getting error when starting xampp with error missing job name - linux

I installed xampp in ubuntu 12.04 and everything is ok but when i am trying start it from terminal i get this error:
start: missing job name
try 'start --help' for more information.
JOB is the name of the job that is to be started, this may be followed by zero
or more environment variables to be defined in the new job. This is the information which i got from help but is my first experience with linux. all tutorials on the web tells that all the things that i need to do is just enter start...
What to do?

When you follow this guide:
and run command:
/opt/lampp/lampp start
Or, you run some other command?(in question is not specified what you have executed). If so, most likely something is not correctly installed...
Also you should provide xampp version, how the software was installed (rpm, compiled,....)


Squarespace local development server install gets hung up in middle of installation

I have spent hours trying to fix this problem on my own but am getting nowhere and can't seem to see any other questions/solutions regarding my specific problem.
I successfully installed nodist via chocalatey via Powershell admin.
I used the following script in attempting to install the Squarespace development server per Squarespace documentation:
npm install -g #squarespace/server -y
Please noted I added the -y parameter to for yes to accept license agreement but previously didn't add this parameter but still received same result.
When trying to install the local Squarespace development server via Powershell admin, the script keeps getting hung up at the following:
Using this software requires accepting the Squarespace Developer Terms
of Use and Oracle Binary Code License Agreement . See LICENSE.txt.
The following is a screenshot of all the scripts that ran beginning from my install script:
I have done everything from reinstalling nodist several times to rebooting machine and everything else to troubleshoot.
Please note that I have also waited for more than an hour to see if the script fully executes but remains hung at the above noted line.
Why is this happening and how can I fix this?

Linux XAMPP suddenly requires 32 bit compatibility library

I have been working with linux's version of XAMPP (named LAMPP) for about 3 months now and up until tonight XAMPP has worked fine, but suddenly when I tried to run the command
sudo xampp stop
it gave me this error message:
XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system.
and since then any time I try to run any of the following commands:
sudo xampp start
sudo xampp stop
sudo xampp restart
I get the same message
I want to know why I got this message because xampp has been working flawlessly up until now and in fact, less than 30 minutes ago, I typed sudo xampp start and xampp started up normally and I was able to access localhost/phpmyadmin/
Here is some other info that may be useful:
-My OS is Arch Linux
-I am using the xfce desktop environment
-In the time between starting xampp successfully and trying to stop xampp when I got the error message above, I was trying to get the php mail() function to work by following the steps on this page and I had just successfully finished step 1 and successfully sent the test email to myself.
-also, when I first got the aforementioned error message, I was still able to access pages via localhost (for instance I had a php file at /opt/lampp/htdocs/Brown/index.php that I could access successfully by typing localhost/Brown/index.php even after I was getting the error message) but then I tried to restart my computer to see if that might fix the issue and now I can't start xampp to begin with.
Please someone help me with this and feel free to ask any follow-up questions if that will help
I figured out my own issue. For anyone who sees this question, I had made a few changes to my php.ini file in attempts to get php's mail() function to work and I wanted to start fresh, so I moved php.ini to php_old.ini and copied a file named php.ini-pre1.7.2 to php.ini thinking that php.ini-pre1.7.2 was a file containing the default configuration of php.ini in case one might want to roll back to the defaults, but instead it is something entirely different. My issue was completely fixed when I moved php_old.ini back to php.ini
2021 and the same happened to me after trying to match php.ini seetings between a Windows environment and a Ubuntu 20.04 one. Everywhere I saw it told me to comment a section in the /opt/lampp/lampp file but it messed up my installation and I lost track of what was wrong. After re-installing LAMPP I matched the settings one by one restarting with sudo opt/lampp/lampp restart at each modification. The culprit was:
This line has to be stay commented (just put a semicolon at the start of the line), if you need it then this workaround may help you. Cheers!

Error in using 'theano-nose' command

After installing Theano from Enthought Canopy on Windows, following the steps here: , I tried to execute the command theano-nose from Canopy terminal. I got an error message saying "unable to find theano-nose". Can someone tell me what might be going wrong?
theano-nose is from the command line. But your shell need to be able to find it.
It is highly possible it didn't got installed correctly on Windows or that you need to reboot or log out/log in. I do not remember Windows particularities on that level.
But a simple work around is to start python and run this:
import theano
This is equivalent for what you want to do.

timeout --> command not found in linux server

I am using linux server from cPanel. Now I need to use one of the linux command to run. And the command is 'timeout'. My command is something as below
$timeout 2s ./myexecutable < input > output
This is just running ok in my linux machine. But I want to run it in server(linux). But it is not running out there. I saw error log using 2>$1 . and it says command not found.
So how do I specify the path. That means how can I know the exact path to run it.
I am very new to this type of server stuff, so please don't be rude :D.. whatever you know please help me to get out of it.
thank you
On Mac, you can use gtimeout from the coreutils package. To install it, run
brew install coreutils
If you need the command to be called "timeout" then you can alias it.
alias timeout="gtimeout"

Could not start virtuoso on windows server 2003

I have installed opensource virtuoso on windows server 2003.
I followed all the instructions given on the link openlinksw even the service instance has been created i can see the service list but whenever I'm trying to start the service it's giving me following error:
could not start Open link virtuoso server "Virt" service on local
computer. Error 193:0xc1.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
What is the actual command you are running to start the Virtuoso Server and where is this being run from ?
Please checking the "virtuoso.log" file in the "database" directory of your installation to see why it might be failing to start.
The simplest way to try and start Virtuoso to verify base operabiity is to run the following command from the "database" directory of your installation from a command prompt:
..\virtuoso-t -f
which will start it in foreground debug mode and you can see the startup attempt in progress ...
