missing "channel" within ExpressionEngine control panel - expressionengine

i am fairly new to expression engine, i have noticed my admin page is missing "Channel" "template" and "template group" as seen on this page
Can someone please advise?
many thanks

Until you create a channel, a template group or a template, all three will not have any content in the control panel - expressionengine, by default, installs as a blank slate. Have you created any of the three?


Can't setup "components" in coverity dashboard

Currently, I cannot change or add components in the coverity dashboard.
Dashboard displays no components ("-no components configured-")
Adding a component causes the error "Failed to update components. Please check regular expression and make sure to provide unique name for each component"
To me it looks like the dashboard has a hiccup of sorts.
All my project's defects are in the component "Other" (Pattern ".*") -- which does not turn up in the dashboard :(
We're investigating this issue right now as it seems to be affecting multiple projects. I'll post back when we've found the root cause and the fix.

How to create templates in Kentico 9?

I need to create few templates for E-commerce site. Can anyone guide me as how to create templates in Kentico 9 ? There is an existing site and I need to create five other templates for the same. Am totally new to Kentico.
Please help.
There are many generic templates in Kentico, so you could clone any of them and modify to your needs - this might be easier for you to edit existing one as you'll have an example.
I'd recommend you to take following steps:
Go to Pages application in Kentico administration
Select any page in content tree on the left
go to properties -> template
Save as new template (so you do not screw up exting one) and save your changes
Switch to Design tab - this is where you build/configure you template
On the Design tab there is green line with template name and hamburger menu, where you can choose edit layout - this is where you can implement markup of the page as well as split your page into zones. After you accomplish html for you page save changes and close current dialog.
Now you should be back to Design tab. Here you can add web parts to zones you've specified in the layout. There is huge amount of different web parts (user controls). All they have different purpose and settings, so you should check documentation and figure out which one should be used in your particular case.
Try editable text, editable image, repeater, navigation in order to get an idea how it works.

Hiding Settings Area based on security role in CRM 2011

I'm trying to hide the "Settings" area in CRM 2011 such that it is visible only to users
having a certain security role.
I have followed the suggestions mentioned in the following posts
and have created a custom entity as indicated in the posts.
None of my other security roles have "Read" on this entity. "System Customizer" by
default has "Read" on this entity.
I then included a Privilege tag like so
<Privilege Entity="Your custom entity name here" Privilege="Read" />
in each and every SubArea of Each <Group> that is defined for the "Settings" Area
under the <SiteMap> node and uploaded the solution containing this customization back to my org.
After importing the solution, I'm noticing that if I click on Settings --> Administration
the progress bar at the bottom of the browser stays busy for a long time and
I have also noticed an "Error on Page" message on the bottom left of the page.
Cicking on "Security Roles" or "Users" does the same thing.
Any help would be much appreciated.
OK I'll take a stab in the dark. I suspect you've messed up the SiteMap customisation. Roll back your changes and then go and install Tanguy's excellent SiteMap Editor tool from here. Do the same things you tried to do by hand and see if it works this time.

SharePoint -copy library template when creating a new item

I have a document library with 4 content types, each having a default template. Users click on "New" and choose the content type for the new item.
I need WSS 3.0 to create a copy of that template (in the current folder) so that the users can edit it. I do not want WSS to open the template in a client application -I need it to leave the template right there.
How could I accomplish this?
Thank you for your help.
I wonder what you mean by EDIT the template copy, you mean setting properties? cause otherwise you must open it in a client app.
Anyway, we did t before for a client, he needed a file naming convention feature, so we added a feature that replaced the New button options with our own option, that takes the user to our custom page, where he selects the content type and fill in appropriate metadata. When clicking OK, the template is copied to the folder, given name according to the convention and assigned metadata. After that we opened the file in a client app, but you don't have to do that. The whole thing involved
Feature XML files
Layouts custom page with code behind
Custom menu customizer code to hide the New button options
Hope it helps

SharePoint error relating to page layout after creating site from template

Inside SharePoint I've previously created a site template by appending _layouts/savetmpl.aspx to the end of my site and new sites have been created correctly and work as expected.
I've now come to do the same thing again and yet this time the new site is throwing an error relating to the page layout.
The error is:
This page is not using a valid page layout. To correct the problem, edit page settings and select a valid page layout.
When I try to select a different one, there is only the one to select. This page layout is in use on other sites and they render fine.
Has anyone else seen this issue?
All the best
First, if you append the _layouts/savetmpl.aspx tho the url, i suppose you dont have it in the Site Settings options, so you are using a Publishing site. This is because Microsoft doesn´t support this option (save as template in publishing sites). And they dont support it because it has some bugs, for sure.
So, I would recommend not using this option in important sites, or if you plan to ask support to Microsoft in the future.
However that error indicates that the page layout or his associated content type (ou parent content types) are not correctly installed in the site collection. Are you using your own (custom) content types? Please confirm if the ID of the associated content type (something like 0x0100C6739B7D12DE419aA2F9A2F96CC26818) is exactly the same in the Page Layout on working sites and in the not working sites.
Hope it helps
Do the sites/site collection where the templates working have all the same features enabled as teh sites/site collection where the template isn't working?
Can you check the server logs? <12 hive>\LOGS
Did you add a custom page layout, use it, and then forget to check that "save content" checkbox when you saved your template?
