How to access remote desktop from two machines in windows azure - azure

I published the cloud service from VS2010 with Remote Desktop enabled. I downloaded the remote desktop connection for that instance. I just logged in to cloud server using Remote Desktop. Now i published same application from another computer. When i want to connect Remote Desktop from new machine its unable to connect to server. Even i tried from previous machine i am getting the same thing.
Application has 1 role & 1 instance. help me with this thing.

You must allow the RDP while publishing it to the cloud...Check the publish settings once...


Is it possible to connect to the Azure App Service windows machine with RD?

I have an App Service in my Azure resource group. My ASP NET application is hosted on the windows environment inside that app service. I am wondering if it is possible to connect to this desktop windows server using Remote Desktop or something like this. There is a KUDU feature on the Azure but the only one thing that I can do with this is to show server's CMD. That is not enough, because I need to access to the windows desktop GUI like on typical PC. Do you know any tool that would allow me to do this?
App Service runs your applications in a sandbox and it's simply not possible to remote desktop to the underlying VM. There's no Windows GUI that you can access.
The Virtual Machines service allow full control of the VM and you can access the Windows GUI using remote desktop.

Web deployment task failed - Issue when connecting to remote server from local machine

I was trying to publish a web application to remote server (amazon windows server 2012) using Visual Studio 2012. Following is the error I am getting.
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("amazon-server-name"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started.
I did go through several articles mentioning this issue. Also both the web management service and web deployment agent service is running on remote machine. Also in IIS’s management service part I did enable the remote connection. When try to deploy a website from server machine itself, it’s working. But from my local machine to windows server it’s showing error like cannot connect to remote server. Anyone has any clue on how to solve this issue?
Note: Microsoft Web Deploy tool 3.5 is running on both server and the local machine.
Looking forward.
What happens when you try just using FTP in Visual Studio? You mentioned "web project", I know some Visual Studio things are iffy with connecting to web servers. Just try a simple FTP into the server, then you should be able to save/test/deploy projects and files that way.
If you're still having problems, there's just an unlimited amount of problems that could cause this (hence why I don't work on Windows servers anymore). Could be ports, firewalls, security settings, folder permissions, user privileges, any combination of things. Good luck.

Windows Azure free trial hosting

I have created one windows azure free account for checking cloud hosing. I configured IIS and database on the server using remote desktop. after that when i try to access this test application using, but logon page not loading. If i try it in remote desktop of virtual machine, its working fine.

Azure remote desktop not working

I'm trying to connect to the remote desktop but i'm getting following errors. I went to the azure portal and my rdp port is open i.e. 3389 as it's showing up in the dashboard.
Remote Desktop can’t connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons:
1) Remote access to the server is not enabled 2) The remote computer is turned off 3) The remote computer is not available on the network
Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled.
I actually created twice but still no luck.
Same scenario was happen with me as well. For that i upload the certificate to the windows azure portal. After that i was able to connect to the windows azure cloud service successfully.

RemoteApp working with Azure Windows Server 2012

Hoping someone can shed some light on my RemoteApp/Azure dilemma
I have successfully setup RDS on Server 2012 VMs in Azure - session host, rdweb and connection broker, opted not to have a gateway as only running one session host.
Created an self-signed certificate in RDS tools in Server Manager and bound this to rdweb, named the cert I also uploaded this to the cloud service for the VMs using Azure powershell.
So via an Azure VM on the domain in Azure I can connect to remoteapp and successfully run an application.
However when I connect externally via a browser on my standalone laptop I get the following error in the RDS Log:
Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the user
REMOTE\appuser. Error: NULL
I have tried the fix of look for an Pool ID of NULL in the Windows Internal Database and I only have one pool ID which is the collection I created, so can't be that.
Also get this error returned when I try to run a remoteapp after successfully logging into the RDweb page:
Remote Desktop Services cannot connect to the remote computer for one
of these reasons: Remote Access is not enabled to the server Remote
computer turned off Remote computer not available on the network
I am totally stumped, is there something I am missing that is so simple.
