Protecting an applescript script - security

I'd like to use Applescript to connect to my remote website. However, I don't like the idea of having my password/username in my script in plain text. Is there anyway to encode a password in a local script on my computer?
Thank you,

Well you're not the first one that asks this question but you have to ask yourself some questions. Like who is gonna use it and from who do I need to protect it.
Step 1:
To make sure that your code is protected you should save two different kind of AppleScripts. The first one is for you, and you only. This version is compiled but be able to open with Script editor again so you can see the source code. The second is a run only script which is much like the first version but your not able to open it in Script editor again as a document to view it's source code.
step 2:
The second thing you don't want is that there is static text about user credentials because, even if it's compiled, you can see static text. Normally you won't see them but when the user credential is an mail address it's an easy find. But before we solve this issue, do you think someone is clever enough to find the user credentials from compiled AppleScript code? If so then the easiest way of encoding is adding a certain value to Unicode values:
property eusn : "¨®¦ÅÞÞÍÉ»ÅÞÞÍÉ"
property epwd : "ÔÅ××ÛÓÖÈ"
set usn to simpleDecryption(eusn)
set pwd to simpleDecryption(epwd)
on simpleEncryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c + 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleEncryption
on simpleDecryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c - 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleDecryption
Store statics as encrypted strings and when its needed, decrypt them. Remember that properties are persistent, unlike local variables, so don't store plain data in properties in your case.


Changing cisco ios description with python - excel input

What I'm going to do is writing an script with python to take an excel file as an input and then read the number and description of interfaces of a switch which is written in there , and then ssh to a cisco switch and change the description with the values added before in excel .
could any body give me a hint?
Try checking netmiko module. I was able to do something close to what you require using netmiko but now I use ansible ios_command which is a lot more easier for a non programmer network engineer.
Start with Paramiko or Netmiko , Netmiko is a bit better version. I would also just rethink about the actual project where instead of thinking about one switch think about all of them and see if you have some universal thing which you need to do in all of your switches instead of one.
For this project you could do below.
1 . save date in CSV
2 . Open CSV file
3. Create a dictionary and Save interface name as key , and description as values
4. Create a list where you can save all your keys --> l = d.keys()
4. SSH to the sw via paramiko/Netmiko .
5. Run a loop in the list l
on each iteration send below commands
interface l[i]
description d[l[i]]
this will translate to below
interface eth1/1
description d['eth1/1'] ( d['eth1/1'] will be value/description of whatever you are gonna get from CSV)
If you really try to learn python then its a good start however if you are on a time crunch Ansible is easier option

Installation block a determined username

once again I appeal to your help. More to the experts in the Inno Setup code.
I've tried several ways. But without success.
I need to block the installation of my application to users (entering in session of the operating system) with the username: EX?????
Ie. if the username is:
Ennnnnn -> OK
EXnnnnn -> No permission
(n is a number)
Can you help me. Thank you.
I've tried several ways. But without success.
Show us some code. What have you tried so far? Anyway..
How to block installation, in case a certain username is used?
In order to get the username:
The manual lists the available constants You will find {username} there, which is the name of the user who is running Setup or the Uninstall program.
You can also return the username by using the GetUserNameString() function.
It returns the name of the user currently logged onto the system.
For the comparison:
You might work with the string functions to make sure, that a username does not start with "EX".
The function Pos() might help you .
And you could also use Copy(), to copy the first two chars and compare them
Prefix := Copy(GetUserNameString(), 0, 2);

How to create TI-BASIC (TI-84+) input forms?

In the TI-BASIC programming language (Specifically TI-84+), how do you create input forms, such as the ones included in the default apps on the TI-84+.
The image included here shows an example of what I'm trying to create: A menu that you can scroll through and input multiple variables freely before executing a function
Additionally, is it possible to make this menu dynamically-updating as variables are entered?
You've set a rather tall order for TI-Basic to fill. user3932000 is correct; there is no built in function to create an input form of the type you request.
However, there is nothing stopping you from creating an interactive interface yourself. Creating it from scratch will be a time consuming and, it will consume a significant amount of memory on your calculator. There is no boilerplate code you plug your variables into to get the results you want, but you might have some luck modeling it after this quadratic solver I wrote.
Output(1,1," QUADRATIC
Output(2,1," AX²+BX+C
DelVar YDelVar D
" →Str1
While Y≠105
If Ans
If Ans<6:8
If Ans>8:6
If Y=25 or Y=34
If Y=104:⁻D→D
If Ans≤9
If X=6:D→A
If X=7:D→B
If X=8:D→C
If A
If B
If C
"No Zeros
"All Numbers
Here's a GIF of what it does for you.
With a little more work. This code could be used on the Graph screen instead of the home screen, giving more option in terms of layout and design.
In the TI-BASIC programming language (Specifically TI-84+), how do you create input forms, such as the ones included in the default apps on the TI-84+.
There are many ways to ask for input in your program:
Prompt: Asks for input and stores it in a variable. For example, Prompt A. Simplest way to ask for input, but not very visually appealing.
Input: Similar to the Prompt command, except that now you can include text within the input. For example, Input "What is your name?",A.
Menu(: Multiple choice input, and each choice is connected to a Lbl marker somewhere else in the script. Much like the error screen with the quit/goto choices that you've probably seen. For example, Menu("Are you a boy or a girl?","Boy",B,"Girl",G).
getKey: Checks if a certain key is pressed, and will output True (1) if that key is pressed. For example, getKey 105. See here for which numbers each key corresponds to.
The image included here shows an example of what I'm trying to create: A menu that you can scroll through and input multiple variables freely before executing a function
I'm afraid that's not possible in programs. You can either put in multiple inputs, or you might be interested in looking into making apps instead.
Additionally, is it possible to make this menu dynamically-updating as variables are entered?
If you're talking about the text on top of the screenshot, yes you can; just put a Disp command or something after each line of Input, so that it continuously overwrites the text above with new text after you input a variable.

Changing BUNIT in csh for a FITS file

I'm writing code in .csh, and I'm trying to change the bunit header for a FITS file from K (kelvin) to km/s. How can I do that?
I know in Python I would use new_fitsfile.header['BUNIT']='km/s', but that won't work in the current .csh code, and it's not an option to switch it to Python code.
If this is needed only once, call interactively fv or ds9, move to the header, edit the header card and save the result.
For generic batch jobs, one needs some online FITS editor like fmodhead fmodhead, fthedit, or my fedithead
sed "s:BUNIT = 'K ':BUNIT = 'km/s ':g" old.fits >new.fits
and be very careful to count the significant spaces.

Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable

I have a script that opens a folder and does some processing on the data present. Say, there's a file "XYZ.tif".
Inside this tif file, there are two groups of datasets, which show up in the workspace as
If I want to continue with the 2nd set, I can use
However, XYZ usually is much longer and varies per file, whereas data.ch3e is consistent.
Therefore I tried
where origfilename of course is XYZ, which has (automatically) been extracted before.
However, that gives me a string A (since I practically typed
instead of the matrix that data.ch3eXYZ actually is.
I think it's just a problem with ()'s, []'s, or {}'s but Ican't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
If you know the string, dynamic field references should help you here and are far better than eval
Slightly modified example from the linked blog post:
fldnm = 'fred';
s.fred = 18;
y = s.(fldnm)
y =
So for your case:
test = data.(['ch3e' origfilename]);
Should be sufficient
Edit: Link to the documentation
