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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm new to Sharepoint 2010; when adding a web part for users to download files, the 'Type' images are always broken, and the URLs have no image file. For example:
Then when looking at the path of the broken image, it comes up as:
Is there some sort of association I have to make?
If you are using Content Editor web part then you have to Add the icon (DocIcon) of the file-type to a custom xsl-template.
Please see below given link
After doing some digging, I noticed in my DOCICON file had some invalid XML in it; specifically some of the pdf mapping.
After removing the invalid characters, and restarting IIS, the document icons have now appeared.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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How we can use our browser as a notepad, and avoid using other tools?
It will give the flexibility to immediately take note of urls or other stuff at the same place!
Instead of using browser extensions like evernote or other tools like notepad/gedit etc, is there some way to write down notes or copy/paste contents in browser window?
This is quite interesting piece of info!
Just type the following in your browser address bar:
data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
And here you go, you are now ready to write in the window below!
Also you can mark it favourite and save as 'notepad utility' in your bookmarks!
For more info check here!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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files from the generally open in view mode. But after some additions in link, we can change the link to direct download.
I have given a docs link below . How can I turn it into a download link?
You can try this.
Click on print Icon on the top-left, it will pop up printing controls on the left, then if you press ctrl+s , you can save it as PDF format. And also, this is not a good question for this site:)
From here
How to Link to Files at Google Docs for Direct Download
...Google doesn't tell you this, as far as I know - so, if you want to link to a file at Google Docs for direct download you can use the following address scheme:
You can copy your individual file id from within the "Share..."-dialogue. Here you also need to put the share settings to "public" or to "anyone with the link"
a HTML example for this link to a pdf-file:
<a href="">
Online generating tool here.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to lotus notes and facing one issue. For scrolling in any of the sections of the Notes window(ex: section that shows Inbox,drafts folders;section that shows mails in my inbox; section that shows preview of the currently opened mail) I have to click that particular section. Can I configure it like outlook so that I can scroll just by hovering over the section?
No, unfortunately this is not possible.
The focus is something that gets "lost" quite often in the Lotus Notes client.
Then you have to click in the correct "pane" to get it back
(by the way: this is something that happens to me in Outlook as well, e.g. when I write my responses within the same window... Then I have to click into the mail to get focus back and only then can click again to send the email)
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm trying to access the Properties window for an Excel (2007, in this case) worksheet, using the Properties button on the Developer tab, as described here. The reason I want to get at the Properties window is to set properties such as the object's name, for use in VBA scripts that address it.
The Properties window comes up, but it's blank, with no identification of the object I'm looking at at the top, and no properties listed. Why is this, and how do I get around it?
It turns out that the reason for this was that I had the associated VBA project password-protected. When I opened up the VBA project and entered the password when prompted, the Properties window started working again.
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Closed 12 years ago.
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There is a color I like in an image, but how can I find the code [ i.e. #FFC6A5 ] for it ? The image is in .png format.
Open the file in an image editing program, then use the Eyedropper tool to select that color. You should be able to retrieve the hex value from there.
Alternatively, you could download ColorPic. It's a free utility that allows you to do the same thing, but without opening the image first. You can simply move the Eyedropper tool around the screen and select any color you hover over (whether it's in an image or not).
ColorZilla lets you do this. Its a handy Firefox Add-on. Of course you will hav to open the image in firefox but its handy if you want to know the color code of an image in a website.