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JavaScript/jQuery check broken links
(6 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I am planning to build a broken link checker tool for websites. Can you guys please let me know which tools I need to use in building the tool. I have experience in JavaScript, ExtJS, jQuery and PHP. Any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Have a look at this WP plugin: [Broken Link Checker]
It already does the job.
You could either reverse engineer it or use it as a concept tool to make your own
I am creating an application which further down the line, will allow users to create plugins for it. I am new in regards of plugin development and do not know how to properly search for examples of this.
As it is this is far too broad -- there's no actual question to it, only a statement. If you'd like a useful answer try editing to include a question which we can attempt to answer.
Here's a couple open-source Electron-based projects that support plugins which should help you get started, or at least give you an idea what to look around for/start building:
a game editor
as my question's title explains that do i make an Add-on or customize "DocuSign" in anyway ? If yes then does "DocuSign" Provide some Software Development Kit for integration ?
This question should be closed as it's way too general but to get you started, you can create a free developer sandbox through the DocuSign Developer Center and yes, they have SDKs and client libraries in multiple languages.
Is anyone aware of the similar framework based on JavaFX?
I was looking through the JavaFX API. Searched the web for third-party library that offers similar functionality, but failed to find anything remotely similar to the EditorKit...
There is HTMLEditor for HTML editing, if needed. By default JFX doesn't provide anything similar.
Question from developer : "what is missing from what we offer presently?" you (and anybody who wants) can comment on it in the issue. It is closed as not an issue for now, as, there not enough info about needs of such extensions.
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
So I come from a world of terminal windows and vi, and I created a site using Node.JS, Stylus, and Jade. The problem is now my girlfriend wants to help, however, all she has experience with is a Dreamweaver style "GUI" IDE for CSS and HTML. Is there an IDE that I can use for this? Cloud 9 is out because the project is not currently public.
If you are on Windows, you can try Microsoft WebMatrix 2
KomodoIDE has been a great choice for me. It has the Node.js api built into version 7, along with great interactive debugging options for stepping through code. There are dozens of syntax colorizing options ootb, and you can create your own syntax colorizers with UDL -
Unfortunately there is no stylus or jade support, however I've found that a few of the built in colorizers work pretty well for both. And there is a 3rd party plugin for Haml - the premise of Jade available in the community downloads - but I didn't try it out. And considering Less, SCSS and CoffeeScript were just added I'd wager that jade & stylus could very well be on their todo list.
The main reason I use Komodo is for the great vim key binding support - being an ssh/vi developer for a decade myself, this is now my prefered editor. So it might be an option for you too :D
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am doing a little data scraping, There are 3 types of file from which i am scraping data.
2- PDF
3- Excel(xls)
For HTML i am comfortable, i am using HTML Agility for that.
For PDF and excel i need suggestions from anyone.
Thanks in advance.
Concerning Excel. If you are in a MS environment you can either do Office Automation or use OLEDB. In a Java environment look at Apache POI.
EDIT: Concerning PDF in Java try Apache PDFBox . Can also work in .NET using IKVM
I can recommend Cogniview's PDF2XL, a reasonably inexpensive commercial product, to extract data from tables in PDF files into Excel. We have used it with great success.
HTML Agility is a library. Its good to use. But then, why do you need separate tools for different data extraction purposes? Use Automation Anywhere to extract data from any source. As far as I know, it would work for all the three sources you have specified.
Google it.
You can use UiPath in order to achieve this. It can scrape 100% accurate PDF, Excel, HTML, Java, Windows, .NET, WPF, legacy. Also works with virtualized based environments but only via OCR scraping.
Can be used from code (SDK) but also you can create visual automation (workflows) using UiPath Studio.
Here's a tutorial on web data extraction
Note: I work at UiPath so I know it can do the job. You should also try other visual automation tools like Automation Anywhere, WinAutomation, Jacada, use them side by side and choose the one that suits you the best.