What does pthread_create in linux? - linux

Am a newbie to OS ,
So, I want to know about the pthread_create (Standardized Interface ) in Linux ?
What type of thread it creates ? User Level Thread or Kernel Level Thread ? Justify !

PThreads in Linux gives you kernel-level threads, not user-level.
This is obvious if you look at the man page for pthreads: (look for the word Both):
Both threading implementations employ the Linux clone(2) system call.
In this context, the word "Both" refers to the now unsupported LinuxThreads implementation, and the newer NPTL (Native POSIX Threads Library) in glibc.
See also this answer to get an understanding on how kernel thread scheduling works under Linux.

Read also a good Posix thread tutorial like this.
And reading a good book on advanced linux programming will also be relevant.


Is there a difference in how threads work in Linux vs Unix vs Solaris

I'm just curious to if there is any difference to how threads work in the different flavors of Unix.
In particular Linux, Solaris and the original Unix
Any thoughts?
The original Unix does not use threads for multiprogramming. An article from 1987 comparing the Mach and Unix kernel states that "neither Unix System V nor 4.3 BSD provide a way to manage more than one thread of control within an address space".
Modern Unix clones adhere to the POSIX Threads specification. The POSIX Threads standard only appeared in 1995. The underlying implementation in Linux is based on the clone() and futex() system calls, which are implemented by the kernel. The clone() system call creates a new lightweight process that can share a memory space with its child. So, for example, the pthread_create() library call internally calls the clone() system call. The futex() system call implements a synchronization primitive that can be used for creating larger synchronization operations, like mutexes, semaphores, etc. So, for example, pthread_mutex_lock() will call futex() internally.
Using POSIX terminology, Linux implementation model is a "kernel-thread model", also known as 1:1 model, where 1 kernel lightweight process is used for 1 user visible thread.
Linux also had different threading implementations over time. More description about threading support in Linux in pthreads(7), clone(2) and futex(2) manual pages.
Other implementations may be completely different and still implement the POSIX threads API. FreeBSD used a M:N implementation, or "hybrid model", where an user visible thread could be managed either by the kernel, or by a user space library. See the kse(2) manual page for a complete description. I have once traced the current 1:1 FreeBSD threading implementation to an article in kerneltrap:
OpenSolaris doesn't seem to describe its own threading implementation on man pages. I could find instead a document comparing the OpenSolaris kernel with Linux 2.6 and Windows Vista. There, a main difference between the Linux and OpenSolaris implementation is that in Linux, each process is a lightweight process, unifying threads and processes, while in OpenSolaris one process contains multiple lightweight processes, in practice separating in the kernel the process from the kernel thread.

What's a Pthread?

I'm getting confused on the idea of "pthread" and "thread". I know pthread is short form for POSIX thread, which is a type of standardized thread used in UNIX. But people often use "thread" to refer a thread. Are pthread and thread equivalent? Or pthread is only the name for threads used in UNIX?
Thanks in advance.
Threads are a generic concept. Wikipedia defines it as:
In computer science, a thread of execution is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by an operating system scheduler. A thread is a light-weight process.
Pthreads or POSIX threads are one implementation of that concept used with C program on Unix. Most modern languages have their own implementation of threads. From that web page:
Pthreads are defined as a set of C language programming types and procedure calls, implemented with a pthread.h header/include file and a thread library - though this library may be part of another library, such as libc, in some implementations.
To add to Gray,
Pthread is POSIX complaint which means you can use it across most of the UNIX operating systems.
No need to rewrite them for each of Unix (Linxux,FreeBSD, etc) and the behavior would be same across all of them .
Pthreads refers to the POSIX standard (IEEE 1003.1c) defining an API for thread creation and synchronization. This is a specification for thread behavior, not an implementation. Operating-system designers may implement the specification in any way they wish. Numerous systems implement the Pthreads specification; most are UNIX-type systems, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris. Although Windows doesn’t support Pthreads natively, some third- party implementations for Windows are available.
Three main thread libraries are in use today: POSIX Pthreads, Windows, and Java. Pthreads, the threads extension of the POSIX standard, may be provided as either a user-level or a kernel-level library. The Windows thread library is a kernel-level library available on Windows systems. The Java thread API allows threads to be created and managed directly in Java programs. However, because in most instances the JVM is running on top of a host operating system, the Java thread API is generally implemented using a thread library available on the host system. This means that on Windows systems, Java threads are typically implemented using the Windows API; UNIX and Linux systems often use Pthreads

Kernel Level Thread Library

I have to implement kernel level thread but while searching on the net I found that there are three ways to create kernel level thread in linux:
It was written somewhere that linuxThreads are now abandoned. But I am unable to find current support of NPTL & kthread. Also I am unable to find any source that can simply explain me how to use their functionality.
Which is the currently supported and good library to use kernel level thread?
Also pls share any resource for installing these library and also using them?
You are confusing two very different definitions of "kernel thread".
LinuxThreads and NPTL are implementations of POSIX pthreads for user-space processes. They use a 1-to-1 mapping of kernel scheduling entities to user-space threads. They are sometimes described as kernel threads implementations only because they create threads that are scheduled by the kernel.
LinuxThreads is unsupported and entirely obsolete. NPTL is now part of glibc, so you already have it. There's nothing special to install. You use these the same way you use any POSIX threading library, with calls to functions like pthread_create.
Actual kernel threads run kernel code. None of those libraries are relevant since they're all user-space libraries. Have a look at functions like kthread_run. There's no magic, no secret. Write kernel code the way similar kernel code is written. (Knowledge and experience in writing kernel code is needed. It's, unfortunately, not simple.)
I assume that; if you really wanted to create a kernel thread, you would already know about these things.
I think, you want to create multi-threaded applications and trying to find info about user-level multi-threading functions.
And yes, these threads you created will be managed by the kernel itself. This is what you are looking for :: POSIX Threads

Is Pthread library actually a user thread solution?

The title might not be clear enough because I don't know how to define my questions actually.
I understand Pthread is a thread library meeting POSIX standard (about POSIX, see wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posix). It is available in Unix-like OS.
About thread, I read that there are three different models:
User level thread: the kernel does not know it. User himself creates/implements/destroy threads.
Kernel level thread: kernel directly supports multiple threads of control in a process.
Light weight process(LWP): scheduled by kernel but can be bounded with user threads.
Did you see my confusion? When I call pthread_create() to create a thread, did I create a user level thread? I guess so. So can I say, Pthread offers a user level solution for threads? It can not manipulate kernel/LWP?
#paulsm4 I am doubtful about your comment that kernel knows every thing. In this particular context of user level threads, the kernel is unaware of the fact that such a thing is happening. A user level thread's scheduling is maintained by the user himself (via the interface provided by a library) and the kernel ends up allotting just a single kernel thread to the whole process. Kernel would treat the process as a single threaded and any blocking call by one of the threads would end up blocking all the threads of that process.
Refer to http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/OpSystems/Myos/threads.htm
In Linux, pthread is implemented as a lightweight process. Kernel (v2.6+) is actually implemented with NPTL. Let me quote the wiki content:
NPTL is a so-called 1×1 threads library, in that threads created by the user (via the pthread_create() library function) are in 1-1 correspondence with schedulable entities in the kernel (tasks, in the Linux case). This is the simplest possible threading implementation.
So pthread in linux kernel is actually implemented as kernel thread.
pthreads, per se, isn't really a threading library. pthreads is the interface which a specific threading library implements, using the concurrency resources available on that platform. So there's a pthreads implementation on linux, on bsd, on solaris, etc., and while the interface (the header files and the meaning of the calls) is the same, the implementation of each is different.
So what pthread_create actually does, in terms of kernel thread objects, varies between OSes and pthread library implementations. At a first approximation, you don't need to know (that's stuff that the pthread abstraction allows you to not need to know about). Eventually you might need to see "behind the curtain", but for most pthread users that's not necessary.
If you want to know what a /specific/ pthread implementation does, on a specific OS, you'll need to clarify your question. What Solaris and Linux do, for example, is very different.
Q: I understand Pthread is a thread library meeting POSIX standard
A: Yes. Actually, "Pthreads" stands for "Posix threads":
Q: It is available in Unix-like OS.
A: Actually, it's available for many different OSs ... including Windows, MacOS ... and, of course, Linux, BSD and Solaris.
Q: About thread, I read that there are three different models
Now you're getting fuzzy. "Threads" is a very generic term. There are many, many different models. And many, many different ways you can characterize and/or implement "threads". Including stuff like the Java threading model, or the Ada threading model.
Q: When I call pthread_create() to create a thread, did I create a
user level thread?
A: Yes: Just about everything you do in user space is "protected" in your own, private "user space".
Q: User level thread: the kernel does not know it.
A: No. The kernel knows everything :)
Q: Kernel level thread: kernel directly supports multiple threads of
control in a process.
A: Yes, there is such a thing as "kernel threads".
And, as it happens, Linux makes EXTENSIVE use of kernel threads. For example, every single process in a Linux system is a "kernel thread". And every user-created pthread is ALSO implemented as a new "kernel thread". As are "worker threads" (which are completely invisible to any user-level process).
But this is an advanced topic you do NOT need to understand in order to effectively use pthreads. Here's a great book that discussed this - and many other topics - in detail:
Linux Kernel Development, Robert Love
Remember: "Pthreads" is an interface. How it's implemented depends on the platform. Linux uses kernel threads; Windows uses Win32 threads, etc.
Since people still seem to be hitting this old thread, I thought it would be useful to reference this post:
Linux typically uses two implementations of pthreads:
LinuxThreads and Native
POSIX Thread Library(NPTL),
although the former is largely obsolete. Kernel from 2.6 provides
NPTL, which provides much closer conformance to SUSv3, and perform
better especially when there are many threads.
You can query the
specific implementation of pthreads under shell using command:
You can also get a more detailed implementation difference in The
Linux Programming Interface.
"Pthreads" is a library, based on the Posix standard. How a pthreads library is implemented will differ from platform to platform and library to library.
I find previous answers not as satisfying or clear as I would have liked so here goes:
When you call
you always create a new user-level thread. And assuming that there is OS, there is always one or more kernel thread...but let's dive deeper:
According to "Operating system concepts" 10th edition,the actual classification we should be looking at (when it comes to thread libraries) is how the user level threads are mapped onto kernel threads (and that's what the question really meant).
The models are one to one (each user-level thread within a single process is mapped to a different kernel thread),many to one (the thread library is "user level" so all of the different threads within a single process are mapped to a single kernel thread,and the threads data structures, context switch etc are dealt with at user level and not by the OS [meaning that if a thread blocks on some I/O call, the entire process might potentially block]), and many to many (something in between,obviously the number of user-level threads is greater or equal to the number of kernel threads it is being mapped onto).
Now,pthreads is a specification and not an implementation, and the implementation does depend on the OS to which it is written. It could be any one of those models (notice that "many to many" is very flexible).
So,as an example,on Linux and Windows (the most popular OSs for years now,where the model is "one to one") the implementation is "one to one".
Pthreads is just a standardized interface for threading libraries. Whether an OS thread or a lightweight thread is created depends on the library you use. Nevertheless, my first guest would be that your threads are “real” OS-level threads.

POSIX Threads vs. Win32 Threads

I just dipped my toes into the POSIX pond and tried out POSIX threads for the first time. Until now, I'd been under the impression that there's a big architectural difference between POSIX threads and Win32 threads, but from the (admittedly little) that I tried, I didn't really see any difference.
I'm still curious though -- what are the differences (if any) between POSIX threads and Win32 threads? Are they different fundamentally, or do they just have minor differences?
There are huge differences between how threads are managed and scheduled "under the hood" in Windows NT family kernels and on many Unix kernels, but that's not the question.
If you're just talking about the interface (the services exposed by Win32 threads and POSIX threads), with some work you can almost map any POSIX thread feature to a Win32 equivalent ~1:1. And it has been done (see pthreads-win32).
One big difference I may notice is that under Win32 you use actual system calls to work with threads, instead POSIX threads' calls are part of a library (pthreads), that - under many Unix systems - calls some very low level system calls of Unix kernels (under Linux there's clone()).
Just to prove you that, unless you go very deep, pthreads is nothing so special, you can download pthreads-win32 that exposes quite the same interface of pthreads, and any function is mapped on Win32 thread APIs. And it works.
One small but crucial difference seems to be that there's no POSIX equivalent to Windows's CREATE_SUSPENDED.
