Modx php & Template variable - modx

Is there a way to do something like that in a snippet : <?php if ([[+idx]]==1) echo "0";<?
Thank you.

If you need to get the value of a template variable, you can use this
$id = $modx->resource->get('id');//ID of current resource
$name = $modx->resource->get('pagetitle');//title of current resource
$val = $modx->resource->getTVValue('name_of_tv');//get tv value of current resource by name
$val = $modx->resource->getTVValue($tv_id);//get tv value of current resource by ID
To get idx of migx tv you need something like this -
$docid = $modx->resource->get('id'); // id of curent resource
$tvname = 'name_of_your_tv'; // change to yours
$tv = $modx->getObject('modTemplateVar', array('name' => $tvname));
$outputvalue = $tv->renderOutput($docid);
$items = $modx->fromJSON($outputvalue);
$idx = 0; // initialize idx
$output = array();
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$idx++; // increase idx
$output[] = print_r($item,1); // test output
$outputSeparator = "\n";
$o = implode($outputSeparator, $output); // implode output
return $o;
Taken from migx snippet

since you are probably calling your snippet from the resource in question [are you?] you can just pass the idx to the snippet....
[[!callMySnippet? &idx=[[+idx]] ]]
then in your snippet:
$output = '';
$idx = $scriptProperties['idx'];
if ($idx==1) {
$output = "0";
return $output;


PHP loading array of objects

I'd like to load my array with objects from .csv
When I do it with writing JSON like a forced string, its okay and my code works fine.
When I try to make objects and load them into an array, new object overwrites all objects in the array and I got an array full of the same values. Any suggestions for my mistakes?
In the end, variable content gives valid JSON (without '[]' brackets), but array contentArr gives array full of same objects...
HereĀ“s the code:
$content = '';
$contentArr = array();
$Obj = new stdClass();
$count = 0;
while ($csv = fgetcsv($file,1000,",")) {
$content .= "{\"number\":\"".$csv[0]=Filter($csv[0])."\",\"message\":\"".$csv[1]."\"},";
$Obj -> number = $csv[0]=Filter($csv[0]);
$Obj -> message = $csv[1];
$contentArr[] = $Obj;
$content = substr($content, 0, -1);
I hope this code can help you
$openFile = fopen($file, "r");
$csv = fgetcsv($file);
//your code here
My mistake was that I was changing link only to one object I made before the while cycle. When I move object creating INTO the while cycle, I am creating new object for every new data I am loading into array.
$content = '';
$contentArr = array();
//$Obj = new stdClass(); ----> this was my mistake
$count = 0;
while ($csv = fgetcsv($file,1000,",")) {
$content .= "{\"number\":\"".$csv[0]=Filter($csv[0])."\",\"message\":\"".$csv[1]."\"},";
$Obj = new stdClass();// ----> that's how it should be
$Obj -> number = $csv[0]=Filter($csv[0]);
$Obj -> message = $csv[1];
$contentArr[] = $Obj;
$content = substr($content, 0, -1);

How to import the excel file to mySQL database using php

I want to import the data in the excel to mySQL DB using php. I have tried using the way explained in other questions but nothing worked out for me. Kindly let me know how to import the data in to DB using php.
Also, do let me know where to place the excel file to be uploaded,I mean the location in the system.
method can use load data command
method 2. Excel reader
method 3. parseCSV
method4. (PHP 4, PHP 5) fgetcsv
please refer this PHP code
//table Name
$tableName = "MyTable";
//database name
$dbName = "MyDatabase";
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbName) or die(mysql_error());
//get the first row fields
$fields = "";
$fieldsInsert = "";
if (($handle = fopen("test.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
if(($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);
$fieldsInsert .= '(';
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
$fieldsInsert .=($c==0) ? '' : ', ';
$fieldsInsert .="`".$data[$c]."`";
$fields .="`".$data[$c]."` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,";
$fieldsInsert .= ')';
//drop table if exist
if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$tableName."'"))>=1) {
mysql_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$tableName.'`') or die(mysql_error());
//create table
$sql = "CREATE TABLE `".$tableName."` (
`".$tableName."Id` int(100) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
PRIMARY KEY (`".$tableName."Id`)
) ";
$retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );
if(! $retval )
die('Could not create table: ' . mysql_error());
else {
while(($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
$num = count($data);
//get field values of each row
for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
$fieldsInsertvalues .=($c==0) ? '(' : ', ';
$fieldsInsertvalues .="'".$data[$c]."'";
$fieldsInsertvalues .= ')';
//insert the values to table
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$tableName." ".$fieldsInsert." VALUES ".$fieldsInsertvalues;
echo 'Table Created';

Perl help: Can't call method "display" on an undefined value

Let start with the basic back ground. We recently brought our web hosting in house.
There are few old website still use Perl. I have no experience with Perl.
Let's Begin. We have a this sub website on our main domain.
Public link :
When you goto website we get the following error message
"Software error:
Can't call method "display" on an undefined value at /var/www/ line 47."
Looking at the EAP website/directory all files look in place with proper permission, again I have no experience with Perl/Cgi. Below is the index.cgi file :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
### the main control file used in the system
BEGIN { unshift #INC, qw(./cgi-bin/include/); }
### send all fatal errors to the browser
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Error_Handler;
use File_Handler;
use Cookie_Handler;
require "./cgi-bin/setup.cgi";
do "./cgi-bin/include/common.cgi";
### initialize the file handling module
my $File = new File_Handler;
### initialize the cookie handling module
my $Cookie = new Cookie_Handler;
$ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
} else {
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
#pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
foreach $pair (#pairs){
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ tr/+/ /;
$name =~ s/\breq\_//ig;
$name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$name = trim($name);
$FORM{$name} = trim($value);
my %cookiedata = $Cookie -> get_cookies();
### read the summary database
my $summary_ref = $File -> read($login_summary)|| $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
my (#summary) = #$summary_ref;
### read the companies database
my $companies_ref = $File -> read($companies_db)|| $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
my (#companies) = #$companies_ref;
my %COMP = ();
foreach (#companies) {
$_ =~ s/\n|\r//g;
my ($c_num, $c_name) = split(/\t/, $_);
$COMP{$c_num} = $c_name;
if ( $cookiedata{'LOGIN'} != 1 ) {
my $found = 0;
my $company_number = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
$company_number =~ s/s|e|w//g;
foreach (#summary) {
$_ =~ s/\n|\r//g;
my #field = split(/\t/, $_);
$field[0] = &trim($field[0]);
$field[2] = &trim($field[2]);
$field[3] = &trim($field[3]);
$field[4] = &trim($field[4]);
$field[5] = &trim($field[5]);
$field[6] = &trim($field[6]);
if ( $field[0] eq "$company_number" ) {
$found = 1;
my $firstletters = substr($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}, 0, 2);
$firstletters = trim($firstletters);
if ( $firstletters ne "sw" && $firstletters ne "lf" ) {
$firstletters = substr($firstletters, 0, 1);
if ( lc($firstletters) eq "e" ) {
$field[3] = ($field[3] + 1);
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "s" ) {
$field[2] = ($field[2] + 1);
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "w" ) {
$field[4] = ($field[4] + 1);
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "sw" ) {
$field[5] = ($field[2] + 1);
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "lf" ) {
$field[6] = ($field[6] + 1);
} else {
$field[3] = ($field[3] + 1);
$_ = join("\t", #field);
if ( $found == 1 ) {
# write data back to file
# append to summary file
open(LOG, ">$login_summary") || $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
foreach (#summary) {
print LOG $_ ."\n";
#$File -> file($login_summary);
#$File -> data(\#summary);
#$File -> write() || $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
} else {
$e = 0;
$s = 0;
$w = 0;
$sw = 0;
$lf = 0;
my $firstletters = substr($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}, 0, 2);
$firstletters = trim($firstletters);
if ( $firstletters ne "sw" && $firstletters ne "lf" ) {
$firstletters = substr($firstletters, 0, 1);
if ( lc($firstletters) eq "e" ) {
$e = 1;
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "s" ) {
$s = 1;
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "w" ) {
$w = 1;
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "sw" ) {
#$sw = 1;
$s = 1;
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "lf" ) {
$lf = 1;
} else {
$e = 1;
# append to summary file
open(LOG, ">>$login_summary") || $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
print LOG $company_number ."\t". $COMP{$company_number} ."\t". $s ."\t". $e ."\t". $w . "\t". $sw ."\t". $lf ."\n";
my (#login_logs) = ();
my $logline = "";
$login_logs[0] = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
$login_logs[1] = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$login_logs[2] = time();
open(LOG, ">>$login_logs") || $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);
print LOG $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ."\t". $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} ."\t". time() ."\n";
print "Set-Cookie: LOGIN=1";
print "; path=$cookiepath; domain=$cookiedomain;\n";
my $firstletters = substr($ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}, 0, 2);
$firstletters = trim($firstletters);
if ( $firstletters ne "sw" && $firstletters ne "lf") {
$firstletters = substr($firstletters, 0, 1);
if ( lc($firstletters) eq "e" ) {
print "Location:\n\n";
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "s" ) {
print "Location:\n\n";
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "w" ) {
print "Location:\n\n";
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "sw" ) {
print "Location:\n\n";
} elsif ( lc($firstletters) eq "lf" ) {
print "Location:\n\n";
} else {
print "Location:\n\n";
#output html
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<h1>hello world!</h1>";
$e = `perl -ver`;
$r = `whereis perl5`;
$z = `whereis sendmail`;#
$w = `top`;#
$d = `w`;
print "<pre>perl version:<br>$e<hr>perl path:<br>$r<hr>sendmail path:<br>$z<hr>top:<br>$w<hr>w:<br>$d<hr>environment vars:<br>";##
while (($key, $val) = each %ENV) {
print "$key = $val\n";
$x= 'lowercase';
print "<hr>path tranlsated(NT)<br>$ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}</pre>";
#$x = uc($x);
print "<br>$x";
Please let me know what I am missing. If you need to look at more "included" files let me know.
Also here is the link for our cgi config.
Thank You.
The error comes from this line: my $summary_ref = $File -> read($login_summary)|| $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__);. It means $Error doesn't exist or its value is undef. And indeed, I don't see such a variable being declared or initialised. Maybe it's suppose to be exported by Error_Handler???
This error is happening when trying to report another error. You could try replacing (if only temporarily) $Error -> display("$!". __LINE__); with die($!) and checking your server's error log for the error message. That said, it's surely "No such file or directory" or "Permission denied", so maybe it's not worth the time to find out the exact message. (Upd: Actually, I think the message will be "redirected" to your browser, so that makes things easier.)
I'm guessing here, but it looks like it's trying to read the file named by $login_summary. I have no idea where this is set (if at all!), so you might want to find out its value, and maybe where it's getting set.
As ikegami pointed out, the error you are seeing indicates that $Error is not being initialized, and looking at the rest of the script, I would guess that what is needed (first of all) is to initialize it in the same manner as the $File and $Cookie variables. Add this line after line 20 in your script:
my $Error = new Error_Handler;
That might give you a nicer error message, but it will probably just tell you what you already discovered when you added your die($!); line: 'No such file or directory'.
Your script is also doing a file called ./cgi-bin/include/common.cgi. Check this file for your $login_summary variable, to know what file it's trying to access.
I have resolved the problem with a quick fix. I don't know why it work but it does for me.
Here what i did...After reading online i found that adding "-w" on the header of all .(dot)cgi files make it work.
I do hope there is a better method to add "-w" in one place then adding it on all .cgi files.
In short change #!/usr/bin/perl to #!/usr/bin/perl -w
Thanks all.

Drupal removing a node reference from a node

Ok, trying to process a script, both PHP and JavaScript, where I am moving a particular content type NODE from one reference to another. This is the structure:
I have a PROJECT
Inside each PROJECT are PAGES
Inside each PAGE are CALLOUTS
and Inside each CALLOUT are PRODUCTS.
What I want to do is take a PRODUCT from one CALLOUT to another CALLOUT. I am able to merge these, but now what I want to do is delete the first instance. An example:
I have PRODUCT AAG-794200 that is on PAGE 6 CALLOUT A. I am merging that PRODUCT with PAGE 6 CALLOUT B.
I can get the product to merge, but now I need to remove it from CALLOUT A. Here is my code:
$merge = explode(',', $merge); //Merge SKUs
$mpages = explode(',', $mpages); //Merge Pages
$mcallouts = explode(',', $mcallouts); //Merge Callouts
$mcallout_nid = explode(',', $mcallout_nid); //Merge Current callout
$length = count($merge);
$e = 0;
while ($e < $length) {
//Where is the SKU going to?
$to_callout_letter = strtoupper($mcallouts[$e]);
$to_page_num = $mpages[$e];
$sku = $merge[$e];
$from_callout = $mcallout_nid[$e];
//Where is the SKU coming from?
$other_callout = node_load($from_callout);
//Need page ID of current callout for project purposes
$page_nid = $other_callout->field_page[0]['nid'];
$page = node_load($page_nid);
//Need the project NID
$project_nid = $page->field_project[0]['nid'];
//We need to get the NID of the page we are going to
$page_nid = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_page WHERE field_page_order_value = "%d" and field_project_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $to_page_num, $project_nid);
$page_nid_res = db_fetch_array($page_nid);
$to_page_nid = $page_nid_res['nid'];
//We need to get the NID of the callout here
$co_nid = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_callout WHERE field_identifier_value = "%s" and field_page_nid = "%d"', $to_callout_letter, $to_page_nid);
$co_nid_res = db_fetch_array($co_nid);
$to_callout_letter_nid = $co_nid_res['nid'];
//Load the present callout the SKU resides on
$f_callout = node_load($from_callout);
$callout = node_load($to_callout_letter_nid);
$long = count($f_callout->field_skus);
$deletecallout = array();
foreach($f_callout->field_skus as $skus) {
$s = 0;
while ($s < $long) {
if($skus['nid'] == $sku) {
$callout->field_skus[] = $skus;
else {
$deletecallout[] = $skus;
foreach($other_callout->field_images as $old_image) {
$callout->field_images[] = $old_image;
foreach($other_callout->field_line_art as $old_image) {
$callout->field_line_art[] = $old_image;
foreach($other_callout->field_swatches as $old_image) {
$callout->field_swatches[] = $old_image;
$callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'];
$callout->field_notes[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'] .= $other_callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_status[0]['value'] = 'In Process';
This causes the PRODUCTS to MERGE, but not delete the original.
Thanks for any help. I know it's something simple, and it will be a palm-to-face moment.
I was actually able to solve this myself. #Chris - The brace ended after node_save(callout); I must have missed that when I copied and pasted. However, here is the code I ended up using:
$merge = explode(',', $merge); //Merge SKUs
$mpages = explode(',', $mpages); //Merge Pages
$mcallouts = explode(',', $mcallouts); //Merge Callouts
$mcallout_nid = explode(',', $mcallout_nid); //Merge Current callout
if($merge[0] !== '0') {
//Store NIDs of Old Callouts to the proper SKU
$oc_sku = array();
$oc_sku_e = count($merge);
$oc_sku_ee = 0;
while ($oc_sku_ee < $oc_sku_e) {
$curr_sku = $merge[$oc_sku_ee];
$curr_oldco = $mcallout_nid[$oc_sku_ee];
$oc_sku[$curr_sku] = $curr_oldco;
//Convert page numbers to page_nids
$pc = count($mpages); //How many pages are we getting
$pc_e = 0;
while($pc_e < $pc) {
$nid = $mpages[$pc_e];
$sql = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_page WHERE field_page_order_value = "%d" AND field_project_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $nid, $project_nid);
$res = db_fetch_array($sql);
if($res) {
$npage_arr[] = $res['nid'];
} else { //If there is no page, we need to create it here.
$node = new StdClass();
$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Page ' . $nid . ' of ' . $project->title;
$node->field_project[0]['nid'] = $project_nid;
$node->field_page_order[0]['value'] = $nid;
$node = node_submit($node);
$npage_arr[] = $node->nid;
// Convert callout letters to callout_nids
$coc = count($mcallouts);
$coc_e = 0;
while($coc_e < $coc) {
$cnid = strtoupper($mcallouts[$coc_e]);
$pnid = $npage_arr[$coc_e];
$page_node = node_load($pnid);
$sql = db_query('SELECT * FROM content_type_callout WHERE field_identifier_value = "%s" AND field_page_nid = "%d" ORDER BY vid DESC LIMIT 1', $cnid, $pnid);
$res = db_fetch_array($sql);
if($res) {
$cpage_arr[] = $res['nid'];
} else { //If there is no callout that exists, we need to make it here.
$callout_node = new stdClass();
$callout_node->type = 'callout';
$callout_node->field_page[0]['nid'] = $pnid;
$callout_node->field_identifier[0]['value'] = $cnid;
$callout_node->field_sequence[0]['value'] = 0;
$callout_node->title = "Callout ".$callout." on page ".$page_node->field_page_order[0]['value'];
$callout_node->field_project[0]['nid'] = $project->nid;
$callout_node->field_wholesaler[0]['value'] = $project->field_wholesaler[0]['value'];
$callout_node->field_skus = array();
$callout_node->status = 1;
$callout_node->uid = 1;
$callout_node->revision = true;
$callout_node = node_submit($callout_node);
$cpage_arr[] = $callout_node->nid;
//Now we need to assign the skus to the appropriate callout for processing
$coc2 = count($cpage_arr);
$coc_e2 = 0;
while($coc_e2 < $coc2) {
$co = $cpage_arr[$coc_e2];
if($co !== '0') {
$sku = $merge[$coc_e2];
$m_arr[$co][] = $sku;
//we need a way to centrally store all NID's of SKUs to the callouts they belong to
$oc_arr = array();
$oc = count($mcallout_nid);
$oc_e = 0;
while($oc_e < $oc) {
$f_callout = $mcallout_nid[$oc_e];
$former_callout = node_load($f_callout);
foreach($former_callout->field_skus as $key=>$skus) {
$oc_arr[] = $skus;
//Now we are processing the Pages/Callouts/SKUs to save
$pc_e2 = 0;
foreach($m_arr as $key=>$values) {
$callout = node_load($key);
foreach($values as $value) {
$oc = count($oc_arr);
$oc_e = 0;
while($oc_e < $oc) {
$skus = $oc_arr[$oc_e];
if($value == $skus['nid']) {
$callout->field_skus[] = $skus;
//$nid = $oc_sku[$value];
$old_callout_info[] = $oc_sku[$value];
$oc_e = $oc;
else {
foreach($old_callout_info as $nid) {
/* $nid = $oc_sku[$value]; */
$former_callout = node_load($nid);
foreach($former_callout->field_images as $old_image) {
$callout->field_images[] = $old_image;
foreach($former_callout->field_line_art as $old_image) {
$callout->field_line_art[] = $old_image;
foreach($former_callout->field_swatches as $old_image) {
$callout->field_swatches[] = $old_image;
$callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_copy_text[0]['value'];
$callout->field_notes[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'] .= $former_callout->field_image_notes[0]['value'];
$callout->field_logos = $former_callout->field_logos;
$callout->field_affiliations = $former_callout->field_affiliations;
$callout->field_graphics = $former_callout->field_graphics;
$callout->revision = 1;
$callout->field_status[0]['value'] = 'inprocess';
I realize this can probably be simplified in a way, but as for now, this works perfectly considering what I'm trying to do. No complaints from the client so far. Thanks for taking a look Drupal Community.

How to stay sane with ExpressionEngines ambiguous channel field IDs?

When writing queries or running through result sets, I'm constantly having to refer to fields as "field_id_X". I want to believe there is a saner way to go about this than defining a CONST for every field_id/name pair.
define(NAME_FIELD ,'field_id_3');
define(HEIGHT_FIELD, 'field_id_4');
foreach( $result as $row ){
$name = $row[NAME_FIELD]; // :(
Get an Array for field id's and names...
function getFieldReferences() {
$sql = "SELECT field_id, field_name
FROM exp_channel_fields
WHERE site_id = ".$this->EE->config->item('site_id');
$result = $this->EE->db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
$result = $result->result_array();
$finalResult = array();
foreach ($result as $row)
$finalResult[$row["field_id"]] = $row["field_name"];
return $finalResult;
} else {
return false;
Example conversion of a specific entry details $entry_id...
$sql = "SELECT exp_channel_data.*, exp_channel_titles.*, exp_channels.channel_name
FROM exp_channel_data, exp_channel_titles, exp_channels
WHERE exp_channel_data.entry_id = $entry_id
AND exp_cart_products.entry_id = $entry_id
AND exp_channel_titles.entry_id = $entry_id
LIMIT = 1";
$result = $this->EE->db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
$result = $result->result_array();
$result = $result[0];
//### Get Field Titles ###
$fieldReferences = getFieldReferences();
//### Replace Field ID reference with name ###
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
if (substr($key,0,9) == "field_id_") {
$result[$fieldReferences[substr($key,9)]] = $value;
if (substr($key,0,9) == "field_ft_")
}//### End of foreach ###
Convert Member fields to names based on specified member $id...
$sql = "SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name
FROM exp_member_fields";
$result = $this->EE->db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
$memberFields = $result->result_array();
$sql = "SELECT exp_member_data.*,
FROM exp_member_data, exp_members
WHERE exp_member_data.member_id = $id
AND exp_members.member_id = $id
$result = $this->EE->db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows() > 0) {
$result = $result->result_array();
$rawMemberDetails = $result[0];
//### Loop through each Member field assigning it the correct name ###
foreach($memberFields as $row)
$memberDetails[ $row['m_field_name'] ] = $rawMemberDetails['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']];
You could look up exp_channel_fields.field_name (or field_label) by the field_id you have from exp_channel_data.
