Process and thread CPU usage in Linux top - linux

We just discovered the peculiar feature of the Linux "top" tool.
The feature is that the summary cpu time for all threads is less than the time displayed for entire process. This is observed when our application spawns more than 50 threads and works for several minutes.
So the question is: what is that extra time consumed not by any thread but by the process itself? How is that possible?
As I understand the information about processes and threads CPU usage is taken from /proc/<pid>/stat & /proc/<pid>/task/<tid>/stat files. Who fills these files and why the time in <pid>/stat is not a sum of all <tid>/stat times?


Context Switch: Thread vs Process

From what I understand, scheduling is based on processes, not threads. Then let's say I'm running two programs with the same logic, but one with multi-processing(10 processes) and the other one with multi-threading(10 threads). Then, since scheduling is based on processes, wouldn't the program with multi-processing dominate 10/11 of cpu time? The multi-threaded program would only have 1/11 of cpu time and 10 threads share that tiny time slice.
What am I missing?

Concurrent threads, processes and multiple cores

I'm trying to understand the usage of CPU cores with regard to concurrent threads and processes. Please see the below questions:
Assume I have 2 CPU cores. When there are 2 processes running, each process has only 1 thread. Are the two processes using the 2 cores?
Assume I have 2 CPU cores. When there is 1 process running, which has 2 threads. Are the two threads using the 2 cores?
Assume I have 2 CPU cores. When there are 2 processes running, each process has 2 threads. How are the two cores used by those processes and cores?
How to calculate the maximum real concurrent execution given CPU cores? What are other factor I should take into account?
1,2: Quite likely but not definitely. A portion of the system software determines what runs where. It would be unlikely to choose to keep a process or thread waiting for cpu attention when there is one that is otherwise idle, it isn't absolute.
Most processing involves some sort of transfer to and from a device, network, etc.. Typically this necessitates a period of inactivity waiting for the transfer to complete. During this inactivity, another process / thread can run on that cpu. So, if a given process is 30% cpu time and 70% I/O time, then I can run about 3 of them concurrently on a single cpu without degrading performance.
3,4: Like the paragraph above implies, depending upon the workload, their could be any distribution of the threads among the cpus. If the threads were all compute bound (100% cpu), most operating systems switch between them at a small enough granularity that all remain lively, and large enough that the switching has a minimal impact on them.
This scheduling may take other notions into consideration, such as data affinity. Recently touched bits of data are likely to remain in the cpu cache when a thread has relinquished it. The next time the thread is to be scheduled, it would be best to put it onto that cpu, to retain the effort required to warm the cache for it. It might also think that two threads of one process (address space) are more likely to share data, so should prefer the same cpu.
4: depending upon your system, there are likely to be many performance analysis tools available. Top, on UNIX-inspired systems is a simple tool which gives system wide utilization information, and the simple tool time will show how much time a process spent on a cpu vs real-world time. If you run each of your tasks sequentially, noting the cpu-time that they take, then time them running concurrently, the ratio between these cpu-times indicates the scaling factor of your concurrent app. Note that real-world time can be misleading because of io-overlap.

CPU percentage and heavy multi-threading

I am observing strange effects with the CPU percentage as shown in e.g. top or htop on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) for one special application. The application uses many threads (around 1000). Each thread has one computational task. About half of these tasks need to be computed once per "trigger" - the trigger is an external event received exactly every 100ms. The other threads are mostly sleeping (waiting for user interaction) and hence do not play a big role here. So to summarise: many threads are waking up basically simultaneously within a short period of time, doing there (relatively short) computation and going back to sleep again.
Since the machine running this application has 8 virtual CPUs (4 cores each 2 threads, it's an i7-3612QE), only 8 threads can really wake up at a time, so many threads will have to wait. Also some of these tasks have interdependencies, so they anyway have to wait, but I think as an approximation one can think of this application as a bunch of threads going to the runnable state at the same time every 100ms and each doing only a short computation (way below 1ms of CPU time each).
Now coming to the strange effect: If I look at the CPU percentage in "top", it shows something like 250%. As far as I know, top looks on the CPU time (user + system) the kernel accounts for this process, so 250% would mean the process uses 3 virtual CPUs on average. So far so good. Now, if I use taskset to force the entire process to use only a single virtual CPU, the CPU percentage drops to 80%. The application has internal accounting which tells me that still all data is being processed. So the application is doing the same amount of work, but it seemingly uses less CPU resources. How can that be? Can I really trust the kernel CPU time accounting, or is this an artefact of the measurement?
The CPU percentage also goes down, if I start other processes which take a lot of CPU, even if the do nothing ("while(true);") and are running at low priority (nice). If I launch 8 of these CPU-eating processes, the application reaches again 80%. With fewer CPU-eaters, I get gradually higher CPU%.
Not sure if this plays a role: I have used the profiler vtune, which tells me my application is actually quite inefficient (only about 1 IPC), mostly because it's memory bound. This does not change if I restrict the process to a single virtual CPU, so I assume the effect is not caused by a huge increase in efficiency when running everything on the same core (which would be strange anyway).
My question was essentially already answered by myself in the last paragraph: The process is memory bound. Hence not the CPU is the limited resource but the memory bandwidth. Allowing such process to run on multiple CPU cores in parallel will mainly have the effect that more CPU cores are waiting for data to arrive from RAM. This is counted as CPU load, since the CPU is executing the thread, but just quite slowly. All my other observations go along with this.

Execute process for n cpu cycles

How to execute a process for n cpu cycles on Linux? I have a batch processing system on a multi-core server and would like to ensure that each task gets exactle the same amount of cpu time. Once the cpu amount is consumed I would like to stop the process. So far I tried to do some thing with /proc/pid/stats utime and stime, but I did not succeed.
I believe it is impossible (to give the exact same number of cycles to several processes; a CPU cycle is often less than a nanosecond). You could execute a process for x CPU seconds. For that use setrlimit(2) with RLIMIT_CPU
Your batch processor could also manage time itself, see time(7). You could use timers (see timer_create(2) & timerfd_create(2)), have an event loop around poll(2), measure time with clock_getttime(2)
I'm not sure it is useful to write your own batch processing system. You could use the existing batch or slurm or gnqs (see also commercial products like pbsworks, lsf ..)

Why is process scheduling not called thread scheduling?

I found out that Linux and Windows both schedule threads and not processes.
So I don't understand why we call it "process scheduling" any more. Shouldn't we be calling it thread scheduling? The idea of shared memory for threads of the same process just seems to be a technicality that has to be taken care of while actually running the threads (we could assume 2 threads of the same process to be a 2 single threaded processes sharing memory).
Are there any operating systems that schedule processes and when it is time for a process to run, specially decide how to run its threads?
OS-scheduled threads are a relatively new feature. It was not that long ago when a separate path of execution on Unix meant creating an entirely new process. So there is historical resistance.
Some systems (Unix variants, VMS) schedule processes, not threads. Process scheduling is likely to remain the way to go in real time operating systems.
In process scheduling resources are allocated to each process differently i.e suppose you create 2 processes then each process will get his own resources(file buffer,i/o files, CPU control etc). In this, time is wasted when scheduling is done. As first process is called then resources are allocated to that process when second process is called then resources are allocated to that process so resources are allocated separately to each process and also context switching time increases during scheduling.
Thread is basically a small unit of process. So one process can have many threads. But here resources are shared between different threads as they are one part of process, so multitasking is available and also context switching time is less.
