Node.js/SignalR Communication - node.js

I got a server running SignalR and another server runing Node.js. I would like these two servers to communicate using SignalR. Is this possible?
I'm thinking I can use the SignalR client javascript library to connect to the SignalR server from Node:js but I can't find any good examples of how to do this.

Well the answer to can you do this is ultimately "yes" because there is nothing proprietary about SignalR communication. It's just variations of HTTP or WebSockets with a custom handshake/message framing protocol for Hubs on top of that.
So the how is the question we'd need to answer. Out of the box SignalR provides a client side JavaScript library based on the jQuery plug-in architecture, but that won't help Node.js. Someone has started a Node.js implementation here on GitHub, but according to the ReadMe it only supports HTTP long polling today. I'm unaware of any other implementations at this time, but obviously you start with that one and fork it to add support for the other transports if you wanted.


Signaling mechanism for webRTC using simpleWebRTC js library and backend in django

I am trying to build video conferencing web application where multiple people can join the call and there will be video/audio/data transmission. I researched a lot for this. What i understand is we can achieve this using webRTC protocol. I started doing research for js libraries and i came to know for simpleWebRTC. I want to develop with backend as a django. I tried to run sample demo code from but i am not able to establish connection with which is simplewebRTC signaling sandbox server.
I tried with node express server as well, but still i got the same error:- net::ERR_FAILED. This error occured in simplewebrtc-with-adapter-js while making connection.
What would be the correct technologies to achieve this type of functionality?
Front-end webRTC libraries:- simplewebRTC/ EasyRTC/ Any else apis?
Signaling mechanism:- What and how can we use to connect with webRTC?
Backend:- Node js/Django?
I still confused with the signaling protocols/STUN/TURN servers as we have to define the servers by our self. simpleWebRTC is not providing that which we can use in production.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I just started a video calling and chat application as well. open-easyrtc, no problems so far, their demo just works after npm install.
As for signaling servers, since I just started I haven't concerned myself much about them but the most I can make out of it is it's used for exchanging information like video metadata, network information, etc. open-easyrtc comes with public STUN and TURN servers, not sure about the limitation especially if you're going to have a lot of users.
It's also possible to deploy your own, I'm looking at learning more about coturn
once I finished developing my application.
You can use simple-peer, a simple library for webrtc. Here is an example project with multiple users project, DEMO.

Integrating real-time components into REST backend

I am implementing a product that will be accessible via web and mobile clients, and am doing thorough research to make sure that I have chosen a good set of tools before I begin. For front-end, I am using AngularJS (Angularjs + angular-ui on web, ionic + cordova on mobile), and because I want to have a single backend serving all types of clients, I plan on implementing a RESTful service (likely one that accepts and returns JSON data). I am leaning towards using Mongo, Node, and Express to create this RESTful API, but am open to suggestions on that front.
But the sticking point for me right now is this: certain parts of the application (including, for example, a live chat/messaging section) need to be real-time. I am aware of the various technologies and protocols for implementing real-time web services (webhooks, websockets, long polling, etc.) and the libraries and frameworks that implement them and expose that functionality (SockJS,, etc.) and I want to be clear that I am not asking one of those "what is the best framework" types of questions.
My question is rather about the correct way to implement these two kinds of services side-by-side. Should I be serving the chat separately from the rest of the application? Or is there a clean way to integrate these two different protocols into the same application?
The express framework is quite modular so it can sit side by side with a websocket module if you so wish. The most common reason for doing this is to share authentication routines across http and websockets by using the same session store in both modules.
For example you would authenticate a user by http with the express framework when they login, which will allow access to your chat application. From then on you would take advantage of the realtime and speedy protocol of websockets and on your server code you will check the cookie that the client sends with the socket message and check that the request corresponds to an authenticated session from before.
Many websites use websockets for chat or other push updates, and a separate RESTful API over AJAX, delivered to the same page. There are great reasons to leave RESTful things as they are, particularly if caching is an issue--websockets won't benefit from web caches outside your servers. Websockets are better suited for chat on any modern browser, which trades a small keep-alive for a reconnecting long-poll. So two separate interfaces adds a little complexity that you may benefit from, when scaling and cost-per-user are considered.
If your app grows enough to require this scaling, you'll find this actually simplifies things greatly--clients in the same chat groups can map to the same server, and a load balancer can distribute RESTful calls appropriately.
If you are looking for one communication protocol to serve both needs (calling the server from the client, as well as pushing data from the server), you might have a look at WAMP.
WAMP is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application
messaging patterns in one unified protocol: Remote Procedure Calls +
Publish & Subscribe.
If you want to dig a little deeper, this describes the why, the motivation and the design. WAMP has multiple implementations in different languages.
Now, if you want to stick to REST, then you cannot integrate push at the protocol level (since REST simply does not have that), but only at "framework level". You need a 2nd protocol. The options are:
Server Sent Events (SSE)
HTTP Long-Poll
SSE in a way could be a good complement to REST. However, it's unsupported on IE (not even IE11), and it's unclear if it ever will be.
WebSocket obviously works, but then why not have it all running over WebSocket? (This line of thinking leads to WAMP).
So IMO the natural complement for REST would be some HTTP Long-poll based mechanism for simulating push. You can make HTTP Long-poll work robustly. You'll have to live with the inefficiencies and limitations of HTTP (for use cases like this) with this solution then.
You could use a hosted real-time messaging (and even storage) service and integrate it into your frontend apps (web and mobile). These services leverage the websocket protocol and normally include HTTP Comet fallbacks.
The cool thing is that you don't need to manage the underlying infrastructure in terms of high-availability and unlimited scalability and focus only on developing a great app.
I work for Realtime so i'm a bit biased but I think the Realtime Framework could help you. More at alternatives for real time communication applications

I have built a multiplayer game with real time leader board. The game is in PHP(Backend) + Flex(Front end).
I have used for real time communication with a node.js server. But I am facing a lot of problem with respect to proxy settings on my client network configuration. Most of the time my application doesn't communicate with my node(socket) server. It is not able to establish a connection because of proxy configurations.
What alternatives can I go with? I tried to search a lot for alternatives. I came across services like pusher and pubnub, but those are little expensive. Have anyone tried Amazon SNS, is it suitable for this?
The reason that you cannot connect through proxies, is because is using web sockets. See and firewall Software (that page also includes a link to test websocket connectivity). There are a number of ways you can mitigate this problem:
Use secure websockets (wss://)
But this does also not guarantee for 100% that it will work.
Use one of the fallback mechanisms of Flash, Ajax, iFrame, JSONP, ...
For more information, see Configuring
There is SocketCluster:
It runs on multiple CPU cores and it's good with error-handling (workers auto-respawn). It has no identified memory leaks (just make sure you use latest version of Node.js).

WebSockets or an alternative with phonegap?

How can I send low latency data to a server and back with phonegap?
Considering I don't have access to php files locally, and don't have experience with node.js or WebSockets I don't know which ones I should use.
WebSockets aren't natively supported by the browsers in Android or older versions of Cordova under iOS, which means you'll need to use a PhoneGap plugin if you want to use them on the client.
There's more information at:
However, I'm not sure (even with the plugin) how resilient WebSockets are likely to be when the device moves between network connections (WiFi -> 3G -> WiFi), so using a simple polling web service may be a more reliable option if your app needs to continue receiving data as your users move around.
If you need to receive data initiated by the server, consider using push notifications instead: both iOS (APN) and Android (C2DM) provide APIs to do this which make more efficient use of the battery than having your app poll your server constantly.
You can use WebSockets in PhoneGap with iOS and Android. WebSockets are natively supported on iOS within Safari. For Android you will need to use a polyfill.
The answer above provides information about how to make a WebSocket object available within the Android WebView used by PhoneGap and also provides a link to a sample project which you can use to get started.
WebSockets were developed as a solution to 'Comet' hacks. As such they provide a very low latency solution for realtime bi-directional communication between a client and server. This means low bandwidth and low resource usage - battery on mobile - since you are holding a single connection open rather then opening and closing multiple HTTP connections. A polling solution which makes requests at regular intervals is likely to drain the battery much faster than a WebSocket solution. If you are polling at lower intervals then it may be fine - it depends on your use case.
In terms of WebSockets working as you change between network and network type (WiFi -> 3G -> WiFi) then if you are using WebSockets natively you need to detect the onclose and reconnect. You will also need to determine the best type of connection; unsecure (WS) or secure (WSS). I would highly recommend you use WSS for mobile since some mobile network providers use transparent proxies which interfere with WS connections. This might sound complicated but there are a number of libraries that handle this for you. Such as the Pusher JavaScript library (note: I work for Pusher). Libraries such as these also provide fallback to a less efficient HTTP-based solution when the environment will not let any WebSocket connection occur.
Also see: realtime web technology guide.
I'd agree with #rmc47 that you should consider native push notifications if it's for infrequent single notifications
Refer to this link to see WebSocket Support by Browsers and devices : site - iOS 4.2+ already supports WebSocket
See this doc that explains how to develop a simple application with WebSocket.
Unfortunately the content is in the Portuguese (Brazilian) language but you can leave comments which I will answer.
I'm not sure what you mean by "access to PHP files locally". The use of node.js and web sockets is also not mutually exclusive.
If you have not made a decision on the server implementation you could go for either node.js or ASP.NET.
node.js has good support for sockets with, which abstracts the client implementation for you. So it will use WebSockets if there is support, else it will fall back to long polling.
ASP.NET has a library called SignalR which does something similar for the .NET platform.

How to implement Socket.IO with ASP.Net, IISNode, Node.JS, and SQL Server for event-based push notifications?

For a notification project, would like to push event notifications out. These are things like login, change in profile, etc., and to be displayed to the appropriate client. I would like to discuss some ideas on putting it together, and get some advice on the best approach.
I noticed here that changes made to a CouchDB can be detected with a _changes stream, picked up by Node, and a process kicks off. I would like to implement something like this (I'm using SQL Server, but an entry point at this level may not be the best solution).
Instead of following the CouchDB example (detecting database-based events, I think this just complicates things, since we're interested in client events), I was thinking that when an event occurs, such as a user login, then a message is sent to the Node server with some event details (RESTful request?). This message is then processed and broadcast to all connected clients; the appropriate client displays notification.
Proposed ecosystem:
.Net 4.0
SQL Server 2008
This will be built on top of an existing project using the .Net framework (IIS, etc.). Many of the clients' browsers do not support web sockets, so using Socket.IO is a good option (fallback support). However, from what I can see, Socket.IO only still only supports long polling through IISNode (which isn't really a problem).
An option would be to expose the Socket.IO/Node endpoint to all clients, so that client-based notifications can be sent through JS to the Node server, which broadcasts the message. (follows the basic chat-server /client/server examples).
Alternately, an IIS endpoint could be used, but could only support long polling (through Socket.IO). This would offer some additional .Net back-end processing, but may be over-complicating the architecture.
Is there SQL Server-based event notification available for Node?
What would be the best approach?
If I didn't get the terminology ecosystem configuration right, please clarify.
I would recommend you check out SignalR first before considering adding iisnode/node.js to the mix of technologies of your pre-existing ASP.NET application.
Regarding websockets, regardless if you use ASP.NET or node.js (, you can only use HTTP long polling for low latency notifications, as websockets are not supported by HTTP.SYS/IIS until Windows 8. iisnode does not currently support websockets (even on Windows 8), but such support could be added later.
I did some research lately regarding MSSQL access from node.js. There are a few OSS projects out there, some of them use native, platform-specific extensions, some attempt implementing TDS protocol purely in JavaScript. I am not aware of any that would enable you to access the SQL Notifications functionality. However, the MSSQL team itself is investing in a first class MSSQL driver for node.js, so this is something to keep an eye on going forward (
If you plan to use SQL Notifications to support low latency notifications, I would strongly recommend starting with performance benchmarks that simulate the desired level of traffic at the SQL server level. SQL Notifications were meant primarily as a mechanism to help maintain in memory cache consistent with the content of the database, so it may or may not meet the requirements of your notification scenario. At the very minimum these measurements would help you start with a better design.
I would highly recommend using Pusher. That is what we use and it makes it easy to implement as it is a hosted solution. So plugging it and making it work is really easy. It doesn't cost much unless you are going to push a crazy amount of messages through it on a massive scale.
