Remove and restore Scope from digest cycles - scope

Is there a way to remove a scope from the digest cycles? In other words, to suspend/resume a scope digest cycle?
In my case, I have all pages already loaded, but not all of them visible. So I'd like to suspend the ones that aren't visible to avoid useless processing. I don't want to use ng-view + $route, I don't want/need deep-linking.
I saw this thread and arrived to this fiddle. It probably does the work, but it's pretty invasive and not very framework-update-friendly.
Is there any other solution like a $scope.suspend() and scope.resume()? Or a less invasive one (from framework perspective)? I'm currently thinking about $destroy and $compile cycles.

I've ran into the same problem and I found an interesting solution that doesn't interfere (too much) with AngularJS. Add this to the scopes you want to disable:
var watchers;
scope.$on('suspend', function () {
watchers = scope.$$watchers;
scope.$$watchers = [];
scope.$on('resume', function () {
scope.$$watchers = watchers;
watchers = null;
Then, you can disable a scope and its children with: scope.$broadcast('suspend') and bring it back with scope.$broadcast('resume').

As the framework stands today there are no methods to suspend / resume digest on a scope. Having said this there are several techniques that one can use to limit number of watches that are executed as part of a digest cycle.
First of all, if parts of a screen are hidden anyway you could use the ng-switch family of directives thus removing invisible parts completely from the DOM.
Secondly, if a digest cycle is triggered from your directive via $apply and you want to limit watches re-evaluation to child scopes you could call $digest instead of $apply.
Then, yes, one could destroy and re-create scopes as described in the discussion you've linked to. But, if you are already hiding parts of the DOM it sounds like ng-switch might be a better option.


i can't see difference between put and patch method

I just want to like a quote or dislike if already i liked the quote. So first i find the quote and then i check if i already liked the quote, if not then i like, otherwise i dislike.
I have a router like below
router.put('/:quoteId', isAuth, quotesController.likeQuote);
And likeQuote method is like below
module.exports.likeQuote = (req, res, next) => {
const quoteId = req.params.quoteId;
const userId = req.userId;
.then((quote) => {
if (quote.likes.indexOf(userId) == -1) {
} else {
.then((updatedQuote) => {
res.status(201).json({ message: 'You liked the post!' });
.catch((err) => {
err.statusCode = 500;
But my question is, i just want to know how PUT and PATCH works? I think we should send all the fields in PUT but not in PATCH methods, but in my case i don't even send any fields and both work just fine.How this happens?
The actual REST API methods (PUT, PATCH, ... ) do not have any limitations. the logic you choose to write is what defines this. Now you're asking about "best practices" and whenever you ask about that you will get many different answers. I'll explain my view.
PUT, so the essence of PUT is to replace the existing object completely, that's why people are telling you to send the entire object because when you use PUT what's expected is a complete swap.
PATCH, the essence of PATCH is to update the existing resource. which is in your case what you're looking for, in this case you just send the required fields you need for the update.
Now is it wrong if you write PUT to be an update and not a complete swap? I would argue it is not. As long as you keep consistent logic throughout your app you can build your own "best practices" that will suit your needs.
Now you did tag this question as Mongo related so I would like to introduce to you the concept of piplined updates (for Mongo v4.2+) where you can execute your logic in 1 single update.
Mongo Playground
i just want to know how PUT and PATCH works?
An important distinction to understand is that we don't have a standard for how PUT and PATCH work; that's a implementation detail, and is deliberately hidden behind the "uniform interface".
What we do have is standardized semantics, an agreement about what PUT and PATCH mean.
(This is further complicated by people not being familiar with the standard, and therefore misinterpretations of the meaning are common.)
If the implementation of the request handler doesn't match the semantics of the request, that's OK... but if something goes expensively wrong as a result, it's the fault of the implementation.
PUT and PATCH are both method-tokens that indicate that we are trying to modify the resource identified by the target-uri. In particular, we use those method-tokens when we are trying to make the server's representation of the resource match the representation on the client.
For example, imagine editing a web page. We GET /home.html, change the TITLE element in our copy, and we want to save our changes to the server. How do we do that in HTTP?
One answer is that we send a copy of home.html (with our changes) back to the server, so that the server can save it. That's PUT.
Another answer is that we diff our copy and the server's copy, and send to the server a patch-document that describes the changes that the server should make to it's copy. That's PATCH.
router.put('/:quoteId', isAuth, quotesController.likeQuote);
What this invocation is doing is configuring the framework, so that requests with the PUT method token and a target-uri that matches "/:quoteId" are delegated to the likeQuote method.
And at this level, the framework assumes that you know what you are doing - there's no attempt to verify that "likeQuote" implements PUT semantics. To ensure that the implementation and the request semantics match, you are going to need to do some work (inspect the code, test, etc).
in my case i don't even send any fields and both work just fine.
Right - because the framework assumes that you know what you are doing, and your current implementation doesn't try to access or interpret the body of the HTTP request.
Note: that's a big hint that the request handler not actually implementing PUT/PATCH semantics (how could the server possibly make its copy of the quote look like the client's if it doesn't look at the information the client provided)?
It is okay to use POST; assuming that your implementation is correct, you should not be using methods with remote authoring semantics, because that's not what you are doing. This same implementation attached to a POST route would be fine.
As is, things are broken - you have a mismatch between the request semantics and the handler implementation. Under controlled conditions, you are likely to get away with it. It's entirely possible that you are only going to be invoking this code under controlled conditions.

Limit Execution Time in Node

I am working on a node-based MUD game and I would like to limit the amount of time any one command can execute before it gets killed (e.g. 1000ms). I found a module called Tripwire which seems promising but it does not appear to be actively maintained. Tripwire does work as advertised. It manages to force an exception if someone creates an endless loop, but it does not support any resumption of the original script thread.
I am looking for either:
(1) A similar but actively maintained Node module that can interrupt and resume the original event thread, or,
(2) A working example of V8's Isolate::IsExecutionTerminating + Isolate::CancelTerminateExecution (I forked Tripwire but I haven't done any meaningful C++ in a long time and am now just beating my head against the wall).
I have only been able to find test cases so far (which is at least something). I am really hoping that someone has already tackled this, though.
Test cases:
I know this is a bit vague.
I ended up instrumenting the script by passing it through acorn and generating my own final script. I am hoping that the sandbox is locked down to prevent users from escaping it. Example of "compiled" output:
createPermissions(expr) {
let __mec = __bfc(this || GameMaster, 'public', 'createPermissions', __FILE__, false); try { let parts = expr.split('/');
for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
__ala(); let foo = parts.slice(0, i).join('/');
} } finally { __efc(__mec, 'createPermissions'); }
This new "language" supports public, protected, package, and private variables/methods (by maintaining its own internal call stack, execution context, etc). The directives are "reserved words" (e.g. __bfc=begin function call, __ala=assert loop alarm).
Thanks #jfriend00 for the suggestion.
For those who are curious: Transpiler Module

Best way to reuse a large translation file within Node / Express

I'm new to Node but I figured I'd jump right in and start converting a PHP app into Node/Express. It's a bilingual app that uses gettext with PO/MO files. I found a Node module called node-gettext. I'd rather not convert the PO files into another format right now, so it seems this library is my only option.
So my concern is that right now, before every page render, I'm doing something like this:
exports.home_index = function(req, res)
var gettext = require('node-gettext'),
gt = new gettext();
var fs = require('fs');
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./locale/');
gt.addTextdomain('de', fileContents);
{ gt: gt }
I'll also be using the translations in classes, so with how it's set up now I'd have to load the entire translation file again every time I want to translate something in another place.
The translation file is about 50k and I really don't like having to do file operations like this on every page load. In Node/Express, what would be the most efficient way to handle this (aside from a database)? Usually a user won't even be changing their language after the first time (if they're changing it from English).
Ok, I have no idea if this is a good approach, but it at least lets me reuse the translation file in other parts of the app without reloading it everywhere I need to get translated text.
In app.js:
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
gettext = require('node-gettext'),
gt = new gettext();
Then, also in app.js, I create the variable to contain the gettext/translation object, and I include my middleware function: = gt;
In my middleware file I have this:
module.exports = function locale()
return function(req, res, next)
// do stuff here to populate lang variable
var fs = require('fs');;
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./locales/' + lang + '.mo');, fileContents);
It doesn't seem like a good idea to assign the loaded translation file to app, since depending on the current request that file will be one of two languages. If I assigned the loaded translation file to app instead of a request variable, can that mix up users' languages?
Anyway, I know there's got to be a better way of doing this.
The simplest option would be to do the following:
Add this in app.js:
var languageDomains = {};
Then modify your Middleware:
module.exports = function locale()
return function(req, res, next)
// do stuff here to populate lang variable
if ( ![lang] ) {
var fs = require('fs');
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./locales/' + lang + '.mo');[lang] = true;, fileContents);
req.textdomain =;
By checking if the file has already been loaded you are preventing the action from happening multiple times, and the domain data will stay resident in the server's memory. The downside to the simplicity of this solution is that if you ever change the contents of your .mo files whilst the server is running, the changes wont be taken into account. However, this code could be extended to keep an eye on the mtime of the files, and reload accordingly, or make use of fs.watchFile — if required:
if ( ![lang] ) {
var fs = require('fs'), filename = './locales/' + lang + '.mo';
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filename);
fs.watchFile(filename, function (curr, prev) {, fs.readFileSync(filename));
});[lang] = true;, fileContents);
Warning: It should also be noted that using sync versions of functions outside of server initialisation is not a good idea because it can freeze the thread. You'd be better off changing your sync loading to the async equivalent.
After the above changes, rather than passing gt to your template, you should be able to use req.textdomain instead. It seems that the gettext library supports a number of requests directly on each domain object, which means you hopefully don't need to refer to the global gt object on a per request basis (which will be changing it's default domain on each request):
Each domain supports:
Taken from here:
A little bit of further clarity.
Once the server has loaded the file into memory the first time, it should remain there for all subsequent connections it receives (for any visitor/request) because it is stored globally and wont be garbage collected — unless you remove all references to the data, which would mean gettext would need to have some kind of unload/forget domain method.
Node is different to PHP in that its environment is shared and wraps its own HTTP server (if you are using something like Express), which means it is very easy to remember data globally as it has a constant environment that all the code is executed within. PHP is always executed after the HTTP server has received and dealt with the request (e.g. Apache). Each PHP response is then executed in its own separate run-time, which means you have to rely on databases, sessions and cache stores to share even simple information and most resources.
further optimisations
Obviously with the above you are constantly running translations on each page load. Which means the gettext library will still be using the translation data resident in memory, which will take up processing time. To get around this, it would be best to make sure your URLs have something that makes them unique for each different language i.e. my-page/en/ or or even and then enable some kind of full page caching using something like memcached or express-view-cache. However, once you start caching pages you need to make certain there aren't any regions that are user specific, if so, you need to start implement more complicated systems that are sensitive to these areas.
Remember: The golden rule of optimisation, don't do so before you need to... basically meaning I wouldn't worry about page caching until you know it's going to be an issue, but it is always worth bearing in mind what your options are, as it should shape your code design.
update 2
Just to illustrate a bit further on the behaviour of a server running in JavaScript, and how the global behaviour is not just a property of, but in fact any object that is further up the scope chain.
So, as an example, instead of adding var languageDomains = {}; to your app.js, you could instantiate it further up the scope of wherever your middleware is placed. It's best to keep your global entities in one place however, so app.js is the better place, but this is just for illustration.
var languageDomains = {};
module.exports = function locale()
/// you can still access languageDomains here, and it will behave
/// globally for the entire server.
So basically, where-as with PHP, the entire code-base is re-executed on each request — so the languageDomains would be instantiated a-new each time — in Node the only part of the code to be re-executed is the code within locale() (because it is triggered as part of a new request). This function will still have a reference to the already existing and defined languageDomains via the scope chain. Because languageDomains is never reset (on a per request basis) it will behave globally.
Concurrent users
Node.js is single threaded. This means that in order for it to be concurrent i.e. handle multiple requests at the "same" time, you have to code your app in such a way that each little part can be executed very quickly and then slip into a waiting state, whilst another part of another request is dealt with.
This is the reason for the asynchronous and callback nature of Node, and the reason to avoid Sync calls whilst your app is running. Any one Sync request could halt or freeze execution of the thread and delay handling for all other requests. The reason why I state this is to give you a better idea of how multiple users might interact with your code (and global objects).
Basically once a request is being dealt with by your server, it is it's only focus, until that particular execution cycle ends i.e. your request handler stops calling other code that needs to run synchronously. Once that happens the next queued item is dealt with (a callback or something), this could be part of another request, or it could be the next part in the current request.

How to make my nodejs app serve multiple users?

I am implementing a very basic website using nodejs, and expressjs framework. The idea is that the user enters the website, click on a button that will trigger a cpu-intensive task in the server, and get a message on the browser upon the completion of the task.
The confusing part for me is how to accomplish this task for each user without blocking the event-loop, thus, no user has to wait for another to finish. Also, how to use a new instance of the used resources(objects, variables..) for each user.
After playing and reading around, I have come across child-process. Basically, I thought of forking a new child_process for each user so that whatever the time the sorting takes, it won't block my event-loop. However, I am still not sure if this is the best thing to do for such a scenario.
Now, I have done what I wanted to but with only single user, however when trying to start another user, things become messy and variables are shared. I know that I should not use global variables declared in the module, but what could be another way to make variables shared among functions within a single module yet they are different for each user!?
I know that the question may sound very basic, but I kinda miss the idea of how does node js serve different users with new variables, objects that are associated with each individual user.
In short, my questions are:
1- how does node serve multiple users simultaneously?
2- when and how should I resort to forking or executing a new child-process under the hood, and is it for each user or based on my # cores in cpu
3- how to separate resources in my application for each user such that each user has his own counters, emails and other objects and variables.
4- when do I need or I have to kill my child process.
Thanks in advance.
var cp = require('child_process');
var child= cp.fork('./routes/mysort-module');
// child = new cp.fork('./routes/mysort-module'); // Should I make new child for each user?
child.on('message',function(m){ res.send('DONE');}
child.send('START PROCESS'); // Forking a cpu-intensive task in mysort-module.js
var variables = require(...);
//GLOBAL VARIABLES to be shared among different functions in this module
//sort cpu-intensive task
// OTHER FUNCTIONS in THE MODULE that make use of global variables.
You should try to split up your question. However, I hope this answers it.
Question 1: A global variable is not limited to request scope. That's a part of Node's definition for a global and it doesn't make sense to enforce this somehow. You shouldn't use globals at all.
The request scope is given by the HTTP module:
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var a = 1;
// req, res, and a are in request scope for your user-associated response
Eliminating globals shouldn't be that hard: If module A and B share a global G and module C calls A.doThis() and B.doThat(), change C to call A.doThis(G) and B.doThat(G) instead. Do this for all occurrences of G and reduce its scope to local or request.
Additionally, have a look for "Sessions", if you need a scope coverig multiple requests from one client.
Question 2: Start the child process inside the request handler:
exports.user = function(req,res){
child = new cp.fork('./routes/mysort-module');
Question 3: See question 1?
Question 4: After the process returned the calculated results.
process.on('DONE', function(result) {
// go on and send result to the client somehow...

Potentially vulnerability using setInterval in Firefox addon?

I've written a Firefox addon for the first time and it was reviewed and accepted a few month ago. This add-on calls frequently a third-party API. Meanwhile it was reviewed again and now the way it calls setInterval is criticized:
setInterval called in potentially dangerous manner. In order to prevent vulnerabilities, the setTimeout and setInterval functions should be called only with function expressions as their first argument. Variables referencing function names are acceptable but deprecated as they are not amenable to static source validation.
Here's some background about the »architecture« of my addon. It uses a global Object which is not much more than a namespace:
if ( 'undefined' == typeof myPlugin ) {
var myPlugin = {
settings : {},
intervalID : null,
//called once on window.addEventlistener( 'load' )
init : function() {
//load settings
//load remote data from cache (file)
//get the data from the API
getRemoteData : function() {
// XMLHttpRequest to the API
// retreve data (application/json)
// write it to a cache file
function load( event ) {
window.removeEventListener( 'load', load, false ); needed
So this may be not the best practice, but I keep on learning. The interval itself is called inside the init() method like so:
myPlugin.intervalID = window.setInterval(
myPlugin.settings.updateMinInterval * 1000 //milliseconds!
There's another point setting the interval: an observer to the settings (preferences) clears the current interval and set it exactly the same way like mentioned above when a change to the updateMinInterval setting occures.
As I get this right, a solution using »function expressions« should look like:
myPlugin.intervalID = window.setInterval(
function() {
myPlugin.settings.updateMinInterval * 1000 //milliseconds!
Am I right?
What is a possible scenario of »attacking« this code, I've overlooked so far?
Should setInterval and setTimeout basically used in another way in Firefox addons then in »normal« frontend javascripts? Because the documentation of setInterval exactly shows the way using declared functions in some examples.
Am I right?
Yes, although I imagine by now you've tried it and found it works.
As for why you are asked to change the code, it's because of the part of the warning message saying "Variables referencing function names are acceptable but deprecated as they are not amenable to static source validation".
This means that unless you follow the recommended pattern for the first parameter it is impossible to automatically calculate the outcome of executing the setInterval call.
Since setInterval is susceptible to the same kind of security risks as eval() it is important to check that the call is safe, even more so in privileged code such as an add-on so this warning serves as a red flag to the add-on reviewer to ensure that they carefully evaluate the safety of this line of code.
Your initial code should be accepted and cause no security issues but the add-on reviewer will appreciate having one less red flag to consider.
Given that the ability to automatically determine the outcome of executing JavaScript is useful for performance optimisation as well as automatic security checks I would wager that a function expression is also going to execute more quickly.
