (!NtQuerySystemInformation)
// Do an initial query to get the number of handles presently open in the system.
// This is a large number. The returned length value is meaningless for this query.
DWORD junk;
NTSTATUS status = (*NtQuerySystemInformation)(SystemHandleInformation, &hid, sizeof(hid), &junk);
ULONG length = sizeof(SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_DATA) + (hid.HandleCount - 1) * sizeof(SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION);
if (!phi)
// Get a list of all handles open in the system
status = (*NtQuerySystemInformation)(SystemHandleInformation, phi, length, &junk);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
// Find and close any debug objects that are open in this instance of Visual Studio.
DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
ULONG ihandle;
for (ihandle = 0; ihandle < hid.HandleCount; ++ihandle)
{ // for each open handle
PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION p = phi->HandleInformation + ihandle;
if (p->ProcessId != pid || p->ObjectTypeNumber != HANDLE_TYPE_DEBUG_OBJECT)
if (CloseHandle((HANDLE) p->Handle))
didit = TRUE;
} // for each open handle
// Instruct DevStudio to stop
BSTR bsStopDebugging = SysAllocString(L"DebugStopDebugging");
if (!bsStopDebugging)
hr = m_pApplication->ExecuteCommand(bsStopDebugging);
if (hr != 0)
} // do once
while (FALSE);
if (phi)
delete[] phi;
if (hDll)
if (!didit)
{ // didn't do anything
MessageBox(NULL, "Unable to find and close any debug object handles", "HelpAssistant", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
} // didn't do anything
return S_OK;
} // CCommands::HelpAssistantKill
This felt like a pretty heroic effort, but I had about a million lines of code built on VS 6 that I had to keep working. Now that I've built myself a workable macro processor for VS 2015, I may undertake a conversion of this application.
One wrinkle -- I had the very same same issue with the Visual C++ 6.0 debugger on Windows 8.1 . But I could not find the RPC debug option under the Tools/Options/ Debug option described in the answer above. Instead I had to go into the registry editor and delete the RPC Debug key that is mentioned in the same MSDN thread referenced above (maybe it was there because I had already installed later versions of Microsoft Visual Studio before I had installed 6.0) . The debugger works great now, and thanks to previous posters!
The issue is due to incompatible “ADO, RDS and OLE DB Providers” comes along with the Visual C++ 6.0.
Please follow the below mentioned steps to disable ADO, RDS and OLE DB Providers and install the Visual C++ 6.0 –
1) Start the installation as usual.
2) Click on Custom installation when installer will ask for type of installation.
3) Click on Data Access from available items and then click on ‘Change Option’.
4) In new window de-select “ADO, RDS and OLE DB Providers” and click OK (ignore the warning).
5) Click on continue to proceed with the installation.
6) Installer will not freeze during ‘Updating components’ and will install successfully.
7) Now install the service pack ‘Vs6sp6’ and it will also install successfully.
Non of above answers work for me.
Solution from this site fix my problem.
Re-register ole32.dll file and check if it helps.
Click Start, type cmd in the Start search.
Right click on cmd and click on Run as administrator.
In the Command prompt, type the following commands and hit ENTER
after each command.
takeown /f ole32.dll
regsvr32 ole32.dll
Close the Command prompt after running the above two commands.
Try to run the application and check is the issue persists.
