Autoit controls - bots

I use ControlSend() to send hotkeys in a different window. Problem is to find the right window control. Or the control is right and there is an unknown issue. These are the controls:
Title: PokeMMO
Class: LWJGL
controlID: still unknown
Process: javaw.exe
$handle = WinGetHandle("[TITLE:PokeMMO; CLASS:LWJGL]")
ControlSend($handle, Default, $handle, "{Down}")
Didn't work.
Global $sProcess = "javaw.exe" ; Process PokeMMO
ControlSend(_Process2Win($sProcess), "", "", "{DOWN}")
Func _Process2Win($pid)
If IsString($pid) Then $pid = ProcessExists($pid)
If $pid = 0 Then Return -1
$list = WinList()
For $i = 1 To $list[0][0]
If $list[$i][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($list[$i][1]), 2) Then
$wpid = WinGetProcess($list[$i][0])
If $wpid = $pid Then Return $list[$i][0]
Return -1
EndFunc ;==>_Process2Win
Didn't work. I also tried this:
Local $sControl = ControlGetFocus("[CLASS:LWJGL]")
MsgBox(0, "ControlGetFocus Example", "The control that has focus is: " & $sControl)
Stystem Message: Java Virtual Machine Launcher - A Java Exception has occured ERROR!
A guide on YouTube tells to install a different version of Java.

Try using Title and text parameter, but leave the controlID parameter free like "" or ''. That should also work. Good luck.


How to find whether a certain bluetooth device is connected?

I want to use applescript to do a periodic (every second) check to see if a specific bluetooth devices is connected, and if so, to flash up a quick notification. To frame it, I want a popup when my Airpods connect, since sometimes when I pull them out, the connect to my computer, and sometimes to my iPhone.
I've got everything figured out, except for the bluetooth check part. I've used this as a starting point, but can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.
set statusOld to checkStatus()
set statusNew to checkStatus()
repeat while statusOld is equal to statusNew
delay 1 --for 1 second checks
set statusNew to checkStatus()
end repeat
if statusNew is true then
display dialog "Device Added - put some real code here"
display dialog "Device Removed - put some real code here"
end if
end repeat
on checkStatus()
(*Delete the 2 lines below when done testing*)
--set myString to button returned of (display dialog "Connected?" buttons {"Yes", "No"})
--set myString to "name: DR-BT101 Connected: " & myString
(*uncomment line below when done testing*)
set myString to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataTyp"
--initial check if it's not even there
if myString does not contain "Christian’s AirPods" then
return false
--find out if connected/disconnected
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "name:"
set myList to the text items of myString --each item of mylist is now one of the devices
set numberOfDevices to count of myList
set counter to 1
repeat numberOfDevices times --loop through each devices checking for Connected string
if item counter of myList contains "Christian’s AirPods" then
if item counter of myList contains "Connected: Yes" then
return true
else if item counter of myList contains "Connected: No" then
return false
display dialog "Error Parsing" --this shouldn't happen
end if
end if
set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
end if
end checkStatus
You're missing the e:
set myString to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType"
I'm working on something similar. This seems to work well on macOS Mojave:
use framework "IOBluetooth"
use scripting additions --
on isDeviceConnected(substring)
repeat with device in (current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices() as list)
if device's isConnected and (device's nameOrAddress as string) contains substring then return true
end repeat
return false
end isDeviceConnected
-- Usage example:
I combined it with a launch agent like this:

VBScript not doing what's needed

Dim checkon, check
checkon = 1
toggle = 0
Do While checkon = 1
If (Chr(window.event.keyode = "m")) and toggle = 0 Then
toggle = 1
MsgBox "working"
End If
If (Chr(window.event.keyode = "m")) and toggle = 1 Then
toggle = 0
End If
Do While toggle = 1
If window.event.button = 1 Then
MsgBox "working"
WshShell.Sendkeys ("-{F10}")
WScript.Sleep 500
End If
The goal of this is to have it be run, and constantly check for the user to press M, which alternated toggle between 0 and 1. When toggle is true, the program is supposed to check for the mouse being held down and if it is click twice a second.
Currently it's giving an error
Object required:'Window"
and before that it did simply nothing. I am aware the code looks ugly, but I pasted msgboxes as a method of debugging what's going wrong, and none of them activated.
From what I read, you can't listen to events like that in a VBScript CScript environment. Usually window.event would imply the presence of a web page, but you said you're running this from the desktop, so perhaps you copied the code from a bad example. You may need to use another language or tool to do this.

How can I use installscript to detect Excel.exe running?

Ive been trying to detect the excel process in my installshield installer.
I have a custom action that runs after appsearch and pops a window if it finds the process and displays a warning to the user.
I have tried using some old examples I found on and using the findWindow() call. Neither seems to find excel.exe in the process list.
Here is a snippet of code I was using when trying the findwindow
export prototype MyTestFunction(HWND);
function MyTestFunction(hMSI)
HWND nHwnd;
nHwnd = FindWindow("EXCEL", "");
if (nHwnd != 0) then
MessageBox("found excel", WARNING);
SendMessage(nHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
MessageBox("cant find excel", WARNING);
Note that only the else block ever seems to fire regardless of the application being open or closed.
I have tried several different variants of this mostly just replacing the "excel" with different capitalization, extensions and versions. Nothing seems to detect the window. I used Spy++ and it reported that the window is named after the name of the currently opened notebook which complicates things since I have no way of knowing what a user could have opened.
I am open to suggestions here. The only requirement for this solution is that it has to be able to run as either a custom action or part of an install condition from within Installshield.
You could use a vbscript Custom Action.
You can run this CA at the begining of UISequence or ExecuteSequence (or both) If you want it as a part of the Install condition.
Add the code in a vbscript function and configure "Return Processing" Option for the Custom Action to "Synchonous (Check exit code)" if you want to stop the installation process.
Here is my script:
Public Function StopProcess
Dim objWMIService, objProcess, colProcess
Dim strComputer, executableFileName
Const IDABORT = 3
strComputer = "."
executableFileName = "excel.exe"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & executableFileName & "'")
For Each objProcess in colProcess
' OR
StopProcess = IDABORT
Exit for
End function
Obviously trying to figure out if a process is running by finding the associated window has its pitfalls.
My suggestion is to detect if the process for Excel.exe is running. It would involve enumerating the processes on the system. Modify your code accordingly. Its easier to do it using C++ but there are numerous examples available which show you how to achieve what i have just stated.
We can write a InstallScript code as well to achieve this. Please refer the code below :
function CheckRunningProcessAndTerminate(hMSI)
// To Do: Declare local variables.
OBJECT wmi,objProc;
STRING szProcessName;
// To Do: Write script that will be executed when MyFunction is called.
szProcessName = "Excel.exe";
set wmi = CoGetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2", "");
set objProc = wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process where Name = '" + szProcessName + "'");
if (objProc.count > 0) then
MessageBox("Process is running.", INFORMATION);
//kill proces
//objProc.Terminate(); //I tried this, but it didn't worked.
MessageBox("Process is not running.", INFORMATION);

Application Pool Status in IIS 7

I want to get status of a Application Pool. I have vbscript taken from here.
strArgAppPool = Wscript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(0)
Const noError = False
' Establish the connection to the WMI provider
Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration")
' Search the AppPool passed as argument in the list of application pools
Set oAppPool = oWebAdmin.Get("ApplicationPool.Name='" & strArgAppPool & "'")
' Create nice messages for pool states
Select Case oAppPool.GetState
Case 0
StateDescription = "STARTING"
outputStatus = "WARNING! "
outputCode = 1
Case 1
StateDescription = "STARTED"
outputStatus = "OK! "
outputCode = 0
Case 2
StateDescription = "STOPPING"
outputStatus = "WARNING! "
outputCode = 1
Case 3
StateDescription = "STOPPED"
outputStatus = "CRITICAL!! "
outputCode = 2
Case 4
StateDescription = "UNKNOWN"
outputStatus = "UNKNOWN? "
outputCode = 3
Case Else
StateDescription = "UNDEFINED VALUE"
outputStatus = "UNKNOWN? "
outputCode = 3
End Select
' Output
Wscript.Echo outputStatus & oAppPool.Name & ": " & StateDescription
' Error handling
If noError = true Then
' Error message
Wscript.echo "UNKNOWN: Error during the WMI query for app pool " & strArgAppPool & " !"
' Exit & return code
' Clean exit
End If
Through a batch file I am trying to run it as
status1.vbs "DefaultAppPool"
But I ended up with this
Is it some service is not started? I have tried running the vb script directly. I have tried passing arguments without quotes and all similar stuff. I don't write scripts, but got to do it this time.
Error dialog indicates line 5, Set oWebAdmin = GetObject("winmgmts:root\WebAdministration"). I have tried everything I could in last 5 hours. I have a readymade script and I am not able to run it. Shame and was not willing post this question all this while. But lost in end. Thanks for any help.
Also I have a working script for IIS 6. I am calling this script through PsExec on a remote server. But that's not working in IIS 7. Let me know if anyone want me to post it. Also I am using IIS 7 and Server 2008 R2 now and will be running this script using PsExec on remote server.
You don't have the role service IIS Management Scripts and Tools installed. Launch Server Manager, go to Roles → Web Server (IIS), and install the missing service.

Write Chinese chars to a text file using vbscript

I'm trying to write some Chinese characters to a text file using
Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outputFile = myFSO.OpenTextFile(getOutputName(Argument, getMsiFileName(Wscript.Arguments)), forWriting, True)
The variable s contains a Chinese character that I read from the other file. I echo s value and I can see the s correctly in the screen. However, for some reason the script stops running after outputFile.WriteLine(s) without returning any error message.
Am I missing something?
Maybe it's got something to do with character encoding. Try directly specifying the Unicode format for the file in the last parameter of the OpenTextFile method:
Const Unicode = -1
Set outputFile = myFSO.OpenTextFile(getOutputName(Argument, getMsiFileName(Wscript.Arguments)), forWriting, True, Unicode)
Also, you need to close the file after writing to it:
If this doesn't help, try error handling like AnthonyWJones suggested.
Try this:-
MsgBox "Writing Line"
On Error Resume Next
outputFile.WriteLine s '' # Removed ( ) that shouldn't be there.
MsgBox "Err " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
What do you get?
Things had changed along win versions. This works on Win10:
Set outputfile = myFSO.CreateTextFile(filename,True,True)
The 3rd arg is bool true/false for unicode/ascii 2. Surprisingly, when using myFSO.OpenTextFile the arg is int with 1 (not -1) for unicode 1.
