Timing out from a bean - jsf

I want my session to timeout after a given interval of time. In web.xml I've been using code like:
where 20 is the timeout period in minutes, which works correctly.
What I would like to do is to do it programatically using code like this inside one of my beans as follow:
public class MyLoginBean implements HttpSessionListener, Serializable {
// private variables etc.
HttpServletRequest request;
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
// Constructor
public MyLoginBean() {
// The rest of the code
where the timeout here is 1200 seconds, i.e. 20 minutes. Unfortunately, on opening up a browser to look at the application, it fails with the message:
com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException: Cant instantiate class: com.csharp.MyLoginBean.
Followed by:
What am I doing wrong here? I know that setMaxInactiveInterval() refers to the particular session, which in this case is the login bean, rather than everything, which is what the code in web.xml file specifies. I have several beans, but timing out the login bean is the only one that matters.
I'm using JSF 2.0 with Glassfish 3.1.1 and Eclipse Indigo, so some advice would be very much appreciated.

The NullPointerException has an extremely simple cause. It's one of the most simplest exceptions. To learn about the cause of an arbitrary exception, just look in its javadoc. All Java exceptions have their causes explained in the javadoc. Here's an extract of the javadoc of NullPointerException:
Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required. These include:
Calling the instance method of a null object.
Accessing or modifying the field of a null object.
Taking the length of null as if it were an array.
Accessing or modifying the slots of null as if it were an array.
Throwing null as if it were a Throwable value.
Applications should throw instances of this class to indicate other illegal uses of the null object.
Your problem is caused by point 1. Here,
HttpServletRequest request;
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
you're trying to invoke getSession() method on null instead of a concrete HttpServletRequest instance. In fact, you should have obtained the HttpServletRequest via ExternalContext#getRequest() and assigned it to request.
However, you've bigger problems: you should absolutely not get hold of the current servlet request as a property of a session scoped bean (which lives longer than the HTTP request!). You should get it inside the thread local scope (i.e. wholly inside the constructor or the method block). You should also not let your JSF managed bean implement the HttpSessionListener. This makes no utter sense. You'd end up with 2 instances, one created as listener by the container and another one created as managed bean by JSF.
Just thus should do:
public class MyLoginBean implements Serializable {
public MyLoginBean() {
HttpSession session = (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSession();
// ...
Or, if you're using JSF 2.1, use the one provided by ExternalContext:


How to get an object of session in JSF [duplicate]

I am trying to get the FacesContext by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() in the run() method of a Runnable class, but it returns null.
public class Task implements Runnable {
public void run() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // null!
// ...
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The FacesContext is stored as a ThreadLocal variable in the thread responsible for the HTTP request which invoked the FacesServlet, the one responsible for creating the FacesContext. This thread usually goes through the JSF managed bean methods only. The FacesContext is not available in other threads spawned by that thread.
You should actually also not have the need for it in other threads. Moreover, when your thread starts and runs independently, the underlying HTTP request will immediately continue processing the HTTP response and then disappear. You won't be able to do something with the HTTP response anyway.
You need to solve your problem differently. Ask yourself: what do you need it for? To obtain some information? Just pass that information to the Runnable during its construction instead.
The below example assumes that you'd like to access some session scoped object in the thread.
public class Task implements Runnable {
private Work work;
public Task(Work work) {
this.work = work;
public void run() {
// Just use work.
Work work = (Work) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("work");
Task task = new Task(work);
// ...
If you however ultimately need to notify the client e.g. that the thread's work is finished, then you should be looking for a different solution than e.g. adding a faces message or so. The answer is to use "push". This can be achieved with SSE or websockets. A concrete websockets example can be found in this related question: Real time updates from database using JSF/Java EE. In case you happen to use PrimeFaces, look at
<p:push>. In case you happen to use OmniFaces, look at <o:socket>.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, manually creating Runnables and manually spawning threads in a Java EE web application is alarming. Head to the following Q&A to learn about all caveats and how it should actually be done:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
Is it safe to start a new thread in a JSF managed bean?

CDI - ContextNotActiveException - WebBeans context with scope type annotation #RequestScoped does not exist within current thread

Environment : WAS
CDI : 1.0 (Implementation OpenWebBeans)
Use Case: Server is executing the Java class asynchronously via TimerManager. I am trying to inject the cdi bean with Request scope into the class but when any method is called on the injection, below is the stack trace i am getting. If i use the Applicationscope instead of RequestScope in the injection, Code works fine.
Upon investigating the issue, i found that Request and Session context will not be active for the threads initiallized asynchronously by the container. Is there some way i can initialize the request and session context?
Error :
javax.enterprise.context.ContextNotActiveException: WebBeans context with scope type annotation #RequestScoped does not exist within current thread**
at org.apache.webbeans.container.BeanManagerImpl.getContext(BeanManagerImpl.java:358)
at org.apache.webbeans.intercept.NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.getContextualInstance(NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.java:124)
at org.apache.webbeans.intercept.NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.invoke(NormalScopedBeanInterceptorHandler.java:95)
at com.ford.it.processcontrol.TestJob3_$$_javassist_22.executeJobCB(TestJob3_$$_javassist_22.java)
I'm assuming you already have this, or something alike somewhere:
CdiContainer cdiContainer = CdiContainerLoader.getCdiContainer();
ContextControl contextControl = cdiContainer.getContextControl();
Then, somehow you have access to the ContextControl instance. Then you can start the context wherever you need it, just remember to stop it when it's no longer needed
// do stuff
}catch(Exception e){}
This is working for me in some asynced classes.
Hope it helps.

ApplicationScoped Bean with postconstruct method

I have an application scoped bean to hold the information in my database. After its instantiation it should fetch the data, so I annotated the method with #PostConstruct. As soon as I request the jsf page where this bean is referenced the server log explodes! I think it somehow recurses and the only stacktrace I get is that a System Exception occurred during the repBean.acceptVisitor(Visitor); method. The server log then gets several GB big and I have to manually delete it in order to have free disk space. If I delete the #PostConstruct annotation there are no exceptions. After calling the update() method from another bean the repositoryContent variable is updated properly and contains the information. The only problem then is that my jsf page doesn't display the content for some strange reason.
public class IndexBean implements Serializable {
private ArrayList<ViewFolder> repositoryContent;
RepositoryService repBean;
public void update() {
RepositoryVisitor Visitor = new RepositoryVisitor();
repositoryContent = Visitor.getList();
This is not normal behaviour.
One of the following lines
RepositoryVisitor Visitor = new RepositoryVisitor();
repositoryContent = Visitor.getList();
is indirectly evaluating the EL expression #{indexBean} which in turn causes the bean being constructed once again, because it is not been put in service yet. It would only be put in service (and thus available as a concrete #{indexBean}) when the #PostConstruct finishes. This all causes an infinite loop.
You might need to do some refactoring, or to pass the application scoped bean instance itself to the method call so that it can be used directly instead of being referenced by an EL expression.

Prevent component tree serialization for certain parts of application

Is it possible to explicitly deny JSF from serializing some component trees? At the moment I am passing a non-serializable object to a <h:inputText>:
<h:inputText value="#{nonSerializableBean.nonSerializableClassInstance}" />
What happens after a few clicks is that I get (during view restoration):
javax.faces.FacesException: Unexpected error restoring state for component
with id configurationForm:j_idt292:j_idt302:field. Cause:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.InstantiationException:
I think this occurs because JSF cannot restore the nonSerializableClassInstance:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.InstantiationException: com.foobar.utils.text.Period
at javax.faces.component.StateHolderSaver.restore(StateHolderSaver.java:110)
at javax.faces.component.ComponentStateHelper.restoreState(ComponentStateHelper.java:292)
at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.restoreState(UIComponentBase.java:1444)
at javax.faces.component.UIOutput.restoreState(UIOutput.java:255)
at javax.faces.component.UIInput.restoreState(UIInput.java:1359)
A bonus question: Is it ok not to make backing beans Serializable? Should this then prevent serialization/deserialization of these?
Some background:
We have a bunch of 3rd party classes that we need to provide forms for in JSF. The problem is that we cannot directly use these classes on JSF pages, because they do not implement Serializable interface, and thus will/should fail if JSF runtime decides to serialize/deserialize the page and the component-tree. The classes are "closed" and we are not allowed to modify them.
Running Mojarra 2.0.2.
Javabeans are by spec supposed to implement Serializable. JSF just follows/adheres this spec.
The classes are "closed" and we are not allowed to modify them.
Your best bet is to wrap it as a transient property of a class which implements Serializable and implement the writeObject() and readObject() accordingly.
public class SerializableClass implements Serializable {
private transient NonSerializableClass nonSerializableClass;
public SerializableClass(NonSerializableClass nonSerializableClass) {
this.nonSerializableClass = nonSerializableClass;
public NonSerializableClass getNonSerializableClass() {
return nonSerializableClass;
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// ...
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
nonSerializableClass = new NonSerializableClass();
nonSerializableClass.setProperty1((String) ois.readObject());
nonSerializableClass.setProperty2((String) ois.readObject());
// ...
Finally use that class instead. You could eventually let it extends NonSerializableClass and then autogenerate delegate methods by a bit decent IDE.
Either way, it's only going to be a lot of opaque and boilerplate code, but since you're not allowed to modify those classes... (I would personally just push that 3rd party stuff to have them their so-called Javabeans to implement Serializable since it are them who's breaking the standards/specs).
I don't know what you expect if the class members (e.g. nonSerializableClassInstance) are not getting serialized.
Of course, you can mark them as transient.
The aim of a managed bean is to hold the application state - you will lose the state if some members are not getting serialized (if the server has the need of doing this).

FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() returns null in Runnable class

I am trying to get the FacesContext by calling FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() in the run() method of a Runnable class, but it returns null.
public class Task implements Runnable {
public void run() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // null!
// ...
How is this caused and how can I solve it?
The FacesContext is stored as a ThreadLocal variable in the thread responsible for the HTTP request which invoked the FacesServlet, the one responsible for creating the FacesContext. This thread usually goes through the JSF managed bean methods only. The FacesContext is not available in other threads spawned by that thread.
You should actually also not have the need for it in other threads. Moreover, when your thread starts and runs independently, the underlying HTTP request will immediately continue processing the HTTP response and then disappear. You won't be able to do something with the HTTP response anyway.
You need to solve your problem differently. Ask yourself: what do you need it for? To obtain some information? Just pass that information to the Runnable during its construction instead.
The below example assumes that you'd like to access some session scoped object in the thread.
public class Task implements Runnable {
private Work work;
public Task(Work work) {
this.work = work;
public void run() {
// Just use work.
Work work = (Work) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("work");
Task task = new Task(work);
// ...
If you however ultimately need to notify the client e.g. that the thread's work is finished, then you should be looking for a different solution than e.g. adding a faces message or so. The answer is to use "push". This can be achieved with SSE or websockets. A concrete websockets example can be found in this related question: Real time updates from database using JSF/Java EE. In case you happen to use PrimeFaces, look at
<p:push>. In case you happen to use OmniFaces, look at <o:socket>.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, manually creating Runnables and manually spawning threads in a Java EE web application is alarming. Head to the following Q&A to learn about all caveats and how it should actually be done:
Spawning threads in a JSF managed bean for scheduled tasks using a timer
Is it safe to start a new thread in a JSF managed bean?
