I'm having trouble understanding this error I'm getting in Yosys.
I copied the relevant (I think) code below.
reg signed [15:0] wb1 [0:131071];
reg signed [27:0] currentAttrWB [0:4094];
always #(posedge clk)
currentAttrWB <= wb1[attrWBoffset +: 4094];
ERROR (on last line): "currentAttrWB does map to an unexpanded memory!"
What I'm trying to do is select a sub-range of 4095 16bit words in a long array of 131072 16bit words, using indexed part select (+:). This range would be offset within the long array using attrWBoffset. But obviously there is something I am not understanding. At first I thought this was because currentAttrWB was not large enough to contain 4095 16bit words. But I still get the error when bumping its register up to 28bits.
I guess I need to understand what is meant by expanded and unexpanded.
Thanks for your help.
Yosys does not support memories, i.e. anything defined as reg [x:0] mem[0:y]; being on the left hand side of an assignment. I am not sure if this is a Yosys limitation or a Verilog one, but such a pattern makes little sense for an FPGA application where memories are accessed one element at a time.
If Yosys could implement such a pattern, it would have to map the memory to LUTs and flipflops rather than use dedicated RAM resources, as such a simultaneous transfer isn't possible with block RAM. There are very few FPGAs with over 2 million flipflops available, and if you had one you probably wouldn't want to fill it up with something like this.
What you probably want is a counter that counts from 0 to 4094 and copies one entry every clock cycle until it completes.
I am trying to write a simulator for a RISC-V CPU and can not find a definitve answer to my question.
Let's say I want to use
ANDI rs1, rd, 0xFFF
with rs1 containing 0xFFFFFFFF and the immediate value being 0xFFF.
Does the ANDI operate on the full register and just fill the remaining 20 bit of the immediate with zeros so the result in rd will be 0x000000FFF?
Or are the higher 20 bits ignored and the result in rd will still be 0xFFFFFFFF?
Same question for XORI and ORI commands.
The Immediate value is sign extended,
12 bit FFF will translate to 32'hFFFFF_FFF for RV32
so the values being AND-ed will be
rs1_data & 0xFFFFF_FFF
Suppose i am having a FIFO with depth 32 and width 8 bit.There is a valid bit A in all 32 locations.If this bit is 1 in all locations we have full condition and if 0 it will be empty condition.My Requirement is if this bit A at one location is 0 and all locations of this bit A is 1. when reaches to 30th location it should generate Almost_full condition.
Help me out please.
Thanks in Advance.
So you have a 32 bit vector and you want to check only one of the bits is 0. If speed is not much of a concern I will use a for loop to do this.
If speed is a concern I will get this done in 5 iterations. You can do this by divide and check method. Check two 16 bit words in parallel. Then divide this into two 8 bits and check them in parallel. And depending on where the zero is divide that particular 8 bit into 4 bits and check and so on.
If at any point you have zeros in both the parts, then you can exit the checking and conclude that almost_full = 0;
I need to make some sort of interface between my PS and PL on Zynq chip. I need block which will accept 64bit long word (at every clk/8) and send 8 by 8bit word at the output (on every clk). So basically I need to divide 64 bit word into 8 x 8bits word. If you have advice's how to do it please share.
Thank you in advance,
Register the 64 bits data at the clock when it is ready. Then do the left/right shift 8 bits (depends on your endian requirement) for the following 7 cycles. Your 8 MSBs/LSBs will be your output data respectively.
The Game Boy Z80 CPU has a half-carry flag, and I can't seem to find much information about when to set/clear it.
What I understand so far is that any 8-bit add, subtract, shift, or rotate operation (and maybe others?) set it to bit 4 of the result(?), and the DAA instruction sets/uses this somehow. What I'm not sure is how 16-bit instructions affect it and whether it's affected or not by the use of certain registers.
It's the carry from bit 3 to bit 4, just like the normal carry flag records carry from bit 7. So, e.g. to get the half carry bit in an add:
((a&0xf) + (value&0xf))&0x10
Which gives 0x10 if half carry should be set, 0 otherwise. Getting half carry from the other relevant ops follows naturally - the questions is whether there was carry from the low nibble to the high.
To put things in perspective, the z80 has a 4bit ALU and performs 8bit ops by doing two 4bit ops. So it gets half carry very naturally, as an intermediate result.
DAA is interested in the flag because if half carry is set then two digits that add up to more than 16 were added in the low nibble; that will have correctly produced carry into the upper nibble but will have left the low nibble 6 lower than it should be, since there were six more values between 10, when it should have generated carry, and 16, when it did.
For 16-bit operations, the carry from bit 3 to bit 4 in the register's high byte sets the flag. In other words, bit 11 to bit 12.
(Note the above bits are labeled 0-15, from least to most significant)
See here: http://www.z80.info/z80code.htm
16 bit arithmetic
If you want to add numbers that are more than the 0-255 that can
be stored in the A register, then the HL, IX or IY registers can
be used. Thus LD HL,1000H:LD BC,2000H:ADD HL,BC will give
00 000000 2000 0000 3000 0000 0000 00 000000 0000 0000 0000 0000
The flags are set as follows.
C or carry flag 1 if answer >65535 else 0
Z or zero flag not changed
P flag not changed
S or sign flag not changed
N flag 0
H or half carry flag 1 if carry from bit 11 to bit 12 else 0
Since the half-carry flag is one of the most common stumbling blocks for Game Boy emulator makers, I'll take the liberty to post a link to a recent question of mine regarding the subject as an answer:
Game Boy: Half-carry flag and 16-bit instructions (especially opcode 0xE8)
A summary of the above thread (answer by #gekkio):
It depends on the instruction, but the flags are always updated based on the same bit positions if you think in terms of 8-bit values...it just varies whether we're talking about the high or low byte of the 16-bit value. Bit 11 is just bit 3 of the high byte.
ADD SP, e: H from bit 3, C from bit 7 (flags from low byte op)
LD HL, SP+e: H from bit 3, C from bit 7 (flags from low byte op)
ADD HL, rr: H from bit 11, C from bit 15 (flags from high byte op)
INC rr: no flag updates (executed by the 16-bit inc/dec unit)
DEC rr: no flag updates (executed by the 16-bit inc/dec unit)