Groovy AST - Adding annotations at compilation - groovy

I'm trying to dynamicly crate an annotation that will dynamicaly add an #XmlElement annotation to every field in a class using metaprogramming and AST. I'm having problems creating the annotations and applying them to the fields properly.
The code i have is formatted here:
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement
#GroovyASTTransformation(phase = CompilePhase.CANONICALIZATION)
class WebserviceAnnotationModifier implements ASTTransformation {
void visit(ASTNode[] astNodes, SourceUnit sourceUnit) {
if (!astNodes) return
if (!astNodes[0] || !astNodes[1]) return
if (!(astNodes[0] instanceof AnnotationNode)) return
if (!(astNodes[1] instanceof ClassNode)) return
ClassNode node = (ClassNode)astNodes[1]
List fields = node.getFields()
fields.each {FieldNode field ->
field.addAnnotation(ClassHelper.make(new XmlElement.DEFAULT()));
#GroovyASTTransformationClass(classes =[WebserviceAnnotationModifier])
public #interface WebresourceAnnotation{}
class TestPerson{
String name;
String lastName;
int Age
Am i approaching this all wrong? The reason i do this is i have a domain that is still in the making and i'd like to just go in and apply the annotation to all fields. Couldn't find any examples of annotations added during compilation. Is this not possible?

Writing codes using Groovy AST Transformation alone does not work with the Grails reloading mechanism. Here's a proper way to implement AST transformation for a Grails app.
Your transformer class must extends AbstractGrailsArtefactTransformer.
Your transformer class must be annotated by #AstTransformer.
You class must be put under org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler or its sub-package. In my case I use org.codehaus.groovy.grails.compiler.zk and it's working fine.
Implement shouldInject() to match only classes you want, in this case domain classes.
Override performInjection() and write your codes there.
Pack your transformer and releated classes into a .jar file, or Grails compiler does not load it.


NoClassDefFoundError for inner class when renaming class with ASM

I'm trying to rename a class using ASM before writing it out to a JAR file which then gets loaded back in later. I've implemented my ASM remapper as follows:
private static class MyClassRemapper extends Remapper {
private final String className;
public MyClassRemapper(Class cls) {
className = cls.getCanonicalName().replace(".", "/");
#Override public String map(String internalName) {
if (internalName.startsWith(className))
return internalName.replace(className, "New" + className);
It all works fine if I feed it some OuterClass. However, if I then add an inner class InnerClass to OuterClass, then after I reload the JAR when I try to call a method (via reflection if that matters) on an instance of NewOuterClass I get the error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/.../NewOuterClass$InnerClass
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getMethodsRecursive(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.getMethod(
at ...
From the error it's clear that ASM is succeeding in renaming some of the references to InnerClass but obviously not the class definition itself. I've looked at implementing mapInnerClassName but I'm pretty sure that I don't need to do that, as that's altering InnerClass itself.
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: If I change the map function to;
#Override public String map(String internalName) {
if (internalName == className)
return internalName.replace(className, "New" + className);
so that only the top-level class is renamed, then I run into a different error when I attempt to run the inner class constructor:
NoSuchMethodError: com.(...).OuterClass$InnerClass.<init>(Lcom/.../NewOuterClass)V
which suggests that the methods of the inner class is failing to be renamed properly.
Holger in his comment provided the solution. The problem was that I was only remapping the class file of the outer class. However the inner class also has its own class file. The solution is to apply MyClassRemapper to that and write that out as well.

How do I create a custom FilterRule with an override for ElementPasses

I want to create my own Boolean operation on an element to pass in as a FilterRule. The ElementPasses member description states:
Derived classes override this method to implement the test that determines whether the given element passes this rule or not.
I have tried to create my own derived class but I can't figure out how to implement it. I would think an interface would be available but I can't find anything. Annoyingly, I remember seeing an example of this but I can't seem to find anything.
This fails with: Static class 'ParameterDefinitionExists' cannot derive from type 'FilterRule'. Static classes must derive from object.
static public class ParameterDefinitionExists : FilterRule
public static bool ElementPasses(Element element)
return true;
And this fails with:'FilterRule' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
static public class ParameterDefinitionExists : FilterRule
new public bool ElementPasses(Element element)
return true;
What constructor arguments does it take?
There may be another way to go about it but I can't anything for FilterRules. I'm trying to define and refine a trigger in an updater but maybe I should query the element after it is passed in to the command. I imagine catching it with a filter rule is more efficient.
You have to use one of the Revit API classes derived from FilterRule:
Inheritance Hierarchy
System Object
Autodesk.Revit.DB FilterRule
Autodesk.Revit.DB FilterCategoryRule
Autodesk.Revit.DB FilterInverseRule
Autodesk.Revit.DB FilterValueRule
Autodesk.Revit.DB SharedParameterApplicableRule
The Building Coder provides several examples creating and using parameter filters:
Here is the entire topic group on filtering.

Groovy: Package-scoped Constructor

Is it possible to create a package-scoped constructor in Groovy beans?
If I drop public from the constructor, then by default, it becomes a public constructor.
I read about #PackageScope annotation, but it doesn't allow me to apply it on the constructor.
The reason I want package-scoped constructor in Groovy beans is to force Java code to use the corresponding bean builders to instantiate the Groovy bean classes, and not rely on the Groovy bean's constructor. The builders are separate classes that sit in the same package as the Groovy beans.
Thank you.
Done in 2.4.0-beta-1. Seems like it simply wasn't requested before.
How does protected sound?
I wrote an example with three files:, b.Hidden.groovy,
package a;
import b.Hidden;
public class Foo {
Hidden hid = new Hidden(); // Not compiling with:
// "The constructor Hidden() is not visible"
package b
class Hidden {
protected Hidden() {
package b;
public class NoProblem {
Hidden hid = new Hidden(); // Compiles fine

Groovy #Immutable class with (im)mutable property

I'm trying to use Groovy #groovy.transform.Immutable to implement classes with properties of unsupported "immutable" types. In my case it is
For example, having class like
#groovy.transform.Immutable class TwoFiles {
File file1,file2
gives me following compile error
Groovyc: #Immutable processor doesn't know how to handle field 'file1' of type '' while compiling class TwoFiles.
#Immutable classes only support properties with effectively immutable types including:
- Strings, primitive types, wrapper types, BigInteger and BigDecimal, enums
- other #Immutable classes and known immutables (java.awt.Color,
- Cloneable classes, collections, maps and arrays, and other classes with special handling (java.util.Date)
Other restrictions apply, please see the groovydoc for #Immutable for further details
One option I found it to extend to make it Cloneable but I'm not happy with this solution. Following code compiles and works, but having own subclass of is not what I'd like.
#groovy.transform.Immutable class TwoCloneableFiles {
FileCloneable file1,file2
class FileCloneable extends File implements Cloneable{
FileCloneable(String s) {
// ... and other constructors ...
So my question is: Is there any other option how to use directly in such class?
Possibly to mark as "known immutable" for the purpose of #groovy.transform.Immutable (same as it seems to be done for java.awt.Color,
Have you tried using knownImmutableClasses to specify File? Something like this should work:
#groovy.transform.Immutable(knownImmutableClasses = [File])
class TwoFiles {
File file1,file2
(With File, you could probably also get rougly the effect you want with the following:
class TwoFiles {
String file1,file2
public File getFile1() {return new File(file1)}
public File getFile2() {return new File(file2)}
def f = new TwoFiles("/", "/Users")
assert f.file1.class == File

Accessing static field in annotation

Im trying use a Java annotation in a Groovy class but have trouble to set a static field of a java class as a parameter:
The Annotation:
package x.y.annotations;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
public #interface Id {
public Class<Adapter> adapter();
public Class<Object> targetType();
public String targetAttribute();
public String onDelete();
The java class with the static fields:
package x.y.static.domain;
public class XPerson {
public static String ID;
And the groovy class, where the problem occurs: Person.groovy
package x.y.domain
import x.y.annotations.Id
import x.y.static.domain.XPerson
class Person {
#Id(adapter = Adapter, targetType = XPerson, targetAttribute = XPerson.ID, onDelete = "delete")
long id
Eclipse marks the "targetAttribute = XPerson.ID" part with:
Groovy:expected 'x.y.domain.XPerson.ID' to be an inline constant of type java.lang.String not a property expression in #x.y.annotations.Id
I also tried things like "XPerson.#ID" or defining a getter for the ID field, but nothing helped.
Any hints would be great.
I have found a related issue in the Groovy JIRA. It is a bug. Should work. See
Annotation values may only be compile-time constant expressions. Making the field final is an option. (With the caveat that the field can't be initialized in a static initializer/etc. as the snippet implies.)
