Abount DNS configuration in CPanel, Please help me - web

I want to ask about cPanel, i have asked by my customer, they used cPanel as website control panel, so the case like this.
my client have cPanel WHM, their domain's name myClient.com can controled by cPanel, currently they have one exsisting website hosting at www.existingMyClient.com, so they want to make subdomain for example oldsite.myClient.com, which display the content of www.existingMyClient.com,
so, what i must configure in cPanel for that purpose ?

Go to Parked Domains on Cpanel of account existingMyClient.com
Create a parked domain oldsite.myClient.com
This parked subdomain (or domain) point to existingMyClient.com


Redirect Wix Domain to GoDaddy Domain having a web site hosted in Hostinger

I will tell you about my situation, I have a website hosted by hostinger, and a domain in godaddy which points to the hostinger's site through hostinger's dns and a domain created in cpanel, all good.
The question is that I have a domain in wix, to which I want to point to goddady's, or simply that when I enter this domain in wix it redirects me to godaddy's to see my website in hostinger.
I tried to do it through the CNAME and the A record that Wix has, placing the domain name in the CNAME and the IP that appears in the cpanel in the A record, the problem is that it does not redirect me correctly, showing me this screen.
It is worth mentioning that in the CNAME place the godaddy domain with the www and in the A without the www.
I attach an image of the result.
Any advice or a solution?Result

How do I achieve this 2 web addresses for one website. i.e. www.administrator.sitename.com and www.sitename.com?

I want to create a website where I want a normal web address for site visitors i.e. www.sitename.com and the administrator of the website should have a web address like www.administrator.sitename.com. How do I achieve this? Just to clear things out, site visitors do not have the feature to create their own accounts on the website. There is only one user that exists i.e. Administrator.
Any other suggestions for implementing this system are also appreciated. This system will be implemented using the MERN stack so, please provide references accordingly.
This has nothing to do with MERN Stack. You basically need to do two things:
Create a subdomain. This can be done by visiting your domain registrar (like goDaddy or any website from which you've purchased your domain).
Host the admin panel on the subdomain.
So, let's say you have purchased example.com from GoDaddy. Now, login to your account on GoDaddy and add a subdomain admin.example.com. Follow the guide on how to add a subdomain for your registrar.
For GoDaddy, read this.
For Namecheap, read this.
That's it. Now you need to host two different websites (one for users and another for admins) one on main domain and another on a subdomain of your choice.

How to allow CNAME pointed to my server / how to use subdomain for a different server?

We create custom web apps for businesses and for the first time a client of ours has asked that instead of using our subdomain and instead of using a custom domain for their web app they would like to use their own subdomain for a domain currently hosted on another server.
For instance our domain is webapp.com and their domain is business.com. They would like app.business.com to be point to our name servers so we can continue hosting the web app for them.
I know it's possible to do this because we currently have outgoing CNAMEs on our server for help desks, etc, that aren't hosted on our own server but are using subdomains of ours.
Could you help me with what our client has to do on their zone editing side and what we need to do on our WHM/cPanel side to allow this?
NOTE: We had the client create a CNAME for app.business.com. pointed to our nameserver ns1.webapp.com and then we created an add-on domain for business.com and subdomain for app.business.com but when you try to visit app.business.com it gets the "Sorry!" cPanel page.
Thank you!
Alright I figured out how to do it on my own after a lot of testing & thought I'd post here to help others out in case they run across this in the future.
For the server with the subdomain on it have them create an 'A' record for that subdomain pointing to your server's IP address like so:
subdomain.business.com. ((note the extra period at the end is required))
TTL: 14400
Record Type: A
Pointing To: Your server's IP address.
Now on your server's cPanel you will need to create an addon domain for THAT subdomain (ie subdomain.business.com) - not for the actual business.com domain but for the entire subdomain subdomain.business.com with the folder being the root folder wherever you would like it to show.
That worked for me!
The CNAME should not point to your nameserver but your subdomain f.e. client1.webapp.com.
An other solution could be to add the subdomain app.business.com to your server and the client add an A record for the subdomain to your ip.

Adding one more domain to my Hostgator server

My client has bought two domains for his website: goiasverdade.com.br and goiasverdade.com
The main domain is goiasverdade.com.br, but he wants to redirect the visitors who enter the .com domain to the .com.br.
The .com.br domain is already registered in the Hostgator server. But now I don't know how to add another domain to the server and also redirect it to the main .com.br address. I have the DNS address for the .com domain, but where do I add it in the server Control Panel?.
Thanks for the help guys!
I think you'd want to add the extra domain name as an add on domain. Then I think you'd want to redirect the domain so that it redirects (forwards) to the other one.
Then you'll of course want to test everything to make sure everything works. If you're a developer, you may want to look at Digital Ocean or Linode hosting if you want to have more control over your servers.

Issue in pointing domain to hosting server folder

I have my shared hosting server on godaddy.com and primary domain is abc.com
Now I have another domain registered xyz.com on some other 3rd service not on godaddy. For this new website xyz.com I have installed wordpress in xyz directory of my godaddy hosting server.
Now how do I point this xyz.com domain to my xyz directory of my hosting server by keeping abc.com website as it is?
I think URL Masking is what you're looking for. Some domain providers include this in CPanel.
You can also achieve this via .htaccess
Alternatively, you can try frames, though not recommended.
You can also consider using apache as a proxy, though using an A or CNAME record to accomplish this is the right way.
