DoubleClick for Publishers - support multiple screen sizes - web

I'm showing banner at left in my web page.
According to screen size 160x600 or 300x600 have to be used.
I can determine screen size and set proper code, but I think this isn't correct way.
Does somebody know how to leave to DoubleClick to decide which one ad fits better in page?

Unfortunately DoubleClick documentation is from ancient times :)
Solution: Do not put baner size in web page. Set it dynamicaly in javascript code provided from Doubleclick.


How do you set default zoom for an embedded document(Visio) in SharePoint?

I have tried to add the &z=15 and %zoom=15 to try to edit the default zoom in the embed code but it seems to not change anything. Also, I have changed up the width and height of the embed code but that didn't change the zoom just the overall dimensions. I am trying to embed a flowchart into my company's intranet SharePoint but the zoom is always set to 19% or 24% by default which makes it impossible to see anything in the diagram by default. I want it to start zoomed in at like 100% so the website/diagram is easier to use.
I have also tried to print it in a pdf, converting it to pdf, and converting it to other formats for the file viewer to give different views but it came to no avail. The closest thing was when I changed it to pdf and it gave me a better view, but I lost the interactive embed that a normal Visio embed would give.
Thank you for your help!
Puzzled with a similar problem, I've built a special Web Part for that (it provides additional options for embedding that are not part of the stock web part, such as zoom).
The source code:
Here web part in MS Store:

windows 10 UWP UI design for mobile device

I am working on windows 10 mobile app. If I design an UI for 5' device, it doesn't look good on 5.2' device. Also on emulators of different screen size show messed up UI. Is there any work around this? Or do I have to design it for every screen size?
Usually, please avoid to have fixed Width/Height for your controls. With a Grid layout, you can set columns/rows and place your controls inside each cells. This is a first level to adapt properly your interface. In addition, UWP provides AdaptiveTriggers if you want to adapt the layout based on the screen resolution (cf. for additional information. Last but not least, please check Design&UI documention on
The trick is with UWP that you can design for every screensize at once. It's just a responsive design you use (either HTML/CSS or XAML). But you have to use the right controls and settings.
Some guidance on how to design for various sizes can be found at the MSDN design page.
To create a dynamic layout with XAML, see this article. There are various panel-types you can use to do the layout (see this article). But if you really want to build a responsive UI (or change it dramatically in various sizes) RelativePanel is your friend.

Embedding yammer in small sections

I'm using Yammer Embed to show a network feed on a SharePoint Intranet's homepage. Webpart's width is 460px.
A terrible horizontal scroll is rendered within the iframe when feed contains large images. Yammer embedded don't re-size images enough to fit in a small area like this one.
1) Skinny Mode (less than 400px) seems to remove some elements like profile picture but other feed pictures remain there.
2) Customizing everything from scratch using REST API is not an option for now, $ and time.
Has anyone come across this issue with Yammer Embed? Any ideas or options I'm missing here? Some attribute in the config section to ignore images or force a max width will be great.
Currently there is no workaround for this as Embed in Skinny mode removes too many components, and Yammer does not promote creating everything from scratch using the APIs.
I think we can all agree this is not expected behavior though. I've filed an internal bug for this. Thanks for reporting.
Update (8/19/2014):
A fix for the horizontal scrollbar will ship tonight.

Way to determine the visible size of the web page

Is there a way for knowing what size was the visible portion of a page?
Are there any services that provide this? I mean, not just screen resolution, but available browser area. When a user has a lot of browser toolbars the area left for the webpage gets reduced. On the other hand, using Chrome may maximize the available space.
Using Javascript, you can get the Window.InnerHeight & .InnerWidth
You'll have to use Javascript or JQuery to do so.
Here is a similar (answered) question
I found another implementation on StackOverflow itself which used jQuery.
P.S. Just don't forget the brackets as i always missed them.

Opening a new browser page on the second monitor

Well, simple situation. Is it possible to detect if a user has a dual monitor setup from a web application?
If this is possible, is it possible to open a child browser page on this second monitor, so the new window doesn't overlap the old one?
Reason why I ask: I'm working on a web application and at home I have a dual-monitor system. When I go to the administration part of this site, I want it to open in a new browser, preferably on the other desktop. Of course, I could just click, then drag the new window, but doing this automatically seems more fun. :-)
Don't think JavaScript has the proper functions for this. How about Java itself?
I don't think you'll be able to directly detect a dual monitor setup, but you can probably make a good guess by looking at their screen resolution, using javascript's screen.width and screen.height. If the ratio of the width to the height is 8:3, its a good chance they have 2 standard 4:3 monitors side by side. You can do a similar calculation for 16:9 or 16:10.
Using maxpower47's suggestion about resolution, the only way to display the page on the other monitor would be to open a popup, and use the options to set the top, right, width and height properties so the window will appear on the second monitor in a decent size.
Here is a link that describes how to do this:
