How to revert a subversion ignore? - linux

I've run the following command via commandline:
svn propset svn:ignore "*.classpath" .
I wanted to only ignore the .classpath file.
However, this seems to have messed things up and now a lot of directories seem to be ignored.
How do I revert this and start over?

svn propedit svn:ignore . should bring up your editor, where you can remove the offending ignores one at a time.

For this svn:ignore you effectively said "ignore in the currect directory only files with extension classpath": patterns for filenames in Subversion uses only OS-specific glob-pattern, not regexps
Fixes for syntax of DaFunix
List all svn-properties and their values in somepath: svn proplist -v <PATH>|<URL>. For your case
svn proplist -v .
Sample output for my URL
>svn proplist -v
Properties on '':
List single svn:property value (with known name): svn propget <PROPERTY> <PATH>|<URL>. For your case
svn propget svn:ignore .
Sample output for my URL (same as before for proplist)
>svn propget bugtraq:logregex
Both proplist and propget operations are RO, will change nothing
In order to fix bad definition of property you can
Delete bad property and re-create it in correct form:
svn propdel svn:ignore . & svn propset svn:ignore "classpath" . (maybe use propset with -R option to define ignore resursively for the whole subtree)
or (as suggested by John Brodie) edit and fix current definition
svn propedit svn:ignore . and in editor window "*.classpath" change to "classpath", save
PS Don't forget:
commit correct form of added property
remove from versioned code previously (possibly) added classpath files: svn:ignore affect only unversioned new files, already added to repo files with current ignore-pattern must be unversioned by hand


Is there a way to tell .dockerignore to ignore all but certain packages from node_modules? [duplicate]

I have the folder application/ which I add to the .gitignore. Inside the application/ folder is the folder application/language/gr. How can I include this folder?
I've tried this
If you exclude application/, then everything under it will always be excluded (even if some later negative exclusion pattern (“unignore”) might match something under application/).
To do what you want, you have to “unignore” every parent directory of anything that you want to “unignore”. Usually you end up writing rules for this situation in pairs: ignore everything in a directory, but not some certain subdirectory.
# you can skip this first one if it is not already excluded by prior patterns
The trailing /* is significant:
The pattern dir/ excludes a directory named dir and (implicitly) everything under it.
With dir/, Git will never look at anything under dir, and thus will never apply any of the “un-exclude” patterns to anything under dir.
The pattern dir/* says nothing about dir itself; it just excludes everything under dir.
With dir/*, Git will process the direct contents of dir, giving other patterns a chance to “un-exclude” some bit of the content (!dir/sub/).
Commit 59856de from Karsten Blees (kblees) for Git 1.9/2.0 (Q1 2014) clarifies that case:
gitignore.txt: clarify recursive nature of excluded directories
An optional prefix "!" which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again.
It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded. (*)
(*: unless certain conditions are met in git 2.8+, see below)
Git doesn't list excluded directories for performance reasons, so any patterns on contained files have no effect, no matter where they are defined.
Put a backslash ("\") in front of the first "!" for patterns that begin with a literal "!", for example, "\!important!.txt".
Example to exclude everything except a specific directory foo/bar (note the /* - without the slash, the wildcard would also exclude everything within foo/bar):
$ cat .gitignore
# exclude everything except directory foo/bar
In your case:
You must white-list folders first, before being able to white-list files within a given folder.
Update Feb/March 2016:
Note that with git 2.9.x/2.10 (mid 2016?), it might be possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded if there is no wildcard in the path re-included.
Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy (pclouds) is trying to add this feature:
commit 506d8f1 for git v2.7.0, reverted in commit 76b620d git v2.8.0-rc0
commit 5e57f9c git v2.8.0-rc0,... reverted(!) in commit 5cee3493 git 2.8.0.
So with git 2.9+, this could have actually worked, but was ultimately reverted:
#Chris Johnsen's answer is great, but with a newer versions of Git (1.8.2 or later), there is a double asterisk pattern you can leverage for a bit more shorthand solution:
# assuming the root folder you want to ignore is 'application'
# the subfolder(s) you want to track:
This way you don't have to "unignore" parent directory of the subfolder you want to track.
With Git 2.17.0 (Not sure how early before this version. Possibly back to 1.8.2), using the ** pattern combined with excludes for each subdirectory leading up to your file(s) works. For example:
# assuming the root folder you want to ignore is 'application'
# Explicitly track certain content nested in the 'application' folder:
!application/language/gr/** # Example adding all files & folder in the 'gr' folder
!application/language/gr/SomeFile.txt # Example adding specific file in the 'gr' folder
I've found only this actually works.
There are a bunch of similar questions about this, so I'll post what I wrote before:
The only way I got this to work on my machine was to do it this way:
# Ignore all directories, and all sub-directories, and it's contents:
#Now ignore all files in the current directory
#(This fails to ignore files without a ".", for example
#'file.txt' works, but
#'file' doesn't):
#Only Include these specific directories and subdirectories:
Notice how you have to explicitly allow content for each level you want to include. So if I have subdirectories 5 deep under themes, I still need to spell that out.
This is from #Yarin's comment here:
These were useful topics:
How do negated patterns work in .gitignore?
How do gitignore exclusion rules actually work?
I also tried
and **/wp-content/themes/**
or /wp-content/themes/**/*
None of that worked for me, either. Lots of trial and error!
The simplest and probably best way is to try adding the files manually (generally this takes precedence over .gitignore-style rules):
git add /path/to/module
You might need -f if the file is already ignored. You may even want the -N intent to add flag, to suggest you will add them, but not immediately. I often do this for new files I’m not ready to stage yet.
This a copy of an answer posted on what could easily be a duplicate QA. I am reposting it here for increased visibility—I find it easier not to have a mess of gitignore rules.
I have found a similar case here, where in laravel by default, .gitignore ignores all using asterix, then overrides the public directory.
( This is also the same solution as the main answer #Chris Johnsen, just a bit thinner and more concise maybe.)
This is not sufficient if you run into the OP scenario.
If you want to commit a specific subfolders of public, say for e.g. in your public/products directory you want to include files that are one subfolder deep e.g. to include public/products/a/b.jpg they wont be detected correctly, even if you add them specifically like this !/public/products, !public/products/*, etc..
The solution is to make sure you add an entry for every path level like this to override them all.
I wanted to track Nagios configuration files located in /etc/nagios/ together with the plugins in /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/. For this I have initialized a git repo in / and used the following exclusion list:
Git walks down the list like that:
/* exclude everything under / ...
!etc but include /etc back
etc/* exclude everything under /etc/...
!etc/nagios but include /etc/nagios back
!usr but include /usr back
usr/* exclude everything under /usr/...
and so on...
add a file named .gitignore to subfolder, then fill with
this works for me!
So , since many programmers uses node . the use case which meets this question is to exclude node_modules except one module module-a for example:
Add an additional answer:
!/.vs/ <== include this folder to source control, folder only, nothing else
/.vs/* <== but ignore all files and sub-folder inside this folder
!/.vs/ProjectSettings.json <== but include this file to source control
!/.vs/config/ <== then include this folder to source control, folder only, nothing else
!/.vs/config/* <== then include all files inside the folder
here is result:
This worked for me:
gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.
Example to exclude everything except a specific directory foo/bar (note the /* - without the slash, the wildcard would also exclude everything within foo/bar):
$ cat .gitignore
# exclude everything except directory foo/bar
Another example for WordPress:
More informations in here:
my JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA .gitignore configuration, where I need exclude wholde .idea folder except .idea/runConfigurations:
Especially for the older Git versions, most of the suggestions won't work that well.
If that's the case, I'd put a separate .gitignore in the directory where I want the content to be included regardless of other settings and allow there what is needed.
For example:
# ignore all .dll files
# include everything
So everything in /dependency_files (even .dll files) are included just fine.
In WordPress, this helped me:
Just another example of walking down the directory structure to get exactly what you want. Note: I didn't exclude Library/ but Library/**/*
# .gitignore file
!Library/Application Support/
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/*macro
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/*snippet
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/*settings
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/*keymap
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/*theme
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/*macro
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/*snippet
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/*settings
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/*keymap
!Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/**/*theme
> git add Library
> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/ElixirSublime.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/RESTer.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Monokai (SL).tmTheme
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/TextPastryHistory.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/ZenTabs.sublime-settings
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/adrian-comment.sublime-macro
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/json-pretty-generate.sublime-snippet
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/raise-exception.sublime-snippet
new file: Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/trailing_spaces.sublime-settings
Similar to this comment, none of the solutions and patterns worked for me; forcing git to add the files and folders that should be excluded, worked:
git add -f .
I wanted to track jquery production js files and this worked:
I often use this workaround in CLI where instead of configuring my .gitignore, I create a separate .include file where I define the (sub)directories I want included in spite of directories directly or recursively ignored by .gitignore.
Thus, I additionally use
git add `cat .include`
during staging, before committing.
To the OP, I suggest using a .include which has these lines:
NOTE: Using cat does not allow usage of aliases (within .include) for specifying $HOME (or any other specific directory). This is because the line homedir/app1/*
when passed to git add using the above command appears as git add 'homedir/app1/*', and enclosing characters in single quotes ('') preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes, thus preventing aliases (such as homedir) from functioning (see Bash Single Quotes).
Here is an example of a .include file I use in my repo here.

rsync is nesting the source directory in the destination as if it had no trailing slash when --files-from option is used

Pulling my hair out here trying to get this to work. Heres an example of the details and command.
I have a file with a list of directories named list.txt The contents look like this:
My rsync command looks like:
rsync -av --recursive --files-from='/tmp/list.txt' /test/apple/ /destination/files/
The issue is that when I run the command, it includes both
/test/ (which is an autofs top level, so contains nothing really) and /test/apple/ in the files to be transferred. Causing the files to be written twice into the destination as if I left the trailing slash off my source.
So the destination ends up with both the directories in the list, and another copy of the source like:
So I end up with 2 copies of everything.
Ive tried every combination of exclude like --exclude='/test/apple/' or --exclude='/test/* or --exclude='apple/* to try and keep it from being included. But nothing works.
Any ideas? Im going bananas trying to figure this out.
Thank you!
This is due to the fact that the --files-from option implies --relative.
Quote from the rsync man page, the section on --files-from:
The --relative (-R) option is implied, which preserves the path information that is specified for each item in the file (use --no-relative or --no-R if you want to turn that off).
Try the following options and see if it helps:
rsync -av --recursive --no-relative --files-from='/tmp/list.txt' /test/apple/ /destination/files/

Can't add files in perforce

As far as I can tell, my client is setup correctly:
$ p4 client -o
# A Perforce Client Specification.
# ...
Client: stephen-dev1-stephen
Update: 2014/06/26 17:41:14
Access: 2014/06/26 17:45:47
Owner: StephenRasku
Host: stephen-dev1
Created by StephenRasku.
Root: /home/stephen/Code
Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir
SubmitOptions: submitunchanged
LineEnd: local
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
//version/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/version/...
//thirdparty/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/thirdparty/...
//starteam/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/starteam/...
//specs/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/specs/...
//release/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/release/...
//projects/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/projects/...
//main/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/main/...
//features/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/features/...
//dev/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/dev/...
//depot/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/...
The files exist:
$ pwd
$ ls mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/ mainline/ebuild
mainline/ebuild mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/
But it complains when I try and add them:
$ p4 add mainline/EBUILD_VERSION mainline/ mainline/ebuild
mainline/EBUILD_VERSION - file(s) not in client view.
mainline/ - file(s) not in client view.
mainline/ebuild - file(s) not in client view.
What's the problem? I checked out the file using git p4 clone if that makes a difference.
Check the "View" lines in the client workspace specification to confirm
that the file specification used in your Perforce command (or appearing in the error message)
falls within your workspace view. If you see an error attempting to add a file,
for example, you might want to check your mapping to confirm that the
file resides in a directory that is within your client view.
See the section under 'Client Workspace View':
Are the files under this exact directory structure below?
Judging by the first View mapping line of:
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
I would guess that is the path they should be under.
If you 'cd' into the '/home/stephen/Code/SpamView-URI/mainline'
directory are you able to add these files?
Your client spec isn't right, as you noticed. With these 2 lines,
//depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/...
//depot/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/...
Your trying to map the files under //depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... to both //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/... and //stephen-dev1-stephen/depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... Since perforce reads top to bottom, it will overwrite your first mapping with the second mapping, basically removing the second mapping. \
Move your //depot/labs/products/component/SpamView-URI/... //stephen-dev1-stephen/SpamView-URI/... to the last line, and you should be ok.

Merging fails in mercurial with "Operation not supported"

I've set up my ~/.hgrc as per to use vimdiff.
merge = vimdiff
vimdiff.executable = vim
vimdiff.args = -d $base $local $output $other +close +close
However, when I try to run the actual merge, it just fails out not very helpfully with the following:
bash-3.2$ hg --debug merge
searching for copies back to rev 7
resolving manifests
overwrite None partial False
ancestor 88aaf3a2e10f local 311bb03b96cd+ remote 29bec6ac5dd3
junk: versions differ -> m
preserving junk for resolve of junk
updating: junk 1/1 files (100.00%)
picked tool 'vimdiff' for junk (binary False symlink False)
abort: Operation not supported: /Accounts/rainest/mtest/junk.orig
Any idea why it's doing this?
I've figured it out.
It turns out there's a very specific bug in Python2.6's shutil library that occurs if you're working with NFS mounts on a BSD-like system. More information, and the fix, can be found at
Depending on how you installed it Mercurial usually comes with vimdiff pre-configured for merging. On my machine that's in /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/mergetools.rc but I imagine it's different in your OSX box.
You might want to check to see if it doesn't already use vimdiff for merging if you remove all of that from your .hgrc.
You can use the command hg showconfig --debug to see all the per-user, per-repo, and system-wide configuration items that are in effect. If you see vimdiff in there after the lines you've added are removed then you might be good to go.

How can I find the svn diff between working copy and arbitrary rev?

I'm trying to write a multi-file patch for an open-source project, but the master copy has changed since I started working. I need to get the SVN difference (just the files under version control) between my uncommitted version and the revision from which it was checked. Which SVN command can I use to find the difference?
Edit: I'm sorry, I must have been using the term "working copy" improperly. I need to compare my uncommitted changes to the revision off which they are based. In other words, I checked out revision 1000 and changed files foo and bar. The rev number is now up to 1015, but I need to compare my version of foo and bar to the version of revision 1000. Is there an easy command to do this (compare my altered copy of a program with a past revision)?
You can use -rN:M parameter with diff command which specifies the revisions you want to compare. Just provide revision from which your working copy was checked out (you can omit M as it defaults to working copy) and you should get what you need.
If you don't remember the original revision number try to run svn status -v and first column should show it.
More info svn help diff...
svn diff takes a -rN:M argument which defaults to N == BASE and M == working copy. Will svn diff -r REV where REV is the revision you want not work?
To answer your edit, suppose you have the following:
$ ls
foo bar baz
$ svn st -u
Status against revision: 1071
$ echo "more stuff" >> foo
$ svn diff -r 1000 foo
Index: foo
--- foo (revision 1000)
+++ foo (working copy)
I believe this is what you are after, yes?
If your goal was to get a report of just the filenames where the contents has changed, this should do the trick:
svn diff | grep 'Index: ' .
