Haskell, parse error on input `)' - haskell

I get an error on the last line.
parse error on input `)'
Why is that?
import Data.Maybe
data Operator = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | And | Or | Not | Eq | Less | Great
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expression = Literal Val
| Primitive Operator [Expression]
| Var String
| If Expression Expression Expression
| Let [(String, Expression)] Expression
| Fun [String] Expression
| Call Expression [Expression]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Val = Num Int
| Boolean Boolean
| Closure [String] Expression Env
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Env = [(String, Val)]
prim :: Operator -> [Val] -> Val
prim Add [Num a, Num b] = Num (a+b)
prim Mul [Num a, Num b] = Num (a*b)
prim Sub [Num a, Num b] = Num (a-b)
prim Div [Num a, Num b] = Num (a `div` b)
prim And [Boolean a, Boolean b] = Boolean (a && b)
prim Or [Boolean a, Boolean b] = Boolean (a || b)
prim Not [Boolean a] = Boolean (not a)
prim Eq [a, b] = Boolean (a == b)
prim Less [Num a, Num b] = Boolean (a < b)
prim Great [Num a, Num b] = Boolean (a > b)
evaluate :: Env -> Expression -> Val
evaluate e (Literal v) = v
evaluate e (Prim op as) = prim op (map (evaluate e) as)
evaluate e (Var x) = fromJust (lookup x e)
evaluate e (If a b c) = evaluate e (if fromBoolean (evaluate e a) then b else c)
evaluate e (Let bs b) = evaluate ([(x, evaluate e d) | (x,d) <- bs ] ++ e) b
evaluate e (Fun str ex) = (Closure str ex e) --40
evaluate e (Call ex exl) = let (Closure a b c) = (evaluate e ex)
in (Closure a b (c ++ (helper a (map (evaluate e) exl))))
helper :: [String] -> [Val] -> [(String, Val)]
helper (a:ar) (b:br) = (a, b) : helper ar br
fromBoolean (Boolean b) = b
main = do
let x = Var "x"
fun1 = Primitive Mul [(Var "x"), (Literal (Num 2))]
fun2 = Primitive Mul [(Var "x"), (Literal (Num 5))]
in print (evaluate [] (Call (if (Boolean true) (fun1) (fun2)) (Literal (Num 3)))) -- parse error on input `)'

In Haskell if, then & else always have to go together. Your problem line only defines "if"


removing explicit recursion by replacing catamorphism

I have this AST data structure
data AST = Integer Int
| Let String AST AST
| Plus AST AST
| Minus AST AST
| Times AST AST
| Variable String
| Boolean Bool
| Lambda String AST Type Type
| Application AST AST
| Quot AST AST
| Negate AST
and this evaluation code:
eval :: AST -> AST
eval = cata go where
go :: ASTF (AST) -> AST
go (LetF var e e') = eval $ substVar (var, e) e'
go (PlusF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n + m)
go (MinusF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n - m)
go (TimesF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (n * m)
go (QuotF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (quot n m)
go (RemF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Integer (rem n m)
go (IfF (Boolean b) e e') = if b then e else e'
go (ApplicationF (Lambda var e _ _) e') = eval $ substVar (var, e') e
go (AndF (Boolean b) (Boolean b')) = Boolean (b && b')
go (OrF (Boolean b) (Boolean b')) = Boolean (b || b')
go (NegateF (Boolean b)) = Boolean (not b)
go (EqF e e') = Boolean (e == e')
go (NeqF e e') = Boolean (e /= e')
go (LeqF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n <= m)
go (GeqF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n >= m)
go (LtF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n < m)
go (GtF (Integer n) (Integer m)) = Boolean (n > m)
go astf = embed astf
I feel like there should be away to remove the explicit recursion for 'let' and application, but I'm not sure exactly which recursion scheme I should reach for. Which recursion scheme(s) can be used to remove recursion in this case and similar cases and do you have any good ways of identifying situations where said recursion scheme is applicable?
eval isn't directly expressible as a catamorphism because eval (Let x e e') applies eval to subst (x, eval e) e', which is not a subterm of Let x e e' (e or e'). Instead, consider the composition of eval and substitution. If you generalize substitution subst to substitute many variables at once with substs, then you can get the following equation:
(eval . substs s) (Let x e e')
= eval (Let x (substs s e) (substs s e'))
= (eval . subst (x, (eval . substs s) e) . substs s) e'
-- by (subst xe . substs s) = substs (xe : s)
= (eval . substs ((x, (eval . substs s) e) : s)) e'
where we do have a function of the form (eval . substs _) applied to both subterms e and e'. In order to account for the parameter of substs, you can use cata with an F-algebra where the carrier is a function ASTF (Sub -> AST) -> Sub -> AST, then you get to pass a different substitution Sub to each subterm.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
type Id = String
data AST
= Let Id AST AST
| Var Id
| Int Int
| Plus AST AST
type Sub = [(Id, AST)]
makeBaseFunctor ''AST
evalSubsts :: AST -> Sub -> AST
evalSubsts = cata go where
go (LetF x e e') s = e' ((x, e s) : s)
go (VarF x) s = fromJust (lookup x s)
go (IntF n) _ = Int n
go (PlusF e e') s =
let (Int n, Int m) = (e s, e' s) in
Int (n + m)
-- Or this:
-- go (PlusF e e') = liftA2 plus e e'
-- where plus (Int n) (Int m) = Int (n + m)
eval :: AST -> AST
eval e = evalSubsts e []
Another way to think of evalSubsts is as an evaluator using an environment, mapping variables to values. Then to bind a variable, rather than to do a substitution, is just to insert its value in the environment, which gets looked up once you reach a Var node.
Continuing on the evalSubsts approach from #li-yao-xia, let's try to add lambdas and applications to our language. We start by extending AST:
data AST
| Lam Id AST
But, how do we write our LamF case in evalSubst?
go (LamF x e) s = ???
We want our lambdas to be statically (lexically) scoped, so we need to keep around the environment s, but we also can't possibly apply an environment to e yet because we don't know what the value for x should be. We're in a bind!
The solution here is to recognize that, while AST is a great representation for our input, it is not a great representation for the output. Indeed, it's a bit of a coincidence that input Ints and output Ints both happen to share the same structure, and for lambdas, perhaps they shouldn't. So, we can make a new output representation:
data Val
= IntV Int
| LamV (Val -> Val)
type Sub = [(Id, Val)]
The key here is that LamV is a function, not simply some data. With this, we can finish our definition of evalSubsts:
evalSubsts :: AST -> Sub -> Val
evalSubsts = cata go where
go (LetF x e e') s = e' ((x, e s) : s)
go (VarF x) s = fromJust (lookup x s)
go (IntF n) _ = IntV n
go (LamF x e) s = LamV $ \xVal -> e ((x, xVal) : s)
go (AppF lam e) s =
let (LamV f) = lam s in f (e s)
go (PlusF e e') s =
let (IntV n, IntV m) = (e s, e' s) in
IntV (n + m)

Syntax for partial function composition

module Luhn (isValid) where
import qualified Data.Char as C
isAsciiAlpha :: Char -> Bool
isAsciiAlpha = C.isAsciiLower || C.isAsciiUpper
isValid :: String -> Bool
isValid n
| any ((isAsciiAlpha || C.isSpace) . not) n = False
| otherwise = ys > 1 && sum xxs `mod` 10 == 0
xs = reverse [c | c <- n, isAsciiAlpha c]
ys = length xs
zs = zip xs (cycle [1, 2])
xxs = [convert x y | (x, y) <- zs]
convert :: Char -> Int -> Int
convert c mul =
let n = C.digitToInt c
case () of
| mul == 2 && (n > 4) -> n * mul - 9
| otherwise -> n * mul
I'm struggling with this line: any ((isAsciiAlpha || C.isSpace) . not) n = False. What I want is pretty obvious; find if any of the characters is something other than an ASCII alphabet or a space.
In spite of trying various syntaxes, I keep getting compilation error on this line, something like
• Couldn't match expected type ‘Bool’
with actual type ‘Char -> Bool’
You can not use (||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool on two functions: the parameters should be both Bools. What you can do is construct a function that maps a character c on isAsciiAlpha c || C.isSpace c, so \c -> isAsciiAlpha c || C.isSpace c, or you can use liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c with liftA2 (||) isAsciiAlpha C.isSpace. The not :: Bool -> Bool should also be applied on the result of the function, so:
import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
isAsciiAlpha :: Char -> Bool
isAsciiAlpha = liftA2 (||) C.isAsciiLower C.isAsciiUpper
isValid :: String -> Bool
isValid n
| any (not . liftA2 (||) isAsciiAlpha C.isSpace) n = False
| otherwise = ys > 1 && sum xxs `mod` 10 == 0
where -- …
You can also make use of (<||>) :: Applicative a => a Bool -> a Bool -> a Bool or its shortcircuitng version (||^) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool of the protolude package.

traversal of boolean AST in Haskell

I am having trouble completing a task where I am to create a function that uses a generalised fold function to evaluate a boolean AST. I will show you some examples to illustrate.
First, an example of what I want, but for an AST that sums integers:
data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr deriving Show
folde :: (Int -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Expr -> a
folde f g (Val x) = f x
folde f g (Add x y) = g (folde f g x) (folde f g y)
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval expr = folde (\x -> x) (\x y -> x + y) expr
This works fine.
Now for the boolean AST, and the folding function:
data Bexp = T | F | And Bexp Bexp | Or Bexp Bexp deriving (Ord, Eq)
foldb :: a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Bexp -> a
foldb t f a o T = t
foldb t f a o F = f
foldb t f a o (And x y) = a (foldb t f a o x) (foldb t f a o y)
foldb t f a o (Or x y) = o (foldb t f a o x) (foldb t f a o y)
What I am having trouble with, is creating a function that does the same as the eval function does for the simple AST above, that is, using the foldb function with some lambdas to evaluate whether the Bexp expression is either T or F.
I don't understand why this function doesn't work:
evb :: Bexp -> Bool
evb bexp = foldb (\_ -> True) (\_ -> False) (\x y -> x == T && y == T) (\x y -> x == T || y == T) bexp
GHCi doesn't even wanna to compile it because of type error.
Thanks in advance.
The code does't compile for few reasons.
-- Observe type signatures.
foldb :: a -> a -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> Bexp -> a
evb bexp = foldb (\_ -> True) (\_ -> False) (\x y -> x == T && y == T) (\x y -> x == T || y == T) bexp
If foldb takes its first argument as a Function x -> Bool then from the type signature of foldb a is of type function but observe this (\x y -> x == T && y == T) here you used a as Bexp, which don't match at all.
a = Bexp from (\x y -> x == T && y == T)
a = x -> Bool from (\_ -> True)
And also the return type of evb is Bool, but from your argument passing to foldb a can be 2 things & the compiler is confused to pick the right type.
If we want to use foldb to produce a Bool at the very end, we need to choose a = Bool in its type. So, we are now using
foldb :: Bool
-> Bool
-> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
-> (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
-> Bexp
-> Bool
Hence, foldb (\_->True) (\_->False) ... is wrong since the first two arguments must be booleans, not functions. We need something like foldb True False ....
The next two parameters must be boolean binary operators like \x y -> x && y, which can be written as (&&) for short.
We finally get:
evb :: Bexp -> Bool
evb bexp = foldb True False (&&) (||)

Reference data from function

I have those info on my haskell code:
data Symtable a = General a | Stack a
class Evaluable e where
eval :: (Num a, Ord a) => (Ident -> Maybe a) -> (e a) -> (Either String a)
typeCheck :: (Ident -> String) -> (e a) -> Bool
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Evaluable (NExpr a) where
eval f f2 = Left ("Undefined variable: ") --to make the code compilable
typeCheck f f2 = True --to make the code compilable
The thing is, eval function returns the evaluation of a numeric expression (for example 3 + 5, or x + 3), therefore I have to check the value of X on the symtable data but I haven't got it referenced on this function (I cannot edit the function header). How can I do it?
ident = string and Nexpr:
data NExpr n = Const n |
Var Ident |
Plus (NExpr n) (NExpr n) |
Minus (NExpr n) (NExpr n) |
Times (NExpr n) (NExpr n)
The first arugment to eval is a function that will look up the value of a name found in an expression. You ignore it when evaluating a Const value, use it when evaluating a Var value, and just pass it along to the recursive calls for the other cases.
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Evaluable (NExpr a) where
eval _ (Const n) = Right n
eval lookup (Var x) = case lookup x of
Nothing -> Left ("Undefined variable: " ++ x)
Just y -> Right y
eval lookup (Plus left right) = (+) <$> eval lookup left <*> eval lookup right
-- etc

Data type for arithmetic expressions with let bindings in haskell

Data type for arithmetic expressions with let bindings in haskell
Here's a variant of the original Expr type that adds variables (V) and let bindings (Let).
data Expr = C Float | V String
| Let [(String, Expr)] Expr
| Expr :+ Expr | Expr :- Expr
| Expr :* Expr | Expr :/ Expr
To help write evaluate, you may want to start with a function that does variable substitution:
data Expr = C Float | V String
| Let [(String, Expr)] Expr
| Expr :+ Expr | Expr :- Expr
| Expr :* Expr | Expr :/ Expr
deriving Show
-- | #sub var value e# replaces variables named #var# with the value #value#
-- wherever anywhere that variable occurs in expression #e#.
sub :: String -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
-- "let x = y in x" = y
sub v1 value (V v2) | v1 == v2 = value
-- "let x = y in z" = z
sub _ _ e#(V _) = e
-- Constants are unaffected
sub _ _ c#(C _) = c
-- For operators, apply #sub a b# recursively to the operands.
sub a b (e1 :+ e2) = (sub a b e1) :+ (sub a b e2)
sub a b (e1 :- e2) = (sub a b e1) :- (sub a b e2)
sub a b (e1 :* e2) = (sub a b e1) :* (sub a b e2)
sub a b (e1 :/ e2) = (sub a b e1) :/ (sub a b e2)
-- The variable is shadowed by a let binding, so only substitute
-- into the bindings, and leave the body expression unmodified.
sub a b (Let bindings e) | bindingsContains a bindings =
Let (subIntoBindings a b bindings) e
-- Apply #sub a b# recursively to the body of the let expression.
sub a b (Let bindings body) =
Let (subIntoBindings a b bindings) (sub a b body)
bindingsContains :: String -> [(String, Expr)] -> Bool
bindingsContains x bindings =
Data.Maybe.isJust $ Data.List.find ((== x) . fst) bindings
subIntoBindings :: String -> Expr -> [(a, Expr)] -> [(a, Expr)]
subIntoBindings a b bindings = (fmap . fmap) (sub a b) bindings
