Linux: Run a shell command remotely and print result - linux

I want to create a script that runs shell commands on a remote Linux machine and print out the result. Some thing like a "run once" SSH. Or for those familiar with Android development, something like "adb shell". For example, I want to run "ls" on my remote machine and display the results on the local host.

This is supported directly by ssh:
ssh [options] [user#]hostname [command]
ssh user#host ls
If not command is given an interactive shell is usually run by default.


Using ssh to login to linux terminal from windows and run command in a logged in shell

First of all, this may seem like a duplicate question but I have searched stack overflow/various other forum sites and still haven't managed to find a solution.
A few example forum posts I have reviewed to prove I've done my research before asking a question:
Run ssh and immediately execute command
There's hundreds more but I won't include them all.
I essentially need a shell script to open a command prompt on windows, login to a remote linux system and run a command.
I am aware this can be done with the following:
start cmd /k ssh user#host ls
But the problem with the above is that the ssh connection is closed upon completion of the task.
I am also aware I can keep the ssh connection open by adding:
bash -l
in some cases.
For my use case, I need to run a launch file for ROS (robot operating system) and for this I need to see the output from the command.
And when attempting to run roslaunch launchFile.launch (in place of ls above):
start cmd /k ssh user#host "roslaunch launchFile.launch"
the command prompt returns
bash: roslaunch: command not found
I've obviously sanitised the specific name of my launch file but
roslaunch launchFile.launch
runs perfectly if I login to the linux PC first:
ssh user#host
then run the command.
I have achieved this exact use case on MacOS but I now need reimplement the same solution on windows:
osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal"
do script "ssh quantum# \n
roslaunch launchFile.launch"
end tell'
Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
Try this :
start cmd /k ssh user#host "/full/path/to/roslaunch launchFile.launch; exec /bin/bash"

establish ssh connection and execute command remotely [duplicate]

I wish to run a script on the remote system and then wish to stay there.
Running following script:-
ssh user#remote
This do run the script but after that I am back to my host system. i need to stay on remote one. I tried with..
ssh user#remote;bash -l
somehow it solves the problem but still not working exactly as a fresh login as the command:-
ssh user#remote
Or it will be better if i could include something in my script that would open the bash terminal in the same directory where the script was running. Please suggest.
Try this:
ssh -t user#remote '; bash -l'
The quotes are needed to pass both commands to ssh. The -t option forces a pseudo-tty allocation.
ssh user#remote;bash -l
When the shell parses this line, it splits it into two commands. The first is:
ssh user#remote
This runs on the remote machine. The second command is:
bash -l
This opens a login shell on the local machine.
The quotes were added above to prevent the shell from splitting up the commands this way.

Execute bash script on a remote-linux

I have a bash script lets say This script contains the following:
echo "khaled"
ads2 svcd&
This script simply prints my name (just for test purposes) and execute ads-service application in the background. When i run the script on my ubuntu, it works correctly. As a test i checked which programs run on the kernel
As you see. ads2 runs and has 12319 process-id.
Now what I'm trying to do is to run the script on the ubuntu, however remotely from a windows pc.
Therefore i opened command-line on windows and executed the following command:
ssh nvidia#ubuntu ip-address ~/
And i get the following
As you see the scripts run and prints khaled,however on windows command line and what i want is that the script is executed on the ubuntu. this justify why the lineads2 svcd& doe not do anything, neither on windows (which makes sense, since ads2 is installed on ubuntu) nor on linux.
So how can i execute the script on ubuntu ?
thanks in advance
Use the full path to start ads2. When using remote SSH your environment variables may be different than in a local shell.
echo "khaled"
/home/nvidia/ads2 svcd&
Not sure where ads2 is located.
Try the following to locate it on your Ubuntu local shell.
command -v ads2
You may also need nohup to persist the process beyond the life of the SSH session.
If you have the script on the remote server and you want to run this, you would add back ticks,
ssh user#server './test/'
The script's output would be sent to your local machine, as if you ran the command from your local machine.

node.js unavailable via ssh

I am trying to call an installation of node.js on a remote server running Ubuntu via SSH. Node has been installed via nvm.
SSHing in and calling node works just fine:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver
(Server welcome text)
user#remoteserver:~$ which node
However if I combine it into one line:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which ls"
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
No sign of node, so I tried sourcing .bashrc and waiting 10 seconds:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "source ~/.bashrc; sleep 10; which node"
Only node seems affected by this. One thing I did notice was that if I ssh in and then check which shell I'm in it says -bash whilst if I ssh direct it gives me /bin/bash. I tried running the commands inside a bash login shell:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver 'bash --login -c "which node"'
Still nothing.
Basically my question is: Why isn't bash finding my node.js installation when I call it non-interactively from SSH?
Another approach is to run bash in interactive mode with the -i flag:
user#localmachine:~$ ssh user#remoteserver "bash -i -c 'which node'"
$ ssh user#remoteserver "which node"
When you run ssh and specify a command to be run on the remote system, ssh by default doesn't allocate a PTY (pseudo-TTY) for the session. Not having a TTY causes your remote shell process (ie, bash) to initialize as a non-interactive session instead of an interactive session. This can alter how it interprets your initialization files--.bashrc, .bash_profile, and so on.
The actual problem is probably that the line which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command PATH isn't executing for non-interactive sessions. There are two ways to resolve this:
Find the command in your initialization file(s) which adds /home/user/.nvm/v0.10.00/bin to your command path, figure out why it's not running for non-interactive sessions, and correct it.
Run ssh with the -t option. This tells it to allocate a PTY for the remote session. Or add the line RequestTTY yes to your .ssh/config file on the local host.

Execute Remote Perl Script on a Windows Box from a Linux Box

We recently got SSH setup on our Windows boxes so we could eliminate the need for disc mounts on our Linux machines. We are using Pentaho and I am writing a shell script that will, from a Linux box, SSH into the Windows box and execute a perl script.
I have able to write in a way to SSH into the windows box and switch to the directory that holds the Perl scripts that I need to execute, I just can't figure out how to actually execute them.
This is what I have:
ssh -t xxxxx#xxxxx "cd /path/to/script/ /path/to/perl.exe"
I have also tried:
ssh -t xxxxx#xxxxx "cd /path/to/directory/with/perl/script" \
Both attempts result in a short delay and then a "disconnected from xxxxx" and the perl does not run. I can do all of these steps manually through a shell, but can't seem to get them working in script form. As a note, the only way I've been able to execute the perl scripts is if have the shell in the directory the perl script is in.
You need to use either a semi colon to end your statements, or execute with one statement.
try the following:
ssh xxxxx#xxxxx "cd /path/to/script/; /path/to/perl.exe"
ssh xxxxx#xxxxx "/path/to/perl.exe /path/to/script/"
In the Windows command shell, you can use && like in a Unix-shell. If you expect the first command to succeed,
ssh -t xxxxx#xxxxx "cd /path/to/script/ && /path/to/perl.exe"
will work.
