Sonata admin blocks outside dashboard - symfony-2.1

I'm using sf2 with sonata admin bundle and i'd like to add a block to the show route of an entity and i can't find any way to do it. I've already added a block to the dashboard so i know how to make one, i just can't figure out how to add it to a different page.

You can render any block in any template by using twig method "sonata_block_render"
Here is an example from sonatablockbundle documentation:
{{ sonata_block_render({
'type': 'sonata.block.service.rss',
'settings': {
'title': 'Sonata Project\'s Feeds',
'url': ''
}) }}


django using object inside templates without using view

Im new to django; I'm using include inside a template that call another template like this
{% include "cars_models.html" with %}
is there a way to use Cars.objects.get( or something like inside the cars_models template direct to get all cars are related to user_id without using views
I'm trying to use cars_models templates inside another templates like widgets for base template. I'm not using any view for my base template
Please consider this custom template tag solution:
In the root directory create directory "templatetags". Create file inside the folder, add this code to that file:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
from app_name.models import Car
def car_tag(id):
return Cars.objects.get(user_id=id)
Add library with your tag into the into TEMPLATES/OPTIONS:
'context_processors': [
'libraries': {
'car_tags': 'templatetags.car_tags',
In your template load your tag at the top of the template: {% load car_tags %}
Use your tag in your template this way: {% car_tag %}
No, you can't use querysets in templates. You need to create one in your views and pass as context to your templates.
But if your models is something like this:
class Car(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
You can call all cars related to the logged user in your templates with:
{% for car in request.user.car_set.all %}
Where car_set is the RelatedManager of you model.

Drupal 8 Twig User ID?

I'm new to Drupal & Twig and all I need is in my custom theme a twig expression to output the current user's ID. I can't find anything in the template comments, only if a user is logged in true / false.
Is there a simple way to get the ID of the current user? I'm not sure how to implement custom methods in a theme.
Hello bobomoreno,
I would suggest you use the module Bamboo Twig.
The Bamboo Twig module provides some Twig extensions with some useful functions and filters aimed to improve the development experience.
You could then enable the sub-module Bamboo Twig - Loaders:
drush en bamboo_twig_loader -y
Finally, you will be able to use the Twig function bamboo_load_currentuser:
<!-- Get Current User -->
{% set user = bamboo_load_currentuser() %}
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div>{{ user.uid.value }}</div>
You can find the complete official documentation there.
In your theme find file yourthemename.theme and add following code:
function yourthemename_preprocess(&$vars, $hook)
$vars['uid'] = \Drupal::currentUser()->id();
now if you edit your twig template for html, page, region, block, field, form element... you can use 'uid' token in your twig. It works for all hooks
If you only need the ID in user.html.twig, it's {{ }}
Here's how D8 now works, in two lines of executable code:
// This code returns the current user ID.
$account = \Drupal::currentUser();
return $account->id();
The display name is not a field you can configure in {{ content }}. You can get it directly from the user entity:
{{ user.displayname }}
Reference for the php method: AccountInterface::getDisplayName
The Twig Tweak module is very small and yet very powerful. You can get the current user id with drupal_token('current-user:uid') I am using it to pass the current user id to a view like this:
{{ drupal_view('view_name', 'embed_1', drupal_token('current-user:uid')) }}

Yii 2 registerJs in twig templates

In the Yii 2.0 guide it says you can register Javascript code in a twig template like this:
{registerJs key='show' position='POS_LOAD'}
$("").replaceWith('<div class="show">');
Tried this but it will simply output the whole snippet {registerJs ... as text on the page without adding it to the page's Javascript Code.
Similar commands like registerJsFile or registerCss aren't working either.
Am I missing something? Thanks!
As Mihai P. noted below, {registerJs} is syntax for Smarty templates. So, the question is: is there a similar way to register inline JS in Twig templates? The documentation only mentions registering assets.
You can use this in your Twig template, which is the current view, to call registerJs.
{% set script %}
var app = new Vue({
el: '#vue-widget',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
{% endset %}
{{ this.registerJs(script,4,'vue-widget') }}
The question is 3 years old, I put it here for someone runs into a similar problem.
You can use this in the Twig template with View constant like below:
{{ this.registerJs('$("").replaceWith(\'<div class="show">\');', constant('\\yii\\web\\View::POS_HEAD')) }}
And, you can also call registerJs inside the Yii2 controller, which I think it makes the code cleaner
$this->getView()->registerJs('$("").replaceWith(\'<div class="show">\');', \yii\web\View::POS_HEAD);
Your example is copied from the smarty section not the twig. There are some examples in the twig section that you might want to try.

Bolt-CMS Using extensions in page?

I read this from a recent answer to a question:
After enabling the extension, just use {{ twitterfeed() }} in your templates.
But, what if I only want say a contact form on one page? Putting the tag in the page's text field doesn't work. And putting it in the template would have it available on all the pages using that template. Do I have to duplicate a template to use only for the contact page? If not where do I put the contact form tag?
I went to Bolt's extension page, selected "how to use extensions" from the menu, and got this message:
No proper name for a page in the docs. Bye!
Perhaps someone at Bolt could fix the URL?
I would like to know why none of the extensions I want to use are not working. I am clearly missing a vital piece of info.
Thank you.
After enabling the extension, just use {{ twitterfeed() }} in your templates.
The Twig function {{ twitterfeed() }} belongs (generally speaking) in a Twig template file. You can use Twig in record fields, but that requires setting allowtwig: true for that Contenttype field.
But, what if I only want say a contact form on one page?
There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to make a copy of your sites template file for the page's Contenttype and select that template for the 'Contact' record. The default 'pages' Contenttype that comes with Bolt has a templateselect field type that enables this.
No proper name for a page in the docs. Bye!
Fixed! Thanks for pointing it out.

Symfony2: How to hide link in Twig based on permissions

My application shows a list of projects, project detail pages and forms to edit these projects. These are the routes:
/ - list of projects
/project/42 - view project (project detail page)
/project/42/edit - edit project
Only its owner may edit a project.
I have implemented a Voter to prevent access to /project/42/edit for non-owners.
Now, I also want to hide the link "edit project" from the project detail page. What would be the way to do this? Ideally, in Twig, I would like to do something like
{% if may_access(path('project_edit', { 'id': })) %}
edit project
{% endif %}
I can implement this function as a Twig extension, but maybe a similar functionality already exists.
The function is_granted() actually has a second parameter that allows me to do just what I need:
{% if is_granted("MAY_EDIT", project) %}
edit project
{% endif %}
I use this in combination with a check in the controller action:
public function editAction(Project $project)
if (!$this->get('security.context')->isGranted('MAY_EDIT', $project)) {
$this->flash('You are not allowed to edit this project');
return $this->show($project);
// ...
This is actually very similar to the approach that nifr used in his answer to Sonata User - Security on custom field. I was hoping to find a way to have the voter be called automatically and avoid the call to isGranted().
If you want to have a look at the complete code, it is in the tutorial project I have published in github.
