Printing an AST with variable names - haskell

I am trying to implement an EDSL in Haskell. I would like to pretty print the AST with the variable names that are bound (if I can't get the real names then some generated names would do).
This is how far I have got with a simple example:
import Control.Monad.State
data Free f a = Roll (f (Free f a))
| Pure a
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
(Pure a) >>= f = f a
(Roll f) >>= g = Roll $ fmap (>>= g) f
data Expr a = I a
| Plus (Expr a) (Expr a)
deriving (Show)
data StackProgram a next = Pop (a -> next)
| Push a next
instance Functor (StackProgram a) where
fmap f (Pop k) = Pop (f.k)
fmap f (Push i x) = Push i (f x)
liftF :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a
liftF l = Roll $ fmap return l
push :: a -> Free (StackProgram a) ()
push i = liftF $ Push i ()
pop :: Free (StackProgram a) a
pop = liftF $ Pop id
prog3 :: Free (StackProgram (Expr Int)) (Expr Int)
prog3 = do
push (I 3)
push (I 4)
a <- pop
b <- pop
return (Plus a b)
showSP' :: (Show a, Show b) => Free (StackProgram a) b -> [a] -> State Int String
showSP' (Pure a) _ = return $ "return " ++ show a
showSP' (Roll (Pop f)) (a:stack) = do
i <- get
put (i+1)
rest <- showSP' (f a) stack
return $ "var" ++ show i ++ " <- pop " ++ show (a:stack) ++ "\n" ++ rest
showSP' (Roll (Push i n)) stack = do
rest <- showSP' n (i:stack)
return $ "push " ++ show i ++ " " ++ show stack ++ "\n" ++ rest
showSP :: (Show a, Show b) => Free (StackProgram a) b -> [a] -> String
showSP prg stk = fst $ runState (showSP' prg stk) 0
Running this gives:
*Main> putStrLn $ showSP prog3 []
push I 3 []
push I 4 [I 3]
var0 <- pop [I 4,I 3]
var1 <- pop [I 3]
return Plus (I 4) (I 3)
So what I want is to replace Plus (I 4) (I 3) with Plus var0 var1. I have thought about walking through the rest of the tree and replacing the bound variables with name-value tuples, but I am not 100% sure if/how that would work. I'd also prefer to keep the original variable names, but I can't think of an easy way of doing this. I would prefer to have a fairly light-weight syntax in haskell (kind of as above).
I would also appreciate pointers to material that teaches me how to best do these kinds of things. I have read a bit on free monads and GADTs, but I guess I am missing how to put it all together.

With the structure you have, you can't do this in "pure" Haskell code, because once your code is compiled, you can't distinguish (Plus a b) from (Plus (I 4) (I 3)) and keep "referential transparency" - the interchangeability of variables and their values.
However there are unsafe hacks - i.e. not guaranteed to work - that can let you do this kind of thing. They generally go under the name "observable sharing" and are based on getting access to the internals of how values are represented, using StableName. Essentially that gives you a pointer equality operation that allows you to distinguish between the reference to a and a new copy of the value (I 4).
One package that helps wrap up this functionality is data-reify.
The actual variable names used in your source will be irretrievably lost during compilation. In Paradise we use a preprocessor to translate foo <~ bar into foo <- withName "foo" $ bar before compilation, but it's hacky and it slows down builds quite a bit.

I figured this out based on #Gabriel Gonzales' linked answer. The basic idea is to introduce a new variable constructor in the Expr type and you assign these a unique id as you interpret the tree. That and cleaning up the code a bit gives:
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Map
newtype VInt = VInt Int
data Expr = IntL Int
| IntV VInt
| Plus Expr Expr
instance Show Expr where
show (IntL i) = show i
show (IntV (VInt i)) = "var" ++ show i
show (Plus e1 e2) = show e1 ++ " + " ++ show e2
data StackProgF next = Pop (VInt -> next)
| Push Expr next
instance Functor StackProgF where
fmap f (Pop k) = Pop (f.k)
fmap f (Push e x) = Push e (f x)
type StackProg = Free StackProgF
type Stack = [Expr]
push :: Expr -> StackProg ()
push e = liftF $ Push e ()
pop :: StackProg Expr
pop = liftF $ Pop IntV
prog3 :: StackProg Expr
prog3 = do
push (IntL 3)
push (IntL 4)
a <- pop
b <- pop
return (Plus a b)
showSP :: StackProg Expr -> String
showSP prg = go 0 prg []
go i (Pure a) _ = show a
go i (Free (Pop n)) (h:t) = "var" ++ show i ++ " <- pop " ++ show (h:t) ++ "\n" ++
go (i+1) (n (VInt i)) t
go i (Free (Pop _)) [] = "error: pop on empty stack\n"
go i (Free (Push e n)) stk = "push " ++ show e ++ ", " ++ show stk ++ "\n" ++ go i n (e:stk)
type Env = Map Int Expr
evalExpr :: Expr -> Env -> Int
evalExpr (IntL i) _ = i
evalExpr (IntV (VInt k)) env = evalExpr (env ! k) env
evalExpr (Plus e1 e2) env = evalExpr e1 env + evalExpr e2 env
evalSP :: StackProg Expr -> Int
evalSP prg = go 0 prg [] empty
go i (Free (Pop _)) [] env = error "pop on empty stack\n"
go i (Free (Pop n)) (h:t) env = go (i+1) (n (VInt i)) t (insert i h env)
go i (Free (Push e n)) stk env = go i n (e:stk) env
go i (Pure a) _stk env = evalExpr a env
Pretty printing and running:
*Main> putStrLn $ showSP prog3
push 3, []
push 4, [3]
var0 <- pop [4,3]
var1 <- pop [3]
var0 + var1
*Main> evalSP prog3


Haskell - Pattern matching with data types

I have a data type and function like this:
data Expr = Num Int | Add Expr Expr | Mult Expr Expr | Neg Expr | If Expr Expr Expr deriving (Show, Read)
prettyPrint :: Expr -> IO ()
prettyPrint expr = prettyPrint' expr 0
prettyPrint' :: Expr -> Int -> IO ()
prettyPrint' (Num x) i = putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ "Num " ++ show x
prettyPrint' (Add x y) i = do
putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ "Add"
prettyPrint' x (i+1)
prettyPrint' y (i+1)
prettyPrint' (Mult x y) i = do
putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ "Mult"
prettyPrint' x (i+1)
prettyPrint' y (i+1)
prettyPrint' (Neg x) i = do
putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ "Neg"
prettyPrint' x (i+1)
prettyPrint' (If x y z) i = do
putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ "If"
prettyPrint' x (i+1)
prettyPrint' y (i+1)
prettyPrint' z (i+1)
In the function I am using pattern matching. The problem is that their is a lot of reuse of code. For example, the case for Mult and Add is basically the same code. Same goes for Num and Neg. Is there a way to write this based on how many variables the expression have? Like one for Num and Neg, since they have only one variable. One case for Mult and Add, since they have two variables. And a last case for If, since that expression have three variables.
I landed on this answer, I think it's a better solution than I started with:
prettyPrint :: Expr -> IO ()
prettyPrint expr = putStrLn (prettyPrint' 1 expr)
prettyPrint' :: Int -> Expr -> String
prettyPrint' i (Num x) = "Num " ++ show x
prettyPrint' i expr =
let indent x = concat (replicate i " ") ++ x
(op, args) = case expr of
Add x y -> ("Add", [x,y])
Mult x y -> ("Mult", [x,y])
Neg x -> ("Neg", [x])
If x y z -> ("If", [x,y,z])
in intercalate "\n" (op : map (indent . prettyPrint' (i + 1)) args)
First, I would stay out of the IO monad for as long as possible. Have prettyPrint' return a string to be printed.
prettyPrint :: Expr -> IO ()
prettyPrint = putStrLn . prettyPrint'
Now, the only job of prettyPrint' is to create a (possibly multiline) string to be printed. For numbers, that's easy: just use the show instance.
prettyPrint' :: Expr -> String
prettyPrint' e#(Num _) = show e
-- or, ignoring the Show instance for Expr altogether
-- prettyPrint' (Num x) = "Num " ++ show x
For the rest, there is a pattern:
Identify the constructor
Identify its arguments
Join the constructor name and its pretty-printed arguments with newlines. Each argument will be indented one level relative to its operator; the recursion will take care of multiple levels of indentation.
That will look like
prettyPrint' expr = let indent x = " " ++ x
(op, args) = case expr of
Add x y -> ("Add", [x,y])
Mult x y -> ("Mult", [x,y])
Neg x -> ("Neg", [x])
If x y z -> ("If", [x,y,z])
in intercalate "\n" (op : map (indent . prettyPrint') args)
As an example, consider what prettyPrint' will do with the expression Add (Num 3) (Num 5). First, it sets op to "Add" and args to [Num 3, Num 5]. Next, it maps indent . prettyPrint' over the argument list, to get [" Num 3", " Num 5"]. Putting the operator on the front of the list yields ["Add", " Num 3", " Num 3"], then joining them with intercalate produces "Add\n Num 3\n Num 5".
The only remaining boilerplate is in the case expression. I think it's possible to eliminate that, but it requires a level of generic programming I'm not familiar with. I'm sure someone else could probably run with my answer to fix that.
In general, when addressing duplication in code, it pays to keep the rule of three in mind. Two occurrences of a block of code isn't necessarily a problem.
That said, Haskell is a (very) strongly-typed language, so you generally can't pattern-match on arity like you can in, say, Erlang or Clojure.
If you really want to abstract away the recursion part of a recursive data structure, you can define the catamorphism for it. People often also call this a fold, so let's keep that slightly more friendly name:
data Expr =
Num Int | Add Expr Expr | Mult Expr Expr | Neg Expr | If Bool Expr Expr deriving (Show, Read)
foldExpr ::
(Int -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a) -> (Bool -> a -> a -> a) -> Expr -> a
foldExpr num _ _ _ _ (Num x) = num x
foldExpr num add mul neg iff (Add x y) =
add (foldExpr num add mul neg iff x) (foldExpr num add mul neg iff y)
foldExpr num add mul neg iff (Mult x y) =
mul (foldExpr num add mul neg iff x) (foldExpr num add mul neg iff y)
foldExpr num add mul neg iff (Neg x) = neg (foldExpr num add mul neg iff x)
foldExpr num add mul neg iff (If b x y) =
iff b (foldExpr num add mul neg iff x) (foldExpr num add mul neg iff y)
This is an entirely generic function that enables you turn turn any Expr value into any value of the type a, without worrying about reimplementing recursion every time. You just have to supply functions that deal with each of the cases.
You can, for example, easily write an evaluator:
evaluate :: Expr -> Int
evaluate = foldExpr id (+) (*) negate (\p x y -> if p then x else y)
(Notice, BTW, that I changed the definition of If, because I couldn't see how the OP definition would work.)
You can also write a function to turn an Expr value into a string, although this one is just a sketch; it needs indentation or bracket logic to work correctly:
prettyPrint :: Expr -> String
prettyPrint =
show -- Num
(\x y -> x ++ "+" ++ y) -- Add
(\x y -> x ++ "*" ++ y) -- Mult
(\x -> "(-" ++ x ++ ")") -- Neg
(\p x y -> "if " ++ show p ++ " then " ++ x ++ " else " ++ y) -- If
You can try it out in GHCi:
*Q53284410> evaluate (Num 42)
*Q53284410> evaluate (Add (Num 40) (Num 2))
*Q53284410> evaluate (Add (Mult (Num 4) (Num 10)) (Num 2))
*Q53284410> prettyPrint $ Num 42
*Q53284410> prettyPrint $ Mult (Num 6) (Num 7)
*Q53284410> prettyPrint $ Add (Mult (Num 2) (Num 3)) (Num 7)
Yes, just create a function to print list of Expr:
import Control.Monad (forM_)
printExprList::[Expr]->Int->String->IO ()
printExprList exprs i desc = do
putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ") ++ desc
forM_ (zip exprs [i..]) $ \(e, j)-> prettyPrint' e (j+1)
and then call it to print:
prettyPrint' :: Expr -> Int -> IO ()
prettyPrint' (Add x y) i = printExprList [x, y] i "Add"
prettyPrint' (Mult x y) i = printExprList [x, y] i "Mult"
prettyPrint' (Neg x) i = printExprList [x] i "Neg"
prettyPrint' (If x y z) i = printExprList [x, y, z] i "If"
prettyPrint' (Num x) i = putStrLn $ concat (replicate i " ")
++ "Num " ++ show x

Pattern matching in `Alternative`

I have a function that pattern matches on its arguments to produce a computation in StateT () Maybe (). This computation can fail when run, in which case I want the current pattern match branch to fail, so to speak.
I highly doubt it's possible to have something like
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f (Just n1) (Just n2) = do
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f (Just n) _ = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f _ (Just n) = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
behave in the way I want it to: When the first computation fails due to the guard or somewhere in compute, I want f to try the next pattern.
Obviously the above can't work, because StateT (as any other monad might) involves an additional parameter when expanded, so I probably can't formulate this as simple pattern guards.
The following does what I want, but it's ugly:
f' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f' a b = asum (map (\f -> f a b) [f1, f2, f3])
f1 a b = do
Just n1 <- pure a
Just n2 <- pure b
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f2 a _ = do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f3 _ b = do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
A call like execStateT (f (Just 42) (Just 1)) () would fail for f but return Just () for f', because it matches f2.
How do I get the behavior of f' while having elegant pattern matching with as little auxiliary definitions as possible like in f? Are there other, more elegant ways to formulate this?
Complete runnable example:
#! /usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver=lts-11.1 script
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f (Just n1) (Just n2) = do
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f (Just n) _ = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f _ (Just n) = do
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f' :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f' a b = asum (map (\f -> f a b) [f1, f2, f3])
f1 a b = do
Just n1 <- pure a
Just n2 <- pure b
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
f2 a _ = do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
f3 _ b = do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
main = do
print $ execStateT (f (Just 42) (Just 1)) () -- Nothing
print $ execStateT (f' (Just 42) (Just 1)) () -- Just (), because `f2` succeeded
Edit: I elicited quite some clever answers with this question so far, thanks! Unfortunately, they mostly suffer from overfitting to the particular code example I've given. In reality, I need something like this for unifying two expressions (let-bindings, to be precise), where I want to try unifying the RHS of two simultaneous lets if possible and fall through to the cases where I handle let bindings one side at a time by floating them. So, actually there's no clever structure on Maybe arguments to exploit and I'm not computeing on Int actually.
The answers so far might benefit others beyond the enlightenment they brought me though, so thanks!
Edit 2: Here's some compiling example code with probably bogus semantics:
module Unify (unify) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
data Expr
= Var String -- meta, free an bound vars
| Let String Expr Expr
-- ... more cases
-- no Eq instance, fwiw
-- | If the two terms unify, return the most general unifier, e.g.
-- a substitution (`Map`) of meta variables for terms as association
-- list.
unify :: [String] -> Expr -> Expr -> Maybe [(String, Expr)]
unify metaVars l r = execStateT (go [] [] l r) [] -- threads the current substitution as state
go locals floats (Var x) (Var y)
| x == y = return ()
go locals floats (Var x) (Var y)
| lookup x locals == Just y = return ()
go locals floats (Var x) e
| x `elem` metaVars = tryAddSubstitution locals floats x e
go locals floats e (Var y)
| y `elem` metaVars = tryAddSubstitution locals floats y e
-- case in point:
go locals floats (Let x lrhs lbody) (Let y rrhs rbody) = do
go locals floats lrhs rrhs -- try this one, fail current pattern branch if rhss don't unify
-- if we get past the last statement, commit to this branch, no matter
-- the next statement fails or not
go ((x,y):locals) floats lbody rbody
-- try to float the let binding. terms mentioning a floated var might still
-- unify with a meta var
go locals floats (Let x rhs body) e = do
go locals (Left (x,rhs):floats) body e
go locals floats e (Let y rhs body) = do
go locals (Right (y,rhs):floats) body e
go _ _ _ _ = empty
tryAddSubstitution = undefined -- magic
When I need something like this, I just use asum with the blocks inlined. Here I also condensed the multiple patterns Just n1 <- pure a; Just n2 <- pure b into one, (Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b).
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f a b = asum
[ do
(Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b)
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
, do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
, do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
You can also use chains of <|>, if you prefer:
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe ()
f a b
= do
(Just n1, Just n2) <- pure (a, b)
m <- compute (n1 + n2)
guard (m == 42)
<|> do
Just n <- pure a
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
<|> do
Just n <- pure b
m <- compute n
guard (m == 42)
This is about as minimal as you can get for this kind of “fallthrough”.
If you were using Maybe alone, you would be able to do this with pattern guards:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
ensure :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
ensure p a = a <$ guard (p a)
compute :: Int -> Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
f (Just m) (Just n)
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute (m + n)
= return x
f (Just m) _
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute m
= return x
f _ (Just n)
| Just x <- ensure (== 42) =<< compute n
= return x
f _ _ = empty
(ensure is a general purpose combinator. Cf. Lift to Maybe using a predicate)
As you have StateT on the top, though, you would have to supply a state in order to pattern match on Maybe, which would foul up everything. That being so, you are probably better off with something in the vein of your "ugly" solution. Here is a whimsical attempt at improving its looks:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Foldable
ensure :: Alternative f => (a -> Bool) -> a -> f a
ensure p a = a <$ guard (p a)
compute :: Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
compute = return
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f a b = asum (map (\c -> f' (c a b)) [liftA2 (+), const, flip const])
f' = ensure (== 42) <=< compute <=< lift
While this is an answer specific to the snippet I've given, the refactorings only apply limited to the code I was facing.
Perhaps it's not that far-fetched of an idea to extract the skeleton of the asum expression above to a more general combinator:
-- A better name would be welcome.
selector :: Alternative f => (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> f b) -> a -> a -> f b
selector g k x y = asum (fmap (\sel -> k (sel x y)) [g, const, flip const])
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f = selector (liftA2 (+)) (ensure (== 42) <=< compute <=< lift)
Though it is perhaps a bit awkward of a combinator, selector does show the approach is more general than it might appear at first: the only significant restriction is that k has to produce results in some Alternative context.
P.S.: While writing selector with (<|>) instead of asum is arguably more tasteful...
selector g k x y = k (g x y) <|> k x <|> k y
... the asum version straightforwardly generalises to an arbitrary number of pseudo-patterns:
selector :: Alternative f => [a -> a -> a] -> (a -> f b) -> a -> a -> f b
selector gs k x y = asum (fmap (\g -> k (g x y)) gs)
It looks like you could get rid of the whole pattern match by relying on the fact that Int forms a Monoid with addition and 0 as the identity element, and that Maybe a forms a Monoid if a does. Then your function becomes:
f :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> StateT () Maybe Int
f a b = pure $ a <> b >>= compute >>= pure . mfilter (== 42)
You could generalise by passing the predicate as an argument:
f :: Monoid a => (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> StateT () Maybe a
f p a b = pure $ a <> b >>= compute >>= pure . mfilter p
The only thing is that compute is now taking a Maybe Int as input, but that is just a matter of calling traverse inside that function with whatever computation you need to do.
Edit: Taking into account your last edit, I find that if you spread your pattern matches into separate computations that may fail, then you can just write
f a b = f1 a b <|> f2 a b <|> f3 a b
where f1 (Just a) (Just b) = compute (a + b) >>= check
f1 _ _ = empty
f2 (Just a) _ = compute a >>= check
f2 _ _ = empty
f3 _ (Just b) = compute b >>= check
f3 _ _ = empty
check x = guard (x == 42)

SAT solving with haskell SBV library: how to generate a predicate from a parsed string?

I want to parse a String that depicts a propositional formula and then find all models of the propositional formula with a SAT solver.
Now I can parse a propositional formula with the hatt package; see the testParse function below.
I can also run a SAT solver call with the SBV library; see the testParse function below.
How do I, at runtime, generate a value of type Predicate like myPredicate within the SBV library that represents the propositional formula I just parsed from a String? I only know how to manually type the forSome_ $ \x y z -> ... expression, but not how to write a converter function from an Expr value to a value of type Predicate.
-- cabal install sbv hatt
import Data.Logic.Propositional
import Data.SBV
-- Random test formula:
-- (x or ~z) and (y or ~z)
-- graphical depiction, see:
testParse = parseExpr "test source" "((X | ~Z) & (Y | ~Z))"
myPredicate :: Predicate
myPredicate = forSome_ $ \x y z -> ((x :: SBool) ||| (bnot z)) &&& (y ||| (bnot z))
testSat = do
x <- allSat $ myPredicate
putStrLn $ show x
main = do
putStrLn $ show $ testParse
Need a function that dynamically creates a Predicate
(as I did with the function (like "\x y z -> ..") for an arbitrary expression of type "Expr" that is parsed from String.
Information that might be helpful:
Here is the link to the BitVectors.Data:
Here is example code form Examples.Puzzles.PowerSet:
import Data.SBV
genPowerSet :: [SBool] -> SBool
genPowerSet = bAll isBool
where isBool x = x .== true ||| x .== false
powerSet :: [Word8] -> IO ()
powerSet xs = do putStrLn $ "Finding all subsets of " ++ show xs
res <- allSat $ genPowerSet `fmap` mkExistVars n
Here is the Expr data type (from hatt library):
data Expr = Variable Var
| Negation Expr
| Conjunction Expr Expr
| Disjunction Expr Expr
| Conditional Expr Expr
| Biconditional Expr Expr
deriving Eq
Working With SBV
Working with SBV requires that you follow the types and realize the Predicate is just a Symbolic SBool. After that step it is important that you investigate and discover Symbolic is a monad - yay, a monad!
Now that you you know you have a monad then anything in the haddock that is Symbolic should be trivial to combine to build any SAT you desire. For your problem you just need a simple interpreter over your AST that builds a Predicate.
Code Walk-Through
The code is all included in one continuous form below but I will step through the fun parts. The entry point is solveExpr which takes expressions and produces a SAT result:
solveExpr :: Expr -> IO AllSatResult
solveExpr e0 = allSat prd
The application of SBV's allSat to the predicate is sort of obvious. To build that predicate we need to declare an existential SBool for every variable in our expression. For now lets assume we have vs :: [String] where each string corresponds to one of the Var from the expression.
prd :: Predicate
prd = do
syms <- mapM exists vs
let env = M.fromList (zip vs syms)
interpret env e0
Notice how programming language fundamentals is sneaking in here. We now need an environment that maps the expressions variable names to the symbolic booleans used by SBV.
Next we interpret the expression to produce our Predicate. The interpret function uses the environment and just applies the SBV function that matches the intent of each constructor from hatt's Expr type.
interpret :: Env -> Expr -> Predicate
interpret env expr = do
let interp = interpret env
case expr of
Variable v -> return (envLookup v env)
Negation e -> bnot `fmap` interp e
Conjunction e1 e2 ->
do r1 <- interp e1
r2 <- interp e2
return (r1 &&& r2)
Disjunction e1 e2 ->
do r1 <- interp e1
r2 <- interp e2
return (r1 ||| r2)
Conditional e1 e2 -> error "And so on"
Biconditional e1 e2 -> error "And so on"
And that is it! The rest is just boiler-plate.
Complete Code
import Data.Logic.Propositional hiding (interpret)
import Data.SBV
import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
testParse :: Either ParseError Expr
testParse = parseExpr "test source" "((X | ~Z) & (Y | ~Z))"
type Env = M.Map String SBool
envLookup :: Var -> Env -> SBool
envLookup (Var v) e = maybe (error $ "Var not found: " ++ show v) id
(M.lookup [v] e)
solveExpr :: Expr -> IO AllSatResult
solveExpr e0 = allSat go
vs :: [String]
vs = map (\(Var c) -> [c]) (variables e0)
go :: Predicate
go = do
syms <- mapM exists vs
let env = M.fromList (zip vs syms)
interpret env e0
interpret :: Env -> Expr -> Predicate
interpret env expr = do
let interp = interpret env
case expr of
Variable v -> return (envLookup v env)
Negation e -> bnot `fmap` interp e
Conjunction e1 e2 ->
do r1 <- interp e1
r2 <- interp e2
return (r1 &&& r2)
Disjunction e1 e2 ->
do r1 <- interp e1
r2 <- interp e2
return (r1 ||| r2)
Conditional e1 e2 -> error "And so on"
Biconditional e1 e2 -> error "And so on"
main :: IO ()
main = do
let expr = testParse
putStrLn $ "Solving expr: " ++ show expr
either (error . show) (print <=< solveExpr) expr
forSome_ is a member of the Provable class, so it seems it would suffice to define the instance Provable Expr. Almost all functions in SVB use Provable so this would allow you to use all of those natively Expr. First, we convert an Expr to a function which looks up variable values in a Vector. You could also use Data.Map.Map or something like that, but the environment is not changed once created and Vector gives constant time lookup:
import Data.Logic.Propositional
import Data.SBV.Bridge.CVC4
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad
toFunc :: Boolean a => Expr -> V.Vector a -> a
toFunc (Variable (Var x)) = \env -> env V.! (fromEnum x)
toFunc (Negation x) = \env -> bnot (toFunc x env)
toFunc (Conjunction a b) = \env -> toFunc a env &&& toFunc b env
toFunc (Disjunction a b) = \env -> toFunc a env ||| toFunc b env
toFunc (Conditional a b) = \env -> toFunc a env ==> toFunc b env
toFunc (Biconditional a b) = \env -> toFunc a env <=> toFunc b env
Provable essentially defines two functions: forAll_, forAll, forSome_, forSome. We have to generate all possible maps of variables to values and apply the function to the maps. Choosing how exactly to handle the results will be done by the Symbolic monad:
forAllExp_ :: Expr -> Symbolic SBool
forAllExp_ e = (m0 >>= f . V.accum (const id) (V.replicate (fromEnum maxV + 1) false)
where f = return . toFunc e
maxV = maximum $ map (\(Var x) -> x) (variables e)
m0 = mapM fresh (variables e)
Where fresh is a function which "quantifies" the given variable by associating it with all possible values.
fresh :: Var -> Symbolic (Int, SBool)
fresh (Var var) = forall >>= \a -> return (fromEnum var, a)
If you define one of these functions for each of the four functions you will have quite a lot of very repetitive code. So you can generalize the above as follows:
quantExp :: (String -> Symbolic SBool) -> Symbolic SBool -> [String] -> Expr -> Symbolic SBool
quantExp q q_ s e = m0 >>= f . V.accum (const id) (V.replicate (fromEnum maxV + 1) false)
where f = return . toFunc e
maxV = maximum $ map (\(Var x) -> x) (variables e)
(v0, v1) = splitAt (length s) (variables e)
m0 = zipWithM fresh (map q s) v0 >>= \r0 -> mapM (fresh q_) v1 >>= \r1 -> return (r0++r1)
fresh :: Symbolic SBool -> Var -> Symbolic (Int, SBool)
fresh q (Var var) = q >>= \a -> return (fromEnum var, a)
If it is confusing exactly what is happening, the Provable instance may suffice to explain:
instance Provable Expr where
forAll_ = quantExp forall forall_ []
forAll = quantExp forall forall_
forSome_ = quantExp exists exists_ []
forSome = quantExp exists exists_
Then your test case:
myPredicate :: Predicate
myPredicate = forSome_ $ \x y z -> ((x :: SBool) ||| (bnot z)) &&& (y ||| (bnot z))
myPredicate' :: Predicate
myPredicate' = forSome_ $ let Right a = parseExpr "test source" "((X | ~Z) & (Y | ~Z))" in a
testSat = allSat myPredicate >>= print
testSat' = allSat myPredicate >>= print

Haskell performance when calculating min/max/sum over large list

I have been experimenting with the following Haskell code:
data Foo = Foo
{ fooMin :: Float
, fooMax :: Float
, fooSum :: Float
} deriving Show
getLocalFoo :: [Float] -> Foo
getLocalFoo x = Foo a b c
a = minimum x
b = maximum x
c = sum x
getGlobalFoo :: [Foo] -> Foo
getGlobalFoo x = Foo a b c
a = minimum $ fmap fooMin x
b = maximum $ fmap fooMax x
c = sum $ fmap fooSum x
main :: IO()
main = do
let numItems = 2000
let numLists = 100000
putStrLn $ "numItems: " ++ show numItems
putStrLn $ "numLists: " ++ show numLists
-- Create an infinite list of lists of floats, x is [[Float]]
let x = take numLists $ repeat [1.0 .. numItems]
-- Print two first elements of each item
print $ take 2 (map (take 2) x)
-- First calculate local min/max/sum for each float list
-- then calculate the global min/max/sum based on the results.
print . getGlobalFoo $ fmap getLocalFoo x
And sequentially tested runtime when adjusting numItems and numLists:
Low size:
numItems: 4.0
numLists: 2
Foo {fooMin = 1.0, fooMax = 4.0, fooSum = 20.0}
real 0m0.005s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m0.001s
High size:
numItems: 2000.0
numLists: 100000
Foo {fooMin = 1.0, fooMax = 2000.0, fooSum = 1.9999036e11}
real 0m33.116s
user 0m33.005s
sys 0m0.109s
I have written this code in a in my opinion intuitive and naive way without consideration to performance, however I am concerned that this is far from optimal code as I may actually be folding through the lists way more times then necessary?
Could anyone suggest a better implementation of this test?
Use the foldl library to run multiple folds efficiently in a single pass. In fact, it's so good at this that you don't need to split your list into sublists. You can just concatenate all the lists together into one giant list and fold that directly.
Here's how:
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
data Foo = Foo
{ fooMin :: Maybe Float
, fooMax :: Maybe Float
, fooSum :: Float
} deriving Show
foldFloats :: L.Fold Float Foo
foldFloats = Foo <$> L.minimum <*> L.maximum <*> L.sum
-- or: foldFloats = liftA3 Foo L.minimum L.maximum L.sum
main :: IO()
main = do
let numItems = 2000
let numLists = 100000
putStrLn $ "numItems: " ++ show numItems
putStrLn $ "numLists: " ++ show numLists
-- Create an infinite list of lists of floats, x is [[Float]]
let x = replicate numLists [1.0 .. numItems]
-- Print two first elements of each item
print $ take 2 (map (take 2) x)
print $ L.fold foldFloats (concat x)
The main differences from your code are:
I use replicate n, which is the same thing as take n . repeat. In fact, that's how replicate is actually defined
I don't bother processing the sublists individually. I just concat them all together and fold that in a single pass.
I use Maybe for the minimum and maximum since I need to handle the case of an empty list.
This code is faster
Here are the numbers:
$ time ./fold
numItems: 2000.0
numLists: 100000
Foo {fooMin = Just 1.0, fooMax = Just 2000.0, fooSum = 3.435974e10}
real 0m5.796s
user 0m5.756s
sys 0m0.024s
foldl is a really small and easy to learn library. You can learn more about it here.
Monoids to the rescue. All your operations - the sum, minimum and maximum - can be all expressed as monoids. For the minimum and maximum we need to wrap it into Option from the semigroups, because we need to represent somehow the minimum and maximum of an empty collection. (An alternative way would be to restrict ourself to non-empty collections, then we could use semigroups instead of monoids.)
Another thing we'll need is to ensure that all computations are forced during each step. For this we declare Foo's instance of NFData, add some missing instances of the monoid types we use, and a helper function that forces values during the folding operation.
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Semigroup
-- Declare the data type so that each field is a monoid.
data Foo a = Foo
{ fooMin :: Option (Min a)
, fooMax :: Option (Max a)
, fooSum :: Sum a
} deriving Show
-- Make a Monoid instance - just by combining individual fields.
instance (Ord a, Num a) => Monoid (Foo a) where
mempty = Foo mempty mempty mempty
mappend (Foo n1 x1 s1) (Foo n2 x2 s2) = Foo (n1 <> n2) (x1 <> x2) (s1 <> s2)
-- Add missing NFData instances
instance (NFData a) => NFData (Option a) where
rnf (Option x) = rnf x `seq` ()
instance (NFData a) => NFData (Min a) where
rnf (Min x) = rnf x `seq` ()
instance (NFData a) => NFData (Max a) where
rnf (Max x) = rnf x `seq` ()
instance (NFData a) => NFData (Sum a) where
rnf (Sum x) = rnf x `seq` ()
-- Also add an instance for Foo
instance (NFData a) => NFData (Foo a) where
rnf (Foo n x s) = rnf n `seq` rnf x `seq` rnf s `seq` ()
-- Convert a single element into Foo.
locFoo :: a -> Foo a
locFoo x = Foo (return $ Min x) (return $ Max x) (Sum x)
-- A variant of foldMap that uses left fold and forces monoid
-- elements on the way.
foldMap' :: (F.Foldable f, Monoid m, NFData m) => (a -> m) -> f a -> m
foldMap' f = F.foldl' (\m x -> (mappend $!! m) (f x)) mempty
main :: IO()
main = do
let numItems = 2000
let numLists = 100000
putStrLn $ "numItems: " ++ show numItems
putStrLn $ "numLists: " ++ show numLists
-- Create an infinite list of lists of floats, x is [[Float]]
let x = take numLists $ repeat [1.0 .. numItems] :: [[Float]]
-- Print two first elements of each item
print $ take 2 (map (take 2) x)
-- First calculate local min/max/sum for each float list
-- then calculate the global min/max/sum based on the results.
print . foldMap' (foldMap' locFoo) $ x
Maybe a single fold is cheaper. Try running some tests with something like:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List
getLocalFoo :: [Float] -> Foo
getLocalFoo [] = error "getLocalFoo: empty list"
getLocalFoo (x:xs) = foldl' f (Foo x x x) xs
where f (Foo !min1 !max1 !sum1) y =
Foo (min1 `min` y) (max1 `max` y) (sum1 + y)
and its analogous for getGlobalFoo.

Check whether formula is correct in haskell

---- update 2 ----
At last, he told me that is Exists…
thank you all.
---- update ----
Okay, we call it Forsome
ex3: forsome x0::[False,True]. forsome x1::[0,1,2]. (x0 || (0 < x1))
(whom told me "what is forall" added):
the constructor says "forall x in blah" but it really means "for some x in blah".
the formula is satisfied for some assignment of variables so it is satisfiable.
How can I do it?
---- original ----
Suppose we have a formula ex3
ex3: forall x0::[False,True]. forall x1::[0,1,2]. (x0 || (0 < x1)).
At first I think ex3 is False, cause when x0 = False and x1 = 0 the formula is (False || (0 < 0)) so ex3 is absolutely false. But I be told that ex3 is True,
"satisfiable ex3 is true because there is at least one combination from sets x0 and x1 which returns true. So as long as there is 1 valid solution in Forall, it is true."
Assume that is correct…
I think it need to check groups of combination with same level but I am not figure out how to do it. To determine 'Are them same group` seems difficult.
Here is my codes:
File: Formula.hs
module Formula where
-- Datatype of formulas
-- --------------------
data Formula ts where
Body :: Term Bool -> Formula ()
Forall :: Show a
=> [a] -> (Term a -> Formula as) -> Formula (a, as)
data Term t where
Con :: t -> Term t
And :: Term Bool -> Term Bool -> Term Bool
Or :: Term Bool -> Term Bool -> Term Bool
Smaller :: Term Int -> Term Int -> Term Bool
Plus :: Term Int -> Term Int -> Term Int
Name :: String -> Term t -- to facilitate pretty printing
-- Pretty printing formulas
-- ------------------------
instance Show t => Show (Term t) where
show (Con v) = show v
show (And p q) = "(" ++ show p ++ " && " ++ show q ++ ")"
show (Or p q) = "(" ++ show p ++ " || " ++ show q ++ ")"
show (Smaller n m) = "(" ++ show n ++ " < " ++ show m ++ ")"
show (Plus n m) = "(" ++ show n ++ " + " ++ show m ++ ")"
show (Name name) = name
instance Show (Formula ts) where
show = show' ['x' : show i | i <- [0..]]
show' :: [String] -> Formula ts' -> String
show' ns (Body body) = show body
show' (n:ns) (Forall vs p) = "forall " ++ n ++ "::" ++ show vs ++ ". " ++ show' ns (p (Name n))
-- Example formulas
-- ----------------
ex1 :: Formula ()
ex1 = Body (Con True)
ex2 :: Formula (Int, ())
ex2 = Forall [1..10] $ \n ->
Body $ n `Smaller` (n `Plus` Con 1)
ex3 :: Formula (Bool, (Int, ()))
ex3 = Forall [False, True] $ \p ->
Forall [0..2] $ \n ->
Body $ p `Or` (Con 0 `Smaller` n)
wrongFormula :: Formula (Int, ())
wrongFormula = Forall [0..4] $ \n ->
Body $ n `Smaller` (Con 0)
File: Solver.hs
module Solver where
import Formula
-- Evaluating terms
-- ----------------
eval :: Term t -> t
eval (Con v) = v
eval (And p q) = eval p && eval q
eval (Or p q) = eval p || eval q
eval (Smaller n m) = eval n < eval m
eval (Plus n m) = eval n + eval m
eval (Name _) = error "eval: Name"
-- Checking formulas
-- -----------------
satisfiable :: Formula ts -> Bool
satisfiable (Body body) = eval body
-- FIXME wrong implement
--satisfiable (Forall xs f) = helper f xs
-- where helper :: (Term a -> Formula t) -> [a] -> Bool
-- helper fn (a:as) = (satisfiable $ (fn . Con) a) && (helper fn as)
-- helper _ [] = True
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I agree with Daniel that this describes Exists, not Forall, but if you want to interpret it that way, you just have to change && to || and True to False.
Or, even better, using the Prelude functions
all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool -- is predicate true for all elements?
any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool -- is predicate true for any element?
you can write your existing implementation as
satisfiable (Forall xs f) = all (satisfiable . f . Con) xs
so to change it, you just change the all to any.
