access certain folder in azure cloud service - azure

In my code (which has worker role) I need to specify a path to a directory (third party library requires it). Locally I've included folder into project and just give full path to it. However after deployment of course I need a new path. How do I confirm that whole folder has been deployed and how do I determine a new path to it?
I added folder to the role node in visual studio and accessed it like this: Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RoleRoot"), "my_folder");

Will this directory be used for reading and writing? If yes, you should use a LocalStorage resource. shows how to use this.
If the directory is only for reading (ie. you have binaries or config files there), then you can use the %RoleRoot% environment variable to identify the path where your package was deployed to, then just append whatever folder you refernced in your project (ie. %RoleRoot%\Myfiles).

I'd take a slightly different approach. Place the 3rd party package into Windows Azure blob storage, then during role startup, you can download/extract it and place the files into the available Local storage (giving it whatever permissions the app needs). Then leverage that location from your application via the same local storage configuration entry.
This should help you reduce the size of your deployment package as well as give you the ability to update the 3rd party components without completely redeploying your solution. And by leveraging it on startup, you can guarantee that the files will be there in case the role instance gets torn down and rebuilt.


SAP Commerce Cloud Hot Folder local setup

We are trying to use cloud hot folder functionality and in order to do so we are modifying our existing hot-folder implementation that was not implemented originally for usage within cloud.
Following the steps on this help page:
We are trying to test the cloud functionality locally. I have on my machine azurite docker container running and I have modified the mentioned properties in file but it seems that the files are not being picked up by hybris in any of the cases that we are trying.
First we have in our local azurite storage a blob storage called hybris. Within this blob storage we have folders master>hotfolder, and according to docs uploading a sample.csv file into this should trigger a hot folder upload.
Also we have a mapping for our hot-folder import that scans the files within this folder: #{baseDirectory}/${tenantId}/sample/classifications. {baseDirectory} is configured using a property like so: ${HYBRIS_DATA_DIR}/sample/import
Can we keep these mappings within our hot folder xml definitions, or do we need to change them?
How should the blob container be named in order for it to be accessible to hybris?
Thank you very much,
I would be very happy to provide any further information.
In the end I did manage to run cloud hot folder imports on local machine.
It was a matter of correctly configuring a number of properties that are used by cloudhotfolder and azurecloudhotfolder extensions.
Simply use the following properties to set the desired behaviour of the system:
And that is it, if there are existing routings for traditional hot folder import, these can also be used but their mappings should be in the value of
I am trying the same - to set up a local dev env to test out the cloud hotfolder. It seems that you have had some success. Can you provide where you located the azurecloudhotfolder - which is called out here

I wonder if its possible to store the image upload to server store outside jar, and how to find the direction

I created a spring-boot web project and uploaded it to server already(centOS7).
currently the img upload to jar file on server is stored inside the static package in jar file
this makes the jar file very large and hard to edit.
can some one give me a idea to store the img somewhere else on server and how to find the position of picture out of jar inside html.
First of all, you have to decide, in which directory you are going to store your files and create it:
mkdir /path/to/your/dir
Then assign a newly created directory to your application user:chown <your user>:<users group> /path/to/your/dir
Then, don't forget to give read/write permissions for the user, under which you run your app - to the already created directory.
chmod 600 /path/to/your/dir - this will allow your app to only read/write to the directory and prevent the execution of files within it (for security reasons).
Then just replace the path you already have - with the new one (to the newly created directory).
Please, be aware that there is a lot of security stuff to consider when you're going to store files on your server.
By the way, please consider reading about different storage options like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage and Ceph.
Please, take into account - that if you're going to store your files on your server - then you should take care about them (for example: keep eyes on space, make sure you have mirroring across discs and so on so forth). With AWS S3, for example, you don't need to care about all of that stuff and it's very cheap.

Upgrade Service Fabric Application

Is there a way to copy only modified files to Service Fabric.
I have a Service Fabric application containing an ASP. Net 5 application as service. Whenever am doing a change to a JavaScript file inside my ASP. Net 5 service, every time I need to copy the entire service fabric application package. Is there a command which allows to copy only the modified file?
The best way to accomplish this is to use diff packaging and app upgrade. See this link for more info: Diff packaging allows you to define an application package that only contains the package parts that you wish to upgrade. However, it only applies to a component of an application package, such as a Service or Code package for example. You can't create a diff package at the file level. So if you've only changed a single file in your code package, you must include that file along with every other file that belongs to the code package. You can't just include the single file that changed. But the benefit of diff packaging is that you'd only need to include that single code package. You wouldn't need to provide other Service's code packages, for example, assuming they haven't been changed.
Service Fabric SDK 2.5 brings in a preview feature called "Refresh Application".
Using this feature you can get quicker feedback of your code changes.
To enable that, set the following from project properties
Application Debug mode = Refresh Application.
More details and limitations can be found here:
In Fabric Explorer you need to find the node where you Web Application is running. I my case that is _Node_0
By SF SDK design, local SF published file is under C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App\ . In my environment, the website file path is C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App_Node_0\Application1Type_App1\Web1Pkg.Code.1.0.0\wwwroot\
So you can also find your HTML, CSS, JS and other static resources under below path: C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App[node_id][application_type_and_instance_name][service_type_and_version]\
You can just modify the files in this folder, then the change will immediately apply to your local test web browser. Please notice if your service is hosted by micro-service running in several nodes, you may need to modify all nodes files because load balancer may access any folder files randomly.

Setting Up Continuous Deployment of a WPF Desktop Application

For a project I am currently working on, I need to create a setup application for an existing desktop application. The setup application will be downloaded from a website, and will download required files to the correct locations. When the application is started, it will look for newer versions of these files, download them if any exist, then start the application.
I am using Visual Studio Online with TFVC, linked to Azure. I have a test application set up so that when I trigger a build, Release Management finds the build directory, and moves the files to Azure Blob Storage, but prepends a GUID to the file names being transferred. So what I have in my storage container is:
{Some GUID}/2390/Test.exe
{Some GUID}/2389/Test.exe
{Some GUID}/2387/Test.exe
What I want in my container is the latest version of Test.exe, so I can connect to the container, and determine whether I want to download or not.
I have put together a NullSoft installer that checks a website, and downloads files. I have also written a NullSoft "launcher" that will compare local file versions with versions on the website (using a version xml file on the website), and download if newer, then launch the application. What I need to figure out is how to get the newer files to the website after a build, with automation being one of the goals.
I am an intern, and new to deployment in general, and I don't even know if I'm going about this the right way.
Does what I am doing make sense for what I am trying to accomplish?
We are trying to emulate ClickOnce functionality, but can't use ClickOnce due to the fact that the application dynamically loads a number of DLLs. Is there a way to configure ClickOnce to include non-referenced DLLs?
Is there a best practice for doing what I'm describing?
I appreciate any advice, links to references, or real-world examples.
You are mentioning ClickOnce, which you investigated but can't use. Have you already tried an alternative: Squirrel? With Squirrel you can specify which files should be part of the installation, allowing you to explicitly specify which files to include even if you load them dynamically.
Squirrel is a full framework for creating an auto-update application and can work with Azure Blob Storage hosting (and also CDN if you need to scale up)

Hosting an ISAPI DLL and supporting files in Azure

I am trying to find out how to host an ISAPI DLL in Azure. In addition to the DLL, I'll need to deploy supporting files in subdirectories (javascript & css files). And two of these subdirectories can have their contents changed by requests handled by the DLL, so I need to ensure that the account executing the extension has write permission for these.
It would seem that the key to all of this is using a startup task to call appcmd to script all the IIS changes somehow, and I think I need to do the following:-
Deploy my ISAPI DLL and supporting files with my ASP.NET website
Create a startup task which will call a batch file utilizing appcmd.exe to do the following:-
Create a dedicated app pool with its managed pipeline mode set to Classic, and using a known user account
Create an IIS application pointing to the directory where my ISAPI dll resides
Ensure the application is configured to allow unknown ISAPI extensions
Alter the permissions of the required subdirectories so the user account associated with the app pool has write access
I've only just started exploring Azure, so my experience with it is very thin on the ground. Is what I'm hoping to achieve actually achievable? And if so, am I on the right track with regards to the steps required? They mimic what I need to do if I'm setting up this ISAPI DLL in the traditional IIS environment I'm used to dealing with, but please let me know if the rules are different with Azure.
Looks like a good sequence, however, the startup tasks actually run before IIS is completely configured. The 'OnStart' event in the RoleEntryPoint is called after IIS is set up, so it's probably easier to use the IIS application that Azure creates for you, and reconfigure it to include your ISAPI stuff.
Well the only thing bothering me here is that you're modifying data on the 'deployment drive' (E: for that matter). You shouldn't be doing this.
Instead, think of an other solution. You could create a LocalResource holding your javascript and CSS files. Then, when your role starts (Richard has a valid point about startup tasks), use ServerManager class to do the following:
Register the ISAPI dll
Add 2 virtual directories under the website created by Azure and point them to the LocalResource.
Modify the code of your ISAPI dll to modify JS/CSS files in the LocalResource
When developing in Web/WorkerRoles, you need to keep in mind that you should only manipulate files in a LocalResource.
