How can I change the highlight color in the Visual Studio 2012 error list? - visual-studio-2012

I'm using the Dark theme from the Visual Studio 2012 themes. I have installed the VS 2012 color theme editor. What I want to do is change the background color that appears in the Error list when you select an error.
Presently that background color is a highly saturated bright blue. Text for errors is white. The white on bright blue is difficult to read. I want to tone that blue down. But I can't locate the property in the color theme editor that will adjust that. What color attribute can I adjust in the editor to change that? Thanks.

I had a similar issue when finding and replacing strings with the Visual Studio 2013 Dark Theme. The search would highlight all the found items light blue. When I went to select a part of the highlighted string, it would highlight the selected portion with a nearly identical color making it very difficult to tell what part of the string was highlighted for edit.
I went into TOOLS -> Options... -> Fonts and Colors -> Text Editor -> Selected Text and changed it to 'Yellow' which is working well for me.

If it's anything like Visual Studios 2010:
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts & Colors -> Display Items(Error)

In the theme editor, select "Show all elements".
Then edit "Environment -> Highlight".

You can achieve this by following the following list of menus:
Tools -> Options... -> Fonts and Colors -> Text Editor -> Find Match Highlight


Removing the gray border/rectangle in Visual studio 2012/2015

I've changed the colors in Visual studio 2015 so that when I highlight a word , it colors declarations in yellow and references in green.
But for some reason - there is a gray border around the declarative part :
Is there any way to remove the gray border ?
It seems that it happend also in earlier versions in another place - "Highlight current line" :
Here is the related question But I can't find the exact color setting to change (my question is not about current line but highlight reference).
You should just need to change the Item Foreground colour of the Highlighted Definition entry to match your default background colour and it will disappear.

VS2012: How to change color of vertical bar left of text editor?

In Visual Studio 2012 there is a vertical bar next to the text editor, in which the red markers of breakpoints are shown:
Is there any way to set the color of this bar?
For the records, I have found the solution. You can change this setting under:
Tools ->
Options ->
Environment ->
Fonts and Colors ->
Text Editor settings ->
"Indicator Margin" (Item Background)

Which color Value for Highligting in Visual Studio 2012

When I highlight a variable in Visual Studio the other appearances are also highlighted with a light gray background (standard behaviour from VS 2012)
I want to change that background color to a more "visible" color. I already installed the "Visual Studi 2012 Color Theme Editor" to be able to change individual colors.
I just do not know, what is the Name of that Color. I expect it to be under "All Elements - Editor - xxx" but which is the exact Name of that color?
Here is an example:
(how do I change the gray backgrounds)?
You can change it via Options -> Enviroment -> Fonts and Colors -> Diplay items -> Highlighted Reference. "Visual Studi 2012 Color Theme Editor" is not necessary for this.

VS 2012: Change color of selected text when context-menu is open

In Visual Studio 2012, I know that the color scheme for the Text Editor can be changed at TOOLS -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors.
However, what I can't find is this: When selecting a chunk of text with the mouse, and right clicking on that selection, the background color for the selection changes. Right now, that color matches the dark background of the Text Editor, which makes it look like nothing is selected.
How can I change the background color of selected text when the right-click context menu is open?
I think you are looking for the InactiveSelectedText option.
A part from this, I want to inform you to look at this site where you can find many premade themes with accurately choosen colors

In Visual Studio, how can I change/disable the line-highlight color when I double-click on a row in "Find Results"?

Sorry for the complicated title.
Screenshot here:
Do a "Find in Files" search in VS.
Double click on one of the results.
The line in the editor window is highlighted with dark blue (in my case).
The highlight does not go away unless I do another "Find in Files" search and click on another result.
The problems:
The highlight is too dark/overpowering.
I can't see other highlights (like selecting text, or even where my cursor is).
I want the highlight to go away while I'm editing the file.
So my questions:
Can I change the color of this highlight to something less powerful? (a nice light gray perhaps) I can't seem to tell which of the color-coding options changes this one.
Can I clear this highlight somehow while editing (without needing to do another search)
Can I disable this highlighting completely?
PS. I'm not interested in the line-highlight color in the "Find Results" window itself - just the highlight that appears in my text-editor window after I double-click on one of the results.
Try changing your color settings.
Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors
Select "Show settings for: Find Results Window" and change the "Current List Location" background color.
