Hardware acceleration without X - linux

I was wondering if it would be possible to get graphical hardware acceleration without Xorg and its DDX driver, only with kernel module and the rest of userspace driver. I'm asking this because I'm starting to develop on an embedded platform (something like beagleboard or more roughly a Texas instruments ARM chip with integrated GPU), and I would get hardware acceleration without the overhead of a graphical server (that is not needed).
If yes, how? I was thinking about OpenGL or OpengGLES implementations, or Qt embedded http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/qt4/qt-embeddedlinux-accel.html
And TI provides a large documentation, but still is not clear to me
Thank you.

The answer will depend on your user application. If everything is bare metal and your application team is writing everything, the DirectFB API can be used as Fredrik suggest. This might be especially interesting if you use the framebuffer version of GTK.
However, if you are using Qt, then this is not the best way forward. Qt5.0 does away with QWS (Qt embedded acceleration). Qt is migrating to LightHouse, now known as QPA. If you write a QPA plug-in that uses your graphics acceleration by whatever kernel mechanism you expose, then you have accelerated Qt graphics. Also of interest might be the Wayland architecture; there are QPA plug-ins for Wayland. Support exists for QPA in Qt4.8+ and Qt5.0+. Skia is also an interesting graphics API with support for an OpenGL backend; Skia is used by Android devices.
Getting graphics acceleration is easy. Do you want compositing? What is your memory foot print? Who is your developer audience that will program to the API? Do you need object functionality or just drawing primitives? There is a big difference between SKIA, PegUI, WindML and full blown graphics frameworks (Gtk, Qt) with all the widget and dynamics effects that people expect today. Programming to the OpenGL ES API might seem fine at first glance, but if your application has any complexity you will need a richer graphics framework; Mostly re-iterating Mats Petersson's comment.
Edit: From the Qt embedded acceleration link,
CPU blitter - slowest
Hardware blitter - Eg, directFB. Fast memory movement usually with bit ops as opposed to machine words, like DMA.
2D vector - OpenVG, Stick figure drawing, with bit manipulation.
3D drawing - OpenGL(ES) has polygon fills, etc.
This is the type of drawing you wish to perform. A framework like Qt and Gtk, give an API to put a radio button, checkbox, editbox, etc on the screen. It also has styling of the text and interaction with a keyboard, mouse and/or touch screen and other elements. A framework uses the drawing engine to put the objects on the screen.
Graphics acceleration is just putting algorithms like a Bresenham algorithm in a separate CPU or dedicated hardware. If the framework you chose doesn't support 3D objects, the frameworks is unlikely to need OpenGL support and may not perform any better.
The final piece of the puzzle is a window manager. Many embedded devices do not need this. However, many handset are using compositing and alpha values to create transparent windows and allow multiple apps to be seen at the same time. This may also influence your graphics API.
Additionally: DRI without X gives some compelling reasons why this might not be a good thing to do; for the case of a single user task, the DRI is not even needed.
The following is a diagram of a Wayland graphics stack a blog on Wayland.

This is depend on soc gpu driver implement ,
On iMX6 ,you can use wayland composite on framebuffer
I build a sample project as a reference
Qt with wayland on imx6D/Q
On omap3 there is a project
omap3 sgx wayland


Tegra 3 OpenGL ES directly to framebuffer

I am developing an embedded Linux system using the Apapalis T30 Tegra 3 SOM from Toradex. I only need a very simple multi-touch user interface for it. I am trying to push the performance and efficiency of the UI as far as I can because the device will have to render complex 3D models whilst allowing live interactions and I know for a fact that my users will be have models that will make it bog down no matter what. I am therefore trying to push that point as far away as I can. Memory will also be a constraint and some models might use up all the RAM if there is not enough available.
What I would like to do to solve this is to have an OpenGL ES 2 GUI with SVG UI elements combined with GLES 3D views, rendered directly to the frame-buffer. In other words, I want to completely ditch any form of a window/desktop manager because I won't need it. I only need a single full-screen GLES drawing surface. I don't even need pointer events etc. as I will be talking to the touch panel directly from my application.
I have looked around quite a bit but I could not really find any conclusive information. I am constantly reading reports of HW acceleration not working when the frame-buffer is directly used, but I guess one could render the GLES into an image and then just push it to the FB? I am also reading that the graphics driver might be locked to X11 but I am also struggling to find details about the Tegra GFX driver, I am reading reports about Nvidia opensourcing their driver, is this true?
Any assistance or explanations will be greatly appreciated.
PS. Please don't preach me on how bad an idea this is and how I should rather use Qt or something like that, I want to find out how to do what I am planning here.
PPS. What a basically want to be able to do is what I understand embedded Qt 5 does in its "EGLFS" rendering mode.

OpenGL without X.org in linux

I'd like to open an OpenGL context without X in Linux. Is there any way at all to do it?
I know it's possible for integrated Intel graphics card hardware, though most people have Nvidia cards in their system. I'd like to get a solution that works with Nvidia cards.
If there's no other way than through integrated Intel hardware, I guess it'd be okay to know how it's done with those.
X11 protocol itself is too large and complex. Mouse/Keyboard/Tablet input multiplexing it provides is too watered-down for modern programs. I think it's the worst roadblock that prevents Linux desktop from improving, which is why I look for alternatives.
Update (Sep. 17, 2017):
NVIDIA recently published an article detailing how to use OpenGL on headless systems, which is a very similar use case as the question describes.
In summary:
Link to libOpenGL.so and libEGL.so instead of libGL.so. (Your linker options should therefore be -lOpenGL -lEGL
Call eglGetDisplay, then eglInitialize to initialize EGL.
Call eglChooseConfig with the config attribute EGL_SURFACE_TYPE followed with EGL_PBUFFER_BIT.
Call eglCreatePbufferSurface, then eglBindApi(EGL_OPENGL_API);, then eglCreateContext and eglMakeCurrent.
From that point on, do your OpenGL rendering as usual, and you can blit your pixel buffer surface wherever you like. This supplementary article from NVIDIA includes a basic example and an example for multiple GPUs. The PBuffer surface can also be replaced with a window surface or pixmap surface, according to the application needs.
I regret not doing more research on this on my previous edit, but oh well. Better answers are better answers.
Since my answer in 2010, there have been a number of major shakeups in the Linux graphics space. So, an updated answer:
Today, nouveau and the other DRI drivers have matured to the point where OpenGL software is stable and performs reasonably well in general. With the introduction of the EGL API in Mesa, it's now possible to write OpenGL and OpenGL ES applications on even Linux desktops.
You can write your application to target EGL, and it can be run without the presence of a window manager or even a compositor. To do so, you would call eglGetDisplay, eglInitialize, and ultimately eglCreateContext and eglMakeCurrent, instead of the usual glx calls to do the same.
I do not know the specific code path for working without a display server, but EGL accepts both X11 displays and Wayland displays, and I do know it is possible for EGL to operate without one. You can create GL ES 1.1, ES 2.0, ES 3.0 (if you have Mesa 9.1 or later), and OpenGL 3.1 (Mesa 9.0 or later) contexts. Mesa has not (as of Sep. 2013) yet implemented OpenGL 3.2 Core.
Notably, on the Raspberry Pi and on Android, EGL and GL ES 2.0 (1.1 on Android < 3.0) are supported by default. On the Raspberry Pi, I don't think Wayland yet works (as of Sep. 2013), but you do get EGL without a display server using the included binary drivers. Your EGL code should also be portable (with minimal modification) to iOS, if that interests you.
Below is the outdated, previously accepted post:
I'd like to open an OpenGL context without X in linux. Is there any way at all to do it?
I believe Mesa provides a framebuffer target. If it provides any hardware acceleration at all, it will only be with hardware for which there are open source drivers that have been adapted to support such a use.
Gallium3D is also immature, and support for this isn't even on the roadmap, as far as I know.
I'd like to get a solution that works with nvidia cards.
There isn't one. Period.
NVIDIA only provides an X driver, and the Nouveau project is still immature, and doesn't support the kind of use that you're looking for, as they are currently focused only on the X11 driver.
You might be interested in a project called Wayland
Have you looked at this page?
It is likely a bit outdated. I haven't tried yet, but I would appreciate more documentation of this type.
Probably a good idea, as of today, is to follow Wayland compositor-drm.c implementation:
https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/kmscube/ is a good a reference implementation of OGL (or OGLES) hardware-accelerated rendering without an X11 or wayland dependency.
You can look at how Android has solved this issues. See Android-x86 project.
Android uses mesa with egl and opengles. Android has its own simple Gralloc component for mode setting and graphic allocations. On top of that they have SurfaceFlinger component which is a composition engine, which uses OpenGLES for acceleration.
Cannot see why couldn't you use these components in similar way and even reuse the Android glue code.

Simple 2D graphics programming

I used DirectDraw in C and C++ years back to draw some simple 2D graphics. I was used to the steps of creating a surface, writing to it using pointers, flipping the back-buffer, storing sprites on off-screen surfaces, and so on. So today if I want write some 2D graphics programs in C or C++, what is the way to go?
Will this same method of programming still apply or do I have to have a different understanding of the video hardware abstraction?
What libraries and tools are available on Windows and Linux?
What libraries and tools are available on Windows and Linux?
SDL, OpenGL, and Qt 4 (it is gui library, but it is fast/flexible enough for 2D rendering)
Will this same method of programming still apply or do I have to have a different understanding of the video hardware abstraction?
Normally you don't write data into surface "using pointers" every frame, and instead manipulate/draw them using methods provided by API. This is because the driver will work faster with video memory than if you transfer data from system memory into video memory every frame. You still can write data into hardware surface/texture (even during every frame), if you have to, but those surfaces may need to be treated in special way to get optimal performance. For example, in DirectX you would need to tell the driver that surface data is going to change frequently and that you're going only to write data into surface, never reading it back. Also, in 3D-oriented APIs (openGL/DirectX) rendering surface on the other surface is a somewhat "special case", and you may need to use "Render Targets"(DirectX) or "Framebuffer Objects"(OpenGL). Which is different from DirectDraw (where, AFAIK, you could blit anything onto anything). The good thing is that with 3D api you get incredibly flexible way of dealing with surfaces/textures - stretching, rotating, tinting them with color, blending them together, processing them using shaders can be done on hardware.
Another thing is that modern 3D apis with hardware support frequently don't operate on 8bit palleted textures, and prefers ARGB images. 8 bit surfaces with palette may be emulated, when needed, and 2D low-level apis (SDL, DirectDraw) provide them. Also you can emulate 8bit texture on hardware using fragment/pixel shaders.
Anyway, if you want "old school" cross-platform way of using surfaces (i.e. "write data every frame using pointers" - i.e. you need software renderer or something), SDL easily allows that. If you want higher-level, more flexible operations - Qt 4 and OpenGL are for you.
On Linux you could use OpenGL, it is not only used for 3D support but also supports 2D.
SDL is also pretty easy to use, out of the box. It is also cross-platform, and includes (and has a lot of) plugins available to handle your needs. It interfaces nicely with openGL as well should you need 3D support.
Direct2D on Windows.
EGLOutput/EGLDevice or GEM depending on the GPU driver for Linux.

High & Low Level graphics in J2ME

I wann to know what is the difference between high & low level graphics
And what is the use of both ....
High-level graphics is handled by the device itself (its implementation, to be more precise). Low-level graphics require you to draw it manually, but you are in full control of what will be displayed to the user.
Talking about Java ME almost everything in javax.microedition.lcdui package is related to high-level graphics. Low-level graphics is handled by Canvas and Graphics and also by the classes inside the javax.microedition.lcdui.game package.
The advantage of the high-level graphics is that it's very easy to use, since you are not required to draw anyhing by hand, so it's perfect to create UI fast. The disadvantage is that you are limited to the elements in MIDP 2.0 (the only extension possibiility is CustomItem) and you can't control how the elements are drawn. Low-level graphics allows you to draw anything on the screen, but it requires a lot of work to create a good UI manually.
Games typically use mostly low-level graphics, other applications use only high-level graphics or both. By the way, there are some alternatives like LWUIT, it is a library that uses low-level graphics to create UI.

Learning about low-level graphics programming

I'm interesting in learning about the different layers of abstraction available for making graphical applications.
I see a lot of terms thrown around: At the highest level of abstraction, I hear about things like C#, .NET, pyglet and pygame. Further down, I hear about DirectX and OpenGL. Then there's DirectDraw, SDL, the Win32 API, and still other multi-platform libraries like WxWidgets.
How can I get a good sense of where one of these layers ends and where the next one begins? What is the "lowest possible level" way of creating a window in Windows, in C? What about C++? (A code sample would be divine.) What about in X11? Are the Windows implementations of OpenGL and DirectX built on top of the Win32 API? Where can I begin to learn about these things?
There's another question on SO where Programming Windows is suggested. What about for Linux? Is there an equivalent such book?
I'm aware that this is very low-level, and that there are many friendlier tools available, but I would like to at least learn the basics of what's going on beneath the surface. As much as I'd like to begin slinging windows and vectors right off the bat, starting with something like pygame is too high-level for me; I really need to make the full conceptual circuit of how you draw stuff on a computer.
I will certainly appreciate suggestions for books and resources, but I think it would be stupendously cool if the answers to this question filled up with lots of different ways to get to "Hello world" with different approaches to graphics programming. C? C++? Using OpenGL? Using DirectX? On Windows XP? On Ubuntu? Maybe I ask for too much.
The lowest level would be the graphics card's video RAM. When the computer first starts, the graphics card is typically set to the 80x25 character legacy mode.
You can write text with a BIOS provided interrupt at this point. You can also change the foreground and background color from a palette of 16 distinctive colors. You can use access ports/registers to change the display mode. At this point you could say, load a different font into the display memory and still use the 80x25 mode (OS installations usually do this) or you can go ahead and enable VGA/SVGA. It's quite complicated, that's what drivers are for.
Once the card's in the 'higher' mode you'd change what's on screen by accessing the memory mapped to the video card. It's stored horizontally pixel by pixel with some 'dirty regions' of pixels that aren't mapped to screen at the end of each line which you have to compensate for. But yeah, you could copy the pixels of an image in memory directly to the screen.
For things like DirectX, OpenGL. rather than write directly to the screen, commands are sent to the graphics card and it updates its screen automatically. Commands like "Hey you, draw this image I've loaded into the VRAM here, here and here" or "Draw these triangles with this transformation matrix..." take a fraction of the time compared to pixel by pixel . The CPU will thank you.
DirectX/OpenGL is a programmer friendly library for sending those commands to the card with all the supporting functions to help you get it done smoothly. A more direct approach would only be unproductive.
SDL is an abstraction layer so without bothering to read up on it I'd guess it would have different ways of working on each system. On one it might use semi-direct screen writing, another Direct3D, etc. Whatever's fastest as long as the code stays cross-platform..able.
The GDI/GDI+ and XWindow system. They're designed specifically to draw windows. Originally they drew using the pixel-by-pixel method (which was good enough because they'd only have to redraw when a button was pressed or a window moved, etc.) but now they use Direct3D/OpenGL for accelerated drawing (and special effects). Optimizations depend on the versions and implementations of these libraries.
So if you want the most power and speed, DirectX/openGL is the way to go. SDL is certainly useful for getting the most from a cross-platform environment and integrates with OpenGL anyway. The windowing system comes last but don't underestimate it. Especially with the stuff Microsoft's coming up with lately.
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming 'Black Book' is a great place to start. Plus you can download it for free!
If you really want to start at the bottom then drawing a line is the most basic operation. Computer graphics is simply about filling in pixels on a grid (screen), so you need to work out which pixels to fill in to get a line that goes from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).
Check out Bresenham's algorithm to get a feel for what is involved.
To be a good graphics and image processing programmer doesn't require this low level knowledge, but i do hate to be clueless about the insides of what i'm using. I see two ways to chase this - high-level down, or bottom-level up.
Top-down is a matter of following how the action traces from a high-level graphics operation such as to draw a circle, to the hardware. Get to know OpenGL well. Then the source to Mesa (free!) provides a peek at how OpenGL can be implemented in software. The source to Xorg would be next, first to see how the action goes from API calls through the client side to the X server. Finally you dive into a device driver that interfaces with hardware.
Bottom up: build your own graphics hardware. Think of ways it could connect to a computer - how to handle massive numbers of pixels through a few byte-size registers, how DMA would work. Write a device driver, and try designing a graphics library that might be useful for app programmers.
The bottom-up way is how i learned, years ago when it was a possibility with the slow 8-bit microprocessors. The direct experience with circuitry and hardware-software interfacing gave me a good appreciation of the difficult design decisions - e.g. to paint rectangles using clever hardware, in the device driver, or higher level. None of this is of practical everyday value, but provided a foundation of knowledge to understand newer technology.
see Open GPU Documentation section:
On MSWindows it is easy: you use what the API provides, whether it is the standard windows programming API or the DirectX-family API's: that's what you use, and they are well documented.
In an X windows environment you use whatever X11-libraries that are provided. If you want to understand the principles behind windowing on X, I suggest that you do this, nevermind that many others tell you not to, it will really help you to understand graphics and windowing under X. You can read the documentation on X-programming (google for it). (After this exercise you would appreciate the higher level libraries!)
Apart from the above, at the absolutely lowest level (excluding chip-level) that you can go is to call the interrupts that switch to the various graphics modes available - there are several - and then write to the screen buffers, but for this you would have to use assembler, anything else would be too slow. Going this way will not be portable at all.
Another post mentions Abrash's Black Book - an excellent resource.
Edit: As for books on programming Linux: it is a community thing, there are many howto's around; also find a forum, join it, and as long as you act civilized you will get all the help you can ever need.
Right off the bat, I'd say "you're asking too much." From what little experience I've had, I would recommend reading some tutorials or getting a book on either directX or OpenGL to start out. To go any lower than that would be pretty complex. Most of the books I've seen in OGL or DX have pretty good introductions that explain what the functions/classes do.
Once you get the hang of one of these, you could always dig in to the libraries to see what exactly they're doing to go lower.
Or, if you really, absolutely MUST learn the LOWEST level... read the book in the above post.
libX11 is the lowest level library for X11. I believe the opengl/directx talk to the driver/hardware directly (or emulate unsupported ops), so they would be the lowest level library.
If you want to start with very low level programming, look for x86 assembly code for VGA and fire up a copy of dosbox or similar.
Vulkan api is an api which gives you very low level access to most if not all features of the gpu, computational and graphical, it works on amd and Nvidia gpus (not all)
you can also use CUDA, but it only works on Nvidia gpus and has access to computational features only, no video output.
