Online Linux Bash Demo [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I wanted to demo a few basic Linux shell (bash) commands to someone. I don't want to go through the whole routine of installing a Linux VM on my system just to be able to do that. I was just wondering if there is some online webpage where I can do that? Something like try MongoDB online.
Would be grateful for any pointers. Thanks!

I know is this one, it is a Javascript PC Emulator

This site does a lot of languages in the browser:

Well there is a FreeBSD one, should be good enough for bash stuff, see

Fabrice Bellard JSLinux is a full Linux PC emulator running in a Javascript-capable recent browser and it gives a shell (probably not a full bash just a busybox)


A lightweight Linux version for web development? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am fairly of familiar with Ubuntu and I have used it a lot in the past for programming purposes, but right now I would like to try something different. Instead of doing a dual boot on my computer, I am going to do my PHP development in a Virtual Machine, probably using VMWare or whatever.
The problem is, that with only 4GB of RAM, it seems like recent versions of Ubuntu are a bit too heavy to run really smoothly on this computer. So instead, I am searching for a Linux system that can easily run with only 1/2 or 1 GB of RAM assigned to it.
What would you suggest for this?
I'm not really sure if it makes a difference, but here's a list of the things I'll really need to be using in it:
I understand that this is not really the typical kind of questions you find on stackoverflow, but I'm very certain that it may be useful to somebody someday.
Take a look at Vagrant. It will share your current directory with the guest. So you use your native editing tools and your native browser to test things. That way the VM stays small with no GUI.
I recommend Puppy Linux if you're looking for a lighter Linux distribution.

Looking for free Linux OS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would want to install a free Linux OS in my laptop. I am not a techie. I am looking for Linux OS which will have inbuilt features for Fn(Function) keys. Please suggest me if you know any particular Linux OS with these features.
This OS have a laptop version. Easy to use, and supports the newest hardwares:
There are so many choices. Ubuntu is the defacto first distro, although I don't really care for it ever since they went to Unity and Gnome 3. I would rather use Mint with Cinnamon.
A good start is to look at something like Linux Watch and see what distros sound good to you, then burn the live disk and check it out. If you like it you can then install it.

Error when trying to install Ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I been trying to install Ubuntu for my new laptop for ages now. Always getting the same error the very last second of the install.
Here is a screenshot and a the log of the install.
Used the windows installer. Tried to reboot multiple times. But the OS is not showing up on the list on boot.
First, the distrib is ubuntu, not ubunto.\
Secondly, I recommand you to use a live CD or a USB stick if you want to try the system, and if it works well and/or you like it, install the system using that same medium.
There are plenty of howto on the internet, so I won't explain here, but the principle is to reduce windows partition (or allocating a full hard drive for linux) and manage the partition scheme throw the installer.
Hope this helps, at least a little :-)
First, it's ubuntu, not ubunto. From my google searches your problem is a pretty common one with no apparent solution. Burn the ISO to CD and install that way, it is the most reliable method. If you cannot do that, try the USB or netboot options, but the CD is the best way.

Virtual linux system [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to install a virtual linux system within my Windows7 operating system. I was thinking of using Cygwin. Any suggestions of other good/better softwares to use?
Thanks for the help
For running UNIX-y apps within Windows, Cygwin is pretty much the de-facto standard. The programs that are installable through Cygwin are essentially clones of the Linux ones, but compiled under Windows so that they run natively. Note though that you can't run a Linux program under Cygwin.
On the other hand if you want to run native Linux programs or a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, you'll need something like VirtualBox.
I cannot help but mention the amazing JavaScript PC emulator running Linux .. since you do not specify what you are trying to do with Linux, that may well answer your needs.

Remote mainframe session from Linux [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a Fedora 14 desktop which I'm trying to use to connect to a client's mainframe (running z/OS). There's a popular 3270 terminal emulator for Windows, but I haven't been able to find one suitable for Linux.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If you are looking to emulate 3270 then there is no dearth of choices.
You can use Wine and Quick3270 emulator. I have tried this and its just awesome.
Linux based:
a. x3270: - Tried it. Its decent and FREE (free as in Freedom)
b. Jagacy 3270: (Haven't tried it, but it was used by my colleagues. Its really good.)
My love - Quick3270 running over Wine.
