Saving a Person or Group field using REST - sharepoint

Does anyone know how to save a Person field using REST?
I have tried the following and it works:
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.SomeListListItem" } ,
"MyPersonFieldId" : 1
But this only works if you know the ID. I don't have that! How can I get it? I have the key which is i.0#w|domain\userName.
I tried the following and it doesnt work either:
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.SomeListListItem" } ,
"MyPersonField" : { "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.UserInfoItem" }, "Name": "i.0#w|domain\userName" }
Any ideas?? Thanks!

I haven't done this with a Person field, but I did do something similar with a managed metadata field. I basically had to pass in additional information as an object to create the value in the field.
See if passing in the ID of the user along with the name works. I'm about to try this myself as I have the same need.
"MyPersonField": { "Name": "i.0#w|domain\userName", "ID": 1 }
EDIT: Ok, updating this field is easier than I thought. I was able to perform the update by simply passing in the ID of the user to the Id field:
"MyPersonFieldId": 1
This means the user should already be in the site collection, so if the user doesn't exist the request will fail.

Use the below code to get Current User ID to save user under People and group column. People column name is Requestor. But to save user we have to specify column name as RequestorId
var userid = _spPageContextInfo.userId; // To get current user ID
var itemProperties={'Title':vTitle,'RequestorId':userid};

The thing is that User information is a lookup field thereby MyPersonField does not exist on your SharePoint list if you use an OData endpoint, I really don't know how to save data but same problem happened to me when I tried to read a user.
for example {server}/{api}/list/getbytitle('mylist')/items does not return MyPersonField instead return MyPersonFieldId.
But if we use:
We are able to work with MyPersonField lookup values.


Adding ACL for nested field object in JSON schema object

I am working on specify ACL fields for fields inside objects. I have the validator to check for permission to edit a specific field. For example, the schema looks like this:
"basic_info": {
"properties": {
"cadi_id": {
"analysis_keywords": {
"abstract": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Abstract",
"acl": {
"users": ["", ""]
"ana_notes": {
"conclusion": {
"title": "Basic Information",
"type": "object",
"id": "basic_info",
"required": ["cadi_id"]
I have the abstract field with acl. It works fine when the user(not in acl) is editing the abstract field and the validation error is thrown when the user is not in acl.
The problem comes when user(not in acl) is editing other field like conclusion and have the same ValidationError.
When editing any field in basic_info, for example conclusion field, the whole basic_info object is processed in the validator beacuse it's the parent field and now user should be able to edit the conclusion field because there is no acl set. but it gives the ValidationError because we also receive the abstract (which is unchanged) in the basic_info and it goes to validate method and since the user is not in acl it gives ValidationError .
Please let me know what I am missing here to let the user(not in acl) to edit the non acl field?
I tried to get the previous value from the db and check if the controlled field is edited by user or not, but it doesn't seems efficient for this use case and I want to know if there is any native way to do the field level validation. I could not find anything in the docs.

How to keep json object with highest value among duplicates with nodejs

I have JSON objects imported from an external system, some of which are duplicates in an ID value.
Foe example:
"ID": "1",
"name": "Bob",
"ink": "100"
"Name": "George",
"ink": "100"
"name": "Bob",
I am manipulating the information for each object, then push them into a new JSON array:
var array = {};
array.users = [];
for (let user of users) {
function (user) => {
I need to remove all duplicates save the one with the highest value in the ink key.
I found solutions to do this for the array AFTER it is constructed, but that means I use system resources for nothing - no reason to manipulate users that will be removed anyway.
I am looking for a way to check for each new user if a user with that ID:value pair already exists in the array.users[] array, if it does, compare the values of the ink key, if it is higher - remove the existing from the array, then I can continue with my manipulation code and push the new user into the array.
Any ideas of what would be the most elegant/efficient/shortest way to accomplish this?
I am not really sure if I fully understood your question. If I understand correctly you don't want to pass through the entire array after it is constructed and check for duplicates?
"If in doubt throw a hash map at the problem". Use a map instead of a plain array. The map key stores the ID. And save your fields as the value. If a key already exists then you can just check which value is higher.
Code example should somewhat look like this:
let userMap = new Map()
for (let user in users) {
if (userMap.has(user["ID"]) //Look which ink is bigger
else //Store new entry
EDIT: My solution does require an extra step though and is not directly done in the original array. However, I still think that maps are probably one of the most efficient ways to handle this...
var array = {};
array.users = users.filter((user)=>{
for (let userSecond of users) {
if( === && >{
return false;
return true;
Not the cleanest solution perhaps but it should do the job. Basically you filter through users. Within the filter you go through every user again to check if any of them has the same id and more ink, if so the current user should be discarded by returning false. If no user is found with same id and more ink the current user will stay in the array.

Using Design Documents to add an element to a list

Users can press a button on my website to declare interest in a course. For every course there is a document in my CouchDB installation. These documents look like this:
"_id": "...",
"_rev": "...",
"name": "...",
"description": "...",
"userList": []
When a users presses the button his name should be added to "userList". I wrote a Design Document for this:
"_id": "_design/updateList",
"_rev": "...",
"updates": {
"addUser": "function(doc, req) {doc['userList'] = req['name']; var message = 'user added'; return [doc, message];}",
I know that this cannot be the right solution because the list can never be longer than one user name like this. However, not even that works. When I press on the button, the line ""userList": []" disappears from the corresponding document.
What's the problem here? I use PHP-On-Couch to run the Design Document but there shouldn't be any problems in my PHP code. I see in the CouchDB log that CouchDB receives the user name just fine.
The direct problem is that a req object does not have a field called "name" so:
doc['userList'] = req['name']
is equivalent to:
doc['userList'] = undefined
you may have meant to use userCtx directly if users are logged in, or if you have added it as a parameter.
More generally, you probably meant to push their name on to the array which is probably fine if class sign up isn't very high volume. An alternate approach is to generate an independent document for each user+class and rely on views to count them.

Creating view to check a document fields for specific values (For a simple login)

I'm very new to cloudant , so pardon me for this question. I am creating a simple mobile game login system which only checks for username(email) and password.
I have several simple docs that are in this format
"_id": "xxx",
"_rev": "xxx",
"password": "3O+k+O8bxsxu0KUlSBUiww==", --encrypted by application beforehand
"type": "User",
"email": ""
Right now I can't seem to get the correct 'Formula' for creating this view (map function) whereby I would do a network request and pass it both the email and password. If there is a doc that matches the email, then check the doc.password against the passed value. If it matches, the function should return a simple "YES".
For now my map function is as follows, but this just returns all the docs .
function(doc) {
if ({
index("password", doc.password, { store : true });
if (doc.password){
It may be my request format is also wrong. Right now it is as follows. Values are not real, only for format checking
It looks like you have misunderstood how views are supposed to work. In general you cannot perform logic to return a different result based on the request. Query parameters in a view request can only be used to limit the result set of view entries returned or to return grouped information from the reduce function.
To determine if there is a match for a given username and password you could emit those values as keys and then query for them. This would return the view entry for those keys or an empty list if there was no match. However I'd be very cautious about the security here. Anyone with access to the view would be able to see all the view entries, i.e. all the usernames and passwords.

How could I determine all possible keys of a CouchDB database?

I am creating one application where for every product I have one database and I will create different document based on date. The keys in documents could be different and depend upon user, what he provides. Assumption is user will keep giving same key for tracking with changed value over time. In the end, I need to know all possible keys before creating automatic views on them.
If I had DB, say, test. It contains, say, two documents,
1. {
"type": "Note",
"content": "Hello World!"
2. {
"type": "Note",
"content": "Beyond Hello World!",
Then I want to list all keys in this DB. So, answer should be _id,_rev,type,content and extra.
These keys are dynamic and depend upon users. So, I couldn't assume that I knew them in advance.
I have never used stackoverflow before, I saw your question when trying to solve this problem myself so I have signed up. I think this solves your problem:
create a view where "views" includes this:
"keys": {
"map": "function(doc) { for (var thing in doc) { emit(thing,1); } }",
"reduce": "function(key,values) { return sum(values); }"
then query on that view with group=true e.g.:
you should get back a list of all the keys in your database and a count of how often the occur.
does this help?
