How to create an execve() child process with the right tty settings to run 'vi' yet still redirect IO back to the parent process? - linux

How do I get a forked, execve() child process that can run 'vi', etc. and redirect all IO to the parent process?
I'm trying to pass shells through from an embedded Linux process to the PC software interface connected over the network. The IO for the shell process is packaged into app-specific messages for network transport over our existing protocol.
First I was just redirecting IO using simply pipe2(), fork(), dup2(), and execve(). This didn't give me a tty on the remote side, so screen, etc. didn't work.
Now I'm using forkpty, and screen mostly works, but many many other don't (vi, stty, etc). It appears the current problem is that the child process doesn't control the tty.
I've been experimenting with TIOCSCTTY, but haven't had much luck.
Here's more or less what I've got:
bool ExternalProcess::launch(...)
winsize winSize;
winSize.ws_col = 80;
winSize.ws_row = 25;
winSize.ws_xpixel = 10;
winSize.ws_ypixel = 10;
_pid = forkpty(&_stdin, NULL, NULL, &winSize);
//ioctl(_stdin, TIOCNOTTY, NULL);
if (!_pid && (_pid != -1))
// this is the child process
char tty[4096];
strncpy(tty, ttyname(STDIN_FILENO), sizeof(tty));
FILE* fp = fopen("debug.txt", "wt"); // no error checking - temporary test code
fprintf(fp, "slave TTY %s", tty);
//if (ioctl(_stdin, TIOCSCTTY, NULL) < 0)
fprintf(fp, "ioctl() TIOCSCTTY %s\n", strerror(errno));
fprintf(fp, "SET CONTROLLING TTY!");
// command, args, env populated elsewhere
execve(command, args, env);
// fail path
return false;
_stdout = _stdin;
// enter select() loop reading/writing _stdin, _stdout
I am getting results in the debug file like:
slave TTY /dev/pts/5
but still many apps are failing with tcsetattr() errors. Am I right in thinking this is a controlling tty problem? How do I fix it?
Minor correction. When I do the ioctl TIOCSCTTY on STDIN_FILENO, then it works as in the debug file above, but the IO redirection back to the parent process is disrupted.
Okay, I'm starting to understand this better. Looking at the kernel source for the ioctl behind tcsetattr(), the processes I am calling are being sent SIGTTIN and SIGTTOU when trying to change the tty.
Only a foreground process can do that, and they're running as if they're background processes. I tried setting those signals to SIG_IGN after forking and before the execve(), but that didn't work. The semantics of this I understand, but it's safe in my redirection scenario for the execve()'d processes to act as if they're foreground processes. The question is... how to make it so? I will continue to search in the kernel code for clues.

Ugh! It's bash, the shell I was calling with execve().
If it detects that stderr is not attached to a tty, then it enters this special mode where child processes cause SIGTTOU.
I found a mention of this problem here.
When I stopped redirecting stderr away from the tty, then it now seems to work as planned.


How to disable output while a tty-writing process is in background? [duplicate]

I have a method in my process that should be run only if the process is not in background.
How can I dynamically test if the current process is in background ?
Here is what I use, for a program launched from a shell with job control (most of the shell, see below):
/* We can read from stdin if :
* - we are in foreground
* - stdin is a pipe end
static int validate_stdin(void) {
pid_t fg = tcgetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO);
int rc = 0;
if(fg == -1) {
} else if (fg == getpgrp()) {
} else {
rc = -1;
return rc;
If a session has a controlling terminal, there can be only process group in the foreground, and tcget/setpgrp is used for setting this process group id. So if your process group Id is not the process group Id of the foreground process group, then you are not in foreground.
It works if the shell has job control, as the link pointed by mouviciel says.
However, it is not always the case. For example, on embedded system using busybox, the shell can be configured with or without job control.
Check out Unix FAQ: How can a process detect if it's running in the background?
General answer is: You can't tell if you're running in the background.
But you can check if stdin is a terminal: if(isatty(0)) { ... }
Try to check availability of DISPLAY. There shown source code of xset command
How to check if Linux console screensaver has blanked screen
This sounds like a bad design. Can you tell us something about this method you're mentioning in your question? As mouviciel said, there's no reliable way.
One suggestion I have is to use the "foreground behaviour" by default and keep the "background behaviour" under a switch like -d (for daemon mode) or vice versa if your program usually runs in the background. One example of such usage is fetchmail.

USB Serial port programming has "disastrous" results

I am currently working on a C program running on a Raspberry Pi 3 (Linux Ubuntu) that is intended to provide a web page interface for configuring networking on an embedded system.
The code is being developed using Code::Blocks with the GDB debugger. I'm using microhttpd for the web server and that, plus the various web pages, are all working great. I'm now working on the USB Serial link to the embedded system using information in "Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems".
The code below is responsible for opening the USB Serial link to the target system and seems to work fine - once. If I close the program and restart it (either standalone on the command line or from within Code::Blocks) the second time microhttpd is hosed - browser windows will no longer connect. Further, from within Code::Blocks the debugger is also hosed - once the program is started it cannot be paused or stopped. The only way is to kill it by closing the project.
The problem is clearly within the function since I can comment out the call to it and everything works as it did previously. Unfortunately, once the problem happens the only solution seems to be to reboot the Pi.
I've done things like this before using a scripting language (Tcl) but this time around I'm looking for a performance boost from a non-interpreted language since the Pi will also be running a high bandwidth data logging program through a similar USB serial interface.
The code is shown below:
/* This function scans through the list of USB Serial ports and tries to */
/* establish communication with the target system. */
void tapCommInit(void) {
char line[128];
char port[15]; // this is always of the form "/dev/TTYACMn"
char *ptr;
FILE *ifd;
struct termios options;
uint8_t msgOut[3], msgIn[4];
msgOut[0] = REQ_ID; // now prepare the message to send
msgOut[1] = 0; // no data so length is zero
msgOut[2] = 0;
/* First, get the list of USB Serial ports. */
system("ls -l /dev/serial/by-path > usbSerial\n"); // get current port list
ifd = fopen("usbSerial", "r");
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "serial ports: \n"));
/* The main loop iterates through the file looking for lines containing */
/* "tty" which should be a valid USB Serial port. The port is configured */
/* in raw mode as 8N1 and an ID request command is sent, which has no */
/* data. If a response is received it's checked to see if the returned */
/* ID is a match. If not, the port is closed and we keep looking. If a */
/* match is found, tapState is set to "UP" and the function returns. If */
/* no match is found, tapState is left in the initial "DOWN" state. */
while(1) {
if (fgets(line, 127, ifd) == NULL) { // end of file?
break; // yes - break out and return
ptr = strstr(line, "tty"); // make sure the line contains a valid entry
if (ptr == NULL) {
continue; // nothing to process on this line
strcpy(port, "/dev/"); // create a correct pathname
strcat(port, ptr); // append the "ttyACMn" part of the line
port[strlen(port)-1] = 0; // the last character is a newline - remove it
logIt(fprintf(lfd," %s\n", port)); // we have a port to process now
cfd = open(port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); // cfd is a global int
if (cfd == -1) {
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Could not open port: %s\n", port));
continue; // keep going with the next one (if any)
fcntl(cfd, F_SETFL, 0); // blocking mode
tcgetattr(cfd, &options); // get the current port settings
options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); // ena receiver, ignore modem lines
options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); // raw, no echo
options.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; // no special output processing
options.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // minimum number of raw read characters
options.c_cc[VTIME] = 10; // timeout in deciseconds (1 second timeout)
tcsetattr(cfd, TCSANOW, &options); // set options right now
cfsetispeed(&options, B115200); // input baud rate
cfsetospeed(&options, B115200); // output baud rate
options.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB | // clear size bits, no parity
CSTOPB | CRTSCTS); // 1 stop bit, no hw flow control
options.c_cflag |= CS8; // now set size: 8-bit characters
options.c_cflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); // no sw flow control
if (write(cfd, msgOut, 3) < 3) {
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Sending of output message failed\n"));
if (read(cfd, msgIn, 4) != 4) {
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Didn't get expected amount of return data\n"));
if (msgIn[3] != HOST_ID) {
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Got the wrong HOST_ID response\n"));
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Port found - communication established\n"));
tapState = UP;
break; // we're done - break out of the loop
fclose(ifd); // close and remove the file we created
from within Code::Blocks the debugger is also hosed - once the program is started it cannot be paused or stopped
It is far more likely that you do not understand your tools than that you have created an unkillable program.
It's easy enough to figure this out: divide and conquer. You've got a whole pile of unrelated components here. Start separating them and find out which pieces work fine in isolation and which continue to behave badly when disconnected from everything else. Then you'll have your culprit.
Specifically here, that means try running your program outside the IDE, then under command line gdb instead of GDB via the IDE.
Also, it should be possible to run your program without starting the web server piece, so that you can run the serial part of the app in isolation. This is not only good for debugging by minimizing confounding variables, it also encourages a loosely-coupled program design, which is a good thing in its own right.
In the end, you may find that the thing keeping your program from stopping is the web framework, Code::Blocks, or the way GDB operates on the Pi under Code::Blocks, rather than anything to do with the USB to serial adapter.
once the problem happens the only solution seems to be to reboot the Pi
If your program is still running in the background, then of course your next instance will fail if it tries to open the same USB port.
Don't guess, find out:
$ sudo lsof | grep ttyACM
$ lsof -p $(pidof myprogram)
(Substitute pgrep if your system doesn't have pidof.)
I've done things like this before using a scripting language (Tcl) but this time around I'm looking for a performance boost from a non-interpreted language
Your serial port is running at 115,200 bps. Divide that by 10 to account for the stop and start bits, then flip the fraction to get seconds per byte, and you come to 87 microseconds per byte. And you only achieve that when the serial port is running flat-out, sending or receiving 11,500 bytes per second. Wanna take a guess at how many lines of code Tcl can interpret in 87 microseconds? Tcl isn't super-fast, but 87 microseconds is an eternity even in Tcl land.
Then on the other side of the connection, you have HTTP and a [W]LAN, likely adding another hundred milliseconds or so of delay per transaction.
Your need for speed is an illusion.
Now come back and talk to me again when you need to talk to 100 of these asynchronously, and then maybe we can start to justify C over Tcl.
(And I say this as one whose day job involves maintaining a large C++ program that does a lot of serial and network I/O.)
Now lets get to the many problems with this code:
system("ls -l /dev/serial/by-path > usbSerial\n"); // get current port list
ifd = fopen("usbSerial", "r");
Don't use a temporary where a pipe will suffice; use popen() here instead.
while(1) {
This is simply wrong. Say while (!feof(ifd)) { here, else you will attempt to read past the end of the file.
This, plus the next error, is likely the key to your major symptoms.
if (fgets(line, 127, ifd) == NULL) {
There are several problems here:
You're assuming things about the meaning of the return value that do not follow from the documentation. The Linux fopen(3) man page isn't super clear on this; the BSD version is better:
The fgets() and gets() functions do not distinguish between end-of-file and error, and callers must use feof(3) and ferror(3) to determine which occurred.
Because fgets() is Standard C, and not Linux- or BSD-specific, it is generally safe to consult other systems' manual pages. Even better, consult a good generic C reference, such as Harbison & Steele. (I found that much more useful than K&R back when I was doing more pure C than C++.)
Bottom line, simply checking for NULL doesn't tell you everything you need to know here.
Secondarily, the hard-coded 127 constant is a code bomb waiting to go off, should you ever shrink the size of the line buffer. Say sizeof(line) here.
(No, not sizeof(line) - 1: fgets() leaves space for the trailing null character when reading. Again, RTFM carefully.)
The break is also a problem, but we'll have to get further down in the code to see why.
Moving on:
strcat(port, ptr); // append the "ttyACMn" part of the line
Two problems here:
You're blindly assuming that strlen(ptr) <= sizeof(port) - 6. Use strncat(3) instead.
(The prior line's strcpy() (as opposed to strncpy()) is justifiable because you're copying a string literal, so you can see that you're not overrunning the buffer, but you should get into the habit of pretending that the old C string functions that don't check lengths don't even exist. Some compilers will actually issue warnings when you use them, if you crank the warning level up.)
Or, better, give up on C strings, and start using std::string. I can see that you're trying to stick to C, but there really are things in C++ that are worth using, even if you mostly use C. C++'s automatic memory management facilities (not just string, but also auto_ptr/unique_ptr and more) fall into this category.
Plus, C++ strings operate more like Tcl strings, so you'll probably be more comfortable with them.
Factual assertions in comments must always be true, or they are likely mislead you later, potentially hazardously so. Your particular USB to serial adapter may use /dev/ttyACMx, but not all do. There's another common USB device class used by some serial-to-USB adapters that causes them to show up under Linux as ttyUSBx. More generally, a future change may change the device name in some other way; you might port to BSD, for example, and now your USB to serial device is called /dev/cu.usbserial, blowing your 15-byte port buffer. Don't assume.
Even with the BSD case aside, your port buffer should not be smaller than your line buffer, since you are concatenating the latter onto the former. At minimum, sizeof(port) should be sizeof(line) + strlen("/dev/"), just in case. If that seems excessive, it is only because 128 bytes for the line buffer is unnecessarily large. (Not that I'm trying to twist your arm to change it. RAM is cheap; programmer debugging time is expensive.)
fcntl(cfd, F_SETFL, 0); // blocking mode
File handles are blocking by default in Unix. You have to ask for a nonblocking file handle. Anyway, blasting all the flags is bad style; you don't know what other flags you're changing here. Proper style is to get, modify, then set, much like the way you're doing with tcsetattr():
int flags;
fcntl(cfd, F_GETFL, &flags);
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(cfd, F_SETFL, flags);
Well, you're kind of using tcsetattr() correctly:
tcsetattr(cfd, TCSANOW, &options);
...followed by further modifications to options without a second call to tcsetattr(). Oops!
You weren't under the impression that modifications to the options structure affect the serial port immediately, were you?
if (write(cfd, msgOut, 3) < 3) {
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Sending of output message failed\n"));
Piles of wrong here:
You're collapsing the short-write and error cases. Handle them separately:
int bytes = write(cfd, msgOut, 3);
if (bytes == 0) {
// can't happen with USB, but you may later change to a
// serial-to-Ethernet bridge (e.g. Digi One SP), and then
// it *can* happen under TCP.
// complain, close, etc.
else if (bytes < 0) {
// plain failure case; could collapse this with the == 0 case
// close, etc
else if (bytes < 3) {
// short write case
else {
// success case
You aren't logging errno or its string equivalent, so when (!) you get an error, you won't know which error:
logIt(fprintf(lfd, "Sending of output message failed: %s (code %d)\n",
strerror(errno), errno));
Modify to taste. Just realize that write(2), like most other Unix system calls, has a whole bunch of possible error codes. You probably don't want to handle all of them the same way. (e.g. EINTR)
After closing the FD, you're leaving it set to a valid FD value, so that on EOF after reading one line, you leave the function with a valid but closed FD value! (This is the problem with break above: it can implicitly return a closed FD to its caller.) Say cfd = -1 after every close(cfd) call.
Everything written above about write() also applies to the following read() call, but also:
if (read(cfd, msgIn, 4) != 4) {
There's nothing in POSIX that tells you that if the serial device sends 4 bytes that you will get all 4 bytes in a single read(), even with a blocking FD. You are especially unlikely to get more than one byte per read() with slow serial ports, simply because your program is lightning fast compared to the serial port. You need to call read() in a loop here, exiting only on error or completion.
And just in case it isn't obvious:
You don't need that if you switch to popen() above. Don't scatter temporary working files around the file system where a pipe will do.

Detecting Linux boot with perl and serial device

I am writing a perl script that boots a linux image and needs to detect if the image reached the login prompt. i am using the Device::serial module to communicate with the development board. i am running into problems detecting the login string. i think it might be related to the large amount of prints that occur during a linux boot. the code below tries to capture the prompt. strange enought it only works when i add the unnecessaty "read" command
# Wait for login prompt
$gotit = "";
$timeout = 60;
until (($gotit ne "") or ($timeout eq 0))
$gotit = $port->lookfor; # poll until data ready
die "Aborted without match\n" unless (defined $gotit);
$read = $port->read(1000000);
is "lookfor" good for the linux boot scenario at all? why does the "read" make this code work ?
thanks everyone
The CPAN doc page says to do this:
my $gotit = "";
until ("" ne $gotit) {
$gotit = $PortObj->lookfor; # poll until data ready
die "Aborted without match\n" unless (defined $gotit);
sleep 1; # polling sample time
There is no call to $port->lookClear in their loop. I suspect this is contributing to your issue. Also be careful with that timeout.

issue with fork() from a firebreath npapi plugin

I am trying to fork() a new process so that I can call a separate console application.
The fork does happen fine and I get a new process id but the process is in sleeping state and does not get active at all even if the browser exits.
I just took the sample plugin project and modified the echo method to do the fork.
A regular console application works fine with the fork code.
Is there something different that has to be taken into account for a firebreath plugin app?
Can someone suggest what might be the issue?
The platform is archlinux 64 bit.
FB::variant PluginTestVZAPI::echo(const FB::variant& msg)
static int n(0);
fire_echo("So far, you clicked this many times: ", n++);
// fork
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) // Child
m_host->htmlLog("child process");
else if (pid < 0) // Failed to fork
m_host->htmlLog("Failed to fork");
else // Parent
m_host->htmlLog("Parent process");
m_host->htmlLog("Child Process PID = " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pid));
// end fork
// return "foobar";
return msg;
I can't be certain but if I were you I'd try removing the htmlLog calls -- there is no way for you to access the DOM from the child process, so htmlLog won't work at all and it is quite possible that trying to use it in a forked process is causing it to go into an inactive state while it tries (unsuccessfully) to communicate with a browser process that doesn't know about it.
I don't know for certain if this can work or not, but I'd be more than a bit nervous about forking a process that is already a child process of something else; the browser owns the plugin process and communicates with it via IPC, so if you fork that process there could be a lot of code that you don't know about still running and trying to talk to the browser through a now-defunct IPC connection.
My recommendation would be to launch a seperate process, but that's just me. At the very least, you absolutely cannot use anything FireBreath provides for communicating with the browser from the child process.

after calling exec

After calling exec, is it possible to print a message, because I tried and nothing happened. I read some articles about exec but I couldn't find my answer. It replaces the process image with a new one but not creating a new process. Is it something about it? Does it wait for something I mean if I use it in child process, so does it wait for ending child process?
I can give this example:
char *args[6] = { "cat","-b","-t","-v",argv[1],0};
else if(pid == 0){
printf("Child Process ID:%d, Parent ID:%d, Process
printf("AHMET TANAKOL\n");
The exec family, like you already read, replaces the process image. That is, it loads the new program, removes your program, and start running the new program in place of your program.
No call to exec functions ever returns, unless there is an error.
