I am using Vim 7.3 on Ubuntu. Problem is - whenever I got some error in my code, that error is marked with white color. I can't see anything underneath that color. So if I have typo error (missing one brace) it will mark that brace with white, but I wont be able to see that mistake ( it is covered with color ). Sometimes it marks all line. I am using Molokai color scheme.
I tried to change color scheme, but nothing happens. I suppose that error color is coming from the vim native settings.
Any ideas how to fix this?
command lists all defined highlightings. Find the one with the white color (for errors, this should be Error), and change it (see :help :highlight) in your ~/.vimrc, e.g.:
:hi Error ctermfg=Red guifg=Red
If highlighting is the issue, then you can easily and quickly turn off all highlighting by typing ":noh" (without the quotes) from command mode. This will temporarily turn off highlighting. This also works for getting rid of highlighting after a search (which really annoys me because like your problem here, I can't read the text when it's highlighted).
If you haven't already, you should create a file in your home directory named ".vimrc", so pathing it out would be "~/.vimrc". This is the what #mtk is referring to (just in case you don't know that already. Some people at work use Vim but don't know about the .vimrc file).
I would like to get Vim to stop highlighting list characters (-,*) and heading characters (#) in rmarkdown. You can find a screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/0YSB8V8.
This is happening when I set the file type to either pandoc or rmd. This is also happening no matter what terminal or colortheme I use.
I have the plugins: vim-pandoc, vim-pandoc-syntax, and vim-rmarkdown installed.
I would like to know a way to make the two characters just appear normally.
I would also like to know if there is a way to make italicized text in tables and headings appear italicized. As far as modifying the appearance of italicized text, I've tried using: hi Italic ctermfg=red cterm=italic in my vimrc, but that does not seem to affect the text in between asterisks (*) in rmd files. I admit I don't know much about the way that syntax works in Vim. Do I need to modify after/ftplugin/rmd.vim or runtime/syntax/rmd.vim? What is the difference between the two?
Any help would be appreciated!
Your syntax highlighter does not seem to recognize the bullet points, but thinks that they mark the beginning of an italic span. Maybe you have a clash of plugins. You could also try another highlighter (e.g. vim-polyglot, supports italics).
vim-pandoc-syntax uses the conceal feature (:h conceal). You can recolor the highlighting group Conceal to change the appearance of the replacement characters.
You can put changes to existing syntax files in .vim/after/syntax/rmd.vim. Files in syntax are executed when they are needed for the first time, but at most once per session. Files in ftplugin are executed every time the file type is changed.
I'm using the YouCompleteMe plugin for vim on Mac OSX, primarily for C++. Right now it highlights both errors and warnings in a pinkish color, but I want warnings to be highlighted in a yellow-ish sort of color. I think I'm supposed to place these 3 lines somewhere:
highlight YcmWarningLine guibg=#ffffcc
highlight YcmWarningSign guibg=#ffffcc
highlight YcmWarningSection guibg=#ffffcc
Problem is I don't know which file to place them in. Where do I place them, and in general am I going about this the right way?
Highlight groups are global, only the syntax definitions that parse individual filetypes are specific. Syntax scripts canonically use :hi def to avoid overriding group definitions already customized by the user. Therefore, it is sufficient to place those commands into your ~/.vimrc, but after any :colorscheme command.
If you switch colorschemes on the fly (without restarting Vim), you'll notice that your custom highlightings will disappear. To keep them, you additionally need to reinstall them. Duplicate the :hi commands and prepend
:autocmd ColorScheme *
to them.
Those and other vim configuration settings should be added to your ~/.vimrc.
I am running vim 7.3 on several machines. By default MatchParen is enabled on all of my instances. Using gvim on my windows machine, it is doing exactly what I want - when my cursor is on a bracket, paren, etc. it visually highlights the match. It does not affect cursor navigation. However, on my Ubuntu boxes, when I move the cursor onto the character, it actually jumps to the match.
I'm sure that the behavior is caused by MatchParens because if I do a :NoMatchParen, it stops. Unfortunately, I also don't get the highlighting at that point. I can't figure out where my settings differ, though.
I'll like you even more if you can point me towards a plugin that will always highlight the closest enclosing pair of characters around my current position (like a code oriented version of MatchTagsAlways)
When showmatch is set, the cursor is actually jumping, and the following line fixes the problem:
set matchtime=0
More details:
Just like FDinoff said in the accepted answer, this is probably only a problem of colors.
So if the color of the matching "paren" disorients you, tweaking colors of background and foreground is likely the solution.
But HOW do you do this?? ^^
I've had quite a journey through the vimdoc (it was not easy).
I've tested a whole bunch of variables and found that the relevant tweak is the [hi]ghlight command and specifically the MatchParen group.
The solution
Adding this in my .vimrc did the trick:
hi MatchParen ctermfg=208 ctermbg=bg
Note that vim config files are read from top to bottom, and some types of "words" are matched by several options. For example, a boolean could also be a keyword. Thus you have to pay attention to the order of these options.
How does this work?
My problem was that the background had the flashy color while the foreground had the color of the background of my terminal, which made it really confusing. Thus switching colors was the solution for me. But maybe you will have to tweak it differently.
First, you can check the current value for highlight MatchParen by entering the following command (while inside vim, in normal mode):
:hi MatchParen
You'll see hi MatchParen followed by XXX in the current style, followed by a list of argument=value separated by spaces.
The important arguments are ctermfg and ctermbg for the "terminal" vim, guifg and guibg for the "gui" vim. (Where fg means foreground and bg means background)
You can change a value and see the result in real time. Just put your cursor over a match character and enter the following command:
:hi MatchParen SomeArgument=SomeValue
This will not be saved, so don't worry. When you find a proper combination of values, you can add them in your .vimrc as shown above.
Personally, I set ctermfg to 208 (orange color) and ctermbg to bg (a keyword for the current background color, if known by vim).
If you use vim in a gui, take a look here for the available choice of colors.
The cursor isn't jumping. The color scheme probably has defined bad colors for the MatchParen highlight group which makes it look like the cursor is jumping.
Running default gVim (v7.4.461) without any configuration (i.e. no .vim files) in openSUSE 13.2 Legacy 32 Bit, :set showmatch? reveals that showmatch is on at start, which is not Vim's stated default behaviour. We can account for this by adding :set noshowmatch in our .vimrc.
I develop javascript and just recently I found that I still love to use Terminal Vim instead of MacVim. Then I was totally annoyed when I opened my usual javascript file in the Terminal Vim: the statements of the code are irregularly highlighted with a mysterious color.
Just to clarify that other file types I have opened (e.g. c, html etc.) do not have the problem. I have scoured website but I could not find an answer. This is just so unacceptable, could someone help me out. A million thanks!
My .vimrc screen shot:
You appear to be using Syntastic.
The first line with the red background seems to be marked as an error.
The Error highlight group is very often set to use a red background.
My conclusion is that what you see is exactly what you should see. It is ugly on purpose and designed to look like that: you don't want to miss errors, do you?
However, Syntastic can be set to not use the Error highlighting to mark errors but the "signs" feature instead which is a lot less ugly.
You should have read the Syntastic documentation as it is all explained in plain english:
:help syntastic-error-signs
Also, set background=dark is not very useful (it doesn't change the background color, if that's what you want) and can be removed safely from your ~/.vimrc.
I found out that it was this plugin jslint.vim that caused the text to be highlighted. The problem is that this plugin could not be disabled properly which I thought I did. Thanks to the hint of #romaini, syntactic is a better plugin to check code errors and make proper configuration.
As a side note, for those who would like to use vim solarized color scheme, please use the solarized terminal color scheme first. Otherwise the color scheme won't be displayed properly.
Thank you for all of your comments and answers! Really appreciated.
Try changing your colorscheme. Open the file in Vim, then do
:colorscheme blink
To cycle through all possible colourschemes, type :colorscheme, then a space, then press Tab. When you reach a colorscheme that sounds promising, press Enter, and see if the text looks OK. Keep doing this until you find a colorscheme that you like.
Once you have found a colorscheme that you like, copy its name, and put the following in your .vimrc:
colorscheme name
(name is the name of the colorscheme you like.)
My favourite colorscheme is blink, but there are many good ones. You can even go online and download new ones if the defaults are not good enough.
Seems the syntax are not recognized correctly. Could you try:
:set filetype=javascript
One other thing to look at to make things look better (will change colors not highlighting). Make sure that your terminal reports itself as xterm-256colors. You can check this by typing echo $TERM.
If it doesn't return xterm-256colors go to Preferences -> Settings -> Advanced (tab) on the profile you are using.
Change the drop down at the top to xterm-256colors.
I have a problem with search highlighting in vim. I have used it before but currently it does not work at all.
I have entered :set hlsearch, which is also in my .vimrc file.
I have entered :set hlsearch? and the result is hlsearch, indicating that I have successfully turned the option on. (right?)
I am running vim and not vi, so that is not the problem.
I have searched around but only found people asking about turning OFF search highlighting.
I would appreciate any input as this has been driving me nuts. Thanks!
Edit: highlighting also doesn't work for spellcheck, so evidently it's something global about highlighting.
When you have problems with multiple highlightings (like search and spell in your case), first check the defined highlightings with
If any groups are wrong or off, check your :colorscheme, and maybe try another.
In the console, color problems are often related to the number of available colors, a hairy problem. Check with
:set t_Co?
Another good tool for checking problems with individual syntax items is the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.